fbps [-tT] [-pP] [ -s ] [ -w<width> ] < grayscale > foo.PS
Converts an fbm format file into a postscript file for printing. The -s flag generates a file suitable for including in a postscript document (for example, Scribe or LaTex output) with no document structuring, titles, or trailing "showpage". By default, the image's title is printed in a large font centered over the image, and a small banner giving the size is printed under the lower right corner. The -T and -P arguments disable the title and print size options.
There really ought to be an option to print the credits instead of the size, but I haven't done it yet.
To convert a Sun 8bit grayscale rasterfile to a full page postscript file:
% fbps < foo.8bit > foo.PS
To convert a color GIF file to a 3 inch wide grayscale postscript file for inclusion in a Scribe or TeX document:
% clr2gray < foo.gif | fbps -s -w3.0 > foo.PS
To print a 1 bit deep Sun rasterfile in postscript, use fbcat and pbm2ps:
% fbcat -P < foo.1bit | pbm2ps > foo.PS