Every community has a library. The great things about the Virtual Community Library on GEnie are the huge volume of information stored in it, and the smart tools available to help you find it. Whether you need to find information for work, a term paper at school, a hobby, or for investment purposes, GEnie Town has the library for you. GEnie's Reference Center is just like a reference section. ARTISTic Information Storehouse GEnie's Reference Center helps you quickly find information that's important to you. Simply enter your topic, whether it is a subject you are interested in, a person you want to look for, or information on a company or product. Reference Center covers all major subject areas, including science, history, medicine, education, art, literature, business, computers, technology, and more. Like all of the ARTIST(R) databases, Reference Center has a computerized online librarian called a Knowbot. The Knowbot reads every article in the database for you and comes back with a response which in effect says, "Here's everything I could find about your topic. Tell me if it's what you're looking for." The Best References The Knowbot displays a list of the subject areas where it found a match with your topic with the number of occurrences it found in each. When you ask the Knowbot for more information, it will display article headings in sets of up to ten, with the most recent first. After your selection, the Knowbot will retrieve the fulltext articles or abstracts, whichever are available in electronic format. You complete your search in a matter of seconds instead of spending frustrating hours at the library. The Reference Center is a GEnie$Premium service, so be sure to check rates before proceeding. However, the Knowbot gives you a running tally of your total charges (not including your regular connect-time charges) so you don't get a surprise. ARTIST's Samples Let's say you're interested, for whatever reason, in finding out about the use of kangaroos in agriculture. When you first enter the Reference Center, your screen will look like this: GEnie REFCENTER Page 1260 GEnie Reference Center 1. About GEnie's Reference Center 2. Reference Center Rates 3. Reference Center Information and Instructions 4. Disclaimer & Warranty Limitations 5.[$]Search in GEnie's Reference Center 6. Send Mail About REFCENTER P 1260? Choose option 5 to begin your search. After some login information, your next screen will look like this: Welcome to Reference Center GEnie Reference Center Main Menu 1 Begin your search 2 See description of Reference Center 3 See rates for Reference Center 4 Return to GEnie 5 Practice in the Reference Center TRAINING AREA Your Reference Center charges: $0.00 Enter #, elp or xit Reference Center? Choose option 1. Next you'll be prompted to search by subject and/or by year. I chose subject, then just entered the word KANGAROOS. While the Knowbot looks, it tells you a bit about what it's doing. It tells you, "I'm looking for the information..." Every minute or so, it flashes "I'm still looking..." so you know it didn't forget you. When it completes your search, your screen comes up looking like this: GEnie Reference Center Source Results 1 Medicine................689 2 Biology.................219 3 Agriculture..............62 4 Industry News............48 5 Newspapers...............13 6 Psychology...............13 7 Business Directory........8 8 Environment...............5 9 History: World............3 10 Popular magazines.........3 11 Education.................2 12 Business Management.......1 13 Engineering...............1 14 History: American.........1 15 Mathematics...............1 P Modify this search Your Reference Center charges: $2.50 Enter #,

revious, elp or xit Reference Center? Wow! That's a bunch about kangaroos! I could narrow it more if I wanted, but let's see some of the offerings under Agriculture. By the way, notice how the Knowbot keeps you apprised of your charges. Here are the first ten entries (since the Knowbot shows them to you in groups of ten): There are 62 records which match your search requirements. I will display the first 10 record(s) now. Record 1 1540972 Comparative aspects of food intolerance. Vergleichende Aspekte der Nahrungsmittelintoleranz. Record 2 1539690 Effects of spines and thorns on Australian arid zone herbivores of different body masses. Record 3 1503371 Lyme disease in the southcentral United States. A symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Missouri Academy of Science, April 28, 1990, Saint Louis University. Record 4 1366461 Parasitic zoonoses - problems created by people, not animals. Record 5 1348983 Home-range size and fidelity of western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) living in remnants of wandoo woodland and adjacent farmland. Record 6 1342896 Wild animal resources: their use by aboriginal communities. Record 7 1330986 Studies on echinococcosis in Australia. III. Histopathological studies on echinococcosis of macropod marsupials in Australia. Record 8 1322860 Dermatophilosis in kangaroo. Record 9 1304029 Pest management in young vineyards. Record 10 1237953 Suspected lysosomal storage disease in kangaroos. -------------------- Database Copyright -------------------- Agriculture data comes from CAB Abstracts which is copyrighted 1994 by CAB Intl., Slough, UK and made available by Dialog Information Services. Agriculture OPTIONS 1 Get more record title Titles not yet displayed: 52 of 62 2 Get full record(s) 3 Redisplay items already seen 5 Return to the Groupsearch menu Your Reference Center charges: $7.00 Enter #,

revious, elp or xit Reference Center? You could keep going through the list, or pull up and display the full text of any of them you wish. Me, I'm dying to know about echinococcosis in kangaroos. At the end, the Knowbot reminds you of your total charges, not including GEnie connect time. Even a real Town Library couldn't be easier or more convenient!