Registration and Order Form 1.8 If you continue to use this shareware past the 30 day trial period, you are required to register it with Rocky Mountain Laboratories. Order the Deluxe Bible for Windows. (Includes both Old and New Testament. Requires 80386 or better processor, Windows 3.1 or better, 6.5 Mbytes disk space for KJV and NKJV, 9.5 Mbytes for NAB) King James Version (Red Letter Ver) $39.95 per copy .. $_________ New King James Version $39.95 per copy .. $_________ New American Bible (Catholic) $39.95 per copy .. $_________ Register this shareware and receive bonus disk $14.95 $_________ Colorado residents add 3% sales tax ................... $_________ Add $2.00 S&H for shareware ($3.50 outside the USA) ... $_________ or add $5.00 S&H for Deluxe Bible ($6.50 outside USA).. $_________ Total ................(all prices in US dollars) ...... $_________ Prices subject to change without notice. 3.5" high density disks will be shipped. Check here ___ if you require 5.25" high density disks instead. Name _______________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ City __________________________ State _______ Zip _________ Phone (____) ____________________ Country ____________________ Please make check or M.O. payable to: Rocky Mountain Laboratories Note: Shipment will not be made without payment. All payments must be made in U.S. dollars. For credit cards: __VISA __MasterCard Card # _____________________________________________ Expiration Date ____/____ Signature __________________________________________ (Orders & Information ONLY) Phone: (800) 743-1651 (USA only) or (970) 679-1662 (all locations) FAX: (970) 669-8070 Compuserve: 75540,600 AOL: Guy Wags Internet: or Send to: Rocky Mountain Laboratories P.O. Box 272224 Fort Collins, Colorado 80527 This program may be registered through the CompuServe Shareware Registration Database. The registration ID is 2485. Go SWREG **No support will be provided until the software is registered** Comments/suggestions are appreciated.