GEnie is a BIG place -- nearly 300 RoundTables, each with its own Bulletin Board, Library and Real-Time Conference area; specialty services like Dow Jones News Retrieval and Grolier's Encyclopedia; and GE Mail, with its own subset of commands and protocol. There's a lot to do, a lot to see, but getting around with conventional terminal programs can be challenging at best, even for the most experienced user. Enter, the new GEnie graphical Front Ends. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Up Front Front End (or FE, for short) is a bit of jargon that's been widely used to describe a program that is downloaded and run by the user to interface with an online host system. Most Front Ends are used for multi-player games, adding graphics and sound enhancements that wouldn't otherwise be available. Although FE's generally include some limited communications functions, they are not terminal programs; their primary purpose is to act as an engine for an individual game. The GEnie FE's, however, are a different story. Like the Macintosh FE, the new Windows FE is a terminal program that employs a GUI (Graphics User Interface) to simplify interaction and navigation of the GEnie Network. Installation is as painless as it gets -- as simple as running the self-extracting .EXE file in its own directory and following a few basic instructions. Running it is even easier. Just double-click the GEnie FE icon, and away you go. The first thing you notice when you run the FE is its clean, straightforward layout. It runs in its own resizeable window and like all Windows applications, everything is either icon or menu-driven, with primary input coming from the mouse. The second thing you notice (if you're a Word for Windows user), is a Word-like toolbar that puts controls for the built-in text editor right out front. Unlike so many terminal programs, there are no complex setups or configurations to complete. In fact, getting online is as simple as entering your User ID Number and Password, and selecting 'logon' from the ONLINE menu. The FE does all the rest, from initializing your modem, to completing the logon procedure. Getting Around Once you're online, getting around is as simple as point and click. The heart of the system -- the Menu Navigator -- lists all available destinations and keeps track of where you've been, making it easy to get around and impossible to get lost. The Windows FE supports and simplifies all of the usual GEnie functions and commands, from file downloads and Bulletin Board messages, to GE Mail and Real-Time Conferences. You don't need a manual and you don't need to remember a lot of esoteric command functions; all you need is a mouse. For example, to use GE Mail you just select Create, List or Read from the MAIL menu, and up pops a window with button controls, a built-in screen for text display or entry, and boxes that list all relevant information, such as To, From, CCs, Subject, Date, Message Number, and Attached Files. The button controls let you skip back and forth through the letters in the queue, download attached files, draft replies or check on a letter's status. And the text screen really simplifies composing and posting a letter. What To Do The Windows FE includes some nifty time-saving features, like a built-in text editor, automated Locate/Notify and an Address Book editor. But perhaps its best feature is the To Do Manager (TDM). Most of the daily, repetitive tasks you perform on GEnie, like reading or posting GE Mail, scanning Bulletin Board messages or downloading files, can be automated with the To Do Manager. Simply check the things you want done, and with a single click of the mouse the Windows FE will send or receive GE Mail, scan or post message, even handle file transfers. All messages and mail collected by the To Do Manager are placed in the Filing Cabinet for off-line access, where you can read them at your leisure. Then, using the text editor, you can draft your replies and let the TDM post them the next time you log on. It just doesn't get any easier than this. It's FREE! The new Windows Front End is available as a free download during non prime-time hours simply by typing M1465 (keyword FRONTEND) at any GEnie Page prompt. Less impatient folks can also opt for postal delivery by calling GEnie Client Services at 1-800-638-9636. The ease and simplicity of Windows; the power of GEnie's massive online information and entertainment network. It's an unbeatable combination.