If he newsgroup is moderated, a volume subdirectory and the file name within that directory are determined from the posting. Otherwise, a three-digit name is given to the file, with numbering being supplied by a file .names within the archive directory. This file is created by narc as required. It ensures unique naming for files being saved en bloc.
where the interpretation of the colon-separated fields is as follows.
The first name to be found on the "Newsgroups: " line in the article header. The directory associated with this newsgroup. The beginning of the line in the archive header that flags the line that specifies the volume in a moderated newsgroup. If this entry is empty, an un-moderated newsgroup is implied.
The .narcrc entry for comp.sources.unix is:
This is because the header for postings to this newsgroup has the entries
Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
Posting-number: Volume 16, Issue 1
The volume-tag field is needed because not all moderated newsgroups use the same header to identify the current volume for the archive. On the other hand, they all use the header
Archive-name: <stuff>
to identify the name of the archive entry.
Geoffrey Leach