A vital resource for like-minded computer owners is flourishing in the Atari RoundTables on GEnie. One result of this is reflected in a level of sharing and caring which I've rarely had the pleasure of experiencing anywhere. This feeling of camaraderie extends between Atari sysops, software publishers, dealers, and computer owners alike. The Atari RoundTable provides a vital link for us all. The Difference When I mention sharing, I am speaking of information relevant to our Atari systems, whether we're involved with 8-bit products, the VCS 2600, or the latest Atari Falcon. Perhaps it was the Atari TT that first captured our imagination, the handheld color Lynx or the latest and best in 64-bit game technology, the Atari Jaguar. As anyone who owns an Atari computer will tell you, we ARE just a bit different. After all, we do not own the latest clone and do not feel deprived because of it! Relationships that have matured over the years are often demonstrated during the Monday night Desktop Publishing and Wednesday's Open House Conferences. These gatherings feature many special guests, including most leading Atari software developers and, on several occasions, even the President of Atari Corp. himself. The monthly "Dateline Atari" with Robert Brodie of Atari Corp. has been a favorite in the RoundTable for the past 18 months. Many participants have become friends over the course of time. This includes Atari sysops who host the RoundTables -- Lou Rocha [ST.LOU], Mike Allen [MIKE-ALLEN] and Brian Harvey [BRIAN.H] -- and regulars like Dorothy Brumleve [DABRUMLEVE], Dave Smith [D.SMITH200], Damien Jones [DMJ], Sean Dougherty [P-DIRECT], Dr. Bob [W.PARKS3], Rob Anisko [R.ANISKO], Jim Allen [J.ALLEN27], John Brenner [J.BRENNER1], and a couple of dozen others. These people sign on from provinces and states all over North America; occasionally we even get Phil Reeves typing to us live from Australia or Jon Clarke from New Zealand! Another example of the close-knit Atari community involves John Tarpinian [JOHN.KING.T], who happens host the largest Atari User Group show in North America, held each year in Glendale, California. John's year-round interaction on the Atari RoundTable is one of the reasons the Glendale show consistently enjoys an excellent turnout of developers and attendees. We're all friends, acquaintances and associates. Real-Time Friendships When the recent earthquake hit the west coast, John posted immediately to let us know that he was okay, as did many others. We were relieved to hear from them because we worry about our friends. We definitely enjoy a sense of community here, one of which we are justifiably proud. This is something bigger than Atari, something we've created ourselves by sharing our common interests, based on our computer or game machine or both. The Bulletin Board is another place where the Atari community thrives. Over time, names become familiar and friendships develop. How do they start? It may be a post that explains a vital option when deciding on a new printer, the best paper to use in our current printer, how to complete a project using specific software, or even finding that elusive clue in the latest and most exciting game we've ever played. All these things help develop relationships that endure off-line as well as on. Over time, we often gain insight into the true nature of someone online. Perhaps we find a lifelong friend or the opposite, an antagonist. I know I've discovered both. Either way, we expand our horizons and are better for it. Over the years, I've met many old friends face-to-face for the first time. What a thrill! At the last Glendale show I had the pleasure of finally being able to spend some real-time with many people who identified themselves to me by their GE Mail addresses. Stephen Samuels [S.SAMUELS] and Daniel Galent [VORoundTableEXT] needed no introduction as they are both long-time regulars in my own Calamus support area in Category 16. Although I had to first travel from Toronto to California, when I got there, I found myself among friends thanks to GEnie and the Atari RoundTable. Join us in the Atari RoundTable, where we are are proud to be just a little bit different!