From Tue Aug 20 22:40:17 1991 Received: from by id ; Tue, 20 Aug 91 22:40:17 CDT Received: by (5.65/UW-NDC Revision: 2.1 ) id AA21418; Tue, 20 Aug 91 20:37:26 -0700 Date: Tue, 20 Aug 91 20:37:26 -0700 From: Wendell Joost Message-Id: <> Sender: To: Subject: Powerglove C Code (I hope!) provided this upload works ... Status: OR Okay, here's (I hope) the C code for IBMPC 386. The Byte Box I referred to was merely a box containing the proper connections ala Byte magazine to interface the PG to a PC printer port. This was written by Bandit and MIchael Hevern, I merely poured the beer and kept the programming on track ... #include #include #include #define DELAY delay_val #define PORT_CTL 0x0378 #define PORT_DATA 0x0379 #define LATCH_LO 0 #define LATCH_HI 0x02 #define CLOCK_LO 0 #define CLOCK_HI 0x01 unsigned char get_glove(void); void display_str( unsigned char ); int delay_val=100; main() { char ch[20]; unsigned char x, last_x; x = 0; printf("Enter the delay[100] -> "); delay_val = atoi(gets(ch)); while (1) { if( x != last_x ) { /* printf("X = %02x ", x); */ display_str( x ); /* printf("Press key (q)-> "); ch = getche(); if (ch == 'q') break; if (ch == '+') {delay_val++; printf("Delay Value = %d \n", delay_val); if (ch == '-') {delay_val = delay_val - 1; printf("Delay Value = %d \n", delay_val); } */ } last_x = x; x = get_glove(); } } #define IN_BYTE( xx ) { xx = inportb( PORT_DATA ); } #define OUT_BYTE( xx ) { outportb( PORT_CTL, xx ); \ for (delay=0; delay < DELAY; delay++); } unsigned char get_glove() { unsigned char far *ctl, far *data, value; unsigned char results; int x, delay; ctl = MK_FP(0, PORT_CTL); data = MK_FP(0, PORT_DATA); /* *ctl = LATCH_LO + CLOCK_HI; */ OUT_BYTE( (LATCH_LO + CLOCK_HI) ); OUT_BYTE( (LATCH_HI + CLOCK_HI) ); OUT_BYTE( (LATCH_LO + CLOCK_HI) ); for (results=0, x=0; x < 8; x++) { results <<= 1; IN_BYTE(value); if (value & 0x10) results |= 1; OUT_BYTE( (LATCH_LO + CLOCK_LO) ); OUT_BYTE( (LATCH_LO + CLOCK_HI) ); } return( ~results ); } typedef struct { unsigned char mask; char *off_str; char *on_str; } DISP_STRUCT; DISP_STRUCT disp[] = { { 0x80, " A_UP", "A_DOWN" }, { 0x40, " B_UP", "B_DOWN" }, { 0x20, "NO_SEL", "SELECT" }, { 0x10, "NO_SRT", " START" }, { 0x08, " ", " UP" }, { 0x04, " ", " DOWN" }, { 0x02, " ", " LEFT" }, { 0x01, " ", " RIGHT" }, }; void display_str( unsigned char value ) { int i; char *str; printf( " %02x:", value ); for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { if( value & disp[ i ].mask ) str = disp[i].on_str; else str = disp[i].off_str; printf( " %s", str ); } printf( "\n" ); } ********!!!!!!! Okay, that's it. Good luck with it, and my best wishes to those of you working to decode High Resolution mode. We're rooting for you here at UW!