One of the most popular games in the known universe has come to one of the most popular multi-player games on GEnie -- Contract Bridge is now playing at RSCARDS. John Weaver Jr. of Factory Programming, RSCARDS' creator and master dealer, is excited about the new arrival and its benefits to players of all skill levels. Getting a foursome together for a friendly game of bridge isn't always easy or practical, and playing against a software-driven opponent that's often predictable and uninspiring isn't always a welcome alternative. RSCARDS now offers a third option. "This isn't some wimpy silicon opponent who _always_ makes the same mistake, or a computerized replica of some Grandmaster who'll ALWAYS kick your backside," John points out. "In RSCARDS, you're playing '100% organic opponents': other GEnie subscribers, of all ages and skill levels, from all over the world." With the human element in a multi-player environment, you can enjoy the excitement, challenge and unpredictability of head-to-head competition, without worrying about who gets the refreshments. Simple and Painless RSCARDS (Page 875, keyword RSCARDS) is a multi-player, RS-232 based graphics game system that gives you the unique opportunity to play Backgammon, Chess, Checkers, Reversi, Blackjack, Poker or Contract Bridge with players across North America and all over the world. Special graphics front-ends for IBM-compatibles, Apple Macintosh and IIgs, Atari ST/TT and Falcon, Commodore Amiga and Commodore 128 computers are available as free downloads from the RSCARDS Software Library (Main Menu Item #3, on Page 875). Like all RSCARDS games, the point and click interface in Contract Bridge makes bidding and play simple and painless. The graphics display adheres to the familiar layout found in conventional computer bridge games, with the players' hands shown around a 'table' and the cards played to the centre for each trick. Names and overall gradings of the players at the table, plus information about the current hand and the scores for the current rubber are displayed in the four corners of the screen. Interaction among players is achieved much the same way as in other RSCARDS games -- through a chat line and message area. When sitting at a table, messages can be sent or received by other players at the table or in that table's Gallery. Bidding is simple and basic. Just click on the trick count and the suit, in either order; when both selections are flashing, click on the Bid icon to register the bid. Passing, Doubling and Redoubling follow the same prodecure. Game play is simplified, too. Experienced veterans will feel right at home, while beginners will be spared the frustration of trying to learn a lot of rules in the first sitting. Playing a card is as easy as point-and-click. The graphics display indicates which player is supposed to lead the first card, and who's next to play, so it's hard to lose track. To further simplify things, moving the mouse pointer over your hand will highlight those cards which can legally be played. If only one legal move can be made, the message "Forced play" will be flashed and the card will be played automatically. Getting Good Grades In addition to standard bridge scores, RSCARDS Contract Bridge uses two distinct rating systems: NET and ELO. Each of these systems grades each player in a slightly different fashion. The NET score is simply an ongoing tally of a player's WIN points minus their LOSS points. The ELO system (developed by Professor Arpad E. Elo for the United States Chess Federation in 1960) computes a player's grade after each game based on the relative strengths and grading of the opponents. Together, they produce a much more accurate picture of a player's true skill and progress. Game results, scoring and ratings are all tracked automatically, of course, eliminating the need for a designated scorekeeper, pads, pencils and referee. When one partnership wins two games, the match is over, final bonuses are added, and the partnership with the most points wins the game. Finally, ELO and NET ratings of all the players are adjusted and recorded. To make a great game even better, RSCARDS Contract Bridge awards monthly prizes for the most improved ELO grading, and the highest NET total. The winners in each category receive a $6 credit on their GEnie accounts. Surprise, Surprise! Not all the action is at the bridge table; there are a few other surprises in store as well. "With Bridge getting all this attention, we didn't want the other games to feel left out," John says, "so we've added lots of new sound effects to 'em -- beeps, boops, trills, fanfares, and even the occasional brief tune." One last surprise: The Waiting Room, where players can go to look for opponents and partners or offer challenges for any of the seven RSCARDS games, is now FREE of standard GEnie connect charges. Computer games are neat, but predictable; human opponents are challenging, but eat snacks, drink pop and leave a mess. The convenience of one is often sacrificed for the adventure of the other. But RSCARDS brings together the best of both worlds in an interactive online multi-player environment that can be playfully addictive. Deal the cards!