****** The Virtual Reality Alliance of Students and Professionals ******** VRASP is a support network and educational forum devised to increase public knowledge of virtual reality and further the development of VR technology. We provide a cohesion for the diverse followers of VR including student and professional researchers, inventors, programmers, promoters, marketers, writers, film makers, and philosophers. VRASP is presently acting as a resource bank and a referral network for those seeking information in the VR community. There is a clear need for "veracious' information to be presented to VR followers and, most particularly, the public. We can be the source people turn to in order to learn more information about VR or be given a book title, academic contact, research laboratory name, etc so people can follow up on their own interests. Additionally, we promote our own educationally oriented events as well as those organized by others. VRASP offers a bimonthly newsletter, Pix-Elation, featuring transcriptions of important discussions and events in the scientific community, interviews with the leading researchers and proponents of VR, as well as thought-provoking editorial columns, graphics, VR news and feature articles, and a calendar of upcoming VRASP and VR events. -------------- A "review" ------------ PIX-Elation - The Official Newsletter of the Virtual Reality Alliance of Students and Professionals. So, who are these people? This is yet another VR group - their mission: "VRASP is presently acting as a resource bank and a referral network for those seeking information in the VR community. There is a clear need for 'veracious' information to be presented to VR followers and, most particularly, the public. We can be the source people turn to in order to learn more information about VR or be given a book title, academic contact, research laborartory name, etc so people can follow up on their own interests. Additionally, we promote our own educationally oriented events as well as those organized by others. ... Projects in development include the VRASP BBS, another venue for VRASP members to express their views in a more casual forum. The BBS will allow electronic access to other members and the availability to upload and download VR related files." In another article VRASP states, "Where does The Virtual Reality Alliance of Students and Professionals come in? It seems to me that there is a genaral lack of understanding of this technology, not only by the general public, but oddly enough by those who consider themselves loosely tied in to the subculture as well. I would be the first to say I wish I knew more about what I am talking about. Sometimes I find it difficult to distinguish what I have read as science fiction from what I think I'm hearing on the VR grapevine. I believe VRASP best can server society and ourselves by disseminating information about the technology in a clear truthful way. This is not to say I want a dry, technical newsletter that requires a PhD to understand and is a bore to read. But I do think something that can be picked up and understood by context and which contains a glossary of terms and especially those cutesy `it was defined once at a conference and if you don't know what it means, you're not really part of our crowd' acronyms, in other words a newsletter that John Smith of above average intelligence could get a handle on would definitely benefit the technology as well as our culture." Any interesting eye catching quote: "Did you know: Jaron Lanier has really sexy knees?" Wonder if this is a first for Jaron? My impression with VRASP? If you live on the east coast and live in or near New Jersey and you keep posting questions to sci.vw about "Sega-this Sega-that" or what is the best graduate department or what is VR, etc then this is a good organization for you to join. Pix-Elation, although small and reproduced via simple xerox means (17 pgs this issue) brought a smile to my face. The stories were humourous and cute and would look forward to finding another copy. ALTHOUGH, if you read sci.vw and have a clue and don't live on the east coast this isn't for you. [ I beg to differ. -mtp ] #### Michael Almquist --------------------------------------------- Subscription / Membership: Six issues of Pix-Elation: $30 inside US or Canada, $38 other countries. Active members of the organization will receive and recognition and other rewards. Send dues to: VRASP c/o Karin August P. O. Box 4139 Highland Park, NJ 08904-4139 USA Karin's email is 71033.702@CompuServe.COM