Item 2011831 94/12/20 16:42 From: PORTER@GATE.NET@INET01# Internet Gateway To: ERICTREMBLAY Eric Tremblay Subject: Re: Interworld X-Mailer: >Hello, > >I'm currently in the process of making a Virtual Reality CDROM for Walnut >Creek CDROM. I would like your permission to include your Interworld V 1.0 >program on this CDROM. > >Looking forward to you answer and have a nice holiday. > >Eric "E.T." > Walnut Creek CDROM > Yes feel free to use any of my demo's I have put out on the Internet or Compuserve. Be sure to grab all the*.* I have put out. There is also a demo of my commercial software (shareware) on I would appreciate it if you put this demo on your CD ROM for sure! I also have a WWW page at Todd Porter /^\ /^\ /^\ /^\ _ / \ _ / \ _ / \ _ / \ _ / \_ \_ / \_/ \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \ \ / \ \ / \ \ / \ / __/ \ __/ \ __/ \ __/ \ __/ xx \ /xx \ xx \ \ xx / \ xx / \ x XX x \_ x XX \ x x XX \ x x XX \ x x XX _/ \ xx X XX-x-x-XxX--X XX-x--x-XxX-X XX-x---x-XxXX XX-x----x-XxX XX-x-----x- XX XxXX X XxX XxXX X XxX XxXX X XxX XxXX X XxX XxXX X Xx XX XXxX __X XXxX __X XXxX __X XXxX __X XXxX __ XX XX XX XX XX XX XX __XX ______XX ______XX ______XX ______XX ____XX =END=