Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 07-Mar-89
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fbm - Fuzzy pixmap manipulation (Sun, GIF, IFF, HAM, PCX, PBM, FBM, PostScript, rasters, bitmaps, pixmaps)  


clr2gray  Convert color to grayscale
fbcat     Copy image (used for format conversion)
fbclean   Flip isolated pixels (clean image)
fbedge    Compute derivative image (edge detection)
fbext     Extract region, resize, change aspect ratio
fbhalf    Halftone grayscale image (Blue noise, Floyd-Steinberg, etc)
fbham     Convert 24 bit color to Amiga HAM mode
fbhist    Compute histogram
fbinfo    Dump image header
fbm2pod   Convert grayscale image to Diablo graphics (!)
fbm2tga   Convert FBM to Targa format
fbmask    Set region to gray value
fbnorm    Normalize image intensity / increase contrast
fbps      Convert greyscale to PostScript
fbquant   Color quantization (24 bit to 8..256 colors) Mod. Heckbert
fbrot     Rotate 90, 180, or 270 degrees
fbsample  Sample a 1bit file to produce an 8bit file
fbsharp   Sharpen (edge enhancement) by digital Laplacian
gray2clr  Add a "gray" colormap to a grayscale image
idiff     (and udiff) convert raw byte stream into byte-by-byte difference
pbm2ps    Convert PBM file to PostScript
pbmtitle  Add a title to a PBM file
pic2fbm   Convert PIC format to FBM
qrt2fbm   Convert QRT raytracer output to FBM
raw2fbm   Convert raw file to FBM format (eg: Amiga Digiview files)
tga2fbm   Convert Targa format to FBM format


The Fuzzy Pixmap package (FBM) is a collection of routines for the manipulation and conversion of images from and to a variety of file formats.  


In general each routine can read any type of file format (file type is determined by examining the magic numbers). Files that are compressed with the Lempel-Ziv 'compress' program are automatically uncompressed where possible.

Output file format is specified by an upper case letter in the argument list. Each site has a separate default (defined in fbm.h) for 8bit and 1bit images. The following upper case letters are assigned (not all are handled, yet):

andrew toolkit CMU specific format (not implemented, if at CMU, use 'bmcv' to convert).
face format, as used by Bennet Yee's face program at CMU. His 'bmcv' program can convert to a number of useful formats.
FBM format (by default, the default). You are guaranteed not to lose information by specifying FBM as the default.
GIF Compuserve GIF format. GIF support by David Koblas and David Rowley. On input, the aspect ratio is guessed from the size (for example, 320x200 and 640x400 images are assumed to have an aspect ratio of 1.2). For unknown sizes, an aspect ratio of 1.0 is assumed. fbcat can override the aspect ratio, if you know the actual value.
IFF format, interleaved bitmaps (ILBM), used mainly by Amigas (from ELArts). To output HAM mode, create a 24 bit color image and use the fbham(1) command to convert it to a 6 plane IFF ILBM HAM mode file.
InterLeaf bitmap format for inclusion in InterLeaf documents (not yet supported).
MacPaint format (not yet supported).
PBM Jef Poskanzer's bitmap format. His pbm(1) package can convert this to a number of useful formats.
sun rasterfiles. Code does not require any Sun libraries to read or write Sun format.
TIFF format, as used by NeXT machines and many scanners (not yet supported).
ZSoft's PCX format, as used on IBM PCs (read support only).



Some options are common, and an attempt has been made to keep the letters the same throughout, although the same letter may mean something else in some circumstances.

aspect ratio, some rasters (like Amiga and IBM PC images) have pixels that are "taller" than they are wide. For example, a standard TV image is 4/3 wider than it is tall. A "standard" screen that is 320 by 200 is squashed so that it appears normal when displayed as though it were 320 by 240 (and 240 / 200 gives a 1.2 aspect ratio).

On some programs, like raw2fbm & fbcat, the -a option specifies the aspect ratio of the input (for GIF and raw bitmaps the default is 1.2). Other programs (like fbext) use this parameter as the desired output ratio. Finally, some programs assume specific ratios (usually 1, although assumes 1.25 for output).

width and height, specifies the actual or desired width and height.
title, specify a character string (up to 80 characters) to describe the image. The default is no title.
credits or subtitle, specify a second character string (up to 80 characters) to describe the image. The default is no credit string.
size or sharpen halftoning programs use -s to specifiy the amount of sharpening (0=none, values up to 5 look reasonable, higher values generate may be too extreme). The extraction program fbext(1) uses -s to mean the output size in total number of pixels.

That's what comes of using one letter argument names.



clr2gray(1), fbcat(1), fbclean(1), fbedge(1), fbext(1), fbhalf(1), fbham(1), fbhist(1), fbinfo(1), fbm2pod(1), fbmask(1), fbnorm(1), fbps(1), fbquant(1), fbrot(1), fbsample(1), fbsharp(1), gray2clr(1), idiff(1), pbm2ps(1), pbmtitle(1), raw2fbm(1), as well as pbm(1) for PBM routines.  


None known.  


Copyright (c) 1989 by Michael L. Mauldin. Permission is granted to use this program in whole or in part provided that you do not sell it for profit and that this copyright notice is retained unchanged. User contributed software may also be subject to other copyright restrictions as noted in each individual source file.
20-May-89 Michael L. Mauldin at Carnegie Mellon University
Beta release (version 0.94) mlm@cs.cmu.edu. User contributed software includes
        C. Harald Koch  fbham
        Butler Hines    qrt2fbm
        Ian MacPhedran  tga2fbm, fbm2tga, pic2fbm
07-Mar-89 Michael L. Mauldin at Carnegie Mellon University
Beta release (version 0.9) mlm@cs.cmu.edu




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