This file contains four CYBERSPACE WEEKLY REPORTS for the month of June 1994. Search on the term DateLine to locate the Contents list for each week. This file is freely distributable when kept intact. For information about reprinting individual stories, please include proper credit as shown in the boxed text at the end of this file. ____________________________________________________________________________ ___ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ / _ \| | | | _ \| __| _ \| __| _ \ / _ \ / _ \| __| | | )_| |_| | |_) | |_ | |_) | (__| |_) | |_| | | )_| |_ | | _ \ /| _ <| _)| /|__ | __/| _ | | _| _) | |_) | | | | |_) | |__| |\ \ __) | | | | | | |_) | |__ \___/ |_| |____/|____|_| \_|____|_| |_| |_|\___/|____| ________________________ R E P O R T - W E E K L Y _______________________ Produced for GEnie's Multimedia, Desktop Video & Virtual Reality RoundTable (C) Copyright Peggy Herrington 1994. Freely Distributable When Intact ____________________________________________________________________________ CYBERSPACE REPORT WEEKLY is published each Friday on the Multimedia, Desktop Video and Virtual Reality RoundTable on the GEnie online service, also known as CYBERSPACE. Check the date on Menu Item 7, Page 2000 to be sure you have the most recent Report, and be sure to get them all! CYBERSPACE REPORT WEEKLY features newsworthy information: * New Product Annoucements * IBM, Macintosh and Amiga News * Industry Trends and News * Special Upcoming VIP Conferences * Upcoming Industry Events * Special Offers from Developers * Industry Trade Show Reports * Virtual Reality Developments Capture each CYBERSPACE REPORT WEEKLY and read it later, off-line! It ONLY takes a FEW minutes! Current CYBERSPACE REPORT WEEKLY is on the Menu until replaced by the next week's issue. Reports for a calendar month are compressed and made available the CYBERSPACE Library for downloading. CYBERSPACE REPORT WEEKLY brings you industry news AS IT HAPPENS! Don't wait for the magazines! Visit the RoundTable each week to learn what's happening in the Multimedia, Desktop Video, and Virtual Reality communities! Send GE Mail to the Multimedia/CYBERSPACE RoundTable Staff (to MULTIMEDIA$) or Internet mail to P.HERRINGTON@GENIE.GEIS.COM with suggestions or input. As long as individual stories are kept intact with appropriate credit, permission is granted to reprint CYBERSPACE REPORT WEEKLY in all or part on private electronic bulletin boards, user group newsletters, and even in magazines! See the end of this Report for proper wording. DateLine: June 3, 1994___ ---------------------------- C O N T E N T S ------------------------------ 1. Creative Technology Introduces Family of 3D Wireless Mouse & Pen Devices 2. "How To Digitize Video" -- New Book and CD-ROM Set 3. IBM Brings Excitement to Learning with New Multimedia PCs for Schools 4. DDA Announces PhoneDisc CD-ROM for Windows & Macintosh 5. MONEY Magazine & Vertigo Development Group Team Up on ActiveBook Product 6. Microsoft and Creative Technology Form Strategic Relationship to Develop Audio and DSP-Based Products 7. Sony Chosen by the Associated Press to Provide Integrated International Production System for APTV Launch 8. Microsoft Announces "Tiger" Software Technology for Fully Scalable Media Servers 9. This Week's Cyberspace Library Finds: Screens from ABC's THE STAND, Great new Videos with Sound Effects, May CYBERSPACE REPORT Compiliation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creative Technology Introduces Family of 3D Wireless Mouse and Pen Devices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FreePoint AeroPen, AeroMouse, & AeroDuet First ___ Consumer Products to Offer True 3-Dimensional Movement / _ \ | | )_| Singapore -- May 23, 1994 | | _ | |_) | \___/reative Technology Ltd. (NASDAQ: CREAf), the leading supplier of multimedia products for the PC platform and developer of the Sound Blaster audio standard, today announced a family of 3-dimensional wireless pen and mouse computing devices based on Creative's patented FreePoint(TM) infrared technology. Creative expects to release three competitively priced products -- AeroMouse(TM), AeroPen(TM) and AeroDuet(TM) -- to its extensive network of retailers and distributors by August, 1994. "As a pioneer of multimedia technology, Creative continuously strives to bring to market enabling technologies that provide end-users with innovative means of interacting with their personal computers," said W. H. Sim, chairman and CEO of Creative Technology. "Like our voice-enhanced offerings, the Aero family is ideal for users in both the home computing and business environments. We expect that this new familty of products will be useful tools for educational and entertainment purposes as well as for graphics and publishing as 3D applications and virtual reality become an integral aspect of PC computing." FreePoint Product Features Central to each Aero product is a 3D receiver unit that connects to the serial port of a PC, much like a traditional mouse. The receiver module processes the infrared signals from the AeroPen and AeroMouse hand held transmitters, calculating the x, y, and z axis location. This allows the Aero transmitters to operate above the desktop in a true 3-dimensional workspace and take advantage of a new generation of 3D enabled graphics and entertainment software. The Aero Control Panel Software allows the user to customize the virtual work area and configure the product for maximum productivity. The user can switch from mouse to tablet mode, set for auto detection so that the system knows which device is in use, scale the work area size, and set the cursor size and performance characteristics. The user can also switch from a traditional horizontal mode to a vertical 2-dimensional mode for presentations and PC-generated slideshows. AeroMouse and AeroPen contain no moving parts and require no wires or tablets to transmit the signal to the 3D receiver, allowing for enhanced reliability and freedom of movement. The hand held units operate on two AAA batteries and feature an advanced 'touch sensitive' power management system for maximum battery life. AeroPen and AeroMouse will be sold individually, and AeroDuet, which features both AeroMouse and AeroPen, will be sold with a powerful software bundle. Creative Technology Ltd. develops, manufactures and markets a family of sound and video multimedia products for IBM-compatible PCs. The company's Sound Blaster sound platform enables IBM-compatible PCs to produce high-quality audio for entertainment, educational, music and productivity applications, and has been accepted as the industry standard sound platform for PC-based software. Creative Technology Ltd. was incorporated in 1983 and is based in Singapore. Creative Technology's U.S. subsidiaries include Creative Labs, Inc. E-mu Systems(R), Inc. and ShareVisions(R) Technology, Inc. Creative also has other subsidiaries in China, Europe, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and the United States. The company's stock is traded on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol CREAf. -*- "How To Digitize Video" -- New Book and CD-ROM Set ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ _ Desktop Video is Here -- Today! | | | | | | /\ | | New York, NY -- May 20, 1994 | |/ \| | | /\ | \_/ \_/hile professional multimedia houses frequently incorporate real-time video clips into their custom applications, the release of Microsoft's Video for Windows and Apple's QuickTime makes desktop video technology available to a much broader market. Experienced computer users as well as business professionals and educators can now use their personal computers to create inexpensive video presentations with panache. Yet, capturing, editing, and running video clips is no easy matter -- they require special treatment to accommodate their vast memory requirements and to ensure the best possible playback on screen. In "How To Digitize Video" (Wiley; May 20, 1994; $39.95; Book/CD-ROM Set), computer users without programming or video experience, as well as professional video editors, can master the ins and outs of desktop video for Macs or PCs. Written by the experts at the renowned San Francisco Canyon Company, the creator of the first commercial QuickTime for Windows products, "How To Digitize Video" is the complete hands-on guide to capturing and running digial movies on a PC or Mac. The authors show how to digitize footage from existing videotapes, laser discs, and other analog media to incorporate video into on-screen presentations for sales meetings, class use, or home movies. Offering reliable, field-tested systems and procedures, the authors guide the reader step-by-step from the selection and set-up of hardware and software through every phase of video preparation, capture, conversion, storage, editing, and playback, including outputting digital movies back to analog videotape. "How To Digitize Video" contains: * A thorough and realistic assessment of the current state of desktop video, along with tips on emerging technologies and standards * Clear instructions on hardware setup and production procedures, including real-life illustrations * Carefully explained techniques for integrating high-quality digital audio into presentations * An intelligent consumer's guide to the wide variety of desktop hardware and software currently available The enclosed CD-ROM contains "true hybrid" QuickTime videos playable on both Windows (version 3.1 or later) and Macintosh (System 7) computers. These sample movies demonstrate how choice of window dimensions, frame rates, and audio sampling rates result in strikingly different video quality. Also included on the disc are samples of professionally produced desktop videos, as well as sample AVI files that can be played. From the beginning, there has been the promise that video would revolutionize the way personal computers are used. The first wave of the revolution is underway and "How To Digitize Video" helps people be a part of it by getting them started from the ground up. About the Authors Nels Johnson, Fred Gault, and Mark Florence are principals of the San Francisco Canyon Company, a programming and design firm specializing in digital video. With a client list that includes Apple, Borland, Intel, Adobe, Sony, and Turner-Interactive, the company was responsible for developing QuickTime for Windows. For more information on "How To Digitize Video," contact your local bookstore or call 1-800-CALL-WILEY. In Canada, call 1-800-263-1590. "How To Digitize Video" The San Francisco Canyon Company Edited by Keith Weiskamp John Wiley & Sons, Inc. May 20, 1994 $39.95; Paper/CD-ROM Set; 496 Pages ISBN: 0-471-01440-0 CD-ROM System Requirements: For Windows (version 3.1 or later), a 386 computer is sufficient, but a 486 with 4MB of RAM is recommended. For Macintosh computers (System 7), a minimum of 4MB RAM is required. Access to Video for Windows system extensions is necessary to play the sample AVI files. A run-time version of the QuickTime extension for Windows and the QuickTime extension for the Macintosh are included so no additional software is required. -*- IBM Brings Excitement to Learning with New Multimedia PCs for Schools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ | | Somers, NY -- May 18, 1994 | | | | |_|BM today announced two new multimedia PCs for schools as part of its ongoing commitment to meet the unique needs of K-12 education. Multimedia, defined as the combination of video, sound, text, animation, and graphics, can create an exciting learning environment within the classroom. With multimedia, teachers can make learning come alive where students are active participants, rather than passive recipients of information. With that in mind, IBM announced the IBM EduQuest Thirty-five entry-level multimedia system, and the high-end IBM EduQuest Fifty-five system with advanced multimedia capability. The two PCs are designed to give the education market expanded solution and performance capabilities. "This announcement underscores our aim to provide the K-12 market with products that meet their unique needs," said Frank Vitagliano, director, channel operations for the IBM Personal Computer Co. "In response to customer feedback, we are introducing two multimedia systems, one of which, the IBM EduQuest Fifty-five, now represents the high-end of the IBM educational line." These systems, combined with a rich array of EduQuest courseware offerings available for all grade levels, offer expanded learning opportunities. They help both students and educators acquire new knowledge, while experiencing the power and excitement of technology. Technical Detail The IBM EduQuest Thirty-five is designed as a student workstation, to be used as a stand-alone PC, or networked with other systems. It is an entry-level multimedia system, featuring a built-in video subsystem, and is available in both audio and non-audio versions. A built-in CD-ROM drive is also an option. The system features a 486 SLC2-25/50 MHz processor with 4 MB of RAM and three IDE hard-disk options -- 133MB, 256MB, and 342MB. It features a built-in display. This system is available immediately. The IBM EduQuest Fifty-five now represents the high-end of the educational line. The system is available with a choice of six processor models, ranging from the 486SX33 to the 486DX4 33/100, offering customers a wide array of options and system functions. This system also has three optional IDE hard drive sizes to choose from: 170MB, 360MB, and 540MB. The IBM EduQuest Fifty-five comes with 4 MB of RAM, expandable to 64MB. With 1MB of video RAM upgradeable to 2MB, and a high-resolution, built-in display monitor for enhanced graphics, this system offers advanced multimedia capability. Like the IBM EduQuest Thirty-five, this system has internal CD-ROM drive capability, optional built-in audio, and can be used in networks or as a stnad-alone PC. These high-end systems will enable schools to perform sophisticated multimedia and graphics functions and will be used primarily as teacher or administrator workstations or for advanced student functions in the classroom. The IBM EduQuest Fifty-five is Energy Star compliant, supports currently available Plug and Play adapters, and can be upgraded with the Intel OverDrive processor based on Pentium processor technology. It will be available in July. In addition to the new features offered on these systems, they were also designed to include many special features that make them appropriate for the school environment. Like other systems in the IBM educational product line they feature two-element design with the display enclosed in the system unit. Other characteristics include a front audio panel, a single plug to the wall, bolt-down capability, and a school mouse with a tamper-resistant roller guide ball. IBM has included these and many other unique features at the request of the education community, since the inception of the EduQuest line in January, 1993. An IBM PC DOS 6.3 license accompanies all systems. IBM PC DOS 6.3 and Microsoft Windows 3.1 are also preloaded on all systems with installed hard drives. These systems are covered under IBM's one-year warranty period, which provides on-site maintenance to schools. IBM is the industry's leading vendor of personal computers. IBM introduced the first PC to use the x86 architecture in August 1981, and helped spawn the multi-billion dollar personal computer industry. Today, the company develops, manufacturers, markets and distributes a variety of PCs, from subnotebooks to high-end servers -- as well as a line of monitors, peripherals and accessories, in more than 140 countries worldwide. IBM EduQuest focuses on the unique needs of K-12 education. It has developed educational courseware and networking software to enable teachers and students to explore instructional topics in new and exciting ways. Headquartered in Atlanta, local EduQuest representatives work with schools and school districts across the country helping them achieve their vision using technology. -*- DDA Announces PhoneDisc CD-ROM for Windows & Macintosh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ Directory Searches by Partial Name, Phone Number, Address | _ \ | | ) | Atlanta, GA -- May 23, 1994 | | | | | |_) | |____/igital Directory Assistance, Inc. (DDA), publishers of the best-selling PhoneDisc CD-ROM telephone directories, today announced at COMDEX PhoneDisc for Windows, the first national listing available for Windows, and PhoneDisc for the Macintosh. The award-winning PhoneDisc offers consumers instant access to more than 91 million people, businesses, and organizations. Companies use PhoneDisc to reduce their directory assistance costs, track lost receivables, verify shipping addresses, and find new suppliers. With a few clicks and keystrokes, employees can quickly find valuable addresses and phone numbers anywhere in the country. Home users utilize PhoneDisc to search nationwide for out-of-touch friends and relatives. And law enforcement officers find PhoneDisc invaluable for tracing fugitives. "The Mac version provides a valuable information resource to the many users who previoiusly could not access a high quality national phone directory," said Claude Schoch, president and founder of DDA. "We are pleased to respond to the overwhelming requests from faithful Mac users." Key Benefits * Instant access to over 91 million residential and business listings * The most accurate and up-to-date CD-ROM phone directory available * Exports people and businesses directly to popular PIMS, contact managers, word processors, spreadsheets, and databases. * Supports printing on over a dozen popular mailing label and envelope formats * Supports Macintosh, DOS, and Windows platforms on the same CD-ROM * Offers searches with partial and different spelling of names * Multiple limits on same field searches * Searches with partial names * Provides alternative spellings of names PhoneDisc is updated quarterly. It provides users with approximately 100% more up-to-date and accurate listings than its nearest competitor, with phone numbers and full addresses including ZIP codes. PhoneDisc searches even with a partial name; and can even narrow a search by city, state, street address, ZIP code, and area code. Pricing and Availability PhoneDisc Residential features over 81 million residential listings nationwide compressed on two discs for just $79 Suggested Retail Price (SRP). PhoneDisc Business features 9.5 million business listings on a single disc for $79 SRP. PhoneDisc Business enables users to locate businesses by name, business type, SIC code, street address and phone number. PhoneDisc PowerFinder integrates both the Residential and Business Directories with full Reverse Search capabilities to create the most comprehensive research tool of its kind. It offers users more than 91 million listings on just five discs. The Reverse Search enables users to find people and businesses from just a street address, phone number, or business type. PhoneDisc PowerFinder is available for $249. PhoneDisc for Mac is available immediately at major software retail stores. PhoneDisc will be available in July for Windows, Windows NT, and the upcoming Chicago platform. It will be available at major software retail stores including Egghead and CompUSA. The new software for the Macintosh computer is included with the latest PhoneDisc for DOS updates and, along with PhoneDisc for Windows, is available free to existing PhoneDisc for DOS customers through bulletin boards including DDA's own BBS. For more information, contact: Digital Directory Assistance, 6931 Arlington Rd., Suite 405, Bethesda, MD 20814, telephone 800/284-8353, BBS 301/657-2463, customer service fax: 617/639-2980. Digital Directory Assistance, Inc., a privately held publisher in Bethesda, Maryland, originated the concept of CD-ROM telephone directories and has been publishing listings since 1986. -*- MONEY Magazine and Vertigo Development Group Team Up on New ActiveBook Product ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your Best Money Moves Now is Complete Electronic Guide to Savvy Investing in Stocks, Mutual Funds, _ _ College Education and More | \ / | | \/ | Cambridge, Mass -- May 16, 1994 | | | |\/| | |_| |_|ONEY(R) Magazine and Vertigo Development Group have teamed up to create Your Best Money Moves Now, a new electronic book that combines the expertise of MONEY editors with the power of interactive software. A Vertigo ActiveBook(TM) product, Your Best Money Moves Now guides readers in picking the right stock or mutual funds, getting the best value from college educations, and making other important personal financial decisions. This new Active Book program runs on personal computers equipped with Microsoft Windows and comes on floppy disk. It is available directly from Vertigo and through select computer retail stores. "The ActiveBook software makes our editors' knowledge more accessible, useful and fun for readers," said Caryn Feinberg, associate director of franchise development for MONEY. "As an ActiveBook, our information takes on a whole new dimension. Readers can view our editors' recommendations and then see immediately how the information applies to them personally. ActiveBooks are a real breakthrough in providing financial information to consumers." "Millions of consumers turn to MONEY magazine and books for practical advice on how to get the most from their money," said Martin J. Fahey, Vertigo's president. "Now, our ActiveBook technology brings this advice alive and lets readers apply it under the 'watchful eyes' of MONEY Magazine. We're extremely pleased to add MONEY to the roster of world-class financial publishers and authors developing ActiveBooks with us." Vertigo ActiveBooks combine the knowledge found in books and other print publications with interactive software to help consumers make important financial decisions more easily and confidently. The software lets you navigate easily through a broad base of content to find the information that matches your personal interests. When you are ready to apply the information to your specific situation, you enter personal information into ActiveInformation pages, interactive worksheets that combine editors' expertise with analytical software. The ActiveInformation pages automatically perform calculations based on the information you supply, analyze the results and offer suggested strategies from the editors. In addition, the editors are always available at a mouseclick to explain financial terms, offer tips or point out potentially incorrect information you may have entered. Your Best Money Moves Now is designed to help you make the right investments in the financially volatile 1990s. More than 200 pages of text and 20-plus ActiveInformation pages help you, for example: * Tap the brains of 10 of the nation's top stockbrokers for their top stock picks and investment philosophies, and then see how your stocks measure up. * Figure out how much you'll need to finance your retirement, what types of investments work best for you, and how to avoid common traps that can jeopardize your retirement. * Analyze the new Social Security laws and calculate how you'll need to adjust your retirement savings plan. * Zero in on a mutual fund that meets your personal investment objectives. * Learn how to slash your taxes, the "red flags" most likely to trigger a tax audit, and the ins-and-outs of giving gifts to children to reduce your tax burden. * Find the best values in a college education, locate sources of financing available to you, and determine how much you need to save to finance your kids' educations. * Project how the proposed health care reform legislation will affect you and your family, and size up different kinds of managed health care plans. * Get a better understanding of banks, credit cards, mortgages, and other financial matters. * Become a smarter consumer by getting the best bargains in consumer items ranging from travel to health clubs. Your Best Money Moves Now includes listings of more than 3,000 mutual funds reviewed and ranked for performance by MONEY editors, which you can search and view based on a variety of personal investment criteria. The book also includes a list of more than 1,000 colleges, which you can sort by type of college, tuition range, location, and other criteria. Your Best Money Moves Now is available directly from Vertigo (800/688-4750) and through select computer retail stores. It is priced at $39.95. System requirements include an IBM personal computer or compatible (80386 or higher), Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher, 4 Megabytes of RAM, 256 color VGA or SVGA monitor (or better), and a mouse. Four PCX screen captures from Your Best Money Moves Now (the program itself) are available for downloading from the Cyberspace/Multimedia Library: __________________________________ / \ | Library File | |------------------------------------| | Number: 1050 Name: BSTMONEY.ZIP | | Address: CYBERSPACE Date: 940603 | | Approximate # of bytes: 90624 | | Number of Accesses: 1 Library: 1 \__________________________________ | Description: | | This file contains four PCX screen shots showing the Graphical User | | Interface (GUI) from the commercial product Your Best Money Moves Now, | | produced for Windows by MONEY Magazine and Vertigo Development Group. | |________________________________________________________________________| Your Best Money Moves Now An ActiveBook Product from Vertigo Development Group Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introduction: Using Your Best Money Moves Now I. Where to Put Your Money Now Top Picks by our All-Star Brokers Today's Best Foreign Investments Five Signs of a Market Top Stock Funds Poised to Outperform Safe Ways to Earn Steady 5% Return Sturdy Utilities for a Shaky Market How to Check Out Hot Stock Tips II. Your Best Tax-Savings Strategies Sure Ways to Slash Taxes 30% or More How to Tame State and Local Taxes Getting Over Mutual Fund Tax Hurdles Fight the Feds in Tax Court and Win Give More to Your Kids, Less to the IRS III. Your Stake in Health Care Reform What To Do Until Health Reform Comes Your Checkup on Managed Care How to Choose the Best Managed Plan Health Reform Winners and Losers Cut Your Spiraling Drug Costs IV. The New Realities of Retirement How to Retire Sooner with More Adding up Your Retirement Costs Beat Five Threats to Your Retirement Sidestep the 20% Withholding Trap A Buyer's Guide to Variable Annuities Be Wary of the Life Insurance Pension Pitch V. Your Family's Finances How to Keep Your Career on Track Where to Find Today's Best Jobs A Quiz You Can Really Bank On Ways to Ride Today's Housing Recovery Your Best Debt-Defying Moves Now Credit Cards That Pay You Back Questions to Ask About Life Insurance Insurance You Can Do Without Helping Kids Come of Age Financially VI. Today's Consummate Consumer Where to Get the Best Travel Bargains Today's Top Gold Resort Values Here's a Gym to Call Your Own America's Finest Restaurant Towns Don't Get Scammed by Scanners Rating Uncle Sam's Hotlines How to Protect Yourself on the Road VII. Your Best Value in College Today Why College Bills Rise So Fast America's Top 100 College Buys How to Cut Your College Costs in Half Grab Your Fair Share of Financial Aid Searching for Scholarships How to Borrow to Fill the Money Gap The College Admissions Calendar MONEY's Guide to 1,003 Colleges VIII.Get Started with Mutual Funds Choosing the Right Fund for You Thinning Out the Thicket of Marketers Could Your Fund Go Bust? Take a Hard Look at Pesky Fund Fees MONEY's Ranking of 3,015 Funds Appendix I: ActiveInformation Pages Appendix II: Put Your Money to Work Glossary Index Other ActiveBook products available from Vertigo are The Wall Street Journal(R) Personal Finance Library, a collection of articles from the nation's leading business newspaper combined with interactive software, and Jonathan Pond's Personal Financial Planner, which walks readers through the process of creating personal financial plans that meet their lifetime goals. ActiveBook components are also included in Quicken(R) for Windows CD-ROM Deluxe Edition(TM) and TurboTax(R) for Windows CD-ROM Deluxe Edition(TM). Vertigo plans to introduce a half-dozen ActiveBook products by the end of 1994. The company has licensed content from a variety of leading financial publishers and authors, and will be working with a number of them on developing original content that exploits the ActiveBook technology. Published by Time Inc., and in its 22nd year, MONEY is the nation's largest financial publication, with a rate-based circulation of 1.9 million and total readership above 10.6 million, according to the latest MRI audience survey. MONEY's other software products include WealthBuilder by MONEY Magazine and Reuters MONEY Network, developed by Reality Technologies, Inc.; and for CD-ROM, MONEY in the '90's, produced by Laser Resources, Inc. Vertigo Development Group is a privately help company founded in 1991 by Martin J. Fahey and Rob Rosen, two former executives from Lotus Development Corporation, to develop a new generation of electronic books. The company's venture captial partners include Aperture Associates, Applied Technology, Integral Capital Partners, Matrix Partners, Sequoia Capital, and Alex d'Arbeloff, president of Teradyne, Inc. Vertigo Development Group is located at 58 Charles Street, Cambridge, Mass. 02141, telephone 617/225-2065, fax 617/225-0637. -*- Microsoft and Creative Technology Form Strategic Relationship to Develop Audio and DSP-Based Products ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creative Technology Licenses Windows Sound System; _ _ Microsoft Licenses Sound Blaster 16 Technology | \ / | | \/ | Redmond, WA & Singapore -- May 23, 1994 | | | |\/| | |_| |_|icrosoft Corporation and Creative Technology Ltd. today announced they have formed a strategic relationship to cooperate in the development of future audio and digital signal processing (DSP)-based products for the personal computer. As part of the agreement, Creative Technology will license Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) Sound System software from Microsoft, and Microsoft will license Sound Blaster(TM) 16 technology from Creative Technology. The relationship will benefit end users as well as third party developers by providing a comprehensive audio solution based on established standards. The agreement enables each company to build on the others' unique strengths, and helps build greater momentum in a number of different segments of the PC audio and computer telephony integration marketplaces. The agreement also recognizes synergies in future product strategies, and helps ensure a unified approach to buisness and home markets that will benefit both novice and advanced PC audio users. "In a short time, Creative Technology has established a recognized and valued brand in the home marketplace and has built a reputation for providing high-quality products to our joint customers," said Joachim Kempin, senior vice president of the OEM sales and marketing organization at Microsoft. "This is a win-win opportunity for both companies," said Sim Wong Hoo, chairman and CEO of Creative Technology Ltd. "This agreement will allow Creative Technology, the leading audio and multimedia hardware manufacturer, and Microsoft, the leading systems software supplier, to simplify the areas of audio standards and open new markets. Working with Microsoft is important to help ensure customers have the comfort of compatibility when selecting a home or business system." The terms of the agreement are as follows: DSP-Related Technologies Microsoft and Creative Technology have begun collaborating on future DSP-based porducts targeted at both home and business marketplaces. Included in this agreement is the implementation of Microsoft's DSP Resource Manager and Interfaces, providing a consistent method for accessing the resources of a DSP within future Microsoft operating systems. Also included under the terms of this agreement is a licensing fo future Microsoft applications targeted at platforms capable of utilizing a DSP. Creative Tech Sound Blaster 16 Included in Future Microsoft Products Recognizing the value of a compatibility standard in the audio marketplace, Microsoft wil include Creative Technology's Sound Blaster compatibility in future products. "We've been told by our customers that one hundred percent Sound Blaster compatibility is a market requirement," said Kempin. "Sound Blaster is synonymous with compatibility to game developers and users." Windows Sound System 2.0 Software to be Included with Creative Technology Sound Boards Acknowledging the ease of use and productivity benefits of Microsoft Windows Sound System 2.0, Creative Technology has agreed to include Windows Sound System software with a number of retail sound cards and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) offerings. "Windows Sound System 2.0 offers added value to our consumer customers and allows Creative to offer an enhanced solution to business customers," added Sim. Voice Recognition and Text-to-Speech APIs Microsoft and Creative Technology will continue to coordinate efforts to address the way developers interface with voice services under the Windows operating system. The agreement should ensure that software developers' efforts in Creative Technology's voice interfaces to date will be leveraged under future Microsoft operating systems. Creative Technology Ltd. develops, manufactures and markets a family of sound and video multimedia products for IBM-compatible PCs. The company's Sound Blaster sound platform enables IBM-compatible PCs to produce high-quality audio for entertainment, education, music, and productivity PC-based applications. Creative Technology Ltd. was incorporated in 1983 and is based in Singapore. Creative Technology's U.S. subsidiaries include Creative Labs, Inc., E-mu(R) Systems, Inc. and ShareVision(R) Technology, Inc. Creative also has other subsidiaries in China, Europe, Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan. The company's stock is traded on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol CREAf. Founded in 1975, Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) is the worldwide leader in software for personal computers. The company offers a wide range of products and services for business and personal use, each designed with the mission of making it easier and more enjoyable for people to take advantage of the full power of personal computing every day. -*- Sony Chosen by the Associated Press to Provide Integrated International Production System for APTV Launch _____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |_ _| | | Montvale, NH -- May 25, 1994 | | | | |_|he Associate Press (AP) has selected Sony Electronics as primary provider of equipment for APTV, AP's international television news service to be launched later this year. The agreement calls for a multimillion dollar system, designed and built by Sony, that will add video capability to AP's existing network of 92 bureaus in 67 countries. In addition to an integrated international production system and electronic newsgathering and editing equipment, Sony will also provide installation, engineering and ongoing maintenance services. "We selected Sony because of their capablities in advanced technologies, their reputation for responsive service and their presence worldwide with facilities in the Americas, Europe and Asia," said Patrick R. O'Brien, AP vice president, chief financial officer and director of business development. Stephen Claypole, managing director and chief executive of APTV, said, "The Sony system will enable APTV to provide professional-quality video resources for television news needs anywhere in the world." "We at Sony are proud to provide the AP, one of the world's foremost suppliers of news, with a production system of this magnitude and sophistication," said Charles Steinberg, president of Sony Electronics' Broadcast and Professional Products Group. "The AP will enhance its already considerable news expertise with the latest in video technology. We're excited to participate in their important new venture in expanding the world of global news." APTV will utilize professional quality Sony ENG video cameras, edit and feed packs for covering breaking news stories. AP bureaus in major news centers will be equipped with Sony Betacam cameras, fly-away packs, editing and feed equipment. Other AP bureaus will have Sony Hi-8 format cameras, editing and feed equipment. The AP is adding television professionals to its newsgathering staff around the world. APTV will transmit the top international news stories via feeds from London to news organizations throughout the world. The AP is the world's largest newsgathering organization, with over 3,200 employees. The AP presently provides news, photos, graphics, and audio services to more than 15,000 television and radio outlets worldwide. The Sony Electronic Business and Professional Products Group is a leading U.S. supplier of video and audio equipment for the broadcast production, business, industry, government, medical, and education markets. Sony will support APTV with an international service program that provides for maximum readiness, ENG availability in the field, minimum downtime for maintenance, and centralized administration and monitoring. As part of the agreement, Sony is engineering APTV's global video capture, edit and distribution network and integrated control, edit and distribution center in London. Sony will install the London facility in conjunction with Sony Broadcast and Professional, Basingstoke, United Kingdom. Equipment and systems maintenance services wil be provided by Sony Operations and Technical Services. APTV's fly-away packs will be integrated and assembled at the Sony San Jose, California facility. -*- Microsoft Announces "Tiger" Software Technology for Fully Scalable Media Servers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Broadband Network Technology Provides Reliable, Low-Cost Video-on-Demand; Compaq, Intel First to _ _ Demonstrate "Tiger" Continuous-Media Servers | \ / | | \/ | Redmond, WA -- May 17, 1994 | | | |\/| | |_| |_|icrosoft Corporation today introduced the architecture for its new software solution, code-named "Tiger," for delivering continuous media such as audio and video. The "Tiger" technology is a fully scalable media file-server solution, providing media-on-demand for personal, corporate, and citywide deployment. Today, Compaq Computer Corporation and Intel Corporation became the first hardware manufacturers to demonstrate continuous-media servers based on the "Tiger" technology. "Tiger" software is an integral part of Microsoft's switched broad-band network solution. "Tiger" is a software solution to the problem of providing continuous media such as voice and video to users on demand. Microsoft "Tiger" software is hardware independent and takes full advantage of high-volume, low-cost hardware components such as microprocessors and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switches. It also has the power, functionality, and scalability to give thousands of users split-second access to thousands of media files and allows laserdisc-type functions such as pause, reverse, fast-forward, and jump-ahead to user-specified locations. "Some people assume that video-on-demand is a hardware problem for massively parallel machines, but it's really a software issue," said Nathan Myhrvold, senior vice president of advanced technology at Microsoft. "Once you have the right software, you can implement it in many ways -- on personal 'Tigers' for individual or workgroup use, corporate 'Tigers' for small or mid-sized private networks, and city 'Tigers' for large-scale, metropolitan service areas." "Tiger" software is based on the Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server operating system and leverages its power, hardware independence and openness. Because "Tiger" is software-based and supports a modular hardware implementation that can include virtually any number of servers, it offers many benefits, including the following: * Scalability, for cost-effective expandability The "Tiger" architecture allows low-cost computer components to be added as needed to handle continuous-media needs of any scale, including those of individual users, corporations or schools with hundreds of users, and major regional systems with tens of thousands of subscribers. The architecture also allows "Tiger" servers to be expanded cost-effectively, growing along with the needs of the network without creating huge cost increases or rendering the existing hardware obsolete. This is parti- cularly important for small and medium-sized systems because "Tiger" software is the only announced solution that allows the operator to serve additional subscribers without having to incorporate costly proprietary, large-scale computers. * Reliability, to meet mission-critical needs "Tiger" software has self-diagnostic capabilities to correct and reconfigure failures automatically without service disruption. Failed components can be replaced automatically by "hot spares" that are ready for deployment. The system recognizes that it's healed and back at full strength to optimize its use of all available system resources, using dynamic load balancing and dynamic data storage across the system to eliminate bottlenecks. The high reliability of "Tiger" software can enable system operators to provide better service to subscribers and other users, which can create higher customer satisfaction and lower operating costs. * Flexibility, based on network neutrality and hardware independence, for optimal cost effectiveness Because "Tiger" is based on network-neutral, hardware-independent, open software standards it can be deployed on a broad range of cost-effective hardware, can use the most up-to-date technology, and can support industry-standard video-compression methods and distribution media (including cable TV, LANs such as Ethernet and FDDI, WANs, or telecom- munications networks). It can also manage any combination of video, voice and data traffic. These features give system and network operators the full benefits of a powerful, interactive solution at a low cost. "Microsoft understands that no single company can satisfy all the needs of the information highway, and we're delighted to be working with key industry OEMs such as Compaq and Intel," said Craig Mundie, vice president of advanced consumer technology at Microsoft. "System operators of any size who need to deliver information -- including entertainment, text and data, or interactive services -- will find 'Tiger' software meets their initial needs and can grow with them to meet expanding needs tomorrow." "Compaq is actively working with Microsoft to bring video servers within the reach of both small and large customers," said Michael Lambert, vice president of marketing at Compaq Computer Corporation, speaking at an announcement and technical demonstration in Seattle. "This new, exciting technology will bridge the gap between the scores of video-content providers, such as cable-TV companies, and millions of video consumers, and it will enable whole new markets and applications to emerge. There is wonderful potential for opening new video markets to Compaq. Hotels, cable TV, education, and training are just the beginning." We are working with Microsoft to apply Intel's Scalable MultiServer technology to a new set of capabilities, namely media servers," said Avram Miller, vice president of corporate business development at Intel. "These media servers will support a variety of business applications, in addition to new consumer applications including video-on-demand for TVs and interactive entertainment for personal computers in the home." Anticipated customers for "Tiger" software include cable companies, telephone companies, utilities, and private networks. Business applications include telecommuting, video messaging, information navigation, corporate multimedia servers, post-production studios, shopping kiosks, and business transaction processing. Consumer applications that will use "Tiger" software include video-on-demand and a range of interactive services such as shopping, video navigation (e.g., interactive TV guides) and directories (e.g. interactive telephone directories). "Tiger" will be tested in Seattle by TCI and Microsoft employees beginning in late 1994, and residential tests will be conducted in Seattle and Denver in 1995. Founded in 1975, Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) is the worldwide leader in software for personal computers. The company offers a wide range of products and services for business and personal use, each designed with the mission of making it easier and more enjoyable for people to take advantage of the full power of computing every day. -*- This Week's Cyberspace Library Finds _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | Cyberspace on GEnie -- June 3, 1994 | | | |__ |____|ast month, ABC Television made available the first-ever multimedia promotional kit on CD-ROM, detailing the 8-hour Miniseries of Stephen King's THE STAND. Playable using Windows or a Macintosh, this CD-ROM contains smashingly-paced video footage, cast biographies, and JPEG broadcast-quality photos in 16 million colors taken directly from the miniseries itself! Five broadcast-quality 16 million color screens from ABC's CD-ROM promotion of THE STAND are available for downloading from the Cyberspace/Multimedia Library. These are NOT amateur screen captures! They are superb-quality digitized screens taken DIRECTLY from the network television production, and are best displayed in SVGA 16 million colors, although they are quite impressive viewed in 256 colors. Copyrighted by ABC Television, these special files are made available by ABC's permission: Cameo appearance of author Stephen King in the Miniseries! File 1036 KING1.JPG 740,352 bytes Lovely Molly Ringwald as Franny File 1037 RNGWLD1.JPG 838,656 bytes Wicked Nadine as portrayed by Laura San Giacomo File 1038 GICOMO1.JPG 818,560 bytes The Cast: Judge Ferris, Stu Redman, Larry Underwood, Franny, Mother Abigail File 1039 STNDGP1.JPG 817,792 bytes Las Vegas Mob Scene File 1040 STNDCD1.JPG 931,200 bytes Four exciting videos in Windows' AVI format complete with sound effects were uploaded last week. These impressive files can be played using Video for Windows, available in the Cyberspace Libary in File 482 VFWRUN.ZIP, requiring Windows v3.1. They're big (from 250 KBytes to 1 megabyte) but they're great! File 1043 Name: CAR_RACE.ZIP -- Fast cars with Sound Effects File 1044 Name: CLOUDS.ZIP -- Watch the Sun Set over moving Ocean Waves File 1045 Name: HANGLDI.ZIP -- Hangliding with background music File 1046 Name: ST11.ZIP -- Famous Starship blasts into Warp Drive Lastly, the compilation file containing all the May 1994 CYBERSPACE REPORTs is available for downloading: File 1049 Name: CSR9405.ZIP 83,584 bytes, text compressed with PKZip. This ASCII Text File is readable on any system with a text display utility, word processor or text editor. Cyberspace Report Weekly -- CONTENTS for May 1994 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Week of 5/6/94: 1. Quest 5.0 for Windows: Unprecented Interactive Power and Flexibility to Multimedia Authoring Systems 2. Microsoft Gets Serious about Fun in Windows "Chicago" 3. Midisoft Launches Localized Software Products in Europe 4. Commodore Hits the Financial Buffers 5. AmigaWorld Reinforces Position of Strong Support in Market 6. New Viper Pro: Accelerated 1280x1024 True Color Graphics & Video Playback 7. Diamond Announces Stealth 64 Graphics Accelerator 8. 21st Century Media Announces New Product Line for Multimedia 9. Cyberspace Library Finds and April CYBERSPACE REPORT Compilation Week of 5/13/94: 1. Knowledge Adventure ZoomScape Basis for Absolut Marketing VR Application Superb Virtual Art Museum Demo in Library File 1023 ABDEMO.EXE 2. VREAM Announces its Version 2.0 for Windows: VRCreator Excellent VR House Adventure in Library File 1025 SEEVREAM.EXE 3. New Book: "The Virtual Reality Primer" by L.Casey Larijani 4. Do Boys and Girls have Different Learning Styles? Yes, When They Use Electronic Software and Video Games 5. The Decline and Fall of Commodore Int. 6. Aldus Paint & Publish Helps Users Design Show-Stopping Documents 7. CD-ROM Volume #1 from Micro R.& D. for Amiga 8. Asymetrix Ships CD-ROM Version of Jurassic Park - The Screen Saver 9. ORIGIN's Privateer CD Has It All 10. Interactive Academy's Award Entries to be Screened Week of 5/20/94: 1. Media Vision Announces Resignations, Appoints Acting CEO, Interim CFO; Media Vision Creditor Committee Forms 2. Microsoft to Eliminate Suggested Retail Prices in North America Beginning July 1, 1994 3. KnowledgeWare Signs Microsoft, IBM, Novell and others to ObjectView Certification Program 4. Compaq and PictureTel Forming Strategic Alliance 5. Apple Brings Music to the Macintosh with Help from Roland Corporation 6. Precision Navigation Introduces Revolutionary Low-Cost Head-Tracking Solution for Virtual Reality 7. Timeworks Launches Affordable Windows Translation Programs 8. Individual Software Beefs Up AnyTime to Attract Veteran Organizers 9. Double Doozy Fun Pack for Windows -- Accessories with Attitude 10. Growing Need for Digital Photography Prompts Two New CD-ROM Product Lines from Seattle Support Group 11. ORIGIN Goes Head-to-Head with Wing Commander Armada 12. Wrath of the Gods Brings Greek Myths to Life in New CD-ROM Adventure Game for Windows & Macintosh 13. CD Utility Collection & MPC Specifications in CYBERSPACE Library Week of 5/27/94: 1. Dell DL-1460NI Computer Monitors Recalled Due to Fire Risk 2. Kaleida Labs Restructures to Focus on Core Technology 3. Digital Announces Desktop & Server Systems Based on New Intel Processors 4. Digital Announces New Daughtercard Upgrade For DECpc XL Premium and DECpc XL Server Models 5. Chips & Technologies Brings Desktop-Level Graphics to Notebook Computers 6. Microsoft TechNet Announces the Microsoft TechNet Supplemental (Drivers & Patches) CD and Server Licensing 7. Moon Valley Puts Victory & Roar of the Crowd on Your PC with ESPN Sports Shorts 8. GameTek Previews Cinema Division with 30 Full-Motion Video Titles by Christmas 1994 9. Microsoft Announces Availability of Bookshelf '94 for Windows and Mac 10. 7th Level's TuneLand, World's First Interactive Cartoon, Listed as Top-Selling Children's Entertainment CD-ROM Title at CompUSA 11. Autodesk Animator Pro Player v1.3 Available -*- _______________________________________________ DateLine: June 10, 1994____ ___ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ / _ \| | | | _ \| __| _ \| __| _ \ / _ \ / _ \| __| | | )_| |_| | |_) | |_ | |_) | (__| |_) | |_| | | )_| |_ | | _ \ /| _ <| _)| /|__ | __/| _ | | _| _) | |_) | | | | |_) | |__| |\ \ __) | | | | | | |_) | |__ \___/ |_| |____/|____|_| \_|____|_| |_| |_|\___/|____| ---------------------------- C O N T E N T S ------------------------------ 1. "Call to Action" Campaign for Ethical use of Computer and Information Technology Announced by Global Hi-Tech Groups 2. Aldus and Linotype-Hell Lead Formation of Font Consortium 3. Creative Technology and 3DO Sign Formal Licensing Agreement 4. Nanao Brings Color Sync Color Management to FlexScan Monitors 5. InstaColor's Brochure Maker Software and Services 6. Creative Technology Introduces New Screen Singer Family Entertainment Software Titles 7. Jonathan Pond's Personal Financial Planner Takes the Mystery and Misery Out of Managing Your Money 8. Virtual Landscape CD-ROM Provides Unique "Virtual" Experience 9. CSA's Mega-Midget Racer May Be Worth Hundreds of Dollars with New Trade-Up Program 10. RAW Entertainment and Decision Games Combine Skills --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Call to Action" Campaign for Ethical use of Computer and Information Technology Announced by Global Hi-Tech Groups ___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / _ \ | |_| | Washington, D.C. May 16, 1994 | _ | | | | | |_| |_| "call to action" designed to make the ethical and responsible use of computer and information technology a national priority, was announced today by some of America's leading computer software, technology, chemical, and financial companies and trade membership associations. The National Computer Ethics & Responsibilities Campaign (NCERC) is a formal, structured effort designed to promote ethical computing and information practices. Its main purpose is to raise awareness of current and future ethics issues and dilemmas associated with the "information superhighway" and other computer, information and communications technologies. Principal sponsor of the NCERC is the Washington, D.C.-based Computer Ethics Institute. Launch sponsors include: Symantec Corporation; CompuServe; Monsanto; Merrill Lynch & Co.; the Software Publishers Association; the Business Software Alliance; the National Computer Security Association; Ziff-Davis Publishing Company; and the Atterbury Foundation. NCERC will formally "kickoff" its effort on June 21 at a morning press conference in the Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. The announcement will be attended by NCERC sponsors, with members of Congress and the Clinton administration also invite to the event. A Congressional Forum, also in Rayburn and open to the general public, follows from 11:30 am to 3:30 p.m. An NCERC reception for Congress is slated for 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. that evening. NCERC is alarmed by the lack of awareness of the profound effects that computer technologies have on the ethics of human interaction. "Concepts such as: what is private or in the public domain; what constitutes theft, libel or plagiarism; or how to deal with electronic versions of pornography, as well as many other topics, have very different manifestations in cyberspace," said Dr. Peter Tippett, NCERC Co-Chairman and Director of Security and Enterprise Products for Symantec Corporation of Cupertino, CA. "It is easy to understand the concept of trespass in physical terms," said Tippett. "But when someone uses a co-worker's personal computer to view a private directory, or when someone creates a computer virus which is transmitted via shared software to other computers without the owner's permission or knowledge, then that person may be guilty of cyber trespassing," Tippett concluded. "As computers become progressively more mobile, and as voice and data capabilities become more interrelated, the perils and pitfalls of irresponsible or unethical use of information technology grow in leaps and bounds," said Nick Routledge, NCERC's other Co-Chairman. "People simply have not had the occasion to develop or learn about responsible computing practices - the vast majority of technology users came of age in an environment where there were simply no teachers, no guidelines, and no accepted codes of behavior," Tippett said. "There is a computer ethics void facing America today," he warned. NCERC is a non-political entity. Its only agenda is to raise awareness and to promote discussion and dissemination of information on computer ethics and related issues. NCERC does not take a stand on any given issue of computer ethics or seek adoption of any particular code of ethics. However, some of the NCERC's sponsors, as well as other hi-tech entities, have developed basic tenets of responsible computer use. The campaign's ultimate goal is to increase the acceptance and public trust in computing and information technology. "Computers, television, radio, telephones, libraries, money, credit and a host of other things are all interconnected on the nationwide data path," said Routledge. "When strategic use of computers and communications is compromised or constrained by irresponsible behavior, or onerous and costly protective restraints, technology will be used less flexibly, less widely and less profitably," he said. "All of us will lose," Routledge concluded. According to an information sheet released today by the NCERC: "There is no technological fix to a computer ethics problem. Educating people to this fact, and providing them with the guidelines and tools they need to use technology in responsible ways is essential if we are all to use technology effectively and beneficially." NCERC is available to provide individuals and organizations with the tools and resources needed to promote responsible computer use. For more information, contact NCERC Co-Chairmen Nick Routledge (310-478-6599) or Peter Tippett (310-459-9565) at the National Computer Ethics and Responsibilities Campaign, 18054 Bluesail Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90272-2901, or on Email, at Internet: The National Computer Ethics & Responsibilities Campaign The National Computer Ethics & Responsibilities Campaign (NCERC) includes a series of ongoing initiatives which bring an influential group of individuals and organizations behind a coordinated national "call to action" designed to make the ethical and responsible use of information technology a national priority. The Campaign message is wholly non-partisan. The primary objectives are: a) to raise awareness of the need for discussion, education and action, b) and to provide individuals and organizations with the tools and resources they need to further promote responsible computing in their spheres of influence. The campaign launch phase is being supported by three major constituencies: companies that are large users of information technology, companies that provide technology products or services, and organizations representing many types of users. The Campaign's principal Sponsor is the Computer Ethics Institute. Current Campaign Launch Sponsors include Merrill Lynch & Co., Monsanto, Symantec Corp., CompuServe, the Software Publisher's Association, the Business Software Alliance, the National Computer Security Association, Ziff-Davis Publishing Company and the Atterbury Foundation, with more expected. Campaign Launch Events and Activities Capitol Hill Press Conference CompuServe Forum & Internet FTP Site Congressional Briefing & Forum Catalog of Commercial Ethics Resources Reception for Legislators Conference Promotions & CEI Activities Aggressive Press Promotion Advertising A Capitol Hill Press Conference will be held in the Rayburn (House Office) building on June 21. More than 20 press announcements will be made about activities which support the campaign. Sponsor's activities, activities to foster ad-hoc and extended campaigns & educational programs, as well as other topical computer ethics issues will be presented. The results of at least two studies on Ethics in America will be presented. A Congressional Briefing & Forum on computer & information ethics will be held later on June 21 with many of the world's key visionaries on ethics, privacy, security and related issues participating. Open to the public, it is sponsored by The Honorable Edward J. Markey, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance, and The Honorable George E. Brown, Jr., Chairman Committee on Space, Science and Technology. A Reception for Legislators, members of the executive branch, staff members, and others will be held that evening. Aggressive Press Promotion & Advertising which promotes the need for education and discussion of computer ethics and PR activity on the campaign itself as well as timely ethics issues will begin in May, 1994. CompuServe Forum & Internet FTP Site A CompuServe forum with both moderated discussion threads on computer ethics issues as well as a repository for ethics, privacy, security and related documents, training materials, guidelines, etc. will begin in mid-May. A similar FTP site will be established on the Internet. A Catalog of Commercial Ethics Resources will be created by the National Computer Security Association (NCSA). It will contain any guides, books, tapes, and other materials not amenable to electronic distribution and will be available as a "one-stop-shop" via an 800 number. Conference Promotions & CEI Activities Activities of the Computer Ethics Institute including its National Computer Ethics Conference; presentations, forums, and work groups on computer ethics. -*- ___ Aldus and Linotype-Hell Lead Formation of Font Consortium / _ \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |_| | Seattle, WA -- May 16, 1994 | _ | | | | | |_| |_|ldus Corporation, makers of the leading desktop page layout program, Aldus PageMaker, in conjunction with Linotype-Hell, a leading manufacturer of typographic fonts, and International Typeface Corporation, a leading supplier of typeface designs, today announced the formation of the Font Consortium to create new font technology specifications. The Font Corsortium's mission will be to devise cross platform font standards that will benefit font and application vendors by expanding the demand for enhanced typographic features. End users will profit from the development of a standard that leads to increased font functionality and improved font interoperability among their applications and computing platforms. The Font Consortium will first focus on defining and expanding the specifications such as those used in building fonts to support the advanced typographic features and capabiltities offered by QuickDraw GX, which is soon to be released from Apple Computer. The Consortium's goal is to have font vendors manufacture fonts using an open format, and for application vendors to implement new features across platforms. "QuickDraw GX provides an exciting platform for future generations of PageMaker," said David Roberts, director of print publishing products for Aldus. "We want to make sure that our customers will be able to use this power in a straightforward manner without encountering the problems caused by inconsistencies in existing font formats." Over 20 font vendors attended the first Consortium meeting, which was chaired by Allan Haley, president of Resolution, a knowledge development company. The participants focused on defining a common character set for text usage and establishing the basic features and internal data representation of the font format. The meeting also addressed the need for a font format that will take advantage of TrueType GX characteristics without being limited to only GX applications or systems. Participants also emphasized that the planned standards are not intended to preclude the design and use of non-conforming fonts. "We support the efforst of Aldus and Linotype-Hell in forming the Font Consortium, and we appreciate the show of support from the participating developers at this first meetings," said Mich Allen, manager, graphics engineering, at Apple Computer. "Apple believes the Font Consortium will be an effective forum for establishing industry standards based upon QuickDraw GX technology for the benefit of everyone in the design, publishing, and printing industry." "The meeting has seen a high level of commitment from participating companies to support the new QuickDraw GX format," said Peter Klink, director of the Font Business Unit for Linotype-Hell AG. "We began development of tools for GX fonts over two years ago. We started production less than a year ago, and today have completed the core set. This inlcudes Helvetica, Times, and Palatino fonts, as well as many more designs suited to the rich typographic features of QuickDraw GX. At the release of Apple's Macintosh System 7.5, Linotype-Hell will ship 35 core fonts in an extended, full-featured version. Additional QuickDraw GX fonts are under development." TrueType is a resoution independent font technology, introduced by Apple Computer, which has been in use on several platforms since 1990. The new TrueType GX font technology specifications will encompass support for large character sets, data and sophisticated typgraphic features along with an expanded international functionality. The Font Corsortium will work to expand the benefits of TrueType GX by developing an open standard for cross platform font and feature portability. The Font Consortium promotes an open development process. Vendors interested in participating in the Font Consortium should call Molly Seaverns at Aldus, 206/628-6596. Aldus Corporation (NASDAQ: ALDC) creates computer software solutions that help people throughout the world effectively communicate information and ideas. The company focuses on three main lines of business: applications for professional publishing, prepress, and video markets; applcations for the consumer market; and applications for the emerging interactive publishing market. Aldus has subsidiaries in Europe, Asia and the Pacific Rim serving a worldwide network of dealers and distributors. Linotype-Hell is a worldwide leader in prepress technology and sets standards with a wide range of computer publishing products and integrated system solutions for text and image processing. Maintaining the highest quality design has always been a priority throughout the over 100 years that typefaces have been drawn and developed at Linotype-Hell. The company offers one of the largest typeface libraries in the most popular formats and storage media for both the Apple Macintosh and MS-DOS platforms. -*- Creative Technology and 3DO Sign Formal Licensing Agreement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___ Creative to be Exclusive Provider of 3DO Technology on PC Platform / _ \ | | )_| Singapore -- May 23, 1994 | | _ | |_) | \___/reative Technology today announced that it has signed a formal licensing agreement with The 3DO Company (THDO) as a follow-up to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the two companies on March 10, 1994. As a result of meeting specific milestones, Creative will be the exclusive provider of single slot PC add-in cards incorporationg 3DO's advanced interactive entertainment technology. Creative's 3DO-based products will feature full screen, full motion video, and special effects. Creative plans to demonstrate the technology at Spring COMDEX 1994 and plans to release the first products during the fourth quarter of 1994. "The collaboration of Creative and 3DO merges the consumer entertainment gaming community with the PC multimedia marketplace," said Sim Wong Hoo, chairman and CEO of Creative Technology. "We believe that the relationship between Creative and 3DO will allow us to drive new PC standards by offering high performance, interactive and exciting products that have a broad range of appeal." "We are pleased to join forces with Creative Technology, a pioneer of multimedia technology," said Trip Hawkins, president and CEO of The 3DO Company. "Creative is the ideal company to help us introduce 3DO to the PC community because of its expertise and market leadership in PC sound and video as well as its outstanding commitment to quality." Creative Technology Ltd. develops, manufactures and markets a family of sound and video multimedia products for IBM-compatible PCs. The company's Sound Blaster(TM) sound platform enables IBM-compatible PCs to produce high-quality audio for entertainment, educational, music, and productivity applications, and has been accepted as the industry standard sound platform for PC-based software. Creative Technology Ltd. was incorporated in 1983 and is based in Singapore. Creative Technology's U.S. subsidiaries include Creative Labs, Inc., E-mu Systems(R), Inc. and ShareVision(R) Technology, Inc. Creative also has other subsidiaries in the U.S., Europe, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and China. The company's stock is traded on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol CREAf. -*- Nanao Brings Color Sync Color Management to FlexScan Monitors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First to Add Software-Based Color _ _ Calibration to Line of Display Products | \ | | | \| | Atlanta, GA -- May 23, 1994 | | | |\ | |_| \_|anao USA Corporation demonstrates true WYSIWYG color to desktop users at COMDEX Spring with the new Colorific(TM) color management software. Nanao USA is the first independent supplier of monitors for the Windows-compatible market to provide the first software-only solution for Kodak technology, and for Macintosh, to provide a software based solution to ColorSync color calibration. The new Colorific color management software calibrates a user's individual monitor for color presentation and publishing, eliminating color "surprises" on screen or in print. Nanao is first to provide this easy to use, Windows- and Macintosh-compatible software to users, free of charge with every FlexScan monitor. Color Management for Today's Business User The desktop publishing (DTP) revolution not only brought the efficiency of computing to graphics and publishing professionals, but also introduced the concept of graphic design to previously uninitiated users. With high quality color monitors and printers available to the masses, color became a new tool to add life to presentations and publications. However, one of the problems with today's computers and printers is that the colors you see on your monitor are not often true and, even if they are, they are not always reproduced accurately by the printer you are using. Today's user just wants the printer to provide a faithful rendering of what has been produced and displayed on-screen. At no cost to the end-user, Naneo now offers such a solution: Colorific. "We want Nanao users to get the most out of their monitors -- this includes having proper color," noted Dan Makino, executive vice president. "Colorific allows users to match colors between the monitor and the printer without bulky devices or extensive training; in fact, it's a simple, one-time-only process." Colorific -- Color Calibration Through Software Colorific uses a patent pending process developed by Sonnetech, Ltd., a San Francisco-based company. The process identifies all aspects of monitor color balance, all through software. Colorific compensates for variables such as ambient room lighting, monitor brightness settings, video card bias, and other environmental factors affecting monitor color purity. Colorific works at the Windows OS level on IBM-compatibles, and with Apple's Colorsync Color Management utility on the Macintosh, to translate your choices into matching printed materials. It uses data gathered through an end-user set up sequence to correct colors appropriately on-screen and at print time. Colorific enables the computer to adjust for color biases in the CRT and graphics card, and for the color effects caused by ambient lighting in the user's workspace. Colorific adds Kodak's Precision(TM) color management system into the Windows GDI kernel, providing "no surprise" color printing. Printed colors match what you see on-screen. "Kodak believes that color management belongs at the system software level, where it is available to Windows offices and other business applications. Colorific brings the Kodak color management to monitor users today and provides consistency with upcoming operating system releases that will integrate Kodak technology," said Myron Kassarabe, director of licensing and market development for the Kodak Color Management Systems Group. Once you have calibrated your monitor with Colorific, no further user intervention is required. How Colorific Works Colorific measures the colors on your monitor to ensure that printer output closely matches those same colors. It works with virtually any graphics program, format, and graphics adapter. It does so by leading the user through a series of choices, choices that determine the color space of the monitor (the color space of any device is a mathematical description of its color- rendering characteristics). This process of choices utilizes on-screen color combinations and template cards that can be easily applied and removed from your Nanao monitor. Once this process is finished, Colorific creates a profile of your monitor. This profile is measured against an international standard of perfect color, and then it's optionally reset to a more accurate set of colors. The best part is that the user only needs to do this once; this setup will remain for every application, every time you turn on your computer. Availability Colorific is available in both Macintosh and Windows versions, and is distributed free upon receipt of a returned Nanao warranty registration card. Colorific will begin to ship in July. Nanao USA also continues with its free After Dark give-away for all energy-saving monitors, so buyers are receiving the most in price and performance with their Nanao monitor purchase. For more information, contact your local retailer or Nanao USA Corporation, 23535 Telo Ave., Torrance, CA 90505, telephone 310/325-5202. Sonnetech, Ltd., based in San Francisco, California, is an innovator in color management and other system software for enhancing computer displays. The company's first product, Colorific color management for monitors, is marketed through manufacturers such as Nanao USA. Nanao USA Corporation, based in Torrance, California, is the United States marketing subsidiary of Nanao Corporation, a leading Japanese manufacturer of monitors, graphics boards and other electronic products. -*- InstaColor's Brochure Maker Software and Services ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A revolutionary software program _ that saves you money on color printing! | | | | Seattle, WA -- May 1994 | | | | |_|nstaColor of Seattle, Washington, makes it possible for you to create professional-looking, low cost, color brochures quickly and easily with their Brochure Maker(TM) software for Windows-based computing systems. Brochure Maker is a revolutionary new Windows-based program that allows you to select from a library of 47 professional brochure designs in a wide variety of styles. Simple to use, you pick a design and type your copy into pre-defined spaces in the design you selected which appears on your computer screen. You then send your disk and photos or files to the Brochure Maker print facility at InstaColor. You can expect to save up to 75% of what you would normally pay for the same full color product by using Brochure Maker since our state-of-the art printing facility takes it from there. You will see a full color proof, and in a few days you will receive your beautifully produced full color brochures, fully guaranteed. The cost of producing full color brochures with Brochure Maker is often less than what you have been paying for 1 and 2 color printed materials. Factory Direct "If you can type, you can produce your own full color brochures," said Jim Martine of InstaColor. "Brochure Maker combines desktop publishing and the power of color printing, so there are no more expensive designers or complex typesetting decisions to make. No more expensive printers to deal with, since you order Factory Direct." Brochure Maker provides 47 professionally designed templates requiring only your copy and photos or graphics images. You don't need to be a computer wizard. Simply select a design and type in your copy. It's just like filling out a form. "There is no easier or more economical way to produce full color printed materials," said Martine. "You don't need to pay for a professional graphic artist," he added, "since we've done the designing for you. Don't hire a typesetter--that's included in our pricing. Plus there's no need to learn a complicated desktop publishing program because Brochure Maker walks you effortlessly through each and every step," he added. "You won't lose time searching for a reputable, quality print shop either. Our print facility has been in business for 35 years." Brochure Maker Brochure Maker includes 47 professionally created designs in three different styles. Some include color bars, and you can choose from InstaColor's 32-hue color palette to match your photos or logo. Others offer textured or "marble-ized" backgrounds, and many designs include borders: * 24 front side designs for 8-1/2" x 11" one-page brochures * 13 back side designs for 8-1/2" x 11" one-page brochures * One-page brochures can be either single or double-sided * 5 designs for three-panel brochures * 5 designs for 4-page brochures * Perfect for flyers, newsletters, bulletins, and brochures * Each design is unique with varying amounts of space for text and pictures All designs include picture areas. You provide color or black-and-white prints and/or camera-ready artwork along with cropping instructions, and we will print them in your brochures. You can have your artwork printed in a single color chosen from our selection of 32 four-process colors as well, and multi-colored artwork is available for an additional charge. Every design has space for your company logo, your address, telephone, and fax numbers. An easy-to-use word processor is built into Brochure Maker with features that include: * Built-in spell checker developed by Houghton Mifflin Company * Proof text command * Automatically enlarges or shrinks text to fit the available space * Center, left, and right alignment options * Line draw command to enhance your text * A variety of bullet point styles * Supports many different font sizes and styles * Text styles include headlines, subheads, photo captions, superscript, subscript, and fine print * Enhance your text with underline, bold, italics and reverse styles * View your brochure in actual size or magnified up to 300% * Import ASCII files System Requirements Brochure Maker requires an 80286 CPU or higher IBM-compatible PC with 2 megabytes of RAM, a hard disk with 1.5 megabytes of free space, DOS v3.1 or higher, Microsoft Windows v3.0 with Adobe Type Manager or Microsoft Windows v3.1 with TrueType fonts enabled. You will also need a Windows-compatible printer, EGA, VGA, or SVGA display, and a mouse. Price and Availability Brochure Maker provides low published prices for printing. Example: 1000, 8-1/2" x 11" flyers for as low as $525. That's for everything except delivery. Brochure Maker provides big savings because you do most of the work. It eliminates costly pre-press work. Special Offer Brochure Maker is available now for $199.95 directly from InstaColor. As a special offer, the cost of the software will be deducted from your first print order. A FREE packet containing prices, absolutely magnificent sample brochures using the templates supplied in the program, and a demo disk is available by calling 1-800-622-2814. Demonstration Library File A functional (except for file save) demonstration version of Brochure Maker is available for downloading from the Cyberspace/Multimedia Library. __________________________________ / \ | Cyberspace Library File | |------------------------------------| | Number: 1053 Name: BMAKER.ZIP | | Address: CYBERSPACE Date: 940606 | | Approximate # of bytes: 687616 | | Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 3 | | Description: \_____________________________________ | Brochure Maker by InstaColor: The only thing this functional demo won't | | let you do is save designs to disk. Brochure Maker is wonderful for | | designing professional brochures. It includes ALL SORTS of pre-formated | | layouts you can pick among, then you point and click to place art, photos,| | headlines, import (or type) copy, logos, etc. It's easy to use and even | | outputs to a Linotype printer. Requires Windows 3.0 with Adobe Type | | Manager or Windows 3.1 with TrueType enabled, at least an 80286 CPU with | | DOS v3.1 or later, 2 MB RAM, 1.5 MB free hard disk space. Install in | | Windows with x:/setup from File/Run menu. | \_________________________________________________________________________/ For more information, contact InstaColor at 1605 Boylston, Seattle, WA 98122, telephone 1-800-622-2814, fax 206/325-1636. -*- Creative Technology Introduces New Screen Singer ___ Family Entertainment Software Titles / _ \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | )_| Singapore -- May 23, 1994 | | _ | |_) | \___/reative Technology Ltd. (NASDAQ: CREAf), a leading provider of multimedia products for the PC platform, today announced that it will be releasing new titles for its Screen Singer(TM) CD-ROM series in August, 1994. The additional titles, which will have an SRP of $29.99, feature four applications on one CD-ROM: music video entertainment, karaoke, musical screen savers, and presentation clips. Each title provides CD-quality professionally arranged musical pieces, high resolution color images, and animation. "The introduction of our Windows-based Screen Singer series answers the growing demand for wholesome family entertainment that spans all ages and musical interests," said W. H. Sim, Creative Technology's chairman and CEO. "In addition to taking advantage of our Sound Blaster audio standard, Screen Singer features a variety of exciting applications that are easy enough for young children to use. It's a great way to get families together." From Pop Hits to Show Tunes Creative's Screen Singer titles cover a wide range of music including movie themes, Broadway show tunes, country and western, golden oldies, pop hits of the '80's and '90's, children's melodies, American folk songs, and Christmas carols. Featured with each song, which is professionally arranged and recorded in the style of the original artist, is a set of 640x480, 256-color images enhanced with animation and special effects. In addition to being played on a PC, Screen Singer can also be played as an audio CD on a home or car stereo. Clip Art and Screen Savers Each CD-ROM also includes over 50 captivating color images and 20 stylish presentation templates. These images and templates can be imported into any leading graphics presentation software and used to create business presentations, graphics design work or multimedia demos. The musical screen savers bring PC screens alive with Creative's broad selection of songs and colorful graphics. System Requirements Screen Singer requires a 386-33 MHz or higher IBM PC/AT or 100% compatible with a minimum of 4 MB RAM, 2 MB free hard disk space, Microsoft Windows 3.1 supporting 640x480 and 256-color SVGA, a Sound Blaster audio card, CD-ROM drive, speakers or headphones. Creative Technology Ltd. was incorporated in 1983 and is based in Singapore. Creative Technology's U.S. subsidiaries include Creative Labs, E-mu Systems, Inc. and ShareVision Technology, Inc. Creative also has other subsidiaries in China, Europe, Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan. -*- Jonathan Pond's Personal Financial Planner Takes the Mystery and Misery Out of Managing Your Money ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Electronic Book Uses Multimedia to Bring Alive Advice and Tips from ___ Nationally Recognized Financial Expert / _ \ | | )_| Cambridge, Mass - March 21, 1994 | | _ | |_) | \___/onsumers can now get personalized advice from nationally recognized financial planning expert Jonathan Pond in the form of a new multimedia electronic book for personal computers. Available today from Vertigo Development Group, Jonathan Pond's Personal Financial Planner uses interactive software, video, and sound to bring Mr. Pond and his expertise alive. Written exclusively for Vertigo's ActiveBook(TM) format, the book steps consumers through the process of building individualized personal financial plans that meet their lifetime financial goals. It is a complete guide to money management, chock-full of valuable financial advice and insight on investment strategies, tax planning, retirement budgeting, and other financial topics. Jonathan Pond's Personal Financial Planner comes in both CD-ROM (full multimedia) and floppy-disk versions and runs on personal computers equipped with Microsoft Windows. "Multimedia and interactive software let us bring Jonathan Pond and his wealth of knowledge directly to bear on your personal situation," says Vertigo's president Martin J. Fahey. "The ActiveBook makes it easy to navigate through the text. When you are ready to apply the information to your personal situation, the book does the calculations for you. And Jonathan is always available to offer suggested strategies, explain a financial term, or share his tips." "The ActiveBook technology will revolutionize personal finance books. Now, authors can have a much more personal level of interaction with their readers -- something that's particularly useful in helping readers to build personalized financial plans," says Mr. Pond. "My ActiveBook lets me deliver information in an immediately useable form. An additional benefit is that users can easily update their plans whenever their financial situations change." Jonathan Pond's Personal Financial Planner presents a process for building a financial plan using text, interactive quizzes and tests, and ActiveInformation(TM) pages. At the beginning of the book, a Wealth Test assesses your financial picture and recommends a customized reading plan based on your individual needs. Each chapter begins with a short quiz to help you identify issues to concentrate on and ends with a personal action plan. The text and ActiveInformation pages -- interactive solutions pages developed by Vertigo working with Mr. Pond -- cover topics such as getting records organized, accumulating wealth, and planning for later life. Jonathan Pond's Personal Financial Planner looks like a book on your computer screen. You can turn pages, read the text sequentially, look up topics in the index or table of contents, skip back and forth, make notes in the margin, find a term in the glossary, or insert a bookmark. You navigate through the book by pointing-and-clicking with your mouse and selecting items from pull-down menus or pop-up dialog boxes. When you take the Wealth Test or chapter quizzes, you input personal information into an ActiveInformation page. Mr. Pond reviews the information and suggests actions specific to your needs. As you proceed through the book, your personal information is stored and summarized in a Smart Planner Report, which outlines a total action plan for getting control of your financial affairs. If your objectives or financial situation changes, you can go back into the book, enter the new information, and produce an updated plan. You can also do "what-if" scenarios by, for example, assessing how increasing your savings rate or paying off a loan earlier would help your long-term financial health. For example, the "Getting Organized" chapter helps you take stock of your personal financial well-being, examines your insurance needs to reduce your personal risk, and focuses on budgeting to create a customized spending and borrowing action plan. Another section reviews how you can accumulate wealth by using your home as an investment, investing wisely, and planning for tax minimization. A final section helps you plan for later life by saving for a comfortable retirement, developing a customized estate action plan, and listing specific actions for achieving financial peace of mind. Mr. Pond pops in with advice, suggests alternatives, or points out potentially incorrect information that you have entered. Definitions of common financial terms and cross-references to other incidences of the terms are available at a mouseclick. The CD-ROM version of the book includes interactive video clips with personal tips from Mr. Pond. Parts of Jonathan Pond's Personal Financial Planner are adapted from portions of "Pond's Personlaized Financial Planning Guide for Self-Employed Professionals and Small Business Owners" by Jonathan Pond, available at your local bookstore from Dell Publishing. _________________________________ / \ | Cyberspace Library File | |-----------------------------------| | Number: 1055 Name: PONDPLAN.ZIP | | Address: CYBERSPACE Date: 940609 | | Approximate # of bytes: 36992 | | Number of Accesses: 2 Library: 1 |____________________________________ | Description: | | This file contains sample screens showing the Graphical User Interface | | in Vertigo's Jonathan Pond's Personal Financial Planner, a commercial | | ActiveBook for Windows 3.1, distributed on CD-ROM. | \______________________________________________________________________/ Jonathan Pond's Personal Financial Planner requires a personal computer (386 or above), 4 MB RAM, 4 MB available hard disk space, Microsoft Windows 3.1, a VGA monitor (or better), and a mouse (recommended). The CD-ROM version is fully MPC-2 compliant and additionally requires a CD-ROM drive and sound card. The floppy disk version is priced at $49.95, and the CD-ROM version is priced at $69.95. The book is available from Vertigo directly (800/688-4750) and through computer retail stores. ActiveBooks combine the knowledge found in books and other print media with interactive software to simplify important personal and family finance decisions. Vertigo also offers The Wall Street Journal(R) Personal Finance Library, a collection of articles from the nation's leading business newspaper combined with interactive software. Vertigo plans to introduce a half-dozen more ActiveBooks by the end of 1994. The company has formed relationships with leading publishers, authors, and software developers of personal finance information. Vertigo has licensed content from these publishers and authors, and will be working with a number of them on developing original content that exploits the ActiveBook technology. ActiveBook content is also included in Quicken(R) for Windows CD-ROM Deluxe Edition(TM) and TurboTax(R) for Windows CD-ROM Deluxe Edition(TM). Vertigo Development Group is a privately held company founded in 1991 by Marty Fahey and Rob Rosen, two former executives from Lotus Development Corporation, to develop a new generation of electronic books. The company's venture captial partners include Aperture Associates, Applied Technology, Integral Capital Partners, Matrix Partners, Sequoia Captial, and Alex d'Arbeloff, president of Teradyne, Inc. Vertigo Development Group is located at 58 Charles Street, Cambridge, Mass. 02141, telephone 617/225-2065, fax 617/225-0637. -*- Virtual Landscape CD-ROM Provides Unique "Virtual" Experience _____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | _ | | |_| | Nederland, CO -- June 1, 1994 | _| | |\ \ |_| \_)ocky Mountain Digital Peeks announces their newest Virtual Landscape CD-ROM, "Winter Hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park." This entertainment and educational CD-ROM provides the virtual experience of snowshoeing through one of America's most beautiful mountain parks in winter. Unlike most vacation or scenery CD-ROMs today, this is definitely NOT a slide show or travelogue but an interactive exploration of the Park environment, providing the feeling that you are actually on the trail! The CD-ROM was created using Kodak PhotoCD Techology. The Virtual Landscape CD-ROM is being released initially for the Macintosh at a retail price of $49. Work has begun on a Microsoft Windows and MS-DOS version planned for availability in Winter 1994-1995. Sample screens from this Virual Landscape are available for downloading from the Library on GEnie Page 2000. The first, File 1056, is a topographical Rocky Moutain map of the main menu showing the program's Graphical User Interface (GUI), while the second in File 1057 is a magnificent 256-color winter scene. ___________________________________ / \ | Cyberspace Library Files | |-------------------------------------| | Number: 1056 Name: VLSCRN.GIF | | Address: CYBERSPACE Date: 940609 | | Approximate # of bytes: 164352 | | Number of Accesses: 2 Library: 1 | |-------------------------------------| | Number: 1057 Name: VLVALE.GIF | | Address: CYBERSPACE Date: 940609 | | Approximate # of bytes: 158208 | | Number of Accesses: 2 Library: 1 |__________________________________ | Description: | | These GIFs show the GUI from the Mac/Windows CD-ROM "Winter Hiking in | | Rocky Mountain National Park," from Rocky Mountain Digital Peeks. This | | can be viewed on any computer using a GIF display program. | \______________________________________________________________________/ Using the custom VLNavigate program, you "walk" through a landscape with complete control over destination, orientation, and information. It gives you the feeling of "virtually" being there by providing surround views at every trail stop, panoramas that allow you to explore beautiful vistas, and interactive maps and compass controls that track every move. All photos are original and provide "context" of the position rather than just the best view. They are full screen color images, with a customized palette for each image, ensuring close to true color on 8-bit color computers. Kodak's PhotoCD technology was used to input the images. Over 2,200 photos and 500 trail positions make the content substantial. The program is responsive and friendly, unlike many of the CD-ROMs using general purpose authoring or hypertext tools. VLNavigate features include: * Simple point & click navigation * Interactive maps for realism * 500 trail stops and 2,200 photos * Surround views and panoramas * Click on features for information * Automatic hiking & viewing option * Background music for relaxation * Three user interfaces to choose from * Copy option & liberal image usage rights * PhotoCD images available for Publication at extra charge System Requirements: Color Macintosh, System 7+, 3MB program memory, CD-ROM reader, 256 color monitor. Price: $49.00. VISA/Master Card orders may be place by calling 800/266-7637. Ask too about our "Calculated Beauty CD-ROM," a Fantasy Virtual Landscape exploring over 6,000 square feet of precalculated fractals with a unique rendering program for colorization and high resolution output. This CD-ROM is the first of a series of explorations of beautiful, natural areas and interesting places using the VLNavigate software. The next title planned explores a larger area of the Colorado Rocky Mountains in Springtime, including Indian Peaks Wilderness and Rocky Mountain National Park. The company is a private CD-ROM developer and publisher located in Nederland, Colorado. Mr. James "Newt" Perdue, President, has over 30 years experience in the computer industry. Their last published title was "Calculated Beauty," a fantasy version of a Virtual Landscape featuring over 6,000 square feet of beautiful fractal mosaics and a program to customize them for high-resolution printing. The company distributes their CD-ROMs directly (800-266-7637) and through the Educorp (800-843-9497) and MacZone (800-248-0800) catalogs. For further information, contact Mountain Digital Peeks, P.O. Box 1576, Nederland, CO 80466-1576, telephone 303/258-3779. -*- CSA's Mega-Midget Racer May Be Worth Hundreds of Dollars with New Trade-Up Program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ The Smart Choice: Recycle Your Hardware | | | | San Diego, CA -- May 31, 1994 | | | | |_|f you are one of thousands who purchased CSA's Mega-Midget Racer accelerator for Amiga, then CSA's new Trade-Up program may save you hundreds of dollars when purchasing new CSA technology. For instance, did you know that CSA has a 50MHz 68030 accelerator and the finest 68040 accelerator available? Your 20, 25, 33, or 38MHz Mega-Midget Racer can be traded up to a full 50MHz 68030 or to the powerful 68040. Now CSA offers an alternative to "keeping up with the Jones." If you need more speed and more memory, CSA's Platinum Edition Derringer 030 operating at 50MHz and accepting up to 32MB of RAM is the answer. If you need the powerful 68040 processor, a fast SCSI I/II hard drive controller, Dynamic RAM memory expansion up to 64MB and an optional 1MB of zero wait state Static RAM, then CSA 40/4 Magnum is the accelerator of choice. Babylon 5 and Sea Quest Accelerator The 40/4 Magnum is used for the special effects production in television series such as Babylon 5 and Sea Quest. Even if you have upgraded to an Amiga 1200, CSA's Trade-Up program will keep you ahead of the technology curve by offering trade-ups from Mega-Midget Racers to CSA's new Twelve Gauge(TM), the fastest, most complete Amiga 1200 accelerator on the market. Whether you're playing games or rendering large graphics files, CSA's Trade-Up program means your older CSA accelerator may be worth hundreds of dollars when purchasing new CSA products. Some limitations apply to this offer. Contact CSA's sales department for more information by calling 619/566-3911 or write to CSA, 7564 Trade Street, San Diego, CA 92121. -*- RAW Entertainment and Decision Games Combine Skills ___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / _ \ | |_| | Houston, TXT -- June 5, 1994 | _ | | | | | |_| |_|s the 50th anniversary of D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, and other famous WWII battles comes around, software publisher RAW Entertainment has signed an agreement with board game publisher Decision Games to convert any and all of their titles to computer. Decision Games currently has over 200 titles in their product range, having recently obtained SPI and TSR back catalog product. These titles cover most major and minor battles of World War II, as well as Ancient battles and Science Fiction games. Also included in the roster are board RPGs and adventure games. The first title available from this joint venture will be Rise of the West, based on the board game Empires of the Middle Ages. Rise of the West is a multi-player simulation of the rise and fall of medieval European empires. The object of the game is to achieve the highest victory point total by maintaining and expanding your empire through conquest, ruling and diplomacy. There can be up to eight empires in the game (depending on the scenario) which can be played by either computer or human players. Features include: Varied Map Displays (Political, Religion, Language, Population, etc.); Fort and Armies; Raiding; Diplomacy; Taxation; Maintenance; Rebellion; Parleys; Trading; Random effects (Famine, Tech Advance and Failure; Epidemic, Civil War, Uprising, Heresy). There is also a feature to create new scenarios or modify existing ones. Rise of the West will be available in July on Amiga (1 meg) and PC (Windows) and will sell through RAW Entertainment's Direct Sales Operation (DSO) for $29.95+S&H for both versions. For further information, contact John Ingram, RAW Entertainment, Inc., 713/286-2386 or Christopher Cummins, Ph.D., Decision Games 805/943-6832. -*- _____________________________________________ DateLine: June 17, 1994_____ ___ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ / _ \| | | | _ \| __| _ \| __| _ \ / _ \ / _ \| __| | | )_| |_| | |_) | |_ | |_) | (__| |_) | |_| | | )_| |_ | | _ \ /| _ <| _)| /|__ | __/| _ | | _| _) | |_) | | | | |_) | |__| |\ \ __) | | | | | | |_) | |__ \___/ |_| |____/|____|_| \_|____|_| |_| |_|\___/|____| ---------------------------- C O N T E N T S ------------------------------ 1. Delrina Announces The Far Side Screen Saver Collection Sample Screens Available in Cyberspace Library 2. Apple Demos "Virtual Reality For The Rest of Us" In Sneak Preview of Future QuickTime Technology 3. AT&T Announces New Line of PCs for Retail Outlets 4. ForeFront Announces ForeHelp Release for Windows Functional DEMO Version Available in Cyberspace Libary 5. Vertigo Development Group Announces Multimedia Consumer Guide to Mutual Funds 6. Macromedia Announces Action! 3.0 for Windows 7. Identity Offers New Do-It-Yourself High-Capacity Hard Disk Upgrades 8. New Mind Path Remote Control to Ship June 1 9. Texas Instruments Announces (low-cost) microMarc Color Inkjet Printer Free Color Printed Sample Available by Surface Mail 10. Congressman Declares War on U.S. Software Companies ASP, STAR, and ECS Propose Alternatives --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delrina Announces The Far Side Screen Saver Collection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's The Far Side Like You've Never Seen It Before -- Gary Larson's Off-beat Cartoons Come to Life on Your Desktop! ____ | _ \ | | ) | Kirkland, WA & Toronto, ONT -- May 10, 1994 | | | | | |_) | |____/elrina Corporation (NASDAQ:DENAF and TSE:DC), the people who popularized watching newspaper comics on personal computers, today announced The Far Side Screen Saver Collection for Windows and Macintosh. The Far Side Screen Saver Collection delivers The Far Side like you've never seen it before in 14 fully-animated, incredibly detailed modules by internationally syndicated cartoonist Gary Larson. The product will be available at all major computer retail stores and through mail order catalogs in June. Suggested retail price is $39.95 (Cdn $45.95). The Far Side Screen Saver Collection includes a series of four highly detailed modules that provide a twisted insight into the Evolutionary process. Another module gives a comical look at what really goes on in the hen house when no one is watching. There are 14 modules in all that are sure to give you hours of Far Side laughs. "Gary Larson's off-beat cartoons are extremely popular with computer users and hard core software developers, and this product features some of Gary Larson's most popular material," said Jon Matsuo, general manager Delrina Consumer Division. "We guarantee it will put a smile on every face, especially one buried in some spreadsheet, word processor or C++." Sample Screens Available Hilarious sample screen captures from two Far Side Screen Savers (alas, without animation) -- compliments of Delrina Corporation -- are avaliable for downloading from the Cyberspace Library on GEnie Page 2000: ___________________________________ / \ | Cyberspace Library Files | |-------------------------------------| | Number: 1059 Name: MAMMALS.GIF | | Address: CYBERSPACE Date: 940615 | | Approximate # of bytes: 217088 | | Number of Accesses: 6 Library: 8 | |-------------------------------------| | Number: 1060 Name: REPTILES.GIF | | Address: CYBERSPACE Date: 940615 | | Approximate # of bytes: 234880 | | Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 8 | |-------------------------------------|________________________________ | Description: \ | Gary Larson's original, hilarious, oversized SVGA screens about | | prehistoric-type animals are samples from Delrina's Far Side Windows | | and Mac Screen Saver Collection. Both can be converted and cropped | | for use as Windows wallpaper or backdrops on any computing system! | | They're great! Note: MAMMALS.GIF is 799x599x256-Colors, REPTILES.GIF | | is 800x598x256-Colors. | \_____________________________________________________________________/ Gary Larson has been drawing The Far Side for syndication since 1980. It currently appears in more than 1,800 daily and Sunday newspapers worldwide and has been translated into 17 different languages. There are over 21 million Far Side collections in print in 12 books and 3 anthologies. Larson attributes much of his success to the caffeine in the numerous cups of coffee he drinks daily as well as the enlightening (endarkening?) time his older brother compelled him to spend in the basement as a child. He now lives above ground in Seattle. The Far Side Screen Saver Collection is the next generation in screen savers by being first to offer high resolution (800 x 600), 256 color, fully-animated, sound-filled modules based on Gary Larson's popular cartoons. Delrina's Imaginators (animators) have crafted quality screen savers that take complete advantage of today's multimedia personal computers. The Far Side Screen Saver Collection uses Delrina's Intermission screen saver engine which supports modules from other screen savers including Intermission 4.0, Opus 'n Bill Screen Saver, After Dark, and Windows 3.1. The product also provides security features like password protection and synchronization with network password support. The Far Side Screen Saver Collection is available for computers running Windows (3.1) and Apple Macintosh System 6.0.7 or higher. System requirements include 7 MB of hard disk space, 2.5 MB of RAM, 256 color display and adapter. A sound board is highly recommended. Existing users of The Far Side Daily Planner, Intermission Screen Saver, and the Opus 'n Bill Screen Saver can purchase The Far Side Screen Saver Collection for $19.95 (Cdn $24.95) directly from Delrina. Delrina Corporation develops, markets, and supports PC-based software products and services for the fax and data communication, electronic forms processing and consumer content software markets. Delrina's consumer content software products include the Far Side Daily Planner and Calendar Publisher, and the Intermission and Opus 'n Bill screen savers. Founded in 1988, Delrina employs more than 450 people with headquarters in Toronto, Canada and offices in San Jose, CA; Washington, DC: Kirkland, WA; the United Kingdom; France; and Germany. Delrina can be contacted at 6830 Via Del Oro, Suite 240, San Jose, CA 95119, telephone 1-800-268-6082. -*- Apple Demos "Virtual Reality For The Rest of Us" In Sneak Preview of Future QuickTime Technology ___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / _ \ | |_| | Los Angeles, CA -- June 7, 1994 | _ | | | | | |_| |_|pple Computer Inc. provided a sneak preview of its future virtual reality technology today in a demonstration here at the Digital World Exposition. Simon & Schuster Interactive is expected to be the first licensee of the virtual reality technology for its upcoming Star Trek(R) CD-ROM title, also shown today. Apple's technology, QuickTime(TM) VR -- short for virtual reality -- is software that enables a user to view a photographic or rendered representation of a scene in 360 degrees. Users can zoom in front or out of a scene, navigate from one scene to another, and even pick up and inspect objects. As the user changes their view of the scene, correct perspective is maintained, providing the effect of being at the location and looking around. Simon & Schuster Interactive Expected to be First Licensee Simon & Schuster Interactive, the new electronic publishing division of Simon & Schuster, is expected to be the first company to lisense QuickTime VR. The company today provided a preview of its "Star Trek: The Next Generation(R) Interactive Technical Manual," a virtual reality tour of the Starship U.S.S. Enterprise(TM). Consumers can tour the Enterprise and view objects and scenes in 360 degrees. The CD-ROM title will be launched on June 23 at the Consumer Electronics Show and is expected to be avalible in September 1994 for both Macintosh and Windows. Simon & Schuster, one of the world's leading publishers, is a division of Paramont Communications, Inc., a majority-owned subsidiary of Viacom Inc. Virtual reality, while attracting much media attention over the past few years, has suffered a lack of true consumer acceptance largely because of the amount of technical equipment required. Expensive workstation-caliber computers, gloves and goggles have made VR prohibtive for most consumers. Apple's QuickTime VR does not require any special hardware, accelerators or perpherals -- only a Macintosh or Windows computer with QuickTime. While most virtual reality systems offer users the ability to interact with relatively simple three-dimensional computer-generated space, QuickTime VR adds visual realism by enabling the user to explore a space that is represented photo- graphically. "Virtual Reality for the Rest of Us" "QuickTime VR is virtual reality for the rest of us," commented Rick LeFaivre, vice president of the Apple Advanced Technology Group. "This is a huge leap forward in the world of interactive media, and we expect it to have significant impact on business, entertainment, and education applications. QuickTime VR could open up a whole new area of opportunity for Apple and for the developers who license the technology." Apple expects QuickTime VR to be widely adopted by CD-ROM title developers, architectural planners, engineering application developers, and game manufacturers. Apple is in the process of commercializing the technology and will make it available to content developers, production companies and software developers. An Example QuickTime VR Application As an example of how QuicckTime VR could be used, consider an interactive educational CD-ROM about the Mayan Ruins. QuickTIme VR would enable the user to walk around, view and interact with the actual ruins (captured photographically in 360 degrees, and processed and displayed using QuickTime VR.) Existing personal computer virtual reality systems would only enable the user to interact with a crude computer model of the ruins. QuickTime VR has integrated "hot spots" -- areas within a program with which users can interact. For example, the Mayan Ruins title may feature a pyramid on which users could click to play an audio recording of Mayan ceremonial music, or to display text detailing how the pyramid was built. New Technology is Based on QuickTime All QuickTime 2.0-compliant applications will have the ability to play QuickTime VR files. The compression capabilities inherent with QuickTime result in small QuickTime VR files: Each photographic representation of a 360 degree space is less than 1 MB. Computer-rendered representations, such as architectural renderings, are even smaller. QuickTime VR requires QuickTime 2.0, Apple's software that brings multimedia capabilities to personal computers and consumer electronic devices. Quick-Time 2.0, expected to be availble this summer, is a significant leap forward as it makes large, smooth video a reality for computer users. QuickTime 2.0 is compatible with MPEG(*) and incorporates music -- including a library of sounds licensed from Roland Corporation -- making it ideal software for the creation of CD-ROM titles and corporate presentations. Price and Availability QuickTime VR is expected to be availible for developer licensing by the end of 1994. License fees have not been annouced. Developers interested in more information on QuickTime VR can call the Apple Developer Hotline at 408/974-4897. Headquartered in Cupertino, California., Apple Computer, Inc. [NASDAQ:AAPL] develops, manufactures and markets computer systems for use in business, education, the home, science, engineering and goverment. A recognized pioneer and innovator in the personal computer industry, Apple does business in more than 120 countries. (*) MPEG, which stands for Motion Pictures Experts Group, is an ISO standard that allows for greater video conpression rate resulting in faster, smoother video. The standard has been cooperatively developed by more than 70 companies and tnstitutions worldwide including SONY, Philips, Matsushita and Apple. It is expected to become the digital video standard for compact discs, cable TV, direct satellite broadcast and high-definition television. -*- ___ AT&T Announces New Line of PCs for Retail Outlets / _ \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |_| | Dayton, OH -- May 16, 1994 | _ | | | | | |_| |_|T&T Global Information Solutions (formerly NCR Corporation) today introduced a feature-packed new line of PCs targeted specifically for the needs of consumers and small office/home office customers. Customers will be able to purchase the new AT&T brand PCs at consumer electronics and computer superstores across the country. Roll-out is beginning now at the following retailers: Microcenter (Columbus, Ohio), R.C. Willey (Salt Lake City, Utah), Lechmere (Boston, Mass.), Sears (Chicago, Ill.) Incredible Universe (Dallas, Texas), BrandsMart (Miama, Fla.), and Dayton-Hudson (Minneapolis, Minn.), among others. Feature Rich for Your Computing and Communications Needs AT&T displays its commitment to merging computing and communications with a variety of built-in features such as fax/modem and six on-line services on all models -- AT&T EasyLink, America On-Line, CompuServe, GEnie, the Imagination Network, and Prodigy. Six models have multimedia capabilities and are equippped with Sound Blaster Pro compatible audio card, stereo speakers, and four CD-ROM titles. All twelve have pre-installed telecommunications capabilities including fax/modem and most have voice messaging capablities to answer calls, store messages and receive VoiceMail. Pre-loaded software includes MS-DOS 6.2, Windows 3.1, Intuit's Quicken personal finance management software, and PFS WindowWorks, an integrated package for word processing, spreadsheets, and data bases. "The new line is designed completely around the needs of small office/home office customers," said Ron Stanczak, assistance vice president of U.S. Area Alliance Marketing for AT&T Global Information Solutions. "We're able to offer them a great value with unique features and service/support that rank us second to none." Sample Configurations * AT&T 486SX2/50 Desktop PC: Highlights include 4 MB of memory, 270MB hard drive, voice/messaging, fax/modem, VESA local bus video, preloaded software, and six on-line services. Prices will be set by individual retailers but are expected to be $1,399-1,499 and $1,799-1,899 with the full multimedia package. * AT&T 486DX2/66 MiniTower PC: Highlights include 4 MB of memory, 340MB hard drive, VESA local bus video, preloaded software, fax/modem, voice/messaging, and six on-line services. Prices will be set by individual retailers but are expected to be $1,799-1,899 and $2,199-2,299 with the full multimedia package. Retail stores selling AT&T computers have the added benefit of AT&T's partnership with ten marketing agencies nationwide, comprising over 160 sales specialists. They provide retailers with sales training and merchandising assistance on the features and beneits of the products. The sales agents also make periodic visits to the store to answer sales questions and offer merchandising support. Customers benefit by having trained, knowledgeable retailers available for assistance at all locations. The company boasts a full-spectrum of support to maximize customer satisfaction including on-site next business day service for home or office, guaranteed repair or replacement of all parts for one year and toll-free technical assistance for the life of the computer. Using ReachOut software, customers have immediate access to the company's support team which can often diagnose and resolve problems remotely through the computer's modem. AT&T Global Information Solutions is dedicated to being the world's best at bringing computing and communciations solutions together to provide easy access to information and to each other -- anytime, anywhere. -*- ForeFront Announces ForeHelp Release for Windows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ Windows Help Authoring in an Actual Help Environment | __| | |_ Boulder, CO -- May 1994 | _| | | |_|oreFront, Inc. has released ForeHelp, the only Windows' Help authoring software that lets you view, create, change, and move through your help projects in the actual visual and functional help-like setting. Unlike other help authoring tools that provide add-on macros in a word processing document, ForeHelp's complete help development environment lets you create and instantly use jumps, pop-ups, browse sequences, keyword search, back, contents, and history WHILE editing. ForeHelp is designed for anyone documenting Windows applications or developing hypertext documents for corporate publishing purposes. The author neither performs nor sees any programming or RTC coding for the Windows help compiler using ForeHelp. WinHelp Files ForeHelp directly supports all Windows 3.1 help features including hotspots in text and graphics, macros including support of multimedia extensions, browse sequences, and window classes, all without requiring the use of supporting applications. ForeHelp includes a full-featured WYSIWYG word processor, spell checker, Thesaurus, and its own segmented hypergraphics editor for placing hotspots on pictures. Existing help projects, graphics, text and RTF files may be directly imported into ForeHelp. ForeHelp also offers three unique tools to help you plan, view and manage your help project: the Navigator graphically displays connection and browse relationships among topics; the Grapher shows your project in heirarchical outline form; and the Reporter generates visual and printed reports on selectable topics and their properties. ForeHelp's Text mode lets you instantly view and test your uncompiled project at any time. Using Test, the project appears and functions exactly as the final Windows Help project will. During the build process, a comprehensive error detection and resolution facility allows you to jump directly to an error location without having to decipher cryptic help compiler error messages. __________________________________ / \ | Cyberspace Library File | |------------------------------------| | Number: 1061 Name: FOREHELP.ZIP | | Address: CYBERSPACE Date: 940615 | | Approximate # of bytes: 1413888 | | Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 3 |__________________________________ | Description: \ | This slick working DEMO version of ForeHelp v1.03 automates creating | | Windows Help files. Its only limitation is a maximum of 10 topics per | | project. Create, assemble, and test WinHelp files with multimedia | | extensions in a full WYSIWYG environment; no other software (except | | compiler) or programming knowledge needed! Includes extensive Tutorial | | file; CTRL+CLICK on uncompiled examples. Requires Windows 3.1; 4MB | | RAM, 4MB hard disk space. Run SETUP.EXE to install from File Menu in | | Program Manager. To build WinHelp files get Microsoft Help Compiler, | | either HCP.EXE or HC.EXE, in file 5038 VBHC505.EXE (224Kbytes) from | | Microsoft Library, Page 505. Set Files=40 or more in CONFIG.SYS. | \______________________________________________________________________/ Product Features * Visual and functional help environment for viewing, creating, changing and moving through help projects. Use help features immediately after creating them. * Support of all advanced help features: Jump and pop-up hotspots Hotspot, project and topic macros including multimedia extensions Multiple hotspots on graphics Browse sequences Secondary window classes Keywords Non-scrolling areas * Support of all help navigational features while editing: Back Contents Browse Keyword search History Execute jumps and pop-ups * Full-featured WYSIWYG Windows word processor Fonts and graphics display in text No help compiler codes display * Test mode instantly displays and executes the help project exactly like the compiled project * ForeHelp's own segmented hypergraphics editor is incorporated in the software to place multiple hotspots on pictures without launching separate software * Error detect and resolution facility runs during the build process to correct errors before compiling * Automatically generates multiple topics from a seleted list of topic titles * Navigator tool graphically displays hotspots and browse relationships among topics * Grapher tool displays project topics in hierarchical outline form * Reporter tool displays and prints reports of selectable topics and their properties * Imports existing help projects, text, graphic, and RTF files * Supports creation of context-sensitive help * Backup facility * Find/Replace features make jump, pop-up or macro hotspots as well as keywords * Spell check * Thesaurus * Table Editor * Dialog box for setting jump, pop-up and macro colors * Launches WinHelp and Help Compiler from within application System Requirements * 80386 or higher PC * VGA or higher display * Windows 3.1 * At least 4MB RAM * At least 4MB available hard disk space * Windows 3.1 compatible Help Compiler ForeHelp is available now for $395 (competitive upgrade $199) from ForeFront, Inc., 5171 Eldorado Springs Drive, Boulder, CO 80303. For more information contact ForeFront by phone at 800/357-8507 or fax 303/494-5446. ForeFront is a privately held company that was incorporated in 1989. It is primarily engaged in software development for Windows, including Q&A Write for Symantec Corporation and The Student Writing Center for The Learning Company. -*- Vertigo Development Group Announces Multimedia Consumer Guide to Mutual Funds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New ActiveBook Program uses Morningstar Ratings to Help Consumers Find the Right ___ Funds and Learn About Mutual Fund Investing / _ \ | |_| | Los Angeles, CA -- May 28, 1994 | _ | | | | | |_| |_|t the American Booksellers Association Convention, Vertigo Development Group of Cambridge, Mass., announced a new multimedia program that helps consumers select the right mutual funds, using industry-leading mutual-fund research information from Morningstar, Inc. A Vertigo ActiveBook(TM) product, Your Mutual Fund Selector teams the latest in interactive video technology with detailed Morningstar ratings of more than 1,000 mutual funds, to guide consumers in researching and identifying the funds that meet their personal investment needs. The new ActiveBook product will be available on CD-ROM and will run on personal computers with Microsoft Windows. It will be available in July from Vertigo (1-800-688-4750) and through select computer retail stores. This announcement was made at the American Booksellers Association Convention being held here, May 29-31: "Morningstar is a trusted source of mutual fund data, and the company is well known for its practical approach and solid research," said Martin J. Fahey, Vertigo's president. "Now, Your Mutual Fund Selector will let individual investors apply this wealth of information to put together the portfolios of funds that are exactly right for them. The ActiveBook technology and interactive video help consumers not only to find the right funds but also to decide what they want from their mutual funds and how much to invest in each fund to achieve their goal. The software does all this in a way that's simple, interesting, and even fun." ActiveBook products combine the knowledge found in databases and books with ineractive software to help consumers make important financial decisions more easily and confidently. Leading financial publishers and authors have teamed up with Vertigo to produce ActiveBook products. In addition to Morningstar, Vertigo has worked with Dow Jones & Company, Inc., MONEY magazine, and nationally recognized financial planner Jonathan Pond to develop ActiveBook products. In Your Mutual Fund Selector, interactive graphical worksheets called ActiveInformation(TM) pages let investors easily and simply probe Morningstar's vast database of mutual-fund financial characteristics. The ActiveInformation pages walk the reader through the process of building a personal financial profile, evaluating risk tolerance, determining asset allocation based on sound investment principles, and selecting individual funds. The ActiveInformation pages automatically perform any calculations or analysis, matching the reader's profile against the Morningstar-supplied fund characteristics. By using Your Mutual Fund Selector, investors can quickly, painlessly, and confidently put together portfolios of mutual funds that meet their investment objectives. Interactive video provides animated step-by-step help in how to use the book, walks the reader through a quiz that helps him determine his risk tolerance, and shows experienced investors answering common questions. Each ActiveInformation page contains hot links to a variety of related subjects, letting interested readers click on a button to get more detailed information about common investor mistakes, how to decipher a prospectus, a hisotry of the stock market and other topics. In addition to helping consumers choose funds, the ActiveBook program lets investors learn about mutual fund investing so that they can research and choose funds more effectively in the future. The book is expected to carry a retail price of $49.95. Other ActiveBook programs include The Wall Street Journal(R) Personal Finance Library, a collection of articles from the nation's leading business newspaper combined with interactive software; Jonathan Pond's Personal Financial Planner, which walks readers through the process of creating personal financial plans that meet their lifetime goals; and Your Best Money Moves Now, a guide to smart investing developed in conjunction with MONEY Magazine. Morningstar, Inc., is a leader in mutual fund research and analysis. Its research is frequently cited in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, MONEY, and elsewhere in the financial press. Morningstar's publications are praised by individual and professional investors for insightful evaluations and ground-breaking research into mutual fund characteristics and performance. Vertigo Development Group is a privately held company founded in 1991 by Martin J. Fahey and Rob Rosen, two former executives from Lotus Development Corporation, to develop a new generation of electronic books. The company's venture capital partners include Aperture Associates, Applied Technology, Integral Capital Parners, Matrix Partners, Sequoia Capital, and Alex d'Arbeloff, president of Teradyne, Inc. Vertigo Development Group is located at 58 Charles Street, Cambridge, Mass. 02141, telephone 617/225-2065, fax 617/225-0637. -*- Macromedia Announces Action! 3.0 for Windows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ _ Creating Multimedia Presentations is Easier Than Ever Before | \ / | | \/ | San Francisco, CA -- May 23, 1994 | | | |\/| | |_| |_|acromedia (NASDAQ: MACR), the leader in multimedia software, today announced Action!(TM) 3.0 for Windows(TM), a major upgrade to its popular multimedia presentation tool. Macromedia also announced a reduction to Action!'s suggested retail price, $199, down from $295. Since its introduction in 1991, Action! has provided entry-level multimedia users and business professionals with the means to combine text, graphics, animation, digital video, and sound into compelling multimedia presentations. Action! is designed to help users make an impact by incorporating effects that are not possible with traditional static presentation graphics packages. "It's easier than ever for users to create multimedia presentations in minutes," said John C. (Bud) Colligan, president and CEO of Macromedia. "Action!'s new user interface and the automation of frequently used tasks are examples of features we incorporated to make Action! more accessible to a larger audience. The one million Action! users will love this upgrade!" Specific enhancements and features include: Outliner and Spell Checker Action's outliner helps users to plan and organize the key points of a presentation prior to working on the visuals and graphics. All content typed into the outliner is transferred directly into the scene, where multimedia efects are added automatically. To ensure that presentations remain free of typographic errors, version 3.0 now features a spell checker. Over 300 Dynamic Templates Offered An all new set of professionally designed templates provide the user with graphic design, motion, font/color selections, visual flourishes and synchronization -- instantly! The template libraries are completely interchangeable, so that content created with one template can be transferred to a different one with a single command. Add Impact Quickly with Automated Flying Bullets and Motion Palette Action!'s Text Motion Gallery(TM) and Motion Palette(TM) let users preview and choose from dozens of different pre-made motion and transition effects. Creating stunning presentations now becomes a matter of taste, rather than a matter of programming skill. User Interface Enhancements Action!'s new interface helps users create multimedia presentations more quickly and easily than ever before. Commonly used commands are now accessible in the tool bars and floating palettes. Additionally, the right mouse button is now context sensitive, so that when users click anywhere in the working area of the screen a pop-up menu provides all the relevant options. Microsoft Office Compatible and OLE 2.0 Support Version 3.0 is also Microsoft(R) Office compatible which offers users a distinct advantage -- it shares the Microsoft Office family's familiar and consistent way of doing things. By supporting Microsoft's latest Object Linking and Embedding 2.0 technology, Action! makes it easy to work with other OLE programs. Users can drag and drop data between programs, edit information in place, and share data easily between programs. Action! 3.0 will be available in June for $199. Owners of previous versions can upgrade to version 3.0 for $49 until July 31 and $69 thereafter. Action! 3.0 will also be abailable in a CD-ROM edition which includes 230MB of Clip Media in addition to Turtle Beach's Wave Tools and MIDI tune up software for editing sound clips and creating special sound effects. The suggested retail price of the bundled CD-ROM version is $299. Users can upgrade to the CD-ROM for $69 until July 31, and $89 thereafter. Macromedia, the leader in multimedia software tools, offers a full range of products for Windows and Macintosh platforms. The company's flagship products include Authorware(R) Professional, the premier multiplatform authoring tool for interactive learning; Macromedia Director(R), the industry standard animation and authoring tool for multimedia production; MacroModel(TM), a spline-based 3D modeling tool for multimedia, graphics and product design; Action!, the award-winning business presentation application with motion, sound and interactivity; and SoundEdit 16(TM), the easy-to-use digital sound recording and editing solution. -*- Identity Offers New Do-It-Yourself High-Capacity Hard Disk Upgrades _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | Carrollton, TX -- May 23, 1994 | | | | |_|dentity Systems Technology, Inc., the wholly owned subsidiary of IRG Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:IRGT), announced its new series of 3.5-inch hard disk drives for IBM and IBM-compatible PCs. Identity also continues its popular way for PC users to buy disk upgrades and extensions for both business and home systems -- through the mass merchandising channel -- and readily install the upgrades themselves. The new models of IDENTITY(R) disk drives meet the speed and storage requiements of modern softare, with capacities as great as 525MB, 450MB, 340MB, 260MB, and 210MB. They join an entire array of IDENTITY peripherals for PC-compatible and Macintosh systems marketed and merchandised by the Carrollton, Texas company for the mass merchant retail market. Hard Disk Upgrade Market Growing "The figures for penetration of both the home computer and the home office markets are rapidly growing for U.S. households," stated Allan Haynie, senior vice president for Identity. "Many of these households are two computer households; many purchased their first computer several years ago; and most of their computers have minimal amounts of memory and small hard disks... or no hard disk at all. The same situation pertains to many businesses. Upgrades are the cost-effective solution, and when people upgrade, they want the largest amount of disk they can afford. The advent of graphical user interfaces and the ability to manipluate larger databases and use complex graphic applications have exploded the need for disk storage, and few serious computer users are satisfied with using floppy disks to support their application and data storage requirements. "As well, the cost of disk storage has come down significantly. Identity has demonstrated that the time is right to market large disk drives through the consumer retail market." Identity Upgrade Kits Ready to Install In response to user preferences, Identity sells its hard drive kits ready for installation by the purchaser. Each kit includes a set of AT rails, IDE, hard/floppy controller, power/data cables, a 5.25-inch bracket, a power Y adapter, and an instructional video installation tape. Suggested Identity retail pricing for the disk drives is as follows: Model ID1XI 210MB $299 Model ID2XI 260MB $349 Model ID3XI 340MB $399 Model ID4XI 450MB $459 Model ID5XI 525MB $599 In order to facilitate purchase and use of its family of products, Identity provides informative packaging and documentation, and offers mass merchants competitive list pricing and attractive margins. IDENTITY products are available through mass merchant outlets. About the Company IRG Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:IRGT), through its wholly-owned subsidiaries BSM Computers Inc. and Identity Systems Technology Inc., is a national distributor of computer products and peripherals to VARs, mass merchants, and other resellers. Identity Systems Techhnology Inc. sells its own IDENTITY private label brand of microcompuer peripheral products directly to mass merchants and to VARs and other resellers through BSM Computers, Inc. For more information, contact Identity Systems Technology, 1235 West Trinity Mills Road, Carrollton, Texas 75006-1365, phone 214/323-4600 or 800/723-8258, fax 214/323-0666. -*- New Mind Path Remote Control to Ship June 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New full-featured remote redefines the product catagory by offering total _ _ control plus the freedom to add flair. | \ / | | \/ | Dallas, TX -- May 1994 | | | |\/| | |_| |_|ind Path Technologies, one of the leading vendors of wireless hand held remote controls for computer based presentations and training, is redefining its product category with its newest product. The Mind Path(R) Remote Control is a powerful, lightweight, inexpensive remote control that combines dramatic special effects that can be added "on the fly" with total control of a Windows or DOS computer from up to 45 feet away. The new remote, shipping June 1, is the only wireless hand held remote that offers the users total control of the presentation and dazzling special effects. The Mind Path Remote Control is an essential tool for presenters, product demonstrators, and training professionals because it offers total control, not just mouse control, plus important special effects. The new remote control, Model #IR50-F/X, carries a manufacturer's suggested list price of $229. "We're excited about this new remote control. It cuts the cord that has kept computer users tied to the keyboard and makes it easy to add your own personal style and flair whenever you're sharing on-screen information. You can move freely, without giving up control -- and you can add emphasis and special effects at any time, whether they were designed into the original presentation or not," explains Alex Tsakiris, president of Mind Path Technologies. Compared to other remotes, the new Mind Path Remote Control is easier to use, more powerful, and more useful, Tsakiris explained. "We designed this remote for the computer retail channel, and it has the features computer users need for product demonstrations, computer-based training, or multimedia presentations," he said. Comparison Chart: Computer Presentation Control Devices Remote Mouse Keyboard Special Easy * Product Control Range Control Control Effects Setup/Use Price ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mind Path Remote Wireless Full movement Yes Yes Yes. Connects $229 Control IR50-F/X 45 feet and clicking 17 like a mouse Mind Path Operated with Technologies thumb. Pro Presenter Wireless No movement, No No Yes. Connects $99 Presentation 30 feet limited like a mouse. Electronics clicking Operated with thumb. Pro Presenter Wireless Limited Mvmt Yes Yes Somewhat. $169 Plus 30 feet and clicking 10 Connects like Presentation a mouse. Mouse Electronics movement awkward. ProPoint Corded Full No No Yes. Connects $129 Interlink 6 feet Movement and like a mouse. Electronics clicking Operated with thumb. IMP Wireless Full Yes No Yes. Connects $149 Arcana Tech 10 feet movement and like a mouse. clicking Operated with finger. Air Mouse Wireless Full No No No. Difficult $595 Select Tech 30 feet movement and setup. Mouse clicking mvmt unsteady. Cyclops Wand must Full No No Somewhat. Hard $899 Proxima Corp. touch movement and to setup. screen ** clicking Clicking can be unreliable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Editor's note: All prices and features listed here are based on published data; Mind Path Technologies has no reason to believe this data is incorrect as of 5/2/94, but manufacturer's specifications or pricing may have changed. Please contact each manufacturer for current information on their products. ** An extra-cost, optional laser pointer for Cyclops does not require that the wand touch the screen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new Mind Path Remote Control features the same patented MouseDisk(R) control pad that earned rave reviews in the popular Mind Path IR90 Remote Control. With a touch of the thumb, the soft, flexible MouseDisk provides complete mouse control from anywhere in the room. Separate slide show buttons make it easy to move forward or back in any presentation. The MouseDisk moves in 16 directions at variable speeds, giving users one-hand control for click, double-click, and click-drag sequences. "We listened to users who purchased the Mind Path IR90 Remote Control through A/V dealers, and to the software vendors for whom we manufacture private- label remotes. Users wanted a lighter remote with a more rounded, narrower shape, so the new one weighs less than 4 ounces and fits comfortably in the hand. Most importantely, it features an intuitive design that does not require a lot of practice before the first presentation," Tsakiris explained. The Mind Path Remote Control includes five special effect (F/X) buttons that add instant impact to any Windows presentation, demonstration, or training session, plus two Slideshow Buttons which come configured for forward-and- back screen changes, but are assignable to any keyboard sequence or mouse click sequence. All five "F/X Buttons" can be assigned to any of more than 20 special effects included with Mind Path Presentation F/X. The buttons are pre-configured for the most popular effects, including Zoom-in for detailed text and graphics, Spotlight key points for greater emphasis, or even draw on top of any Windows screen with a John-Madden-like Telestrator. "These effects are especially valuable to product demonstrators and trainers who want to add impact to standard application software," Tsakiris says. The Mind Path Remote Control is easy to connect and use -- just plug the infrared receiver into the serial port and install the remote software. Users get total computer control from up to 45 feet away. Product demonstrators who need to execute complex keyboard commands that can't be pre-programmed, can stay close to the computer in order to use the mouse and remote control at the same time. The Mind Path Remote Control and Mind Path Presentation F/X software work with all Windows applications programs. The Mind Path Remote Control also works with DOS applications, with or without mouse support. System requirements include a 9-pin or 25-pin serial port. The Mind Path Remote Control requires DOS 3.1 or greater; Presentation F/X software requires Windows 3.1 or greater. The software ships on one diskette, and requires approximately 3 MB of hard disk space. Mind Path Presentation F/X software, the perfect companion product, is included with the Mind Path Remote Control. The software can be purchased separately by presenters who do not need a new remote control. The software has a manufacturer's suggested retail price of $79.95 in the software-only package. Mind Path Technologies, founded in 1985, also manufacturers the Mind Path IR90 Remote Control, a sophisticated remote control sold through audio/visual dealers worldwide (suggested list price: $395), private label remote controls sold through OEM contracts with major software and hardware manufacturers, and a broad line of customized remote controls for presentation control applications. For more information about the new Mind Path Remote Control with Presentation F/X software, contact Mind Path Technologies, 12700 Park Central Drive, Suite 1707, Dallas, TX 75251, telephone 214/233-9296, fax 214/233-9308. -*- Texas Instruments Announces microMarc Color Inkjet Printer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Under $400 printer provides vivid color _____ for a wide range of home and business needs |_ _| | | Temple, TX -- May 23, 1994 | | | | |_|exas Instruments today announced the MicroMarc Color inkjet printer, a new printer that produces brillant color at an affordable price. With an estimated street price of under $400, the microMarc Color is a versatile home printer that adds vivid color to school work, personal projects and work brought home from the office. The microMarc Color also provides excellent, economical color for business printing such as charts, graphics and presentations. The microMarc Color is "two printers in one," with easily switchable color and monochrome printheads that are included with the printer. This allows the microMarc Color to combine the best attributes of both color and monochrome inkjet printers into a single unit. With the color printhead installed, users can print high-resolution color documents as well as vivid black that is mixed from three colors; the monochrome printhead is designed for black-only printing such as large reports and manuscripts. The microMarc Color prints graphics in 300 x 300 dpi (dots per inch) resolution, and prints text in 600 x 300 dpi when using the printer's resident fonts. "For little more than the cost of a monochrome-only inkjet printer, home and business users now have the ability to print in brilliant color," said Aubrey Brickhouse, Director of Worldwide Printer Products Marketing for Texas Instruments. "The microMarc Color is an ideal multimedia printer that's capable of capturing the detailed colors found in CD-ROM applications. And it easily adds a professional edge to sales presentations, reports, and business proposals." Free Color Printing Sample "We believe the microMarc Color provides the best color quality of any printer in its class and even rivals the performance of more expensive color printers," Brickhouse continued. "Of course, seeing is believing -- so individuals can receive a print sample that demonstrates the outstanding color capabilities of this remarkable printer by calling 1-800-TI-TEXAS in the United Sated and Canada or the nearest Texas Instruments international sales office." The microMarc Color inkjet printer uses drop-on-demand thermal inkjet technology. The color printhead has 51 nozzles and offers fast, bi-directional printing that dries quickly. The microMarc Color prints faster than the Hewlett-Packard DeskJet(R) 500C. Based on tests using the NSTL/Byte Magazine 1993 Windows Color Graphics benchmark, the microMarc Color scores one page per minute compared to .67 pages per minute for the DeskJet 500C. Print speed ranges up to 400 characters per second, or five pages per minute, with the monochrome printhead installed. The microMarc Color is simple to operate, making it a printer the whole family can easily use. The color and monochrome printheads take only seconds to change. The 120-sheet automatic sheet feeder minimizes paper reloading, and the manual sheet feeder allows quick printing of envelopes and single sheets. The microMarc Color prints on plain paper in both color and monochrome modes. It also accepts transparencies and labels designed for inkjet printers, as well as special coated and glossy papers designed to enhance color printing. The microMarc Color printer offers PCL(R) 3 emulation, which provides access to the full range of PCL-compatible Windows(TM) and DOS(R) applications. The microMarc Color printer includes five resident fonts -- Courier, Letter Gothic, Times Nordic PS, BF Times, and Linea. The microMarc Color can easily be used in any home or office environment because of its quiet printing and small footprint -- 15.2" wide x 6.9" high x 14.4" deep (385 mmx 175 mm x 365 mm). Weight is only 11 pounds (5 kg.). The microMarc Color is available immediately through TI's extensive network of distributors and dealers worldwide. The suggested list price is $439, with an estimated U.S. street price of under $400. -*- Congressman Declares War on U.S. Software Companies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Children's and Educational Programs Endangered __ __ | | | | | | | | Mendocino, CA -- May 1994 | | | | | |_| | |_____|. S. Representative Tom Lantos (D-Calif) has declared war on small American software businesses. In a public hearing held in San Francisco on May 21, Lantos reaffirmed his support for the establishment of an expensive private bureaucracy for the purpose of applying ratings to computer games, even if it means the destruction of hundreds of small companies. This plan would be administered by the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA), an organization created by a few giant video game manufacturers. The IDSA plan would require the publishers of computer games to produce and submit videotapes, pay processing fees of $500 or more, and await review by a secret committee before they could release products in the marketplace. In contrast to this plan, four major trade associations, representing over 3000 businesses, are in the process of developing a standardized ratings system that could be quickly and accurately applied to software as part of the development process, and which would impose no fees on the publishers. Although the IDSA plan has been heavily criticized by both independent publishers and the trade associations, and has not yet started operation, Lantos, along with Senators Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn) and Herbert Kohl (D-Wisc), has already sent letters on Congressional letterhead to major retailers, urging them to purchase software only from businesses which submit to the IDSA plan. According to software industry spokesperson Karen Crowther, the costs and delays of the IDSA plan would be devastating to many small and entrepreneurial software businesses which produce children's and educational software. Lantos' response was that "protecting our children" is more important than the survival of these companies. Ironically, Nintendo and Sega, billion-dollar companies and major proponents of the IDSA plan, publish "Mortal Kombat," the game most often cited by Lantos in his campaign against "filthy and disgusting" video games. Daniel Sejzer, president of Villa Crespo Software, a games publisher based in Chicago, labeled the IDSA plan "ridiculous. Under no circumstances should publishers agree to reveal their trade secrets and new concepts to outsiders." Sejzer added that he would favor self-applied ratings following industry guidelines. Rosemary West, president of the Educational Software Cooperative (ESC), representing over 50 companies, said "If implemented, the IDSA plan would actually prevent distribution of many wholesome, educational games, because the smaller developers simply cannot afford these unnecessary costs." Crowther added that the IDSA plan would assist foreign-owned Nintendo and Sega in "crushing their smaller, U.S. competition" and asked, "Why is Lantos supporting an anti-competitive ratings system instead of one developed by our own games publishers?" She pointed out that callers requesting information from Lantos' office are given the phone number for IDSA's Washington lobbyist. ASP, STAR, and ECS Propose Alternatives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _______ ____|__ | (R) _______________________ --| | |------------------- STAR Shareware | ____|__ | Association of Trade | | |_| Shareware Association and |__| o | Professionals Resources -----| | |--------------------- P.O Box 13408 |___|___| 545 Grover Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89112 Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 _______________________ --------------------------------- Game Ratings Representative: Educational Software Cooperative Karen Crowther P.O. Box 575 P.O. Box 892 Siloam Springs, AR 72761 Mendocino, CA 95460 --------------------------------- Voice/Fax 707 937-3320 _____ |_ _| | | | | | | |_|he Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP), Shareware Trade Association and Resources (STAR) and the Educational Software Cooperative (ESC), represent more than 2,000 software publishers, distributors and developers. The organizations recognize the need and benefit of proper content labeling on computer software. They have been developing a suitable system for their segment of the industry, and are interested in working with all sectors of the business to create a unified system. They are aware of other efforts along the same lines, and are alarmed that lack of consultation has produced proposals that are potentially devastating the viability of their members' businesses. Working together, they have appointed Ms. Karen Crowther to represent the shareware segment of the software industry as a ratings standard is developed. Ms. Crowther is president of Redwood Games, Inc., a shareware company known for its educational and family oriented games. The Shareware Industry Shareware is a method of marketing software that allows consumers to evaluate a program before paying for the right to use it. In addition to its traditional computer bulletin board and mail order channels, shareware is also sold in mass-market retail stores such as Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Caldor, and CompUSA, representing thousands of titles in tens of thousands of locations. In fact, the bulk of the mass-market, low-cost software is published or licensed from shareware authors. The creation of high-quality, low-cost software by the shareware industry has been a fundamental force in the rapid decline in software prices for consumers. While the shareware industry includes many large companies, it still affords entrepreneurs an opportunity to economically start new software businesses. Much of the innovation that makes America a world leader in software originates in small shareware enterprises, and they are key source of employment in the software sector. Product Ratings Systems Recently, major publishers of videogame cartridges, led by Japanese companies Ninetendo and Sega, organized the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA) to create a system to rate the sexual, violent, and other content of computer games. From what can be determined, they seem to intend to expand a Sega internal cartridge-game rating system to encompass the entire software industry by setting up a new review organization. This new bureaucracy would force developers to produce expensive video presentations of their products and then pay to have the videos reviewed before the products could be released. It seems the ratings would be determined by a secret panel of reviewers and judged as to their acceptability to certain audiences. Their system will serve the needs and interests of cartridge manufacturers very well. No consultation outside of the IDSA is known to have taken place. This system is in the formative stages. A working committee of the Software Publishers Association (SPA) is developing a content-based rating system that would uniformly disclose the existence of objectionable matter in software products. The system utilizes "registered disclosure" to record certifications by the publisher as to the product content -- affording strong legal protection for consumers while significantly reducing the size and cost of administering the system, and eliminating delays that could have dire consequences for the publishers and retailers. The SPA is consulting with its membership and has been actively soliciting input throughout the industry. This system is in the formative stages. The shareware industry is developing a content-based rating system with specific parameters that allow products to be pre-rated at the developer level. This allows developers to avoid specific content that would result in more severe ratings. The rating system allows for internal tagging of programs to allow them to be scanned for content, making the system suitable for use in the coming "information superhighway" and provides for future software locks that would allow schools and parents to "lock out" software that falls outside their self-determined parameters. The system capitalizes on existing packaging and advertising statutes to provide for strong sanctions against developers that may mis-rate their products. The system eliminates delays, nearly eliminates administrative costs, and meets the needs of developers, publishers, parents and children. The system has been developed with the input of hundreds of developers, using information from the IDSA, the SPA and congress, and is near completion. Concerns with IDSA Proposal The associations recognize that the key IDSA players (Nintendo, Sega, and Electronic Arts) are the largest companies in the cartridge games industry. As currently composed, the IDSA has only a dozen members, representing the narrow interests of only the few dozen existing cartridge game manufacturers and is designing a system to meet only their own needs. Although the IDSA proposal will be an easy step for cartridge game manufacturers, it's clearly harmful or potentially fatal to over 1,000 SPA members and over 2,000 ASP, STAR and ESC companies -- the bulk of the entire software industry. None of these companies has any representation in the IDSA. The associations were especially alarmed to discover that Senators Kohl and Lieberman have already begun to approach the customers of our members. In letters to our most important and valuable accounts, the senators encouraged them to refuse to purchase our members' products unless rated by the IDSA. If successful, this could force many of our members out of business as they are faced with a choice of submitting to an inappropriate and damaging review process (one which they had no voice in shaping) or to lose their customers altogether. There are a number of areas that the IDSA will need to address before their cartridge-game rating system can be expanded to other software formats and to smaller companies. Review Delays Cartridge game manufacturing cycles include lengthy periods for tooling and production, requiring many months of advance planning. The cartridge segment also produces only few hundred new products each year. These factors keep the volume of products to review comparitively low and negate the impact of reasonable delays for product review. Our members release hundreds of new products each week, and the number of shareware games already in distribution currently exceeds 10,000. For the IDSA's committee to review all of these within 7 days, as it proposes to do, is not realistic. The associations feel that the IDSA has not taken this into account and so has no realistic plan to deal with the volume. If implemented, the IDSA's system would immediately create a huge backlog of games to be reviewed, greatly slowing the entry of new games into the market. This would intolerably burden an industry whose strength lies partly in innovation and in the quick exploitation of market niches. Adequately addressing this (within the framework of a review panel) will require the commitment of millions of dollars to staff and equip a bureaucracy of magnitude not yet realized by the IDSA. Unlike the game-cartridge segment, the PC software producers have time lags between product completion and production that are frequently measured in hours. During the critical fall season, a two- or four-week delay could be catastrophic to many of our members. Cost The IDSA has indicated that the $500 fee for a rating is a subsidized cost and that, to be self-supporting, its system will require more funds. In the context of the wildly unrealistic volume expectations of the IDSA, it can reasonably be expected that the eventual cost will be many times this amount. Under the IDSA plan, submissions for review would be done on videotape. For cartridge games (which connect directly to TV's and VCR's), this is straightforward and quite inexpensive. For PC games, capturing video and sound on videotape requires the use of costly special video equipment that many shareware companies can't afford. Add to this the reasonable administrative costs in time and manpower for the developers to process their applications, and it's not unreasonable to anticipate costs running into the thousands. This cost will fall most heavily on the children's educational games since these games sell only one third the volume of adult games. To large cartridge-game manufacturers, this is pocket change. To many of our smaller members, it is more than an entire month's income, and would make their continued business operations impossible. Variants While the cartridge game companies rarely make changes to a game after it's released, upgrades and variants are the very lifeblood of the PC market. Products are frequently re-released several times with improvements in art, sound, game design and coding. In the shareware market, this is particularily prevalent with several dozen new releases of a product over its lifetime. These are extremely important to the long-term viability of a product (and a company) in our market. The shareware industry is also unique in its non-exclusivity. Developers frequently release the same basic product (with cosmetic and sometimes content changes) in many different variants to many different publishers. The IDSA proposal makes no allowance for these common occurances and we fear that this will multiply the costs of the IDSA system to our members. Conclusion The membership of our organizations recognize and support the implementation of objective content labeling standards for computer software. They are interested and willing to work with other segments of the software community to establish a workable and useful system. They are deeply concerned that they have not been represented in the development of the system that the senators are now promoting, and are unhappy that their legitimate business needs have been neither heard nor addressed. They have profound reservations about being saddled with an ill-conceived and economically nonviable cartridge-game system, created and controlled by only a dozen large companies from only one small segment of the industry. The ASP, STAR and ESC are creating an objective, content-based, self-rating system which can be implemented under the auspices of the three organizations. Our goal is a system that can provide helpful information in a manner that is consistent and meaningful, and that does not unduly interfere with anyone's ability to market their products. We plan to inform the IDSA and SPA of our progress, and hope to join them in a single standard. We have grave concerns about the apparent possibility of placing control of this important aspect of our business in the hands of an association controlled a handful of very large companies -- companies who have no understanding of our part of the industry or empathy for small enterprises. We believe that when the videogame corporations, the public, and Congress better understand this and the importance of shareware to the games market, they will support us in our desire for an effective, viable ratings plan. -*- ______________________________________________ DateLine: June 24, 1994____ ___ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ / _ \| | | | _ \| __) _ \| __) _ \ / _ \ / _ \| __) | | )_) |_| | |_) ) |_ | |_) | (__| |_) ) |_| | | )_) |_ | | _ \ /| _ <| _)| /|__ | __/| _ | | _| _) | |_) ) | | | |_) ) |__| |\ \ __) | | | | | | |_) ) |__ \___/ |_| |____/|____)_| \_(____|_| |_| |_|\___/|____) ---------------------------- C O N T E N T S ------------------------------ 1. U.S. Software Publishers Work Together to Create Computer Game Ratings Standards 2. Animation Paint Box from Azeena Technologies Awarded "Outstanding Value" Designation by Digital Video World Magazine 3. Geffen Records and Jasmine Multimedia Debut Multimedia Interactive Video Game Featuring Largest Collection of Rock Videos Ever on CD-ROM 4. Microsoft Complete Baseball CD-ROM With Baseball Daily Online to Hit Stores as Microsoft Home's First Complete Sport Software 5. Gateway 2000 Announces Standard Three-Year Warranty Including Monitors 6. Zenith Data Systems Introduces New Class of High-Performance Modular Notebook PCs 7. SuperMac's Entire Digital-Video Product Line Now Power Macintosh Compatible 8. RasterOps Announces Full Power Macintosh Compatibility with QuickTime 2.0 Support for NuBus Multimedia Products 9. Have a Conversation with Ed Asner, Tom Brokaw, or Bill Clinton: New Book "E-Mail Address of the Rich and Famous" 10. Liquid Image Lowers MRG2 Price to $3,495 and Introduces the MRG4 Award Winning Head-Mounted Device Featured at VR 94 Show in San Jose --------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Software Publishers to Work Together to Create Computer Game Ratings Standards _____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |_ _| | | Washington, D.C. -- June 14,1994 | | | | |_|he Software Publishers Association (SPA) and four major associations of independent software developers announced today that they would work together to create a voluntary ratings system for computer games. While the vast majority of personal computer entertainment software is suitable for children and adults of all ages, many developers and publishers have urged SPA and others to help develop a voluntary ratings program. This represnts the first joint effort to develop a ratings system for the entire personal computer software industry. The SPA is the principal trade association of the personal computer software industry, and has been leading industry efforts to create a ratings system. The other associations -- the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP), the Educational Software Cooperative (ESC), Shareware Trade Association and Resources (STAR), and the Association of Shareware Authors and Distributors (ASAD) -- represent over two thousand independent U.S. software developers and distributors. "ASP, ECS, STAR, and ASAD are enthusiastic about this joint project with SPA," said Karen Crowther, a personal computer game developer and the representative of the groups. "By working with SPA, our groups now represent the majority of software publishers in the United States." "SPA welcomes the ASP and other groups as partners in the effort to develop a voluntary ratings system," said SPA counsel Mark Traphagen. "With the help of ASP, ESC, and STAR, we have been able to contact thousands of personal computer software developers and publishers about this important issue." Personal computer software companies have expressed concern that the ratings scheme proposed by a group of large video game companies, the Interactive Digital Software Association, may seriously threaten the competitiveness of personal computer software developers and publishers. According to Crowther, the software groups are "concerned about placing control of any ratings program in the hands of an association controlled by a handful of very large game companies." "We hope that our joint work underscores that the developers and publishers of personal computer software compete in an industry very different from that of the manufacturers of video games," said Traphagen. "Together we will work to achieve our goal -- giving parents and other consumers the information they need to make wise decisions about the interactive computer games and other recreational software that they bring home." The Software Publishers Association is the principal trade association of the personal computer software industry. Its over 1,100 members represent the leading publishers in the business, consumer, and education software markets. The SPA has offices in Washington, D.C., and Paris, France. -*- Animation Paint Box from Azeena Technologies Awarded "Outstanding Value" Designation by Digital Video World Magazine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keyframe animation and new onion-skin tool give professional results and ease-of-use. Clipped images can become animation brushes. ___ / _ \ | |_| | Long Beach, CA -- June 23, 1994 | _ | | | | | |_| |_|nimation Paint Box(TM) from Azeena Technologies, Inc., received an "Outstanding Value" award from Digital Video Magazine (recently renamed from Desktop Video World). A full review of Animation Paint Box was published in the June 1994 issue of Digital Video Magazine. It received a rating of 9.2 overall, ranking it in the top five products reviewed since the magazine's inception. Animation Paint Box, an integrated paint and animation program for Windows began shipment in First Quarter 1994. Animation Paint Box comes with several key features including the onion-skin tool which enables the user to simultaneously see current and previous or current and next frames of an animation for precise alignment of animated objects between frames. Other key features are the rub-through tool, which brings underlying objects onto the top of the screen, and the Storyboard, which displays several frames of an animation at a glance. The Toolbar sports all the standard painting and drawing tools including free-hand, curved and point-to-point lines; open and closed rectangles, circles, ellipses and polygons; as well as a customized airbrush, pen-widths and re-sizeable dotted line tool. All tools can be used from a palette of 256 colors out of a selection of 16 million colors. Each mouse button can paint in a separate painting mode including blend, lighten, darken, dissolve, colorize, inverse, shadow, grid, trails, stencil, and pattern fills. Gradient fills can be defined including directional angles and dither patterns. Images can be clipped from the screen to produce animated or painting brushes. Animated brushes can be automatically stretched, twisted, tilted, wrapped on objects, re-sized, flipped, rotated, or bent for simulated 3-D effects. Many painting modes, such as dissolve, work with animated brushes as well. Simply define the appearance of the brush in the first frame, stamp its position, re-define the appearance in the last frame and stamp the new position, and Animation Paint Box automatically creates the intervening frames. Objects will even move along any free-hand drawn path. Animations can also be created on-the-fly during the painting process with the Anim Paint feature. The onion-skin tool in conjunction with the rub-through then enables the user to have precise alignment between frames. Frames for animated brushes can be automatically skipped to speed up the movement of an object relative to the overall animation or frames repeated to slow down the action of a particular moving object. A variety of file formats are supported by Animation Paint Box including Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) for Microsoft Video for Windows(TM). Animation Paint Box can read in AVI files for incorporating animated text or charcters into an on-screen video. For example, you could add a background of fireworks to a product intro video or an animated company mascot conversing with the CEO. Other file formats supported in addition to AVI are FLIC, JPEG, ILBM, PCX, SCP, RLX, BMP, and GIF -- with more to come. This allows files created in programs such as Animator Pro(TM) from AutoDesk and DeluxePaint(TM) from Electronic Arts to be imported into Animation Paint Box. Animations can be played from within the program or produce stand-alone files that can be played with the Animation Paint Box player or other popular animation players for Windows inlcuding the Microsoft Windows Media Player. ___________________________________ / \ | Cyberspace Library Files | File 1069 USA-AVI.ZIP can be |-------------------------------------| played using Video for Windows | Number: 1069 Name: USA-AVI.ZIP | installed in Media Player, or | Address: CYBERSPACE Date: 940623 | other AVI viewers. | Approximate # of bytes: 179200 | | Number of Accesses: 1 Library: 10 | Proprietary Azeena RLX animation |-------------------------------------| in 1068 USA-RLX.ZIP must be | Number: 1068 Name: USA-RLX.ZIP | displayed with the player in file | Address: CYBERSPACE Date: 940623 | 1067 RLXPLAY.ZIP detailed below. | Approximate # of bytes: 319616 | | Number of Accesses: 1 Library: 10 | |_____________________________________|___________________________ | \ | Great for July 4th! This 20-frame 3-D Animation was created and | | rendered with Azeena's Paint Box for Windows following detailed | | instructions in Tutorial #7. The letters "USA" were typed in | | PaintBox using Helvetica 72 point font and superimposed over a | | small GIF of the U.S. Flag. A 3-D contour map was created, then | | animated using PaintBox's Tilt/Contour Rotation specifing only | | the first and last frames. Requires IBM-compatible with Windows. | \________________________________________________________________/ _________________________________ / \ | Cyberspace Library File | |-----------------------------------| | Number: 1067 Name: RLXPLAY.ZIP | | Address: CYBERSPACE Date: 940623 | | Approximate # of bytes: 10496 | | Number of Accesses: 1 Library: 3 | |___________________________________|_______________________________ | \ | This file contains RLXPLAY.EXE, a freely distributable animation | | player from Azeena for playing the RLX format animations created | | by their program Animation PaintBox. Its Windows icon is included; | | just run RLXPLAY.EXE from the Program Managers File menu. RLXPLAY | | is efficient and compact, and Azeena claims that RLX format does | | not drop animation frames like Video for Windows' AVI format files.| \__________________________________________________________________/ "Our objective is to bring fun to the inspriring animation artist and enhanced productivity to the professional environment," stated John Houston, President of Azeena Technologies. "Our easy-to-use interface and novel approach help us achieve both objectives." Suggested retail price of Animation Paint Box is $299.00. For more information, contact your local software reseller or Azeena Technologies, 1339 E. 28th Street, Long Beach, CA 90806, telephone 310/981-2771, fax 310/988-7607. A Japanese version of Animation Paint Box is available from Tokyo Systems House of Japan. They can be reached at 81-2-3493-4601. Azeena Technologies, Inc., based in Long Beach, CA, is devoted to the publishing and development of Windows oriented software and hardware for graphic arts and video. -*- Geffen Records and Jasmine Multimedia Debut Multimedia Interactive Video Game Featuring Largest Collection of Rock Videos Ever on CD-ROM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Multimedia puzzle game made possible by technological breakthroughs using new, larger 320x240 Video for Windows and innovative interactive game technology _____ |_ _| | | Los Angeles, CA -- June 13,1994 | | | | |_|here has been a great deal of talk about creating a synergy between Hollywood and Silicon Valley, between entertainment and interactive technology. Geffen Records, a major record label whose artists include Guns N' Roses, Aerosmith and Peter Gabriel, along with Jasmine Multimedia, a leading CD-ROM developer and publisher, are actually doing it. Vid Grid is the Rubik's Cube of rock `n' roll music videos, an interactive CD-ROM that actually lets players get inside their favorite music videos. Called "innovative" by Microsoft chairman Bill Gates because of its advanced usage of Windows technology, Vii Grid will be launched to the public mid-September. Vid Grid is also: * The first CD-ROM game ever released by a major record label. * The first CD-ROM game that combines state of the art technology with the appeal of superstar music talent, ranging from Guns N' Roses, Aerosmith, Peter (Gabriel and Red Hot Chili Peppers to Metallica, Ozzy Osbourne, Van Halen, Soundgarden and Jimi Hendrix. * The first computer software that allows users to manipulate multiple segments of moving video pictures. * The first major consumer product using Microsoft's new Video for Windows 1.1(TM) software with the four times larger 320x240 video aspect ration. * A whole audio CD's worth of hit songs and their award-winning videos. Like all great games, Vid Grid's addicting game play stems from its deceiving simplicity. Vid Grid is a moving jigsaw puzzle. A screen divided into squares plays a music video, but the squares are scrambled. The player has to unscramble the screen and put the picture together before the video ends. Vid Grid starts easy with nine squares and a simple way to move them, but can get progressively harder with the screen broken up into more squares and requiring more intricate and complicated moves. Since players are racing to beat the clock, there are both time and bonus points for keeping score. "This is a classic game where it takes moments to learn but a lifetime to master," says Norman Beil, head of new media for Geffen Records and producer of Vid Grid. "Other multimedia games are striving to be more complicated, but those are harder to learn to play. People start them but give up. I was after a game that uses the computer's new capabilities of music and video, but had the simplicity and appeal of Tetris. Vid Grid is for everyone." "Most CD-ROMs let players branch between linear pieces of video," says Jay Alan Samit, president of Jasmine Multimedia Publishing. "We wanted to take multimedia to the next level and let music video fans get inside the videos and actually manipulate what they see on the screen." Geffen and Jasmine expected difficulties in obtaining rights to the videos from nine different rock superstars (and their music labels), but all that vanished when they saw Vid Grid. "Everyone fell in love with the game," Beil noted. "I'd show it to them and they'd say, 'I'm in.' Vid Grid is that cool." The idea for Vid Grid was born when Beil, a computer and electronic game aficionado, was putting together a jigsaw puzzle with his kids. "Those puzzles are still pictures and I started to think that in the future, the pictures might be movies. I tucked the idea away in my desk. Sometime later I was at lunch talking about CD-ROM with David Geffen and he was skeptical. As a matter of fact, he bet me that I couldn't put music on a CD-ROM product that would make real money this year. That got me thinking... well, what if we took music videos and turned them into a game?" In January 1994, Beil investigated the technological hurdles. "Some said to do this was impossible," he recalls, "including Jay Samit of Jasmine. Then a month later Jay called me and said one of his engineers had come up with something. A week later we took a look and they had figured out how to do part of the game. Two days later, they figured out another part." It takes approximately one day to digitize one minute of video. No one had ever tackled a nine-minute video such as Guns N' Roses' "November Rain" before. It required Jasmine to invent new video compression hardware to accomplish the task. With the prototype finished, Beil brought it to David Geffen and demonstrated Vid Grid to him. According to Beil, Geffen's response was simple: "This is great!" The nine videos include some of the most famous, popular and honored rock music videos ever produced, including "Sledgehammer" (Peter Gabriel), "Cryin"' (Aerosmith), "Enter Sandman" (Metallica), "November Rain" (Guns N' Roses), "Give It Away" (Red Hot Chili Peppers), "No More Tears" (Ozzy Osbourne) and "Right Now" (Van Halen). The most recently released video included is 1994's "Spoonman" (Soundgarden). There's even a vintage video, "Are You Experienced?" (Jimi Hendrix). The videos, of course, are of different lengths so there is strategy involved in determining which video to attempt at each level of the game. For each video, there are 60 degrees of difficulty (five puzzle sizes with three orientations which can be solved using four types of movement). The screen can be broken up into nine (3X3), 16 (4X4), 25 (5X5), or 36 (6X6) squares (plus a configuration called "progressive" which changes the number of squares from nine to 36 during play); the videos can be presented normally, upside down or with inverted squares; and the method for solving each video puzzle can be "drag and drop," "slide?" (like the flat plastic puzzles), "perfection" (one mistake and you have to start over), or "random corners" ("slider" but with the empty square at different points). To earn points and win, the video must be unscrambled before the songs end. "That," Beil points out, "is the visceral rush of the game." Vid Grid will be distributed through Geffen distributor Uni Distribution Corp. and through Jasmine distributors: Abco, Ingram, Merisel, Tech Data and Abco The disc will be available at record, computer, video game and book retail outlets. Vid Grid is expected to be retailed for $34.95, lower than most CD-ROM titles in order to make it accessible to the wide audience to which it will appeal. Minimum System Requirements for Vid Grid * 486SX 25MHz IBM-compatible computer * 4 MB RAM * Double Speed CD-ROM Drive * Mouse * 8-Bit Digital Sound or SoundBlaster(TM) Compatible * 640x480 Pixel Resolution Capable of Displaying 256 Colors -*- Microsoft Complete Baseball CD-ROM With Baseball Daily Online to Hit Stores as Microsoft Home's First Complete Sport Software ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comprehensive, Multimedia Guide to America's Favorite Pastime is an Official Publication of Major-League Baseball _ _ | \ / | | \/ | Redmond Wash. -- June 10, 1994 | | | |\/| | |_| |_|icrosoft Corporation today announced Microsoft(R) Complete Baseball, a multimedia CD-ROM reference that brings all the facts, figures, fun and excitement of America's national pastime to the personal computer. Complete Baseball details the sport's history, players, teams, season summaries and statistics. Amazing video and sound clips and thousands of photos and images bring the game to life. With a modem, users can subscribe to the Microsoft Baseball Daily, an online news feature that keeps them up-to-date on all the latest big league action -- daily updated player and team statistics, detailed box scores of every 1994 major-league game, the latest standings and league-leader updates -- the same official major-league baseball statistics the teams use. Complete Baseball is scheduled to hit store shelves today, in time for Father's Day, as the first offering from the Microsoft Home Complete Sports product line, multimedia CD-ROM references that Microsoft will offer on a variety of sports. "Complete Baseball is the 'one-stop' reference for baseball fans of all ages, delivering some of the greatest moments from 125 years of exciting baseball action." said Patty Stonesifer, vice president of the consumer division at Microsoft "As Microsoft's first multimedia CD-ROM reference with online capabilities. Complete Baseball offers rich. in-depth historical information, exciting video, graphics, animation and sound, and, with Baseball Daily, the latest official statistics with tomorrow's matchups." The Microsoft consumer division first introduced online enhancement to software with Money 3.0, a financial organizer available on disk that features online banking. We view the integration of online functionality into Home products as a natural extension of our ongoing efforts to provide software for We home that is both useful and enjoyable," said Stonesifer. Microsoft will bring Complete Baseball to fans across America in the coming weeks as part of a ballpark tour that launches June 13 with the New York Mets at home, and includes the San Francisco Giants at home on June 17 Events at participating ballparks will feature Complete Baseball kiosks available for fans to explore and to discover fascinating facts about their favorite players and teams. Additional Microsoft Complete Baseball ballpark tour dates will be announced in major league baseball cities throughout the season. Microsoft Complete Baseball: The Ultimate Baseball Reference Microsoft Complete Baseball comprehensively details the history of baseball from the issues to today's games. Fans will find in-depth information on the greatest league players. the 28 team franchises, and statistics for every player who made it to the big leagues dating back to the 1800s. Complete Baseball features more than 140,000 text "hot licks," 7,500 video and graphic images, and 84 audio clips among its encyclopedia contents, as well as the sights and sounds of the game. Microsoft Complete Baseball is an official publication of major-league baseball. Baseball Daily's online statistics come directly from major league baseball, giving users an authoritative edge. In addition, much of the historical content and statistics are based in part on one of the top-selIing print-based baseball encyclopedias, Total Baseball. Curious about Nolan Ryan's lifetime statistics? Go directly to Player Statistics for Ryan's career totals. With another mouse click users can choose to view a video of Ryan's seventh no-hitter on May 1, 1991. Users may become curious about how the Texas Rangers performed before Ryan joined them; they can click on Team Statistics and compare any years they choose. Stories from The New York Times detailing Ryan's career, as well as those of other top players add to the wealth of information. Online Feature for Easy, Compelling Access to Current News and Statistics Microsoft Complete Baseball is Microsoft's first multimedia CD-ROM program with an online feature that provides integrated up-to-date information. With Microsoft Baseball Daily, users can receive the latest major-league news, statistics and scores over a computer modem each day during the current season. The information is updated daily at 9 a.m. PDT. Access to the online feature is integrated directly into the Contents screen of Complete Baseball, allowing users to obtain the data from one source. Baseball Daily requires no extra software, and its registration and modem setup interface is designed for beginning users who may not be familiar with modems or online technology. To keep costs at a minimum for the user, the information from Baseball Daily is downloaded directly to the user's hard drive, allowing the user to explore the data at leisure without worrying about incurring connect-time charges. Users can then copy Baseball Daily information into a spreadsheet file to participate in the increasingly popular "rotisserie," or fantasy baseball leagues Pricing, Availability and System Requirements Microsoft Complete Baseball is now available for a suggested retail price of $79.95; retailer prices may vary. The cost for Microsoft Baseball Daily is $1.25 per issue in the United States and $2.25 in Canada, plus applicable taxes. Microsoft plans to revise the product annually, with updates available each year in time for Opening Day. The product requires a multimedia PC or compatible with a 386SX or higher microprocessor, 4 MB of RAM, 2 MB of available hard disk space, a CD-ROM drive, an audio board, a VGA+ display (for fall 256-color support), the Microsoft Windows operating system version 3.1 or later, a Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device, and headphones or speakers. The Microsoft Baseball Daily online feature requires a 2400-baud or higher Hayes computable modem and a minimum of 500 KB of additional hard disk space. Microsoft Home is a broad range of consumer software products targeted at the rapidly expanding market of home software users. The Microsoft Home brand has been created in response to customer demand for a line of useful and enjoyable products for the entire family. Under the Home brand, Microsoft offers software in the categories of personal productivity, kids, games, educational entertainment and reference and will continue to expand these categories throughout the year. Founded in 1975, Microsoft (NASDAQ MSFF) is the worldwide leader in software for personal computers. The company offers a wide range of products and services for business and personal use, each designed with the mission of making it easier and more enjoyable for people to take advantage of the fall power of personal computing every day. -*- Gateway 2000 Announces Standard Three-Year Warranty ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Direct-market leader ups ante by including monitors under longer warranty ____ / ___) | | __ North Sioux City, SD -- May 24, 1994 | |( | | |_) | \___/ateway 2000 today reinforced its commitment to leading the industry in customer support and satisfaction with the announcment that its standard warranty now covers new Gateway systems for three years. Gateway's standard warranty covers replacement parts and includes one year of onsite service. The standard warranty is included at no additional charge with every Gateway desktop or tower PC, CrystalScan monitor and Gateway SVGA monitor. "By extending our warranty to three years and including monitors, we're again demonstrating our commitment to customer satisfaction through top-notch service and support programs. Most competitors charge extra for a three-year warranty and don't cover monitors beyond one year," said Ted Waitt, chairman and CEO of Gateway 2000. "Just like in everything we do, we're taking the direct approach to customer satisfaction. It's simple: we don't make our customers buy specific configurations or pay extra. If they buy Gateway desktop or tower PCs, they get our standard three-year warranty." The three-year warranty covers new Gateway 2000 desktop and tower systems and all internal equipment installed at the point of system sale, including sound cards, hard drives, CD ROM drives and other internal peripherals. Onsite service is covered for one year. Individual products purchased separately from the original system are covered by a one-year parts warranty. "By working closely with our suppliers, we've made sure the products incorporated into Gateway systems meet our requirements for a three-year warranty," explained Waitt. In addition to the three-year warranty announced today, Gateway 2000 systems include free technical support via toll-free telephone lines, electronic bulletin board and online services, and direct fax-back services. "Gateway 2000 has consistently been recognized as a leader in delivering the best service and support in the industry," Waitt added. "For example, BYTE magazine readers recently selected Gateway 2000 as the PC company with the best hardware service. PC Magazine readers ranked us at the top for service and reliability earlier this year. By providing a three-year warranty, we're giving our customers that added margin of comfort that makes them glad they bought a Gateway 2000 PC." About Gateway 2000 Gateway 2000, a Fortune 500 company founded in 1985, currently sells more PC-compatible systems through the direct market channel in the United States than any other PC manufacturer. The company's 1993 sales exceeded $1.7 billion. Gateway 2000 is listed on the Nasdaq market as GATE. Gateway 2000, 610 Gateway Drive, North Sioux City, S.D., 57049, 605-232-2000. -*- Zenith Data Systems Introduces New Class of High-Performance Modular Notebook PCs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New "Z-NOTEFLEX" boasts advanced power and _____ usability including mobile multimedia enhancements |_ _| | | Buffalo Grove, IL -- May 16, 1994 | | | | |_|oday, Zenith Data Systems introduced an innovative notebook computer family featuring five user-configurable components, including the CPU. The systems feature a range of microprocessors including the IntelDX4, local-bus technology, and leading-edge multimedia capabilities for the mobile professional. "Our new Z-NOTEFLEX family is intended to be the ultimate modular notebook computer system combining extensive 'do it yourself' upgrade paths with an unparalleled flexible-use architecture," said Cliff Jenks, ZDS executive vice president of sales and marketing. "This fresh approach will allow the notebook system to be used longer and in more productive ways than ever before possible." Powerful and blazingly fast, the Z-NOTEFLEX implements a full range of 3.3-volt SL-Enhanced Intel processors -- including the state-of-the-art IntelDX4 -- for clock-tripled speeds up to 75MHz. To complement overall system performance, the Z-NOTEFLEX adds local-bus video and IDE hard disk drive subsystems for maximum data throughput. "We believe we are the first manufacturer to pair the benefits of local-bus video and local-bus IDE hard disk drive sybsystems in a high-end notebook computer," said Jenks. "As a long-time technology leader in the portable marketplace, it only seems fitting that ZDS should establish this new mobile computing performance standard." The Z-NOTEFLEX also includes a range of exciting multimedia-based features, including a built-in, high-quality 16-bit sound system and the ability to add a self-contained CD-ROM and amplified stereo audio enhancement. "Multimedia represents a new, multi-sensory computing frontier, and the Z-NOTEFLEX stands ready to tap into its full potential, " Jenks said. Most Modular on the Market "We've redefined modularity with the introduction of the Z-NOTEFLEX," said David O'Connor, executive vice president of ZDS' worldwide product group. "This notebook family has a completely user-configurable architecture which finally makes upgradability practical and affordable. In addition, the Z-NOTEFLEX's modular nature opens up extended usage models, such as the ability to double battery life, share system components among a workgroup, or even view the system's LCD in a whole new light." Microprocessor Providing the ultimate protection, the Z-NOTEFLEX sports a user upgradable CPU design -- one of the first portable systems on the market to do so -- allowing it to support a full range of Intel 3.3-volt 486 SL-Enhanced processors. Users can pack the right amount of punch for their computing needs with Intel's 33MHz 486SX, 50MHz iDX2, and the new 75MHz iDX4 processors. The system will also support the 100MHz version of the iDX4 when available from Intel later this year. LCD Video The Z-NOTEFLEX offers users a broad range of high-quality, interchangeable VGA video displays, including the largest monochrome and dual-scan color LCDs currently available in the notebook computer market. Users may select from a 9.5-inch 256-color TFT active-matrix, a 10.3-inch 256-color dual-scan color, or a 10.4-inch 64-grey shade monochrome LCD to meet current or future video requirements. Simultaneous VGA video supprt is available on all systems, including DSTN color models. The optional FLEXSITE video stand offers further opportunities to maximize video functionality. Memory Memory upgrades are a snap in the Z-NOTEFLEX. The system comes with either 4MB or 8MB of 3.3-volt, 32-bit system memory. Users can easily add more memory in a moment -- up to a maximum of 24MB -- using 4MB or 8MB memory modules. The notebook computer will also support 16MB modules when available later this year. Hard Disk Drive Protect sensitive data or upgrade to a higher storage capacity with the Z-NOTEFLEX's user-removable hard disk drives. These 2.5-inch IDE hard drives carry an advanced VL local-bus interface for improved performance. Currently available in 200, 340, 450 and 520MB configurations, they are easily removed and replaced without the use of tools. Floppy Disk Drive The Z-NOTEFLEX features a front-mounted 3.5-inch floppy disk drive that can be quickly swapped for an optional second battery pack. Pop out the floppy drive and pop in a dual battery pack to double battery life for true coast-to-coast computing. Portable Multimedia Functionality Add a new dimension to standard business applications or enhance mobile presentations with Z-NOTEFLEX's multimedia capabilities. The notebook system includes built-in 16-bit stereo audio with an integrated speaker and omni- directional microphone. Audio line jacks for an external microphone or headphone/speakers are also integrated to extend the system's sound capabilities. Preinstalled Microsoft Sound System provides immediate support for sound-centric applications such as voice annotation, voice pilot, or musical sound effects. Now users can make dazzling, true multimedia presentations on the road by attaching the Z-NOTEFLEX to the optional FLEXSHOW multimedia companion unit. The FLEXSHOW's lightweight, all-in-one design adds a double-speed 5.25-inch CD-ROM drive, amplified 2-watt stereo speakers, additional PCMCIA expansion, an integrated 60-watt power supply, I/O port replication, and a MIDI/game port for full MPC2 compliance and Sound Blaster compatibility. A retractable carrying handle and total traveling weight (with docked notebook PC) of about 14 pounds encourage portable use. The FLEXSHOW has a ZDS price of $799. "With an aniticpated street-price of $735, the FLEXSHOW is uniquely positioned to introduce cost-effective, ready-to-run mobile multimedia computing capabilities to the mainstream business, education and personal entertainment/enrichment marketplaces," commented O'Connor. Standard Features The Z-NOTEFLEX comes standard with a 3.5-inch, 1.44MB floppy disk drive, upgradable FLASH BIOS, two Type II PCMCIA slots forming a single Type III slot, one serial port, one EPP/ECP enhanced parallel port, an external video port, and a PS/2 mouse/keyboard/keypad port. The notebook also integrates 1MB of video RAM and a bit aligned block transfer (BITBLT) hardware graphics accelerator. MD-DOS, Microsoft Windows for Workgroups, Microsoft Sound System 2.0, PCMCIA Card and Socket Services, and an Indeo Video software greeting come preinstalled. The Z-NOTEFLEX's 82-key, full function keyboard includes standard-spaced, full-size keys and is set back to provide a slight palm rest. A large, two-button "matte finish" trackball is ergonomically positioned under the keyboard's home row for maximum comfort and ease-of-operation. An LCD System Status Panel uses 14 internationally recognized icons to provide the user with a quick visual reminder of the notebook computer's operating state. For power management, the Z-NOTEFLEX implements Premier System Management, a combination of ZDS-developed firmware and software features that allow the notebook to be custom-configured for optimum power management and extended battery life. Modes of power management include Standby, Rest, and Lid Rest. On a single NiMH battery pack, battery life of a color-based system is estimated at 2-4 hours, with a monochrome model it is 3-6 hours. (Actual battery life depends on the application used, the peripherals connected to the system and the power management features selected.) Dual battery fuel gauges provide indiciations of energy remaining in both the main and the optional secondary battery pack. The battery can be fast-charged in less than two hours when the system is off and in under three hours when the system is in use. Color configurations measure 11.9 (W) by 8.7 (D) by 2.2 (H) inches and weigh approximately 6.3 pounds with battery. A monochrome version is 11.9 (W) by 8.7 (D) by 1.9 (H) inches and weighs approximately 5.7 pounds with battery. For security, Z-NOTEFLEX comes with two-level password protection and a modular component lock-down kit that can be user implemented to more permanently secure the notebook system's removable components. The system also supports an optional Kensington MicroSaver cable and lock kit to detract from physical theft. Desktop Configuration Options Transform Z-NOTEFLEX into a powerful stand-alone desktop system with FLEXDOCK enhanced port replicator. Like the acclaimed original ZDS READYDESK port replicator, the FLEXDOCK provides an easy, one-step connection to office peripherals. Additionally, the enhanced port replicator now offers the user the opportunity to add an optional pair of Type III PCMCIA slots and/or an Ethernet 10BaseT networking module for full desktop expandability and functionality. The FLEXBAY is a dual-function accessory that serves as either an external battery charger or an external drive bay for the Z-NOTEFLEX's removable floppy disk drive. One of the more unique devices ZDS is introducing, the FLEXSITE is an adjustable video stand that supports the Z-NOTEFLEX's detachable video display for extended viewing positions. This innovative accessory is perfect for personal desk-bound use or for small group presentations. A standard 101-key keyboard, a 17-key external keypad and a standard two-button mouse are also available for desktop replacement purposes. Connectivity and Convenience Options A special communications bundle for the Z-NOTEFLEX combines a high-speed 14.4/14.4bps send and receive data/fax PCMCIA modem with Traveling Software's popular CommWorks for Windows software package. This five-part application provides easy-to-use communication and information tools to help keep mobile professionals connected. Other connectivity and convenience options include PCMCIA-based Ethernet and Token Ring LAN adapters, a travel auto adapter, an AC adapter/charger, an enhanced NiMH battery pack, and soft- and hard-sided carrying cases. Pricing and Availability Pricing for standrad Z-NOTEFLEX configurations will range from $2,749 to $5,999. (These are Z-Direct prices. Reseller prices may vary. Resellers determine their own pricing which may be higher or lower than ZDS' advertised prices. Street prices are anticipated to be $2,529 - $5,519.) Z-NOTEFLEX models will begin shipping the end of June 1994 through authorized resellers. About Zenith Data Systems Zenith Data Systems, a Bull company, is a leading supplier of notebook, subnotebook and desktop PCs, servers, monitors and related peripherals. With headquarters in Buffalo Grove, Ill., the company has engineering facilities in St. Joseph, Mich., Santa Clara, Calif., and Billerica, Mass.; manufacturing facilities in St. Joseph, Mich.; and sales locations in more than 30 countries. -*- SuperMac's Entire Digital-Video Product Line Now Power Macintosh Compatible ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Update to DigitalFilm Card Completes SuperMac's Power Mac Support ____ | __| | (__ Los Angeles, CA: Digital World Conference -- June 6, 1994 |__ | __) | |____|uperMac Technology Inc. (NASDAQ:SMAC) today announced an update to DigitalFilm(TM), its high-end digital-video card for CD-ROM development and video production, that makes it compatible with Apple's new Power Macintosh(TM) 7100 and 8100 computer systems. DigitalFilm 1.6 underscores SuperMac's commitment to be the first peripheral vendor to provide Power Macintosh support across its entire digital-video product line. SuperMac's digital-video product line consists of DigitalFilm, Spigot II Tape(TM), the newly announced SpigotPower(TM) AV, and the award winning VideoSpigot(R). DigitalFilm 1.6 is SuperMac's high-end card -- able to capture full-motion video at up to 60 fields per second. DigitalFilm is bundled with leading video editing and multimedia production software, providing a complete solution for interactive media developers and video production professionals to create interactive CD-ROMs, as well as corporate presentations for information and distribution. "As the leader in graphics publishing, and now video publishing -- distributing information on CD-ROM or videotape -- SuperMac has consistently provided quality solutions to support the latest Macintosh developments," said Rob Howe, senior vice president of marketing at SuperMac. "Beginning with the launch of the VideoSpigot, and continuing with DigitalFilm and SpigotPower AV, SuperMac offers the tools needed by communications professionals and others who want to inform through digital media." DigitalFilm 1.6 also includes support for Starlight videoservers for distribution of DigitalFilm JPEG movies via the playercard and Cinepak movies for distribution via a network. JPEG Compression Cards Spigot II Tape and SpigotPower AV are SuperMac's new JPEG compression cards that provide TV-quality video right on your computer! Spigot II Tape began shipping in March 1994 for $999 and enables users to capture video from a VCR or camcorder and create QuickTime movies on any 12" slot NuBus Macintosh. Users may record video to tape, display video on an NTSC monitor, or capture high-quality, full-frame still images from QuickTime movies at up to 640x480 full-screen resolution and use them with desktop publishing applications. This low-cost solution is ideal for training manuals, promotional materials, corporate newsletters, and more. SpigotPower AV, announced here at Digital World, puts the "V" [for video] back in the Power Macintosh AV by significantly enhancing the on-board audio/video capture of the Quadra AV and Power Macintosh AV product lines achieving full-screen, full-motion video playback at up to 60 fields per second. SpigotPower AV can capture detailed images at 24 bits per pixel, and its 30 frames-per-second video playback capability is significantly smoother and faster than the 2 to 3 frames per second provided by the AV alone. SpigotPower AV is the ideal choice for desktop multimedia projects and will be available in late August. Rounding out SuperMac's entry level digital-video products is the popular and award-winning VideoSpigot -- the first revolutionary digital video system with frame-grabbing capabilities. At a suggested retail price of $429 for the NuBus version or $279 for the Macintosh LC version, VideoSpigot is the easy and affordable way to capture full-motion video to disk. Based in Sunnyvale, California, SuperMac designs products that accelerate and enhance the performance of PowerPC, Macintosh, and Windows-based computer systems. The company is a leading supplier of graphics peripherals to the color publishing, digital-video, digital photography, and business productivity markets. Its products include accelerated color graphics cards, image processing accelerators, large-screen color displays, color printers, and digital video solutions. For more information, contact SuperMac, 215 Moffett Park Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 940089-1374 or call 408/541-6100, fax 408/541-6150. -*- RasterOps Announces Full Power Macintosh Compatibility with QuickTime 2.0 Support for NuBus Multimedia Products ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Video Installer 3.0 upgrade features improved playback, music and video synchronication, and MPEG support for all Power Macintosh models _____ | _ | | |_| | San Diego, CA -- June 6, 1994 | _| | |\ \ |_| \_)asterOps Corporation (NASDAQ:ROPS), based in Santa Clara, California, today announced at Digital World a free software/firmware upgrade for the company's line of Macintosh multimedia display adapters and digital video solutions. RasterOps' Video Installer 3.0 provides Apple QuickTime 2.0 support as well as full compatibility with the Power Macintosh 6100, 7100, and 8100 series computers. RasterOps is the only company to offer this capability on all Power Macintosh models. This upgrade provides improved performance for those using RasterOps NuBus-based multimedia products -- MoviePak product line and TV display adapters -- for such applications as game/CD-ROM authoring, interactive multimedia kiosks, medical imaging, and video/film pre- and post-production. QuickTime 2.0 Support Among the new QuickTime 2.0 features, the Video Installer 3.0 supports 50 and 60-fields-per-second video capture and playback, and high data throughput in preview and playback modes. The upgrade will allow users of RasterOps' multimedia products to take advantage of QuickTime 2.0's improved ease of use in creating, editing, playing back, and synchronizing music with video. In addition, the Video Installer 3.0 with QuickTime 2.0 will enable users to edit, search for, interact with, and play back MPEG-based video information. "QuickTime 2.0 represents a culmination of what we've learned at both the high and low ends of the multimedia marketplace. Apple has done a tremendous job of responding to developer and end-user requests and RasterOps' multimedia products leverage this new functionality to create media authoring tools with the best price/performance ratio in the industry," said Scott Rawlings, RasterOps multimedia product manager. Power Macintosh Compatibility In addition to QuickTime 2.0 support, the new Video Installer 3.0 software allows user to migrate seamlessly to the Power Macintosh platform. The 3.0 upgrade includes PowerPC 601-native code for full-motion, 60-field-per- second JPEG digital playback. Users will also benefit from increased speed when performing transition effects, video filters, compositing of multiple layers, morphing, warping, and other video effects. The upgrade supports the new Power Macintosh 6100, 7100, 8100, as well as pre-Power Macintosh CPUs. Availability Products affected by the upgrade are the 24STV, 24MxTV, 24XLTV, and MediaTime multimedia TV display adapters, MoviePak, MoviePak Presenter, MoviePak Presenter with Sound, MoviePak2, and MoviePak2 Pro Suite digital solutions. The Video Installer 3.0 upgrade will ship in July. Users can get the upgrade by calling one of the following phone numbers: * Technical support (800-SAY-COLOR) from 8AM to 5PM weekdays, Eastern time * Worldwide voice at 801/785-5750 or 317/577-8788 * Fax in U.S. and Canada at 801/785-5776 or 317/594-2991 * Fax outside U.S. at 801/785-5778 or 317/594-2992 Upgrades are also available through direct access BBS at 801/785-5783 or 317/594-2993. Users that require a software-only upgrade can do so through an online service at no charge as well as by phone, fax, email, and U.S. mail. Users requiring a ROM upgrade must phone, email, or mail in their requrests, in which case ROM and installation instructions will be sent to them. Company Information RasterOps Corporation is a leading developer of true color products, peripherals, and full-motion video solutions for Apple Macintosh, Power Macintosh, and IBM-compatible personal computers as well as other desktop platforms. Truevision(R) Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary, is a leading manufacturer of broadcast video production solutions for desktop computers. RasterOps and Truevision products include the successful PaintBoard(TM), Horizon(TM), and Targa(TM) product lines, used worldwide to enhance visual communications in a wide variety of graphic arts, imaging, video, and multimedia applications. -*- Have a Conversation with Ed Asner, Tom Brokaw, or Bill Clinton ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Book "E-Mail Address of the Rich and Famous," encourages Internet correspondence with nearly 1,000 exclusive e-mail addresses ___ / _ \ | |_| | Las Vegas, NV -- June 12, 1994 | _ | | | | | |_| |_| new book has been introduced today which allows "cyber schmoozers" to share their ideas with people of influence. "E-Mail Address of the Rich and Famous" is the first book that helps users of electronic mail (e-mail) locate and engage in conversations online with leading politicians, authors, academics, reporters, programmers, and other well-known personalities. "E-Mail Addresses of the Rich and Famous," by Seth Godin, was presented this week at the InterOp Trade Show in Las Vegas. The book, published by Addison-Wesley, has a suggested retail price of $7.95, and was made available in bookstores nationwide on May 20. Author Godin explains that he created the book to help "regular people" have a discussion with luminaries they would not ordinarily have the chance to meet. "The Internet gives computer users a chance to have a thoughtful exchange among people who want to make a difference -- or who can wield some influence," he says. "Nowadays, because of our increasing use of PCs and electrohnic mail in our homes, it's possible to contact someone who's designing the next generation computer, or creating follow-on episodes of 'Star Trek,' or writing about cutting-edge issues in public policy, science, civil rights, etc. This is a really thrilling opportunity!" The 150-page paperback book features luminaries including Ed Asner, Tom Brokaw, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Ross Perot, Dave Barry, David Gerrold, the voice of Barney, actors James Woods and Charles Grodin, MTV's Adam Curry, Steve Jobs, and many others. Vinton Cerf, the "founding father" of the Internet, contributed one of the book's Forewords, as did Bob LeVitus, the noted computer columnist. As the only book of its kind, "E-Mail Addresses of the Rich and Famous" gives readers a list of nearly 1,000 people, organized by vocation or category, complete with a short background description and an Internet address. These e-mail addresses can be easily reached by anyone using American Online, Prodigy, CompuServe, Delphi, GEnie, and any other service with access to the Internet. Godin expects readers -- as well as participants on Internet and e-mail services -- will use the book the way in which it is intended: to encourage thoughtful, intelligent discussion via e-mail. "Every person in the book is accustomed to using the Internet to communicate with other users," he says. "The addresses listed in this book are known to us all because these people or organizations correspond regularly." "E-Mail Addresses of the Rich and Famous" is the result of several months of research by a "small squadron" of Internet users. Suggestions for listings have come from all over the world. Users on virtually all of the commercial services were polled for their input, and several well-known celebrities nominated themselves for inclusion. "In creating the book," says author Godin, "we had to be careful to weed out network imposters, that is, people who pretent to be famous just to get lots of mail. We found several individuals claiming to be Howard Stern. We also 'found' Jerry Garcia, Jed Clampett, and Johnny Carson." About the Author In addition to creating "E-Mail Addresses of the Rich and Famous" Godin is co-author of the newly published "Internet White Pages." Although that book includes more than 125,000 Internet users with their addresses, there is very little overlap between the two books. Seth Godin is president of Seth Godin Productions, Inc., a rapidly growing creator of books, software, and multimedia. He and his staff have created more than 75 books including "The Smiley Dictionary," "The Information Please Business Almanac," "The Video Renter's Bible," "Business Rules of Thumb," and the upcoming "Infomation Please Women's Sourcebook." -*- Liquid Image Lowers MRG2 Price to $3,495 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Award Winning Head-Mounted Device Featured at VR 94 Show _____ |_ _| | | Winnipeg, Manitoba -- May 4, 1994 | | | | |_|he popular MRG2 head mounted display, surprise winner of a prestigious Mecklermedia Virtual Reality Special Award, has been reduced in price to $3,495 US. "New production facilities, the development of new markets, and the receipt of this award have combined to make this an excellent time to lower the price on the MRG2," explained President Tony Havelka. The MRG2 has won the Market Impact award for its positive effect upon the LBE marketplace in 1993 and 1994. The MRG2 displays have endured thousands of hours of public use at venues from DisneyWorld in Florida to video arcades in Vancouver. This durable, functional HMD has become very popular with university researchers and the military, as well. "We want to make the MRG2 available to as many potential customers as possible," said Shannon O'Brien, Director of Marketing and Sales, "as well as acknowledge the great support that we've received from the industry." Mr. O'Brien noted that 12 of the 41 booths at VR94 will be showcasing the MRG2 HMD. The MRG2 boasts 84 degrees of horizontal field of view and 65 degrees vertical, with full 240 x 240 resolution -- making the MRG2 the best value in its class. What is Virtual Reality? Virtual reality or VR as it is commonly known, envelops an individual in an artificial world that "feels" real and responds to body movements similar to the way the real world does. Virtual reality technology combines computer hardware, image projectors and sound systems, with computer software, to create realistic, three-dimensional space, an artificial world. These systems immerse the user in the sights and sounds of a computer generated world. The most effective way for a user of VR to be immersed into the computer generated world, or Cyberspace, is through the use of a head mounted display (HMD). The problem with using HMD's for this purpose is the poor quality of the displays which until now have been lacking in the areas of resolution, picture quality, comfort, field of view, and weight. Introducing the MRG2 The MRG2 was developed to solve many of the problems that currently plague HMDs. The MRG2 is a biocular HMD which uses a 5.7" thin film transistor (TFT), active matrix LCD display. This new display, produced by the minds of Sharp, boasts the best picture available in an LCD screen of this size and weight. With a resolution of 240 X 720, and using over 16 million colours its picture quality is greater than anything in it's class. Its revolutionary new active matrix system eliminates all "ghosting" effects, flicker, and striping that appear on passive matrix LCDs. With the new cold cathode backlight, which lasts twice as long as the hot cathode backlights that are currently being used in many other LCD displays, the MRG2 is not subject to breakdown or maintenance nearly as frequently as most others. The new HMD boasts a custom built controller box that will accept video and audio inputs from a host of different sources. The MRG2 has allieviated the need to purchase any additional expensive add-ons that other companies require to operate their system. The controller box supplied is included in the cost of the MRG2 and will allow for RGB or composite signals conforming to the NTSC standard to be inputted. We can then output the signal to the HMD and an external monitor or projection system for public viewing. The MRG2 also has high quality Sony digital headphones to ensure audio quality. The MRG2's ergonomically designed shell concentrates on the users giving them a nominal field of view of 85 degrees, a simple slip on or off design, and a product that weighs significantly lighter than other comparable HMDs. It's design also allows the user to simply slip the HMD on or off thus increasing productivity in the entertainment market, and reducing the difficulty of use for researchers and developers. These features coupled with Liquid Image Corporation's desire to be the leader in customer service make the MRG2 the obvious choice of discriminating VR enthusiasts. With a one year warranty on parts and labour, prompt door to door delivery, and a competitive price that includes all taxes, delivery, duty, and broker's fees it's plain to see who wants your business the most. If you want the best HMD available for under $3,500 U.S., this is it. MRG2 Specifications General: Hybrid Biocular, self-adjusting, lightweight HMD. Display: Full Colour TFT-LCD Display (16.7 Million colours) Dot count: 240 x 720 (V x H) Dot Pitch: 0.365mm X 0.158mm (V x H) Colour pixel arangement: RGB Delta Response time: 80 msec. Contrast Ratio: 30:1 Display Dots: 172,800 Optics: Clear Proprietary lenses.(Holographic Diffuser optional) Field of View:Approximately 85 deg.(Horizontal) Video Signal: Composite/analog RGB. Audio: Sony stereo headphones built-in. Model #:MDRV200 digital. Position Sensing: Ascensio Bird, 3Space Fastrak. (Mounting Provisions only) Power Supply: 120 Volt AC to 12 Volt DC. Fit Adjustment:None, totally self adjusting. Cable Length: 3 meters. (Approx. 10 feet) Input Signal: NTSC. (PAL option available) Controller Box:Allows for Composite or Analog RGB signal RGB signal can sync on Green or fourth channel Allows for video pass-through so that an external monitor can be hooked up for external viewing. Price List (United States) The MRG2 Head-Mounted Display Pricing: Cost per unit: $3,495.00 Comes with controller box that allows for composite or RGB inputs, audio input, and has outputs to the MRG2 and to an external monitor. For educational and/or volume discounts please contact Liquid Image Corporation's sales department. Option Price List: Item: Cost per Unit Ascension Technology Corporation Tracking Devices Model 6DFOB Flock of Birds Electronics Unit in an Enclosure 1,945.00 Standard Flock Transmitter with 10 foot Cable 500.00 Receiver with 10 foot Cable 500.00 Installation into MRG2 500.00 Total Price: 3,445.00 The above unit includes: Sync Pick-up Assembly, Interface Software Diskette and Installation and Operation Guide. Transmitter Options: Internal Transmitter (PCB Mounted) 200.00 Extended Range Transmitter (ERT) with 20 foot Cable (Requires Controller Unit) 2,395.00 ERT Controller Unit (for Controlling up to Two ERTs) 3,450.00 ERT Controller Expansion Unit ( for controlling 2 ERTs) 545.00 Flock of Birds Options Model 6DFOB Electronics unit on PCB (without Enclosure) 1,745.00 Receiver in 3-button Mouse with 10 foot cable 850.00 Receiver with 25 foot cable 500.00 External Power supply with Two 6 foot cables 175.00 Extended Warranty ( Adds One Extra Year) per Flock Unit 495.00 Prices include delivery, broker's fees, duty, and one year warranty. Head-mounted microphone 100.00 10 foot cable extensions 100.00 PAL video standard option Call Extended Warranty (One Additional Year) 595.00 Rental (Call for Scheduling, price per week) 250.00 Holographic Diffusing Filter 750.00 Special Paint and/or Graphics 200.00 Liquid Image Introduces the MRG4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New HMD to be revealed at VR 94 retails for $2,199 _ | | | | Winnipeg, Manitoba -- May 4, 1994 | | | |__ |____|iquid Image Corporation, winner of a 1994 Mecklermedia Virtual Reality award for Market Impact, is introducing the MRG4 HMD at the VR 94 show in San Jose. "Our singular experience with HMDs in the arcade video game environment has enabled us to design an inexpensive, high quality product with the same durability as the MRG2," explained Dave Collette, Director of Product Engineering. The MRG4 comes in two styles: a ruggedized arcade specific version, and a version for customers with less demanding environments. Priced at $2,199 US, the MRG4 incorporates Liquid Image optics and design features which have mad the MRG2 such a success in the entertainment market. This rugged, durable HMD weighs 2.5 pounds, will fit head sizes from child to adult, and has a horizontal FOV of 60 degrees. There is no IPD adjustment required. Hygiene and maintenance were prime considerations in the design of the MRG4, which uses a combination of nylon, reinforced fibers and steel in select locations to make that HMD "arcade hardened!" For further information contact Liquid Image Corporation, 659 Century Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3H 0L9, Phone: (204) 772-0137, Fax: (204) 772-0239. -*- _____________________________ ATTENTION ____________________________ / \ | As long as individual stories are kept intact and the following | | credit is included, permission is granted to reprint CYBERSPACE | | REPORT WEEKLY in ALL or PART on privately held electronic bulletin | | boards, user group newsletters, and even in magazines! 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In the U.S. | | you may also use your checking account for a $2 monthly fee. | | In Canada, VISA and MasterCard only. | | | \____________________________________________________________________/ Trademarks mentioned and the property of their respective owners. Accuracy of information provided by vendors is their responsibility. [eof]