Each week, the Multimedia RoundTable on GEnie presents a new Cyberspace Weekly Report! This file is a compilation of Cyberspace Weekly Reports for the month of February 1994. Cyberspace Weekly Reports may be reprinted in newsletters and on privately owned electronic Bulletin Board Systems as long as individual stories are kept intact and appropriate credit is given. For details, see the information at the end of this file. Search on the term Dateline to locate the beginning of each Cyberspace Weekly Report. Visit the Multimedia RoundTable on GEnie each Friday to get the lastest Cyberspace Weekly Report! It only take a few minutes to capture from the Main Menu on Page 2000, keyword CYBERSPACE. __________________________________________________________________________ ___ _ Dateline: February 11, 1994 / __) | | / / _ _ | |__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ | | | | | || _ \ | __)| _)/ __)| \ / | / _|| __) \ \__| |_| || |_) || _) | | \__ \| |) )| (| || |_ | _) \___)\__ ||____/ |___)|_| (___/| _/ \___( \__||___) __| | | | (___/ |_| Report Weekly __________________________________________________________________________ Multimedia, Desktop Video, and Virtual Reality RoundTable on GEnie. Copyright (c) Peggy Herrington 1994. Freely Distributable When Intact. __________________________________________________________________________ ___ / __) / / Welcome to Cyberspace Report Weekly! | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ \__ \___)yberspace Report Weekly is a Pilot Project that may be altered in future weeks. Please Send GE Mail to the Multimedia/Cyberspace RoundTable Staff (or to MULTIMEDIA$) with your reactions and suggestions for improvement. Each Friday, Cyberspace Report Weekly will presented on Page 2000 on the following Menu Item: 7. Last Week's Cyberspace Report (94xxxx) ^^^^^^^ Check the date of that Menu Item to make sure you have the most recent Report, and be sure to get them all! Cyberspace Report Weekly features such newsworthy information as: * New Product Annoucements * Trade Show Reports * Industry Trends & News * Special Upcoming VIP Conferences * Upcoming Industry Events * Special Offers from Developers * IBM, Macintosh & Amiga News * Virtual Reality Developments Capture each Cyberspace Report Weekly and read it later, off-line! It ONLY takes a FEW minutes to capture to a buffer! The current Cyberspace Report Weekly will be on the Menu until it is replaced with the next week's issue. When Reports for a calendar month are no longer on the Menu, they will be compressed and made available the Cyberspace Library for downloading. Cyberspace Report Weekly brings you industry news AS IT HAPPENS! Don't wait for the magazines! Stop by the Multimedia RoundTable each week to learn what's happening in the Multimedia, Desktop Video, and Virtual Reality communities! As long as individual stories are kept intact with appropriate credit, permission is granted to reprint Cyberspace Report Weekly in all or part on private electronic bulletin boards, user group newsletters, and even in magazines! See the end of this Report for proper wording. Stories in This Issue: 1. AFTRA, Electronic Arts Reach Agreement on Interactive Contract 2. VR Book Review: "Silicon Mirage, Art and Science of Virtual Reality" 3. Media Vision's Windows Accelerator Board 4. Aldus Acquires Desktop Video Line 5. InfoBusiness Makes Career Change and Job Hunting Manageable 6. Strike Commander CD Blasts to New Heights 7. New Virtual Tarot CD-ROM Offers "Multimedia For Your Mind" AFTRA, Electronic Arts Productions Inc. ____ Reach Agreement on Interactive Contract / ___) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / (_ San Mateo, CA -- January 25, 1994 / ___) / (_ (____)lectronic Arts Productions Inc., the production arm of Electronic Arts, a worldwide leader in the expanding interactive entertainment industry, and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), the 77,000 member union of professional performers and broadcasters, announced today that the two organizations have successfully negotiated the first comprehensive contract covering talent performing in interactive media productions. With an annual sales rate of almost $400 million, Electronic Arts is the global developer, publisher, and distributor of interactive software that spans entertainment and education categories and diverse hardware platforms. It is 11 years old and has been a public company since 1989 (NASDAQ:ERTS). Helping to drive the evolution of new entertainment forms growing out of the convergence of media such as film, cable television, computers, and digital audio, Electronic Arts is in the forefront of the multimedia revolution. Currently it is leading the way in the emerging 32-bit market. AFTRA, headquartered in New York, represents actors, singers, dancers, announcers, voice-over performers, and others who work in television, radio, sound recordings, and in non-broadcast industrial productions. The AFTRA National Board has unanimously ratified this new interactive media contract. It runs through June 30, 1995, and represents the first comprehensive effort by both interactive industry producers and performing artists to address the issues -- including the emerging information superhighway -- raised by continuing advances in technology. The contract covers talent in all on-camera and off-camera performing categories (including singing, dancing, and voice-overs) and on all interactive media platforms. Payment terms set the minimum salary for day players at $485. Electronic Arts' Senior Vice President of Marketing Jack Heistand said that "the company is gratified to have obtained for itself broader access to key performing artists. At the same time, we are pleased to offer talent exciting new interactive opportunities to enhance their careers. This will be a highly-productive marriage," he predicted. AFTRA's chief negotiator, Assistant National Executive Director Karen Karnow Stuart, expressed the view that "the interactive market will greatly expand over the next two years. We consider this contract to be extremely important to the future of both this industry and our members -- for whom it provides new opportunities. AFTRA has devoted considerable time and resources to understanding the unique requirements of new communications technologies." Bruce York, AFTRA's National Executive Director, noted that "Electronic Arts is a leader in its field. We're extremely pleased that a company of its high caliber would be willing to devote time and evergy to work through this important first step -- actually a good indication to other major interactive producers (with whom we are already talking) that we are forward thinking and can address their needs well." Assisting Ms. Stuart in the negotiations was Marie Salerno, Assistant Executive Director of AFTRA's San Francisco Local. Carol Contes, Senior Counsel, served as chief negotiator for Electronic Arts. Electronic Arts is a diversified entertainment and education company that develops, publishes, and distributes software worldwide. The company is 11 years old and has an annual sales rate of almost $400 million. Its corporate headquarters are in San Mateo, Californa, and it has offices in Texas, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and Japan. -*- ____ "Silicon Mirage, Art and Science of Virtual Reality" / ___) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / (_ by Naor Wallach, Newsbytes -- February 4, 1994 / ___) / / (_/ollowing is a review of the new book "Silicon Mirage, Art and Science of Virtual Reality" published by Peachpit Press (2414 Sixth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710 800-283-9444; 510-548-4393) by Naor Wallach for Newsbytes. Price: $15.00 PUMA rating: 4 (on a scale of 1=lowest to 4=highest) Summary: A book that explains virtual reality -- a good basic text that serves a general audience. A reader need not be a computer expert to understand it or the issues involved in this emerging technology. REVIEW Virtual reality or VR has captured the imagination of thousands and has been receiving increasing amount of ink and time on news shows. But how much of what is said and written is reality and how much is fiction? This book, "Silicon Mirage," attempts to answer that question. This is written by Steve Aukstakalnis and David Blatner. Aukstakalnis is well known within the VR community to which he serves as a consultant and developer of prototype head mounted displays. Blatner is a writer on technological issues. The main part of the book is entitled "The Tools of Virtual Reality." It spans almost 140 pages and is a lesson in how the human senses work and how a computer can fool them. In a sense, this part is a lesson in detailed anatomy. Essentially VR is a way of fooling your body into believing that you are present someplace the you are not. Some of the more interesting and beneficial applications are driving the use of VR are in architecture, medicine, on Wall Street, and the sciences. VR allows one to get involved in worlds that may not be otherwise explored. For instance, the authors make a very interesting presentation of a case for using VR to teach physics. Other parts of the book look at issues surrounding VR and its potential applications, and its myths. For instance, there's the popular misconception depicted in the move "The Lawnmower Man." Viewers will recall the infamous VR sex scene. The authors argue that enormous amounts of hardware would need to be installed in various body areas to come even close to stimulating anyone. The text is complemented with many drawings, figures, and pictures. There is a remarkable absence of jargon - which in itself is a notable achievement when dealing with computer books. If you want to read a good, general, introductory book about VR I cannot recommend this book highly enough. (Naor Wallach/19931106/John Grimes and Trish Booth, Peachpit Press, 2414 Sixth St. Berkeley, CA, 94710) Copyright (C) 1994, Newsbytes. Reprinted by Permission. -*- Media Vision's Windows Accelerator Board Brings Unprecedented Visual Realism to Mainstream PC Users _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \/ \ Fremont, California -- February 2, 1994 / \ / /\ /\ \ (_/ \/ \_)edia Vision (MVIS:NASDAQ), a leader in multimedia for personal computers, today announced it has begun shipping in volume its Windows accelerator that delivers high-performance graphics with an un precedented level of visual realism to mainstream users of personal computers. The Pro Graphics 1024 significantly outperforms other graphics boards in industry standard benchmark tests. This Windows accelerator is designed for use with standard personal computer applications today and for increasingly visual applications expected to evolve with the growth of multimedia computing. The Pro Graphics 1024 speeds up the computer's processing of graphics, text and video. On a computer equipped with the Pro Graphics 1024, images will come up on the screen faster and more clearly than with other graphics cards; more of spreadsheet or word processing documents will show on the screen; and, because of the board's ability to support 16.7 million colors, photographs and video on a computer will look more realitic. "Accelerated graphics is a basic part of the multimedia equation," said Greg Reznick, Media Vision's vice president of marketing. "But most graphics accelerators make you choose between resolution OR color depth because they don't have the horsepower to do both at once. This board gives you both. It's the fastest Windows accelerator on the planet, and it's affordable." Media Vision offers the Pro Graphics 1024 Windows accelerator through its retail channels as well as to OEMs (original equipment manufacturers). Pro Graphics 1024 Features The Pro Graphics 1024 offers 16.7 million colors at resolutions up to 1024 by 768 with very high performance. Based on performance tests using Ziff-Davis WinBench(R) 4.0, the Pro Graphics 1024 is more than 200 percent faster than competing products in True Color mode, and more than 20 percent faster in 256-color mode. The board uses Media Vision's custom-designed graphics accelerator chips. Media Vision's Pro Graphics 1024 is available in both a True Color and a 256-color version. The 256-color version is upgradeable to True Color by adding video memory chips. In addition to VGA and SVGA modes, the Pro Graphics 1024 supports resolutions of 640 x 480, 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768 in both 256 colors and 16.7 million colors. For applications that use motion video, the Pro Graphics 1024's unique hardware feature, FastFilm(tm), accelerates AVI playback for fast, smooth digital video replay. Standard AVI files can be enlarged to fill the whole screen and played back at up to 30 frames per second without the usual jerky movements associated with other graphics cards. The Pro Graphics 1024 will hold its value for PC users because it is designed with on-board connectors for future multimedia upgrades. Video daughter-card options are planned for later in 1994. The Pro Graphics 1024 is VGA and SVGA compatible and supports all popular DOS applications and entertainment software. Currently shipping with the proudct are Windows 3.1 and AutoDesk ADI display drivers. Display drivers for OS/2 2.1 and Windows NT will be available in the near future. The Pro Graphics 1024 is offered in three bus formats -- VL, PCI, or ISA -- for interface to a 386DX-based or highter performance PC system. Media Vision Performance Brief Media Vision's new Pro Graphics 1024 graphics accelerator establishes a new standard of graphics performance for the PC market. Based on the lastest industry benchmark test, Pro Graphics 1024 is the fastest graphics accelerator available on the market. As part of Media Vision's mission to popularize multimedia by offering solutions at affordable prices, the Pro Graphics 1024 is the ideal solution for PC users who want to maximize system performance. Its high-resolution true color capability delivers photo realistic graphics images and enhances multimedia applications. Designed to be multimedia upgradeable, the Pro Graphics 1024 opens the door to future developments in multimedia applications that will enhance communication in educational, business, and home environments. Benchmark Testing - WinBench 4.0 Media Vision recommends using the Ziff Davis WinBench 4.0 benchmark test to measure the performance of the Pro Graphics 1024. WinBench 4.0 is the latest benchmark test endorsed by Ziff Davis which tests more functions and is a more reliable gauge of performance than the old WinBench 3.11 test. According to Ziff Davis, WinBench 4.0 scores cannot be compared with the previously published WinBench 3.11 scores as these two tests are fundamentally different. To compare the performance of Pro Graphics 1024 against other graphics cards on the market, Media Vision ran WinBench 4.0 on a test platform that matches the test bed used in PC Magazine's December 7, 1993 review of graphics accelerators. The results are presented below. In summary, the Pro Graphics 1024 outperforms all graphics cards included in the review. True Color vs. 256-Color Performance In True Color mode, a graphics engine has to process and display three times more data than in the 256-color mode. Thus, operations in True Color mode demand a very powerful graphics accelerator. Unlike most graphics cards which slow down significantly when running in True Color (16.7 million colors) mode, Pro Graphics 1024 is designed so that users do not need to sacrifice performance for high resolution True Color display. Even in True Color mode, the Pro Graphics 1024 outperforms all competitors running in 256-color mode. 1024 x 768 Resolution in 16.7 Million Colors The Pro Graphics 1024 is the only graphics accelerator priced under $1000 that can support 16.7 million colors at 1024 x 768 resolution. In 1024 x 768 16.7 million colors display mode, the Pro Graphics 1024 delivers a WinBench 4.0 Graphics WinMark(tm) score of 16.9M. ____________________________________________________________ / \ | WinBench 4.0 WinMarks 1024 x 768 in 16.7 million colors | | | | Pro Graphics 1024 VL True Color Version 16.9 | | Appian Renegade 1280/V does not support | | Diamond Viper VLB does not support | | Matrox MGA Ultima, VLB does not support | | ATI Graphics Ultra Pro VLB does not support | | Number Nine #9GXE VLB does not support | | Orchid Celsius/VLB does not support | \____________________________________________________________/ (1) Pro Graphics 1024 test conducted by Media Vision without indepedent certification from Ziff Davis, using Micronics VL motherboard, Intel 486DX2/66 CPU, 8MB RAM, 256K cache, Western Digital Caviar 2250 IDE hard drive, MS-DOS 5.0, Windows 3.1 enchanced mode. (2) All other graphics cards benchmark results as published by Ziff-David in PC Magazine December 7, 1993 issue; using Micronics EISA/VL motherboard, 486DX2/66 CPU, 8MB RAM, 256K cache, 153 MB hard drive. 1024 x 768 Resolution in 256 Colors The Pro Graphics 1024 outperforms its closest competitior by 20%, delivering a WinBench 4.0 Graphics WinMark score of 18.8M. ____________________________________________________________ / \ | WinBench 4.0 WinMarks 1024 x 768 in 256 colors | | | | Pro Graphics 1024 VL True Color Version 18.8 | | Appian Renegade 1280/V 15.6 | | Diamond Viper VLB 15.5 | | Matrox MGA Ultima, VLB 14.1 | | ATI Graphics Ultra Pro VLB 13.4 | | Number Nine #9GXE VLB 10.9 | | Orchid Celsius/VLB 10.3 | \____________________________________________________________/ 800 x 600 Resolution in 16.7 Million Colors The Pro Graphics 1024 is twice as fast as its closest competitor, delivering a WinBench 4.9 Graphics WinMark score of 16.9M. ____________________________________________________________ / \ | WinBench 4.0 WinMarks 800 x 600 in 16.7 million colors | | | | Pro Graphics 1024 VL True Color Version 16.9 | | Appian Renegade 1280/V does not support | | Diamond Viper VLB 4 | | Matrox MGA Ultima, VLB 7.4 | | ATI Graphics Ultra Pro VLB 3.8 | | Number Nine #9GXE VLB does not support | | Orchid Celsius/VLB 1.6 | \____________________________________________________________/ The Best Performance in True Color and 256 Colors The Pro Graphics architecture is designed for top performance running 16.7 million colors. Unlike most graphics cards which slow down significantly when running in True Color (16.7 million colors) mode, Pro Graphics 1024 is designed such that users do not need to sacrifice performance for high resolution True Color display. Even in True Color mode, the Pro Graphics 1024 outperforms all competitors. ____________________________________________________________ / \ | WinBench 4.0 WinMarks in True Color and 256 Colors | | 1024 x 768 in 256 Colors, 800 x 600 in 16.7 million colors | | | | Pro Graphics 1024 VL True Color Version 18.8 | | Appian Renegade 1280/V 15.6 | | Diamond Viper VLB 15.5 | | Matrox MGA Ultima, VLB 14.1 | | ATI Graphics Ultra Pro VLB 13.4 | | Number Nine #9GXE VLB 10.9 | | Orchid Celsius/VLB 10.3 | \____________________________________________________________/ Bundled with the Pro Graphics 1024 True Color version is Kai's Power Tools for Windows Special Edition, developed by HSC Software of Santa Monica, California. The software is widely used by leading graphic designers, photographers and image processing professionals to enhance images with special effects. It includes 16 powerful plug-in filters and extensions that significantly expand the capabilities of Windows image manipulation porgrams such as Adobe Photoshop, Fauve Matisse, Fractal Design Painter, Aldus Photostyler, and Micrographx Picture Publisher Plus. Price and Availability The Pro Graphics 1024 VESA local bus version is available now at $595 for the True Color version, and at $395 for the 256-color version. ISA bus versions will be available in Q1; PCI bus versions will be available in Q2. Media Vision's mission is to popularize multimedia by offering solutions at affordable prices. Headquartered in Fremont, Calif., the company is a leader in multimedia for personal computers, including hardware products ranging from systems and add-in cards to chips based on emerging multimedia standards for mainstream personal computers, and software titles developed specifically to take advantage of the power of multimedia computers. The company sells its products through direct mail, computer retail and mass merchandising channels and to original equipment manufacturers such as IBM, Apple, Logitech, and many others. Media Vision's European subsidiary, Media Vision Technology GmbH, is located in Munich, Germany. Media Vision is located at 47300 Bayside Parkway, Fremont, California, telephone 510/770-8600. -*- Aldus Acquires Desktop Video Line _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \ Seattle, WA -- February 1, 1994 / - \ / ___ \ (_/ \_)ldus Corporation today announced it has acquired a line of desktop video software products from the former desktop division of Digital F/X, Inc. of Mountain View, California. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed. Among the products acqiired were a program code-named Hitchcock, a yet-unreleased non-linear video editing software solution for the Apple Macintosh; and TitleSoft (also unreleased) a Macintosh-based PostScript rendering and video title generation software program. "The acquisition of Hitchcock and TitleSoft has two important implications for Aldus customers," said Skip Walter, vice president of Aldus' Ineractive Publishing Group. "It reinforces our commitment to delivering professional- quality digital video solutions, and it signals another step in our plan to product core technologies that will lead to a new suite of tools for creating interactive electronic communications." The acquisition is Aldus' second video-oriented technology purchase in less than a year. In July 1993, the company acquired CoSA (the Company of Science & Art) and its award-winning special effects and motion graphics program, CoSA After Effects. Further Development Planned Neither Hitchcock or TitleSoft is currently available. Aldus plans to complete both products in 1994 under the direction of three former Digital F/X software engineers who have joined Aldus subsequent to the acquisition. Aldus will announce pricing and availability for both products at a later date. "Our growing focus on digital video and motion graphics, combined with our historic expertise in print publishing, will lead to a new suite of Aldus software tools that allow our customers to integrate typography and graphics with sound and motion," said Godreau. "The resulting forms of electronic communication our customers create with these new tools will comprise an emerging information design and delivery activity that we call interactive publishing." Aldus Corporation (NASDAQ:ALDC) creates computer software solutions that help people throughout the world effectively communicate information and ideas. The company focuses on three lines of business: applications for the professional publishing and prepress markets; applications for the general consumer market; and new software tools for the emerging interactive publishing market. Aldus has subsidiaries in Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Rim serving a worldwide network of dealers and distributors. -*- InfoBusiness Makes Career Change and Job Hunting Manageable with Job-Power Source ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Multimedia CD-ROM Includes Occupational Outlooks for 200 Career Areas, Plus 11 Books on Career Guidance and Two Hours of Video Training ____ (_ _) / / Orem, Utah -- January 1994 / / _/ / (____)nfoBusiness, Inc., publishers of America's most comprehensive software compilations of business, government and entertainment data, has announced that it will come out with two career guidance CD-ROM discs for personal and professional use. Both MPC-compliant/Windows titles are shipping now. Job-Power Source ($59.95) is aimed at individual job seekers and those interested in changing careers, while Job-Power Source Professional ($149.95) contains additional information for use by college career planning and placement offices, high school guidance counselors, employment counselors and other job professionals. Both discs contain the full text of 11 best-selling career books by reknowned career experts, Dr. Ron and Caryl Krannich, plus two hours of video training clips from award-winning communications specialist and trainer Pat Sladey. Job-Power Source contains thousands of pages of text on career advancement, plus up-to-date occupational outlooks on more than 200 career areas. The disc features sections on salaries, educational and training requirements, career growth prospects, as well as over 200 examples of resumes and job search letters. There are even exhaustive sections on techniques for interviewing and negotiating salaries and benefits. Job-Power Source Professional For heavy-duty career advice, Job-Power Source Professional contains everything that Job-Power Source provides, plus more video and thousands of pages of additional resources. One of these resources is a complete database of 12,740 occupationl titles, with descriptions and ratings based on the applicant's interests and aptitudes; the actual job description and requirements, including physical exertion levels and/or educational levels required; and vocational preparation needed, environmental descriptions, and much more. "The hot jobs of the '90s are very different from those of yesterday," said Bryan H. Barron, president of InfoBusiness. "Job-Power Source and Job-Power Professional outline the necessary skills and strategies for success in the new economy." Other features contained on both titles include 25 coming changes for industries and occupations, 20 growing and declining occupations, 20 of the fastest growing -- and most rapidly declining -- occupations, plus the 20 best jobs in today's job market. There's also comprehensive information on conducting informational and networking interviews, managing job interviews, and negotiating salaries and benefits. There are more than 200 examples of powerful job search letters, as well we 50 principles for properly distributing and following up on those letters. All aspects of the job search are covered, from responding to vacancy announcements to thank you and job acceptance letters. Both titles require Windows 3.1 and an MPC-compativle multimedia IBM-PC, 386 or higher, to fully utilize the multimedia information. Text and graphics only can be accessed with Windows and any 386 computer or higher. Super VGA display is also highly recommended. Job-Power Source Facts Sheet Job-Power Source Multimedia CD-ROM is the comprehensive, mandatory resource for anyone first entering the job market, re-entering it after an absence, or changing jobs and careers. Comprehensive The Job-Power Source takes you through the process of identifying and matching your skills with a spedific job/career. This is accomplished due to the comprehensive nature of the CD-ROM. Included are occupational outlooks on over 200 career areas with indepth descriptions regarding salaries, educational and training requirements, working conditions, prospects for future career growth, etc. The Job-Power Source gives over 200 examples of Resumes and powerful letters which are used for all types of job search occasions. These examples combined with evaluation instruments and the 50 principles for writing, teach and enable the Job-Power Source users to produce resumes and job search letters that will have a tremendous impact. Job-Power Source walks you through networking and job interviews, teaching you the necessary principles for successfully negotiating salaries and benefits. Includes interactive worksheets, evaluations, checklists, goal setting tables, organization, time management charts and much more. Authoritative Information Job-Power Source consists of many works including the authortative knowledge contained in eleven top-selling career books written by reknown career writers/experts, Dr. Ron and Caryl Krannich. The Multiemedia CD-ROM complements the tremendous volume of data with nearly two hours of video by award-winning Communications Specialist/Trainer Pat Sladey who explicitly covers the most crucial steps in the job search process. State-of-the-Art Personalization/Customization of CD-ROM * Real-time Indexing: Every word that you enter into the document/ software is indexed automatically and is fully searchable immediately. * Highlighter capabilities allow you to highlight in the software using different colors much as you would in a book, enabling you to search on highlighted portions within the software. * Write notes to yourself within the software, hence enabling you to search on your personal notes instantly. * Bookmarks: Place an unlimited number of nameable bookmarks throughout the software. Bottom Line This is your A to Z source for capturing the job/career you deserve. Utilize this easy to use state-of-the-art technology to put you on the cutting edge of career success! Price: SRP $49.95 UPC: 747643006104 ISBN: 1-57065-003-9 Availability: Now System Requirements: MPC compliant system, 386SX/16 MHz, 2 MB of RAM, CD-ROM drive, MS-DOS 3.0 or later, Windows 3.1 or later, Sound Board, Headphones or Speakers, a VGA or VGA+ display, Mouse. InfoBusiness, Inc., was founded in 1991 to help PC users "turn information into knowledge, knowledge into wisdom, and wisdom into life." The company also creates information databases (or "infobases") for some of the largest corporations, government agencies, universities and computer companies in the world. InfoBusiness also publishes The Ultimate Job Finder ($59.95), a compendium of more than 4,500 sources of specialty and trade periodicals, job directories, job hotlines, job matching services, interactive computer job and resume databases, plus much more. These sources lead the user to hundreds of thousands of job openings. The company's other best-seling titles include Information USA Multimedia CD-ROM, Government Giveaways for Entrepreneurs (floppy disks and multimedia CD-ROM), Lesko's Info-Power, Lesko's Computerized Federal Data Base Finder, The Great American Gripe Disk, The Computerized Standard Industrial Code (SIC), Mega Movie Guide Multimedia CD-ROM, Mega Movie Guide's Greatest Hits (floppy disks), Roger Ebert's Deluxe Computerized Movie Home Companion and the Computerized WordPerfect 5.1 Manual. Contact InfoBusiness, Inc. at 887 S. Orem Blvd, Orem Utah 84058, telephone 801/221-1100, fax 801/225-0817, order hotline 800/657-5300. -*- Strike Commander CD Blasts to New Heights _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \ Austin, TX -- January 27, 1994 / - \ / ___ \ (_/ \_)fter only five weeks on store shelves, the Strike Commander CD(tm) is already setting new records at ORIGIN. Released in mid-December, the Strike Commander CD currently is outselling all of the company's other CD titles. Strike Commander CD is ORIGIN's first "CD-enhanced" product, giving players more game -- and giving back more hard drive space -- than ever before. The CD version of Strike Commander includes all 41 missions from the original game as well as 24 more from Tactical Operations(tm). It includes full digitized speech for all the characters and adds a dynamic musical score that is enhanced in General MIDI (401 interface). In addition, the Strike Commander CD: * Improves frame rate (up to twice as fast) * Takes up less than 10 MB of hard drive space * Digitizes all sound effects (this option requires Sound Blaster or 100% compatible sound card) * Requires less base memory (no more than 557K) * Cuts disk access time for loading missions * Caches data for uninterrupted flight during mssions * Includes: Rudder Pedal support or second joystick used as rudder Realistic Dynamic mode for truer flight simulation Invisible Cockpit option, allowing unrestricted view of enemies and horizon No-haze option for high-end machines and improved visibility Improved enemy intelligence (AI) for more challenging dogfights Gauntlet mode to test air combat skills with wave after wave of enemy fighters ORIGIN Systems develops and publishes state-of-the-art entertainment software. To date, the company has released more than 35 titles, including the award-winning Ultima and Commander series of games. ORIGIN is based at 12940 Research Blvd, Austin, Texas 78750. -*- New Virtual Tarot CD-ROM Offers "Multimedia For Your Mind" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Virutal Tarot Blends Ancient Mystic Science with Modern Computer Technology ____ (_ _) Sunnyvale, California -- February 1994 / / _/ / (____)f you've been wondering where multimedia is going, now you can ask your CD-ROM. Virtual Media Works today announced the introduction of Virtual Tarot, a multimedia CD-ROM based on the ancient mystic science of the Tarot. Virtual Tarot offers an entertaining and surprisingly accurate look at a player's personal questions and future possibilities. It is challenging and promises to stretch your mind and intuition. The game features computer generated graphics and animations, video animation, original music and vocals. Virtual Tarot is being initially released for the Macintosh with a PC compatible version planned for the first quarter of 1994. The minimum system configuration requirement is a Macintosh LC running System 7 with a 13-inch, 256-color monitor and 5MB of memory. Virtual Tarot is priced at $49.95. The Virtual Tarot bundle, containing the CD and a Rider-Waite tarot desk, is $64.95. "Virtual Tarot is unlike any other multimedia product on the market," states Jeff Manning, president of Virtual Media Works. "Multimedia, to date, has focused on linear games which exhaust most user's interest after a short period of time. With Virtual Tarot, the play is endless." Virtual Tarot's easy-to-use interface includes option-click voice helps for most screen items, a skip-animation feature for quick access to the various aspects of the game, and on-screen controls that allow features to be turned on or off according to the player's preferences. Virtual Tarot also offers advanced interactivity with a personalized diary for logging past readings. Virtual Tarot makes the Tarot entertaining and immediately useful for both the novice and experienced users. It features the artwork of one of the most popular and well recognized Tarot decks in the world: the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. The product includes ten different card layouts ranging from a contemporary version of the clasic Celtic Cross to subject specific layouts such as Career, Love, Health, and Money. Each layout has its own evocative graphics, animations and original music designed to awaken the player's subconscious and focus his or her intutitive energies. When using a Virtual Tarot divination layout, a player "deals" a card by clicking on a deck. Using a complex algorithm that takes into account the precise moment in time that the player chooses to select their card, each card is "dealt" through the players actions, not the computer's. Male and female voices provide concise meanings or cards and their positional significance. Playes can select between hearing either the original card meanings by A.E. Waite, or contemporary meanings by M.L. Foster, a practicing intuitive Tarot reader. Expanded meanings by both authors are available through the Divination's Interpretation window. Players can also select to hear the tones and see the colors associated with each card according to the mystic tradition of the Qabbalah. The Instruction and Philosophy segments of Virtual Tarot use movies to instruct the player on the history of the Tarot, the organization of the deck, how to do a useful divination, and how to effectively use the program. The Card Review segment presents cards in significant groupings to encourage understanding of their subtle meanings and the relationships between various cards. After completing any of the ten card layouts, a player can print or save results to a personal diary for future review. Results are saved with the player's name, the layout type, date and up to three key-words. Saved diary entries can be reviewed to reveal significant characteristics and trends of earlier readings. Tarot Fact Sheet Tarot reading is an ancient art used to examine current situations and gain insights into the future. It takes years of practice to become adept at interpreting the Tarot using the traditional method of a card desk with reference books to look up card meanings and divinatory layouts. With Virtual Tarot, a player can immediately begin to effectively use the cards while discovering the subtleties of Tarot divination. The Rider-Waite Tarot desk includes 78 cards divided into two primary groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The 22 Major Arcana cards are numbered 0 through 21. The Minor Arcana cards are divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Each suit includes ten numbered cards and four court cards; the Page, Knight, Queen, and King. Each card has two unique divinatory meanings; upright or dignified, and reversed or ill-dignified. Tarot readings or Divinations are done by laying cards into specific patterns or layouts. Each card position in a layout has a specific significance that is used with each card's individual meaning to create the overall Divination. The Rider-Waite deck was designed by A.E. Waite, a well-known spiritualist in the early 1900s. The Qabbalah is an ancient Judiac mystic belief system which is believed to the be the basis for medieval Tarot decks. Virtual Tarot: Technical Fact Sheet The following products were used in the creation of Virtual Tarot. Hardware: * Apple Macintosh Quadra 700, 850, IIfx and IIsi * Silicon Graphics Indigo workstation * Umax UC630 color scanner * Two 1.2 gigabyte external Quantum disks * Wacom drawing tablet * Syquest 88C and 44 * Pinnacle Micro RCD 202 CD-R recording device Software: * Macromedia Director as authoring program * CoSA PACo animation compiler * Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere * Strata 3D for 3D modeling and animation * Video Bits distributed UNIX renderer for the Silicon Graphics Indigo Sound: * Opcode Vision for music sequencing * Digidesign ProTools 2.0 for Sound FX and Dialogue editing * Digidesign SampleCell II for Sound FX and Musical Sounds * SoundEdit Pro (8-bit, 22k AIFF format) for digitizing Music SFX and Dialogue * Various keyboards and modules for music: Korg M1 and M3r, Yamaha DX7, EMAX II, Alesis D4, Prophet VX, Kurzweil K1000, Oberheim Matrix 6r Virtual Media Works develops interactive multimedia CD-ROM products. To purchase Vurtual Tarot, call 800-292-3157. For business information contact Virtual Media Works, P.O.Box 70030, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 or call 408/739-0301. -*- __________________________________________________________________________ ___ _ / __) | | Dateline: February 18, 1994 / / _ _ | |__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ | | | | | || _ \ | __)| _)/ __)| \ / | / _|| __) \ \__| |_| || |_) || _) | | \__ \| |) )| (| || |_ | _) \___)\__ ||____/ |___)|_| (___/| _/ \___( \__||___) __| | | | (___/ |_| Report Weekly __________________________________________________________________________ Multimedia, Desktop Video, and Virtual Reality RoundTable on GEnie. Copyright (c) Peggy Herrington 1994. Freely Distributable If Intact. __________________________________________________________________________ Stories in This Issue... 1. The DigiVideo Multimedia Business Card 2. Kubota Pacific Signs $11 Million OEM Agreement with Visions of Reality 3. Sports Fans Software Boasts Screen Savers, Schedules and Stats 4. Electronic Arts and Broderbund Announcement Agreement to Merge 5. Comedian Dennis Miller Goes Interactive 6. Carmen Sandiego Cruises The USA in Deluxe Style on CD-ROM -*- The DigiVideo Multimedia Business Card ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ _ How Business will DO business in the 21st Century... ( \ / ) \ \/ / Tucson, AZ -- February 17, 1994 \ / / / (_/ou never get a second chance to make a first impression. This credo of the 20th Century has created the 21st Century's first business product -- the DigiVideo(TM) Business Card. As with the current century's business cards, a DigiVideo Business Card prominently features the person's name, the name of the business, the logo of the business, its address and its phone numbers. There the similarities end. How a DigiVideo Business Card is Used... A DigiVideo Business Card is given to a customer who then places it into his or her computer. The computer then plays on its screen a short movie extolling the virtues of your business. After the movie plays, a text document (such as a letter, brochure, etc.) automatically fills the screen. This two-page document can feature such information as price schedules, product listings, and more! It's simple. It's compelling. It's the business card of the future. Price: $199 Set-up Charge $1.99 apiece ($1.49 each for 500+) ================== Siver Package Your Silver Package DigiVideo Brochure features all elements needed to complete a professional 3:00 minute videotape including: * Two hours of videotaping in our studio * Unlimited stock graphics, artwork and animation * Umlimited broadcast-quality text and CD-Quality music * Complete scriptwriting service How a DigiVideo Brochure is Used A DigiVideo Brochure is used much like a standard printed brochure. The difference is that, once a customer places it into his or her VCR, the DigiVideo Brochure explodes into action with beautiful music, stunning graphics, broadcast quality text, professional announcers, full-motion video, and more. Price: $595 production charge Includes 10 copies Additional copies $1.99 Time Needed: 10 Business Days =================== Gold Package Your Gold Package DigiVideo Brochure features all elements to complete a professional 5:00 minute videotape including: * Two hours of videotaping in our studio or at your location * Unlimited stock graphics, artwork and animation * Unlimited broadcast-quality text and CD-quality music * Complete scriptwriting service Price $895 production charge Includes 20 copies Additional copies $1.99 each Time Needed 10 Business Days =================== Platinum Package Your Platinum Package DigiVideo Brochure features all elements needed to complete a professional 7:00 minute videotape including: * Four hours of studio or on location videotaping * Unlimited stock graphics, artwork and animation * Unlimited broadcast-quality text and CD-quality music * Complete scriptwriting service Price $1295 production charge Includes 30 copies Additional copies $1.99 each Time Needed 10 Business Days =================== The following reprinted from The Arizona Business Gazette, Jan. 27, 1994: Global Network Plays a Role in Digital Document Firm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Marilyn Johnson TUCSON -- Throw out your business cards. A Tucson entrepreneur has found a way to make marketing on paper about as influential as the letters "p" in pneumonia and "k" in knitting. Eight-month-old DigiVideo of Tucson links experts all over the world via Internet, an international computer network, to produce an array of attention-getting, personalized marketing tools that cost significantly less than traditional production methods allow, said Langdon Hill, company founder and president. The company creates business cards, brochures, catalogs, newsletters, proposals, resumes, books, greeting cards and fliers on computer disks and videotapes. For personal use, DigiVideo also produces digital postcards, children's books, family albums and family trees, and videotapes made from children's, family or other photo sessions, including engagement, glamour and senior-year shots. For a $99 [Cyberspace note: Price since been changed to $199] setup charge, for example, the company will, in 72 hours, create a "DigiBusiness Card" -- a computer disk a customer can place in a computer. Voila! Up pops "a short movie extolling the virutes of your business," according to DigiVideo's own DigiBusiness Card. The disks cost 99 cents each [Cyberspace Note: Price since changed to $1.99] and can be ordered in Macintosh, Windows or DOS formats. More than 200 people all over the world who are technical "Michelangelos" in specific applications such as digital animation work on DigiVideo projects, Mr. Hill said. The teams never meet face-to-face. Everything is done via the network. DigiVideo can often meet needs other companies can't because its production process allows for flexibility while keeping costs low, Mr. Hill said. For example, when Hughes Missle System Co.'s in-house staff couldn't produce a seven-minute broadcast video of a proposal for high-level government officials in two days, DigiVideo did. While standard production would have cost $14,000 to $30,000, DigiVideo charged $995, he said. And the company personalized the introduction of the tapes for each recipient. The digital format -- essentially mathematical information -- that the company uses makes everything so easy to edit that additions such as personalization can be done in a minute, Mr. Hill said. Digital video allows the company to keep costs down because digital cameras can pan and zoom without requiring the camera to move. Instead, Mr. Hill said, the camera is set in place -- the computer puts in pans and zooms after scenes have been recorded. Mr. Hill, founder of Tucson's Gaslight Theater, also has been known through columns and a book as "Mr. Romance." He said he began investigating multimedia digital techniques more than two years ago when he became executive producer of a project called "Passionate Parents" after completing a $1 million pilot for a "Mr. Romance" show. He wanted "Passionate Parents" to look different and be fun, he said, but nothing was available to do what he wanted. "By continually following up, I got to meet people and talk to them because it was early in the cycle," he said. "People were looking for people to help them, because it was all in their heads." After the technology needed became available six months ago, DigiVideo business took off, Mr. Hill said. The company already has moved three times and, on Feb. 1, will take over the former Pima Savings building at 151 N. Stone Ave. Internet plans to house its equipment for southern Arizona in what will become the DigiVideo Building, Mr. Hill said. DigiVideo's client list includes a number of large corporations, including Mead Johnson Corp., Capital Spouts, Truly Nolan and Patio Pools, Mr. Hill said. He projects that his full-time staff of five will expand to as many as 50 by the end of the year. The company also intends to offer franchises. [End article] DigiVideo Productions(SM) Product List Business Card -- Computer Disk Brochures -- See Silver, Gold, Platinum Packages above Catalog -- Computer Disk or Videotape Newsletter -- Computer Disk or Videotape Proposal -- Computer Disk or Videotape Resume - Computer Disk or Videotape Presentations for Trade Shows, Conventions, Corporate Point of Sale -- Video Billboards Professional Brochures for Doctors, Dentists, Attorneys, Insurance Agents, Financial Planners Rewards: Stress Relief, Secrets of Success, DigiMotivation! Broadcast Media Commmercials (30 & 60 seconds) and Infomercials (30 & 60 Minutes). For more information, contact DigiVideo, 4444 East Grand Rd., Suite 108, Tucson, Arizona, 602/321-4546 or 800/636-DIGI. -*- Kubota Pacific Signs $11 Million OEM Agreement with Visions of Reality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kubota's 3D Graphics Workstations, Based on Digital's High-Performance Alpha AXP Processor, to Drive Virtual Reality Entertainment Centers _ _ / )/ ) / // / New York City, Toy Fair -- February 14, 1994 / ~_/ / /\ \ (_/ \_)ubota Pacific Computer Inc. (KPC) and Visions of Reality Corporation (VOR) today announced an $11 million OEM product agreement. Under the terms of the agreement -- the first in a series -- Kubota will supply VOR with high-performance three-dimensional (3D) graphics workstations based on Digital Equipment Corporation's Alpha AXP microprocessor. Visions of Reality, creator of the world's most realistic virtual reality (VR) adventures, will use hundreds of Kubota Model 3300 3D graphics workstations to drive its virtual reality experiences in VOR family entertainment centers. During 1994, VOR will open multiple centers in malls, amusement parks, and casinos throughout the United States, as well as in London and Paris. "We were looking for a solution that could give us great graphics, a truly distributed computing environment, and terrific price/performance," said Ken Stone, project administrator for VOR. "We found it all in Kubota's leading-edge 3D graphics workstation, a system that allows us to bring virtual reality to life. These high-performance workstations provide extremely detailed 3D graphic images which make our adventures look startlingly lifelike -- at an affordable price that will let us build entertainment centers throughout the world." "Our 3D graphics workstations help VOR make its vision a reality," said Jeffrey W. Dunn, vice president of marketing for Kubota Pacific. "This is a strong endorsement for Kubota's product quality, for VOR has become known for demanding the best technology and the most creative use of graphics in the entertainment industry." Virtual Game Playing: "Pods" Immerse Players in Realistic 3D Images Each of the new VOR entertainment centers will feature from six to thirty-six spaceship-like "pods," each of which is a seat for the virtual reality gameplayer. Each player sits in a 7 x 8-foot pod, wearing a head-mounted display for viewing the game's virtual reality images. The system immerses players in realistic 3D images, allowing each player to interact with other players and characters who are part of the game. In each pod, Kubuta Model 3300 3D graphics workstations will control the play and render the graphics of several different virtual reality adventures, such as the first game to be introduced: "Cybergate"(tm). The workstations are networked via Ethernet, allowing multiple players to participate in one game. Because Kubota's products have the fastest image processing and graphics rendering available today, they provide the fast frame rate (more than 30 frames per second), highly detailed graphics, and realistic motion necessary to make players feel as if they have entered into and are interacting with another world. In addition to providing 3D graphics workstations, Kubota's engineering staff also assisted VOR with the Cybergate space adventure game. Kubota's resident experts helped VOR take advantage of Kubota's lifelike graphics, making the game more exciting to play. With Kubota's optimization, images move faster and more realistically. Virtual Reality Workstations Powered by Digital's Alpha AXP Microprocessor Kubota Model 3300 3D graphics workstations are the first to feature an architecture that combines hardware optimized for both high-speed graphics rendering and image processing. Kubota's workstations include an advanced architecture combining integrated hardware support delivering high-end texture mapped scenes. "As the highest performance RISC chip on the market, Alpha gives us the speed we need to create our extremely detailed, full-motion 3D graphics," said Dunn. "This important partnership with Kubota Pacific Computers Inc. and Visions of Reality signals at least three major shifts in our industry," said Digital Equipment Corporation's Component OEM Vice President Jim Willis. "First, it clearly demonstrates the power of the Alpha AXP architecture in securing new emerging markets; second, it shows Digital Equipment Corporation's unmistakable commitment to the worldwide OEM product and services business; and third, it positions Digital and our important OEM partners to compete effectively against older technology vendors to meet a whole new range of challenging application demands." "The real-time high resolution display of full motion video, together with the multiplayer interaction and game calculations makes tremendous demands on computer technology. VOR's entertainment system is proof that the Kubota 3D graphics workstations, based on Kubota's high-performance graphics technology and the Alpha AXP microprocessor, are the best soltion for satisfying these demands at the best price," said Dominic Ricchetti, director and principal analyst, workstations worldwide for Dataquest. About the Companies Kubota Pacific Computer Inc. Kubota Pacific Computer Inc. (KPC) develops and maintains high-performance 3D graphics and image processing workstations for design, engineering, technical, and entertainment applications. Headquartered in Santa Clara, Califonia, Kubota Pacific is wholly-owned subsidiary of Kubota Corporation, a $7 billion multinational corporation. Centers such as VOR's underscore Kubota's focus in the location-based entertainment market segment. Kubota's 3D graphics products are already widely accepted in markets such as MCAD (mechanical computer-aided design) for product design and modeling, and imaging, which includes medical, defense/intelligence, and geoscience applications. Visions of Reality Corporation Visions of Reality Corporation (VOR) is the brainchild of virtual reality visionary Dan K. Rice and The Black Diamond Group, who jointly developed the concept of multivenue virtual reality family entertainment centers and pulled together industry players Angel Studios, Digital Equipment Corporation, Greystone Technology, Kaiser Electro-Optics Inc., and Kubota Pacific Computer Inc. to develop the most sophisticated and realistic virtual reality experiences the world has ever seen. Digital Equipment Corporation Digital Equipment Corporation is the world's leader in scalable open client/server solutions from personal computing to integrated worldwide information systems. Digital's Alpha AXP platforms, storage, networking, software and services, together with industry-focus solutions from business partners, help organizations compete and win in today's global marketplace. -*- Sports Fans Software Boasts Screen Savers, Schedules and Stats ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sports Yearbook and Information Manager Geared to NHL Fans, NFL and MLB SportsGuides to Follow _ _ / \/ \ Ashland, Oregon -- February 1994 / \ / /\ /\ \ (_/ \/ \_)omentum Development, Inc. (MDI), an Oregon-based software developer and publisher, announced the release of the NHL SportsGuide for Windows, an electronic sports yearbook and personal information manager featuring officially licensed team logo screen savers and wallpaper (MSRP $49.95). Geared to National Hockey League (NHL) fans, this point-and-click graphical program brings the excitment of professional hockey to the desktop by enabling users to customize their Windows PCs to reflect the look, logo, schedule, stats and standings of their favorite NHL team. Complete with Windows "wallpaper" and screen savers, the NHL SportsGuide also supplies annual team schedules, team and player statistics, team standings, full-color arena maps with seating and ticket information, as well as a calendar showing national television appearances for every team in the league. The NHL SportsGuide is available now (MDI: 800-262-3926). NFL and Major League Baseball Sports Guides will ship in the first quarter on 1994. Designed to be more than just another screen saver, the program contains a personal information manager including an appointment calendar that lists scheduled NHL games, a personal phone book and note pad. Other features include: a clipboard with cut-and-paste capabilities, a full Windows Help system and a trivia game with team-specific and/or league-wide sets of questions. The SportsGuide trivia game with stadium sound effects is a fun way for users to test their sports knowledge and advance from rookie status to owner as questions are correctly answered. According to MDI, National Football League and Major League Baseball SportsGuides with the same comprehensive feature package, will be released in the first quarter of 1994. Annual updates, featuring new schedules, stats and standings will also be available pre-season. The company also anticipates annual feature upgrades as new capabilities are added. "Company research indicates that over one-half of all Windows users are sports fans," said Fred Thomas, president of MDI. "That's about 20 million people who, we think, would rather customize their PCs with sports than 'sport' airborne appliances. With SportsGuides' screen savers and wallpaper, these users can add the look and colors of their favorit team to their desktop PCs. Out users can combine team logos to display a variety of eye-catching, animated screen savers that are officially licensed by professional sports leagues." Sports Guides also include stats, standings and personnel listings that can be kept up-to-date via modem or diskette. The company has installed an electronic bulletin board system (BBS) for keeping SportsGuide users current. According to Thomas: "Sports fans of the future will want to receive information in a variety of ways. On-line services, featuring the latest news, information, images and audio clips, will be primary sources of sports information. MDI expects to be a major player in this emerging market." Using MDI's SportsGuides, text-based team and league information can be printed or imported into other programs through the built-in "Clipboard" feature. Another SportsGuide module features full-color stadium and arena maps with seating infromation and ticket order phone numbers, as well as information on the location, history, ownership and coaching of every team in the league. The calendar lets users schedule appointments, at home or away, around important games. Scheduled games and national television coverage can be displayed from the calendar with a click of the mouse. An electronic phone book is also included -- making the NHL SportsGuide a complete personal and sports information manager. "Using SportsGuides, fans with home, portable or office computers can experience conflict-free personal and sports event scheduling in a custom Windows environment. We are enthusiastic about bringing the excitement of sports to Windows users through our electronics sports yearbooks and organizers," Thomas concluded. The NHL SportsGuide will be available through retail outlets and by calling MDI directly at 800/262-3926. SportsGuides have a suggested retail price of $49.95 and a limited warranty of 90 days. Future editions of SportsGuide software are presently being developed to include other popular porfessional sports as well as collegiate men's and women's sports. Collegiate editions will feature either a student class scheduler or an alumni events and game calendar. MDI also plans to develop other sports-related software products including CD-ROM based multimedia titles and electronic publishing services. MDI is located at 240 E. Hersey Street, #11, Ashland, OR 97520. The company can be reached at 503/488-1227 (voice) or 503/488-1157 fax. -*- Electronic Arts and Broderbund Announcement Agreement to Merge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ Transaction valued at approximately $400 million / ___) / (_ San Mateo, CA -- February 9, 1994 / ___) / (_ (____)lectronic Arts (NASDAQ:ERTS) and Broderbund Software, Inc. (NASDAQ:BROD) today announced that the two companies have signed a definitive agreement to merge. The merger is expected to be completed by the end of May 1994 and is subject to approval by the stockholders of each company and other customary conditions. The holders of Broderbund common stock will receive 1.6 common shares of Electronic Arts' common stock for each share of Broderbund common stock in a transaction valued at approximately $400 million. Approximately 15.4 million shares of Electronic Arts' common stock will be exchanged for Broderbund common stock representing approximately 25 percent of the combined company on a pro forma basis. In addition, Electronic Arts will assume all outstanding Broderbund options. The transaction will be effected on a tax-free basis and will be accounted for as a pooling of interests. Electronic Arts is a leading third party publisher in the interactive entertainment software industry for the 16-bit video game cartridge and the personal computer software markets. Broderbund is the leading developer of education and personal productivity software for the consumer software market. Broderbund will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Electronic Arts, with operations continuing in Novato, Callifornia. Electronic Arts' operations will continue in San Mateo, California as well as in its other worldwide locations. "We are pleased about the creation of a diversified interactive consumer media company with this merger," said Larry Probst, president and chief executive officer of Electronic Arts. "Broderbund's strengths in the education and personal productivity markets complement Electronic Arts' established leadership position in the entertainment software category. This combination is an excellent strategic fit, both in terms of creative cultures and complementary distribution channels and product lines." "This merger unifies two of the best names in consumer software and paves the way for many exciting opportunities," said Doug Carlson, chairman and chief executive officer of Broderbund. "In particular, this will allow Broderbund to broaden our sales and distribution capability, especially in the international arena. This partnership enables us to expand our product offerings to next generation hardware systems and to take advantage of Electronic Arts' investment in leading-edge tools and technology in that area." Doug Carlston will join Electronic Arts' board of directors, which will now consist of eight members. Both companies expect Carlston to remain active in the management of the combined organization. Ed Auer, president and chief operating officer, had previously announced his intention to retire from Broderbund in the spring of 1994; however, he will remain with the company at least until the merger is completed. Carlston, the holder of approximately 18% of the outstanding Broderbund common stock, and Trip Hawkins, holder of approximately 7% of Electronic Arts' common stock, have agreed to vote their shares in favor of the merger. In the merger, the offering of Electronic Arts' common stock to Broderbund stockholders will be made only by means of a prospectus. Broderbund Software, Inc. is a diversified consumer software company that offers a broad selection of fun, award-winning products for use in homes, schools, and small businesses. Founded in 1980, the company is committed to creating imaginative personal computer software with lasting value for every member of the family. Electronic Arts is a diversified interactive entertainment and education company that develops, publishes and distributes software worldwide. The company was founded in 1982 and has an annual sales rate of approximately $400 million. Corporate headquarters are located in San Mateo, California. The company also has offices in Texas, Canada, the UK, Europe, Australia and Japan. -*- Comedian Dennis Miller Goes Interactive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joins with Sanctuary Woods to Deliver Interactive Comedy Titles ____ / ___) ( (__ Victoria, British Columbia -- February 1994 \__ \ ___) ) (____/anctuary Woods Multimedia Inc., a leading developer of family-oriented entertainment and educational CD-ROM titles, announced it has entered into an agreement with Miller*Pickering Syndications to co-develop, publish and distribute interactive comedy titles in collaboration with former Saturday Night Live comedian Dennis Miller. Miller*Pickering Syndications is an interactive media development company co-owned by Miller. The first two titles developed under the agreement, "Dennis Miller That's News to Me" and "Dennis Miller That's Geek to Me," will ship in January and March respectively for Mac/MPC platforms and the 3DO(tm) system. An additional comedy product from this joint effort will be introduced later in 1994. The announcement was made initially in conjunction with the Consumer Electronics Show, held in Las Vegas January 6 - 9, and follows a similar announcement Sanctuary Woods made here with COMEDY CENTRAL(tm), the only all-comedy cable channel ("Sanctuary Woods Signs Development/Licensing Deal with COMEDY CENTRAL"). Miller: Why Interactive? Dennis Miller recognized early on that interactivity was going to impact the entertainment industry. He saw an application for his intellectual humor in this evolving medium and joined veteran creative producer Curtis Pickering in January 1993 to experiment with the technology. The two later formed the development company Miller*Pickering Syndications to produce creative applications for interactive media. "No one in the entertainment world today can say interactivity isn't going to have a big impact tomorrow," said Dennis Miller. "I'm a neophyte when it comes to computers, but this new media seemed like an excellent way of getting some good jokes out there in a different format. Besides, I didn't want to look back in five years and be upset because I missed the bus on the information superhighway." Interactive publishing is the first phase of Miller*Pickering's goals, and the titles developed and published with Sanctuary Woods are the first the company has produced. The second phase will be to develop additional titles and develop prototype applications for interactive television, also with Sanctuary Woods. "Sanctuary Woods came recommended by people in the technology industry as a young, sharp and innovative company," said Pickering, co-owner of Miller*Pickering Syndications. "Miller*Pickering is excited to pair with them as we pioneer comedy in this heavy-hitting technology of multimedia." The Dennis Miller publishing agreement and product introductions launch Sanctuary Woods' new I-laugh(tm) brand of interactive comedy products. I-laugh titles, which target adult audiences ages 18 and up, encompass a wide range of interactive entertainment products that use humor, instead of action or adventure, as a backbone. "Sanctuary Woods is using interactive comedy as a means to bring the interactive experience to a larger audience, one that includes grown-ups, girls and younger children in addition to adolescent boys," said Scott Walchek, president of Sanctuary Woods. "Miller*Pickering, a company that combines the wit and entertainment industry knowledge of Dennis Miller, one of America's favorite stand-up comedians, is an attractive partner to lead in this genre." Miller: The Products The Dennis Miller Series of I-laugh titles will combine CD-quality sound with full-color digital video clips that feature Miller applying his cynical, understated view of the world to various thematic situations. Users interact by navigating through several topics to choose what they want to see. "Dennis Miller That's News to Me" is Miller's comical look at the punchlines behind the headlines of 1993. On the CD-ROM, he lambasts a spectrum of topical events, from the lost Mars probe to President Clinton's Cabinet appointments. This collector's interactive disk is divided into four headings: politics, world events, sports and show business. Users can skim through each topic a month at a time to view 206 digital video clips of, in Miller's words, "the historical carnage that was 1993." "Dennis Miller That's Geek to Me" is Miller's computer glossary for the technically challenged. The glossary promises to comfort those confused by technical jargon, while endlessly humoring those "in the know." Players select from more than 180 computer or multimedia terms to view Miller's attempt at a definition (with tongue firmly in check) on the left side of the screen, and a correct definition given by an animated computer engineer on the right. Terms such as attraction loop ("What I was always out of in a singles bar") to morphing ("Michael Jackson's been in a slow morph since he was 14 years old") are defined through digital video clips as Miller and the techy engineer engage in witty banter. Configuration, Price and Availability "That's News to Me" and "That's Geek to Me" require a 386SX PC or higher with Windows 3.1 or higher, a Super VGA monitor, 4MB of RAM, a sound card and a CD-ROM drive; a Macintosh LC or greater with at least 4 MB of RAM and a CD-ROM drive; or Panasonic's REAL(tm) 3DO Interactive Multiplayer(tm) system. Both Dennis Miller titles are priced at $29.95 for MPC/Mac and $39.95 for 3DO. "That's News to Me" will ship in January for MPC, Macintosh and 3DO; "That's Geek to Me" will ship in March for MPC and Mac. The Dennis Miller titles and all of Sanctuary Woods' other products are distributed in North America by Electronic Arts and sold through computer retail and consumer electronics stores. Sanctuary Woods Multimedia Inc. develops family-oriented entertainment and educational multimedia titles distributed on CD-ROM for desktop and entertainment platforms including MPC, Macintosh and 3DO. Sanctuary Woods produces its titles under four brands: I-laugh, I-learn(tm), I-tales(tm) and I-ventures(tm). Current titles include Shelley Duvall's It's A Bird's Life, The Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo Series, The Hawaii High Series and Sitting on the Farm. Founded in 1988, with headquarters in Victoria, British Columbia, Sanctuary Woods Multimedia Corporation is a public company currently traded on NASDAQ (SWMCF) and the Vancouver Stock Exchange (SWD.V). Sanctuary Woods Multimedia Inc., a subsidiary of Sanctuary Woods Multimedia Corp., has sales, marketing and operations headquarters in San Mateo. -*- Carmen Sandiego Cruises The USA in Deluxe Style on CD-ROM ___ ___~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (_ )( _) / /_/ / Novato, CA -- January 1993 / __ / _/ / / / (___)(__)op into your '57 Chevy and cruise to Nebraska while Jerry Douglas roars through the ragtime instrumental "Red Rug Rag." All this while sitting at home, in front on your CD-ROM-ready personal computer, playing Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego?(R) Deluxe, the latest release by Broderbund Software Inc. (NASDAQ:BROD). Kids ages nine and up can see the sites of America while learning from over 3,000 geographical clues that lead to the capture of Carmen and her gang. "Kids learn about their country as they chase Carmen," says Ken Goldstein, publisher. "For example, a trip to Wyoming is rewarded with a scenic photograph of the Grand Tetons and the sounds of Slim Critchlow singing 'Old Paint,' the tune that ended dances and sent the cowboys back to the bunkhouse." CD-ROM Specific Features The ACME State-A-Base, a feature unique to this CD-ROM version, allows the player to view a state's topographical map, learn facts particular to each state, and listen to a description spoken by a person with a unique regional accent. For example, kids can hear the difference bewteen the southern drawl of Texas and the regional accent of Boston. 2-2-2 Carmen USA CD-ROM Another special CD-ROM feature is classic American music from all 50 states, including folk, blues, jazz, bluegrass, Native American, zydeco, country and more. An electronic catalog of music and photographs used in the game is also available on the compact disc. Carmen and her gang members heist priceless treasures and landmarks -- the countdown clock from the Kennedy Space Center, New Orleans Mardi Gras floats or all the neon lights in Las Vegas -- then lead players on a country-wide chase. Kids take a job with the ACME Detective Agency, draw an assignment from the Chief, then travel across the USA, hot on the heels of the crooks. Whether they're playing at home or at school, children learn fascinating facts about America, its people, and its cultural diversity. This product, available in stores for approximately $55, also comes with a Broderbund special edition of Fodor's USA(tm) travel guide to aid kids in their quest to capture Carmen. Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? Deluxe requires an IBM PC or compatible 386SX or faster, a CD-ROM drive, VGA video card, Sound Blaster or compatible sound card, and MS-DOS or PC-DOS 3.1 or higher. Carmen appears outside the computer screen,too. She's the first software character to be licensed for children's television game show (PBS) now in its third season, as well as a cartoon series which debuted in January 1994 on FOX Television. Created in 1985, the award-winning Carmen Sandiego series has sold over 3.5 million copies. Broderbund Software, Inc., is a diversified consumer software company that offers a broad selection of fun, award-winning products for use in homes and schools. Founded in 1980, and based in Novato, California, the company is committed to creating imaginative personal computer software of lasting value for every member of the family. Carmen Sandiego is a registered trademark of Broderbund Software, Inc. All other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. -*- __________________________________________________________________________ ___ _ / __) | | Dateline: February 25, 1994 / / _ _ | |__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ | | | | | || _ \ | __)| _)/ __)| \ / | / _|| __) \ \__| |_| || |_) || _) | | \__ \| |) )| (| || |_ | _) \___)\__ ||____/ |___)|_| (___/| _/ \___( \__||___) __| | | | (___/ |_| Report Weekly __________________________________________________________________________ Multimedia, Desktop Video, and Virtual Reality RoundTable on GEnie. Copyright (c) Peggy Herrington 1994. Freely Distributable Intact. __________________________________________________________________________ Stories in This Issue... 1. Second ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2. Animotion Debuts MSC SoundSavers and MSC SoundRevue 3. Sanctuary Woods "Sitting On The Farm" Available for PC and Mac 4. NeoPaint from NeoSoft Corp. 5. NeoBook and NeoBook Professional 6. NeoShow Professional 7. Runtime License for INOVAtronics' Amiga CanDo ACM MULTIMEDIA 94 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ October 15-20, 1994, San Francisco, California The Second ACM International Conference on Multimedia Sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery SIGBIO, SIGBIT, SIGCHI, SIGCOMM, SIGGRAPH, SIGIR, SIGLINK, SIGMM, and SIGOIS in cooperation with SIGAPP, SIGCAPH, SIGCPR, SIGMOD, SIGOPS, and the IEEE Communications Society. _ / \ PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PARTICIPATION / - \ / ___ \ (_/ \_)CM Multimedia 94 will provide an international forum for papers, panels, courses, workshops, and exhibits focusing on the synergies between processing and communicating information represented in multiple media (multimedia). Research ideas, emerging technologies, engineering methodologies, prototype demonstrations, and experiences should be submitted for review. Technical areas for Multimedia 94 include, but are not limited to: applications and tools; video information systems; interactive television; collaboration environments; database and information systems; distributed systems; operating system extensions; hardware and architectures; networking and communication; media integration and synchronization; image, video and audio compression techniques; programming paradigms and environments; storage and I/O architectures; and user interfaces. PAPERS: Technical papers, preferably accompanied by electronic and videotape software, on completed or in-progress research, innovative applications, or experience with multimedia systems are solicited. Where applicable, prototype demonstrations or videotape presentations are encouraged to supplement the talks. Outstanding papers on different areas of multimedia will be given awards. Selected papers will be forwarded to ACM/Springer-Verlag Multimedia Systems, the Communications of the ACM (CACM), or the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Submit six copies of each paper (no more than 15 double-spaced pages including figures, tables, and references) to: Prof. Domenico Ferrari, Program Chair Computer Science Division EECS Department University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 USA Voice: +1 510 642 3806 Fax: +1 510 642 5775 Email: multimedia94@tenet.berkeley.edu PANELS: We are soliciting proposals for panels that examine an innovative, controversial, or otherwise provocative issue of interest to the field. Panel proposals should include the issue to be addressed, the members of the panel with a brief statement of their positions on the issue, and a description of the panel format. The best panels, in our experience, have been structured as a debate with an opportunity for audience participation, but we are open to other stimulating ideas. Panels consisting of a collection of short paper presentations are not encouraged. The Panel chair is willing to work with prospective session chairs in advance of submission to discuss panel concepts or the form of a proposal. Panel proposals should be at most 3 pages, and should include a brief description of each panelist's relevant expertise. Submit six copies of each panel proposal to: Allan Kuchinsky, Panels Co-Chair Hewlett-Packard Co. 1501 Page Mill Rd. M/S 1U-17 Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA. Voice: +1 415 857 7423 Fax: +1 415 857 8526 Email: kuchinsk@hpl.hp.com COURSES: Proposals (at most 5 pages, including biographical sketches of instructors) for both 1/2- and 1-day tutorial courses are solicited. Evaluation of proposals will be based on expertise and experience of instructors, relevance of subject matter, and the use of multimedia technology in the presentation. Submit six copies of each course proposal to: Ephraim Glinert, Courses Chair Department of Computer Science and Engineering FR-35 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 USA Voice: +1 206 543 4305 Fax: +1 206 543 2969 Email: glinert@cs.washington.edu WORKSHOPS: During the first two days of Multimedia 94, we would like to hold workshops on specific areas of multimedia research and technology. Evening sessions during the main conference (last three days) will be held to report on the results of the workshops. For more information, contact: D. Shepherd, Workshops Chair Computer Center University of Lancaster Lancaster, UK LA1 4YW Voice: 44-52-459-3827 Fax: 44-52-484-4011 Email: doug@comp.lancs.ac.uk EXHIBITS: ACM Multimedia 94 offers a unique opportunity for vendors and researchers to exhibit and demonstrate multimedia products and research prototypes. For more information, contact: Prof. Patrick Mantey, Exhibits Chair Computer Engineering Department Applied Science Building University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA Voice: +1 408 459 2158 Fax: +1 408 459 4829 Email: mantey@cse.ucsc.edu DEMONSTRATIONS: As part of ACM Multimedia 94, we plan to hold a referreed technical and artistic demonstration program. We solicit working systems that demonstrate the essence of multimedia: the integration of technologies and media (e.g., computers, television, facsimile, communications/networking, databases, user interfaces, hypermedia, operating systems, virtual reality, data compression, interface hardware, publishing, etc.). Submissions (at most 4 pages) should consist of a description of the exhibit, demo requirements, biography, and a single VHS video. Electronic submission of the description is encouraged. Send submissions to: Tom Little, Demonstrations Chair Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Boston University 44 Cummington Street Boston, MA 02215 USA Voice: +1 617 353 9877 Fax: +1 617 353 6440 Email: tdcl@spiderman.bu.edu VIDEO: We are solicting videos of innovative multimedia technology. Videotape submissions should be between 5 to 8 minutes, and should be accompanied by a 2 page overview. We expect to show the Multimedia 94 Video Program in a special room in the Conference Center during the conference, and the videotape will be available for purchase. For more information, contact: Marc Brown or Dave Redell, Video Co-Chairs DEC Systems Research Center 130 Lytton Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 USA. Voice: +1 415 853 2152 or 2131 Fax: +1 415 853 2104 Email: {mhb,redell}@src.dec.com ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING: The proceedings of Multimedia 94 will be available both on CD-ROM and via electronic network. Accepted papers will be expected to be finally provided in several formats including postscript, and authors are strongly encouraged to provide about 2 minutes of video and also software and other relevant information that complements the content of the paper. For more information, contact: Roy Rada, Electronic Publishing Chair Department of Computer Science University of Liverpool Liverpool, UK L69 3BX Voice: 44-51-794-3669 Fax: 44-51-794-3715 Email: rada@compsci.liverpool.ac.uk STUDENT PARTICIPATION: Papers with a student as the primary author can enter the student paper award competition. A cover letter must identify the paper as a candidate for the competition. Graduate and undergraduate students are invited to participate in Multimedia 94. Student volunteers receive complimentary registration, complimentary meals and the opportunity to interact with conference attendees in return for helping with day-to-day operations of the conference. Housing costs for student volunteers may be reduced by sharing hotel rooms. IMPORTANT DATES: All submissions due: March 10, 1994. Notification of acceptance: June 10, 1994. Submissions in final form due: July 20, 1994. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: Co-Chairs: J. O. Limb, Hewlett-Packard. M. Blattner, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and University of California, Davis. Steering Committee Chair: E. Fox, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and SU. Treasurer: R. Allen, Bellcore. Proceedings: J.J. Garcia-Luna, University of California, Santa Cruz. Workshops: D. Shepherd, Lancaster University, UK. Demonstrations: T. Little, Boston University. Video: M. Brown, Digital Equipment Corporation. D. Redell, Digital Equipment Corporation. Elec. Publishing: R. Rada, University of Liverpool, UK. Panels: A. Kuchinsky, Hewlett-Packard. S. Bulick, US WEST Advanced Technologies. Courses: E. Glinert, Renssaeler Polytechnic Institute. Local Arrangements: J.D. Smith, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Publicity: G. Parulkar, Washington University in St. Louis. PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Chair: Prof. Domenico Ferrari Computer Science Division EECS Department University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 USA +1 510 642 3806 multimedia94@tenet.berkeley.edu Co-Chairs: S. Ahuja, AT & T Bell Laboratories. F. Kitson, Hewlett-Packard. T. Kunii, University of Aizu, Japan. R. Phillips, Los Alamos National Laboratory. R. Rada, University of Liverpool, UK. R. Sacks-Davis, University of Melbourne, Australia. -*- ____ Animotion Debuts MSC SoundSavers and MSC SoundRevue / ___) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / (_ Birmingham, AL -- February 22, 1994 / ___) / (_ (____)xpanding its Multimedia Component System (MCS) line of inexpensive software utilities for PCs running Windows, Animotion Development Corporation today announced MCS SoundSavers (MSRP $39.95), screen savers that oscillate to audio input; and MSC SoundRevue (MSRP $49.95), a library of 300 PC sound effects combined with a special effects editor. MCS SoundSavers is a collection of screen saver modules that respond visually to audio input from multiple sources. All modules allow the user to select from three input options: simulated audio, which does not require a sound card; recording input, which uses input from a sound card including CD-based audio; and WAV playback, allowing users to select audio input stored in WAV file format on disk. MCS SoundRevue, shipping on CD-ROM, contains a library of 300 sound effects in all popular WAV sample rates including 11.22 and 44KHz. A special version of Animotion's sound editor, SoundTrak SE, allows users to add special effects to audio files including chorus, flange and echo, as well as amplify, pan and fade. "Animotion's comprehensive line of fine audioware titles, including these new introductions as well as our popular best-seller MCS Stereo, MCS CD Master, and revolutionary new MCS SoundTrak editor with QSound, provide retailers an excellent opportunity to leverage the current market trend toward multimedia computing and consumer software while providing a broad range of PC users with inexpensive, easy-to-use utilities designed to work with their new CD-ROM drives, sound cards and speakers," said Tom Baggett, Animotion's founder and CEO. Animotion Development Corporation is a privately held company established in 1987 to develop and publish multimedia software utilities for PCs. The company's popular Multimedia Component System line includes software utilities that perform the full range of functions associated with creating, managing and playing sound resources on a multimedia PC. Animotion provides these capabilities through on-screen graphical versions of familiar high-end audio gear, an accepted metaphor that is easy for users to recognize and control. Animotion markets its products through key distributors, house accounts, and shelf space in software retail stores, mall-based chains, warehouse outlets and mass merchandisers in the U.S. and Canada. Animotion Development Corporation is located at 3720 Fourth Avenue South, Suite 205, Birmingham, AL, USA 35222. The company can be reached at 800/536-4175 (voice), or 205/581-5716 (fax). -*- Sanctuary Woods "Sitting On The Farm" Available for both PC and Mac ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ Award-Winning Educational Multimedia Program / ___) ( (__ LAS VEGAS -- February, 1993 \__ \ ___) ) (____/anctuary Woods Multimedia Inc. (NASDAQ: SWMCF; VSE: SWD.V) announced a Windows version of its award-winning educational multimedia software program Sitting on the Farm. Distributed on CD-ROM, the program teaches children (ages 7-10) reading, vocabulary and creative writing skills in English, French and Spanish. Sitting on the Farm is the first title introduced in Sanctuary Woods' new I-learn Library of home learning products. The I-learn Library covers a wide range of subject areas and incorporates multi-sensory features such as animation, sound and music to provide an enlivening, integrated learning experience for the child. Since its introduction on the Macintosh in November, Sitting on the Farm has won several industry awards, including a Holiday Seal of Approval from the National Parenting Center and a gold winner award from the National Association of Parenting Publications, which annually recognizes the best in children's media and toys. "The success on the Macintosh and the greater installed base of CD-ROM users on the PC made the conversion of Sitting on the Farm a natural choice," said Rose Marie Shannon, M. Ed., producer and creator of the I-learn Library. "We're excited that the launch of our I-learn Library has been well received, and we plan to deliver four additional I-learn titles of the same caliber in 1994." Sitting on the Farm's primary objective is to teach language skills, but it also covers additional subject areas including music appreciation, geography and social studies. At its core, Sitting on the Farm is a story and a song about a farm girl whose peaceful picnic is invaded by hungry animals. The story comprises four levels, playable in English, French or Spanish, through which children can explore and learn: * "Listen-along" allows children to hear the story being read while the pages automatically turn. * "Read-along" uses fun animations and pictures to expand children's vocabulary as they read the story alone or with a boy or girl "reading partner." Children can click on individual words to hear them pronounced, select a word to get a pictorial or animated definition or play one of the 27 reading comprehension activities. Using a microphone, kids can even record themselves to hear their own voice and practice pronunciation. * "Sing-along" leads children to explore musical concepts such as notation and rhythm as they record themselves singing the story's song along with accompanying music from the CD-ROM. Options for musical playback include a child's voice, a background beat and a choice of eight instruments. The CD-ROM contains more than 50 Redbook audio files and can even be played as an audio-CD if the child chooses. * "Write-along" encourages children to be creative as they compose their own stories to go along with the original pictures from the story, or fill in blanks to write new stories in different settings. Children learn about six geographic regions and the animals found there. Built-in sophisticated print capabilities allow children to print and publish their own stories and coloring books! Sitting on the Farm is adjustable for audiences of varied learning levels. Teachers and parents can turn off certain features that they believe may distract or frustrate younger children, such as recording functions, animations and reading comprehension games. Sitting on the Farm also includes a fun activity booklet for kids to continue the learning experience off-computer. Crossword puzzles, recipes, stick puppets, mazes and matching games are used to reinforce concepts covered in the CD-ROM program, as well as link story content to activities in new subject areas. Configuration, Price and Availability The PC version of Sitting on the Farm will be available in March. It requires a 386SX PC or higher with Windows 3.1, a Super VGA monitor, 4MB of RAM, a sound card, a CD-ROM drive, speakers and a microphone. The Macintosh version is available now and requires a Macintosh LC or greater with a minimum of 4 MB RAM, a CD-ROM drive, speakers and a microphone. Both versions of Sitting on the Farm have a suggested retail price of $39.95. Sitting on the Farm and the rest of Sanctuary Woods' products are distributed in North America by Electronic Arts and sold through computer retail and consumer electronics stores, including Egghead Software and CompUSA. Sanctuary Woods Multimedia Inc., an Electronic Arts Affiliate label, is a leading developer of family-oriented entertainment and educational multimedia titles distributed on CD-ROM for desktop and entertainment platforms including Windows PC, Macintosh and 3DO. Sanctuary Woods produces its titles under four brands: I-learn(tm), I-tales(tm), I-ventures(tm) and I-laugh(tm). Current titles include Shelley Duvall's It's A Bird's Life, Dennis Miller That's News to Me, The Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo Series, The Hawaii High Series and Sitting on the Farm. Founded in 1988, which is headquartered in Victoria, British Columbia, Sanctuary Woods Multimedia Corporation is a public company currently traded on NASDAQ (SWMCF) and the Vancouver Stock Exchange (SWD.V). Sanctuary Woods Multimedia Inc., a subsidiary of Sanctuary Woods Multimedia Corp., has sales, marketing and operations headquarters in San Mateo, Calif. -*- _________________________________________________________________ / \ | Join the Virtual Gang on Tuesday! | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | Each Tuesday at 10PM Eastern time, members of the Multimedia, | | DTV, VR RoundTable on GEnie meet in live Real-Time Conference. | | | | Sometimes we have special guest speakers but this Tuesday, | | March 1st, we'll play rousing rounds of Trivia! Come beat the | | experts at their own game, and see how sharp YOU are about | | Virtual Reality, Desktop Video and Multimedia! No special | | software needed. Just bring your communications program, modem, | | and as many answers as you can manage! | | | | Type CYBERSPACE at any GEnie prompt to Join the Gang! | \_________________________________________________________________/ NeoPaint from NeoSoft Corp. _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \ / ) Bend, Oregon -- February 18, 1994 / \/ / / /\ / (_/ \_/eoPaint is a sophisticated paint program suitable for advanced image editing. NeoPaint runs under DOS and does not require Microsoft Windows -- so it's easy to setup, fast and simple to use. A brand new, feature laden version (2.2a) is available for downloading from GEnie's Multimedia RoundTable Software Library. NeoPaint Features File Formats: PCX, GIF and TIFF Video Modes: Hercules (720x348x2), EGA (640x350x16), VGA (640x480x2, 640x480x16), SuperVGA (640x480x256, 800x600x16, 800x600x256, and 1024x768x256). Note: SuperVGA requires a specific type of video card. See "Supported Video Cards" below. Multiple Images: View and edit multiple images in adjustable on-screen windows. Drawing Tools: Brush, Airbrush, Eraser, Color Eraser, Flood Fill, Tile Fill, Gradient Fill, Color Replacements, Text, Line, Bezier Curve, K-Line, Color Sampler, Highlighting Wash, Charcoal, Crayon, Watercolor, Smudge tool, Blender, Cloning Brush, Rectangle, Grid, Gradient Rectangle, Editable Rectangle, Circle, Gradient Circle, Editable Irregular Ellipse, Polygons, Editable Polygons, 3-D Cube/Pyramid, Clip Art Stamp/Brush, Pattern Editor, Solid/Transparent Patterns, and Cutouts. Stamp Pad: Quickly assemble pictures using the collection of clip art stamp images. Create, edit, rename and delete stamps. Stamps may even be used as custom and multicolor brushes. Fonts: 12 type styles in multiple sizes. Bold, Italic, Underline, Outline, and Shadow effects. Additional fonts available from OSCS, third party vendors, and may be downloaded from GEnie's Multimedia RoundTable Software Library. Selection Tools: Rectangle, Polygon and Freehand Polygon (Lasso). Effects: Invert, Flip, Rotate, Scale, Stretch, Smudge, Screen, Smear, Streak, Pixelize, Border, Lattice, Blur, Remove Color, Darken, Lighten, Fade. Zoom: Multilevel Zoom allows precise editing. Scrolling and most drawing tools also work in Zoom mode. Color Control: Works with 2, 16 and 256 color or gray scale images. Custom palettes, color balance, color similarity, brightness and contrast controls. Color reduction/image conversion supported. Screen Capture: NeoPaint includes, at no additional cost, NeoGrab -- an easy to use screen capture utility. Output: Supports over 300 popular printers. High quality halftone printing supported on IIP Laserjet/Deskjet, Postscript and compatible printers. Supports Epson/IBM/Panasonic and other graphic-capable dot matrix printers. Memory Management: Supports Expanded (EMS), Extended (XMS), and Virtual Disk memory for working with large image files. System Requirements IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/1, PS/2, 286, 386, 486, Pentium-based, or 100% compatible computer. A 286 which runs at 12 mHz or a faster system is highly recommended. EGA, VGA, SuperVGA, Hercules monochrome or compatible graphics card and monitor. (See "Supported Video Cards" below.) 640K minimum RAM. A hard disk. PC or MS-DOS version 3.1 (or highter), or DR-DOS. Microsoft Mouse, Logitech, or compatible mouse or pointing device. Supported Video Cards NeoPaint will run any computer system equipped with 100% compatible EGA, VGA, SuperVGA, or Hercules monochrome graphics card. However, to operate NeoPaint in 256 color, 800x600, or 1024x768 modes, you must have a SuperVGA video card equipped with one of the following (or closely compatible) chipsets: Tseng ET3000 Tseng ET4000 Paradise/Western Digital Video Seven ATI Trident VESA (*) Note: Due to severe limitations inherent in their design, CGA video cards are NOT supported. This includes many Tandy 1000 systems which are essentially CGA. (*) NeoShow has the ability to use VESA compatible video cards. Many video cards on the market today which claim VESA compatibility substitute very slow software TSR drivers (in place of internal VESA compatibility) to force the card to mimic VESA. Since this technique may slow down system performance and may not be fully VESA compatible, we cannot recommend such VESA-compatible cards at this time. Although more well designed VESA cards are appearing in stores, generally speaking, your system will operate faster if you use a card containing one of the above chipsets rather than using a card which relies on a software VESA driver. Available from GEnie's Multimedia RoundTable Library: ********************************* Number: 943 Name: NEOPNT.ZIP Address: P.HERRINGTON 940224 Approximate # of bytes: 672896 Number of Accesses: 1 Library: 3 Description: NeoPaint v2.2a is a fine DOS paint program with a great GUI interface that has features usually found only in commercial software. Shareware but not crippled in any way; registration removes notice at startup. Edit multiple images in PCX, GIF or TIFF in 2, 16 or 256 colors at up to 1024x768 resolution. Supports Hercules mono, EGA, VGA, SVGA and VESA. Scads of drawing tools, stamp pad, fonts, effects, Zoom, 300+ printer drivers, and more! Includes NeoGrab screen capture utility. Requires DOS 3.1+, 640K+, hard disk, mouse. ********************************* Number: 944 Name: NPFONT1.ZIP Address: P.HERRINGTON 940224 Approximate # of bytes: 135680 Number of Accesses: 1 Library: 3 Description: A great collection of .GFT fonts for NeoPaint. Use these in multimedia presentations done with NeoBook/Pro linked to NeoPaint. 44 fonts in a variety of styles and point sizes: alex19, alex38, baton22, baton25, bern16, bern33, blimpo28, brisk26, calc30, cam14, cam22, cam28, cam42, cam50, chest22, colby30, cough22, fade68, future14, gouda30, gouda32, hamb15, hed19, hed22, hed38, hed44, holst15, lapine30, litcap12, merc16, neon24, octob39, pbrsh38, pen27, pen53, pencil28, rmn12, rmn15, rmn17, rmn21, rmn22, rmn26, rmn30, rmn40. Requires IBM-compatible and program capable of using .GFT fonts, such as NeoPaint which is available from the Multimedia RoundTable Library. ********************************* Number: 945 Name: NPFONT2.ZIP Address: P.HERRINGTON Date: 940224 Approximate # of bytes: 127360 Number of Accesses: 1 Library: 3 Description: Another great collection of .GFT fonts for NeoPaint. Use these in multimedia presentations done with NeoBook/Pro linked to NeoPaint. 32 fonts in a variety of styles and point sizes: rmnhvy10, rmnhvy15, rmnhvy20, rmnhvy25, rmnhvy30, road28, roadw28, royalq40, rush46, rushel30, satinw36, scrpt18, silver28, slogan28, stamp40, std12, std15, std24, std30, temp12, temp15, temp24, temp30, temp48, textb26, textb28, thigr46, thigs46, trick28, type28, uni30, zebra28. Requires IBM-compatible and program capable of using .GFT fonts, such as NeoPaint which is available from the Multimedia RT Library. For more information contacnt NeoSoft at 503/389-5489 or 800/545-1392, or by writing NeoSoft Corp., 354 NE Greenwood, Suite 108, Bend, Oregon 97701. -*- NeoBook and NeoBook Professional _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \ / ) Bend, Oregon -- February 18, 1994 / \/ / / /\ / (_/ \_/eoBook now brings electronic publishing authoring capabilities to the non-specialist. NeoBook allows even novices to quickly and easily construct interactive, multimedia publications such as newsletters, books, educational materials, catalogs, speakers' aids, sales tracts, and more. Publications are created by dragging frames to contain text or image files. Users may access their favorite word processing and image editing programs from within NeoBook to create or edit articles and illustrations. Titles, rules, font styles, colors, and other graphical elements may also be added using the tools from the floating menu. Interactive controls are then added by simply dragging out a button and specifying an action. These buttons, which may be invisible, are used by the reader to turn pages, exhibit additional information, jump to another section of the publication, reveal cartoon-style speech bubbles, etc. Once the elements in the publication have been arranged, NeoBook's internal compiler may be used to produce a stand-alone EXE program containing the publication, which may then be distributed royalty-free. NeoBook is actually fun to use, and offers an extraordinarily stimulating environment for creative and everyday writing projects. Being able to mix graphics, storyline, and even sound (Professional version) is very rewarding to the user, while setting up command buttons encourages relational abstract problem solving. NeoBook Professional contains additional features not found in the basic version, including the ability to play VOC format audio files on Sound-Blaster compatible equipment, the ability to script music for the PC's internal speaker, and the flexibility to run DOS commands from within the compiled publication. NeoBook is $45, while NeoBook Professional is priced at $89.95. Both versions are available as shareware through GEnie's Multimedia RoundTable Library and retail dealers. NeoBookPro and sample multimedia applications are available for downloading from GEnie's Multimedia RoundTable Library: ********************************* Number: 941 Name: NEOBOOKPRO.ZIP Address: P.HERRINGTON Date: 940224 Approximate # of bytes: 704384 Number of Accesses: 1 Library: 3 Description: NeoBook Professional v1.2 is a full-featured GUI interface authoring system for multimedia disk-based newsletters, books, catalogs, etc. Delightfully easy to use, it links to word processors/text editors and paint programs (NeoPaint in this Library is a good choice) and lets you mix text and graphics. Imports PCX/GIF images, Sound Blaster-compatible VOC or PC Speaker files (SNG format). Shareware registration removes notice at start of presentations. Compiler and runtime license let you create free-standing presentations for distribution in EXE format. Requires DOS 3.1+; EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics; MS/Logitech compatible mouse; hard disk; & 640K+ RAM. ********************************* Number: 946 Name: NEWSPUB.ZIP Address: P.HERRINGTON Date: 940224 Approximate # of bytes: 138624 Number of Accesses: 1 Library: 3 Description: NEWSPUB is a sample multimedia publication made with NeoSoft products (such as NeoBookPro, NeoPaint, and NeoPaint-compatible fonts available from the Multimedia RT Library). NewsPub is a high-tech sort of "newspaper" with colorful graphics, slider bars on articles using a variety of fonts, and background sounds. It is NOT compiled so it requires NEOBKPRO.ZIP (File 941) to examine -- but it's well worth it as a learning experience. Requires IBM-compatible, DOS 3.1+, NeoBookPro, video graphics card, mouse. ********************************* Number: 947 Name: SPACEPUB.ZIP Address: P.HERRINGTON Date: 940224 Approximate # of bytes: 236544 Number of Accesses: 1 Library: 3 Description: SPACEPUB is a sample multimedia publication made with NeoSoft products (such as NeoBookPro, NeoPaint, and NeoPaint-compatible fonts available from the Multimedia RT Library). NewsPub is a high-tech sort of "newspaper" with colorful graphics, slider bars on articles using a variety of fonts, and background sounds. It is NOT compiled so it requires NEOBKPRO.ZIP (File 941) to examine -- but it's well worth it as a learning experience. Requires IBM-compatible, DOS 3.1+, NeoBookPro, video graphics card, mouse. Fact Sheet: NeoBook/NeoBook Professional ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary NeoBook and NeoBook Professional allow the easy creation of computer-based publications for distribution via diskette, network and telecommunications. Uses * Interactive educational materials * Newsletters * Reports * Sales tracts and catalogs * Electronic Magazines * Illustrated interactive books * Presentations and Lecture aids * Multimedia texts * Interactive kiosk-type displays Features Memory Requirements: NeoBook requires a minimum of 640K of RAM while operating. When shelling to DOS or using external text, graphic or audio software, NeoBook occupies 10K of system memory. EMS, XMS, and virtual disk memory are also supported. Video Modes: Hercules monographics (720x348x2), EGA (640x350x2, 640x350x16), VGA (640x480x2, 640x480x16), SuperVGA (640x480x256, 800x600x16, 800x600x256, and 1024x768x256). Note: SuperVGA requires a specific type of video card. See "Supported Video Cards" below. Supported File Types: PCX, GIF format image files (2, 16 and 256 color resolutions), ASCII text files (supported by most word processors and text editors), VOC format audio files (NeoBook Professional only, for Sound Blaster or compatible cards), SNG format music files (NeoBook Professional only, may be edited using a text editor for playback on the internal PC speaker), GFT (GEM screen font) format fonts. NeoBook Features Drag and drop command and page turning buttons. Button text, color and pattern may be defined. Buttons may be invisible. Commands include pop-up text, jumpt to page, comic book-style speech balloons, exit, alert/help message, pop up image, print text, return to page, and buzzer. Your favorite word processor and paint program may be called directly from within NeoBook to edit text and images. Titles, captions, rule lines, and other graphic elements may be easily placed anywhere in the publication. Choice of style, font, color and pattern. Drag and drop frames to contain images and text files. Option to set horizontal/vertical scroll bars. Master page allows setting up common commands and elements across all or multiple pages. Group/ungroup elements. Compiler assembles your publication into a single executable (EXE) program, which you may distribute to others. No runtime royalties. NeoBook Professional Additional Features Support for narration or music on Sound Blaster or compatibly equipped systems. Capability to play music/sound effects through the standard PC internal speaker. Launch other DOS commands from a button within the presentation. System Requirements IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/1, PS/2, 286, 386, 486, Pentium-based, or 100% compatible computer. 640K minimum RAM. EMS, XMS and virtual disk memory supported. A hard disk. PC or MS-DOS version 3.1 (or highter), DR-DOS or Novell DOS. Hercules monochrome, EGA, VGA, SuperVGA, or compatible graphics card and monitor. (See "Supported Video Cards" below.) Microsoft, Logitech, or compatible mouse -- or other pointing device which emulates a Microsoft mouse. Sound Blaster or compatible audio card (optional for NeoBook Professional only). Supported Video Cards Tseng ET3000 Tseng ET4000 Paradise/Western Digital Video Seven ATI Trident VESA standard For more informationcontact NeoSoft Corp. at 503/389-5489 or 800/545-1392, or write to 354 NE Greenwood, Suite 108, Bend, Oregon 97701. -*- NeoShow Professional _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \ / ) Bend, Oregon -- February 18, 1994 / \/ / / /\ / (_/ \_/eoShow Professional version 2.0, a DOS application which allows users to assemble graphics images and sound files into multimedia slide show-type presentations, is currently available from GEnie's Multimedia RoundTable Software Library. Using NeoShow Pro, pictures and audio are arranged on a storyboard and special effects and controls are applied to individual frames by selecting options from menus. Once the elements of the presentation are assembled, the presentation may be compiled and run on other computer systems. The resulting presentations may be used for computer based sales tracts, lecture visual aids, self-running exhibits, and many other uses. NeoShow Pro will handle 2, 16 and 256 color images in GIF and PCX file formats. Animated effects and palette matching functions smooth transitions between images to produce professional-looking presentations. Timing and user control options give the show's creator flexibility in how the exhibit will be run. Presentations may be set to await user prompts, to be self-running, to run in a continuous loop, etc. A compiler and runtime license allow presentations to be distributed as stand-alone EXE files via diskette, network, modem, etc. The resulting executable presentation program may be run under DOS, even on many older systems. Compiled presentations may be distributed royalty-free. Registration of the shareware version includes a manual, choice of either 3.5" or 5.25" media, etc. The program is also available through dealers worldwide. The registration cost/suggested list price is $89.95. Site license pricing is also available. NeoShow, which unlike NeoShow Pro does not contain sound recording and compiler features, is also available at a suggested price of $35. Available for download from GEnie's Multimedia RoundTable Library: ********************************* Number: 942 Name: NEOSHWPR.ZIP Address: P.HERRINGTON 940224 Approximate # of bytes: 622720 Number of Accesses: 1 Library: 3 Description: NeoShow Professional v2.0a is a DOS-based application that helps you create graphic slideshows (with VOC sound clips) using fancy transitions, screen wipes, dissolves, fades with palette matching, animated and other special effects. Imports drawn or scanned images in PCX or GIF in 2, 16, or 256 colors up to 1024x768 resolution. Supports EGA, VGA, SuperVGA, VESA graphics cards and includes compiler to create free-standing presentations that may be distributed royalty-free. Shareware registration removes NeoShow announcement. Requires XT, AT, PS/1, PS/2, 286, 386, 486 or Pentium, 640K RAM, hard disk, DOS 3.1+, Microsoft compatible mouse. NeoShow and NeoShow Professional Fact Sheet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary NeoShow is a utlity which allows you to combine images from paint programs or scanners into professional looking video presentations. NeoShow Pro contains the same great features as NeoShow, plus a compiler that allows your shows to be turned into executable (EXE) programs which may be run without NeoShow. NeoShow Pro also comes with a runtime license permitting distribution of these executable presentation programs to others, plus an internal sound recording feature for capturing audio. Uses * Preparing video tracts for presentation by sales people * Self-running trade show exhibits * Displaying scanned photographs * Combining photos and text to produce a video catalog of products * Presenting graphics to illustrate points during lectures * Point of sale showroom exhibits * Classroom projects, storyboards for plays, etc. * Product demonstrations Features Video Modes: EGA (640x350x16), VGA (320x200x256, 640x480x2, 640x480x16), SuperVGA (640x480x256, 800x600x16, 800x600x256, and 1024x768x256). Note: SuperVGA requires a specific type of video card. See "Supported Video Cards" below. Image Import: NeoShow imports images in PCX and GIF image file formats. Images may contain 2, 16 or 256 colors, grey scales or combinations of these resolutions. Control Features: Presentations may be set up to scroll through the images manually, display automatically -- pausing at points to await prompts by the user -- or to run in a continuous loop. Video Special Effects: A variety of effects are included for making transitions between images smooth and visually interesting. Transition effects include diagonal, horizontal and vertical wipes; image slides; blinds; explodes; dissolve and fade; crush; splits; spiral; and weave. Picture Sources: Images may be created in paint or image editing programs (such as NeoPaint by OCSC), or scanned to PCX or GIF format files using your scanner's software. PCX and GIF images are also widely obtainable from many sources, such as print service bureaus, commercial and shareware image libraries. Target Devices: Presentations can be set up on one machine for use on a second machine which operates at a different video resolution. The storyboard's slide frames will be sized to reflect the resolution of the target machine's display. Sound: NeoShow supports SoundBlaster compatible audio cards. Audio clips may be attached to individual images or played across several images. Options allowing sound effects to be repeated may be used to save disk space. Files must be in the VOC file format. NeoShow Pro contains an internal audio capture feature, which also previews and displays information for existing sound files. System Requirements IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/1, PS/2, 286, 386, 486, Pentium-based, or 100% compatible computer. 640K minimum RAM. A hard disk. PC or MS-DOS version 3.1 (or highter), DR-DOS. EGA, VGA, SuperVGA or compatible graphics card and monitor. (See "Supported Video Cards" below.) Microsoft, Logitech, or compatible mouse. Supported Video Cards NeoShow will run on computers equipped with 100% compatible EGA, VGA, or SuperVGA graphics cards. Except for 320x200x256 VGA mode, you must have a SuperVGA video card equipped with one of the following (or closely compatible) chipsets to operate in 256 color, 800x600, or 1024x768 modes: Tseng ET3000 Tseng ET4000 Paradise/Western Digital Video Seven ATI Trident VESA (*) (*) NeoShow has the ability to use VESA compatible video cards. Many video cards on the market today which claim VESA compatibility substitute very slow software TSR drivers (in place of internal VESA compatibility) to force the card to mimic VESA. Since this technique may slow down system performance and may not be fully VESA compatible, we cannot recommend such VESA-compatible cards at this time. Although more well designed VESA cards are appearing in stores, generally speaking, your system will operate faster if you use a card containing one of the above chipsets rather than using a card which relies on a software VESA driver. For more information contact NeoSoft at 503/389-5489 or 800/545-1392, or by writing to NeoSoft Corp., 354 NE Greenwood, Suite 108, Bend, Oregon 97701. -*- _ _ Runtime License for INOVAtronics' Amiga CanDo ( \ /\ / ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ \/ \/ / Dallas, TX -- February 1994 \ / \_/\_/ith respect to changes in Commodore's marketing and repositioning of the Amiga computer, INOVAtronics, producers of CanDo, the interactive audiovisual authoring and development environment for the Amiga, has modified our policy regarding the distribution of software created using CanDo. With the marketplace becoming more vertically positioned with specialized needs and less high volume, mainstream oriented INOVAtronics is adjusting to compensate. This alteration will particularly affect developers that market and sell their software commercially. Specifically, there are three types of software license arrangements that are available to developers. 1. Shareware and Freely distributable software Authors of non-commercial applications that are to be distributed freely among other enthusiasts and hobbyists may acquire a special version of CanDo Deckbrowser and DeckBinder. Deckbrowser can then be included with the author's application and enable any Amiga user to run the CanDo application. Authors may distribute Deckbrowser by simply providing a copy of their finished CanDo application to INOVAtronics, Inc. When launched, the new Deckbrowser now contains a small notice stating that it is explicitly for non-commercial use only. 2. Commerically marketed, sold and distributed software packages Developers of commercial software packages that are authored partially or entirely with CanDo must obtain a software license agreement from INOVAtronics, Inc. A custom CanDo runtime system will be provided to the developer that may be distributed with the application. The developer will be charged a yearly license fee for the runtime system that will be determined by INOVAtronics, Inc. Typical fees range between $50 to $200 and are based upon the actual application. This license will cover single or multiple software titles and apply toward all units sold. 3. Business, Institutional, and Value Added software used by or sold with vertically oriented hardware systems Business, Institutions and Value Added Resellers that customize systems with CanDo applications and then disseminate or resell the software/hardware solutions are required to either include a CanDo retail unit or license a CanDo runtime system from INOVAtronics for each hardware delivery system. Fees will be based on specific applications and will be designed to be very cost effective for the user. Given these new policies, and with accurate information concerning our users, INOVAtronics can offer better support and more powerful and flexible products in the future. _______________________________________________________________ / \ | Cyberspace Report Note | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | The Amiga Multimedia version of GEnie's member magazine, | | LiveWire, is created using INOVAtronics CanDo. GEnie members | | may download LiveWire FREE of standard connect charges during | | non-prime time at up to 2400 baud. Type LIVEWIRE at any GEnie | | page prompt for details. | | | | Free Multimedia versions are ALSO available for IBM-compatible | | and color Macintosh owners! Graphics, Animations, Sound! | | | \_______________________________________________________________/ CanDo v2.51 Fact Sheet CanDo is an interactive audiovisual authoring and development environment for the Amiga. It is widely used for constructing custom applications which can make use of any or all of the Amiga's computing and multimedia capabilities. Even non-programmers can use CanDo to create interactive multimedia presentations, public information kiosks, integrated vertical market applications, desktop video productions, software utilities, games, computer aided tutorials, and much more. CanDo's large feature set includes hypercard-style decks, a scripting language with over 350 commands, object-oriented graphics constructs for launching scripts and events, ARexx support, sound and animation control, a screen painter, a runtime generator, a script debugger, and many other developer aids. Version 2.0, announced in September 1992, (up from version 1.6) added many developer tools, plus a new user manual designed to simplify understanding and improve access to CanDo's extensive feature set. CanDo v2.51 includes these important enhancements: * A streamlined, re-organized main interface panel * AGA Graphics suport (for use with the A1200 and A4000) * Stereo music file support with full control over tempo and volume * Suport for StarTracker, SoundTracker, NoiseTracker, ProTracker, MED, OCTAmed, Oktalyzer and 15 instrument Soundtracker music files. * New Window Editor * Now uses Commodore's full feature ASL File Requester standard * Also offers Commodore's "Easy Requesters" * SuperMover XtraTool for moving groups of objects in one easy step * User-definable script editor shortcuts * Layout Editor Tool for controlling the flow of text around complicated shapes * AmigaGuide help system -- in CanDo, and available for use in your own applications Features Manual: CanDo 2.0 introduced completely new, developer-oriented documentation with a set of new introductory tutorials and a 400-page, fully indexed manual, with more and better explanations about authoring, scripting, and database design. Script Bookmarking: Speeds development by providing a convenient way to return to certain scripts in just one or two keystrokes -- an extremely useful tool when developing large scale applications. SuperDuper: This time saving utility lets you automatically insert complete spreadsheet-style columns and rows of objects (buttons, fields, or sliders) into your applications. Supports DOS Notify: The DOS Notify function under Kickstart 2.0 is a more efficient way to tell the operating system to watch for specific file system changes. Object Layer Tool: This tool lets you change the heirarchy of objects. Bug Basher: An extensive script test and verification suite which significantly improves error checking on scripts. Configuration Utility: So that developers don't have to waste time manually defining and editing the location of documents or tool types, CanDo comes with a Configuration Utility for consolidating these tasks into one simple interface. Brush Control: CanDo now provides better control over brushes and brush anims -- including a single-step control. Audio Control: Stop and start any one of the Amiga's four sound channels separately, without affecting the other three. 68040 Support: For developers working with 68040-based sytems like the Amiga 4000, CanDo 2.0 now fully supports the 68040 Copy Back Mode. This allows the 68040 to fully use its own cache memory for a 20% speed increase over normal 040 operations (depending on your application), already three times faster than 68030-based Amigas. Other Features * User definable grids (with a snap-to-grid option) * Full support for international characters (Spanish, French, German, and Italian) * Support for images up to 1700 x 2200 resolution (RAM permitting) such as 200 dpi faxes * More efficient memory usage * Supports scripts in excess of 1000 lines (limited only by memory) Hardware: CanDo works with any Amiga 500, 1000, 2000, 2500, 3000 or 4000 with at least 2 Megabytes of RAM. A hard disk drive is required. Warranty/Support: Warranty is a standard 90 days. Technical support hours are 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Central Time at 214/340-4992. Suggested Retail Price: $199.95 For more information contact your local Amiga dealer or INOVAtronics at 8499 Greenville Avenue, Suite 209B, Dallas TX 75231 USA, telephone 214/340-4991 or fax 214/340-8514. -*- All Trademarks are the property of their respective companies. _____________________________ ATTENTION ____________________________ / \ | As long as individual stories are kept intact and the following | | credit is included, permission is granted to reprint Cyberspace | | Report Weekly in ALL or PART on privately held electronic bulletin | | boards, user group newsletters, and even in magazines! Simply | | include the following credit line: | | | | From Cyberspace Report Weekly by the Multimedia | | RoundTable on GEnie. Reprinted by permission. | | | | If you have space to include the following, we'd appreciate it! | | | | Joining GEnie is Easy! | | | | 1. Set your system to half duplex at 300/1200/2400 baud. | | 2. Dial toll-free 1-800-638-8369 (in Canada dial 1-800-387-8330). | | Upon CONNECTion, enter HHH | | 3. At the U#= prompt type MMEDIA and press RETURN. | | 4. Have a major credit card account number ready. In the U.S. | | you may also use your checking account. | | | \____________________________________________________________________/ [eof]