_____________________________ Tutorial #3 Vistapro User Manual _____________________________ TUTORIAL #3 - MANIPULATING THE LANDSCAPE In past tutorials we have covered how to change the look of your landscape; now let's change the landscape itself. CREATING AN IMAGINARY FRACTAL LANDSCAPE --------------------------------------- Let's start by creating a completely new random landscape. Click on the Frac button on the Middle Control Panel. You will notice the Lower Control Panel change to become the Fractal Lower Control Panel. Located on the Fractal Lower Control Panel are several buttons and two numerical gadgets. The Random button causes a random landscape to be generated. Clicking on the Island button prior to clicking on the Random button will cause the generated landscape to have peaks surrounded by lower elevations. The peaks can be made into islands by adjusting the sea level (see Chapter 4: Sea). Landscapes that are generated without the Island button selected look like they were cut from a piece of terrain. Click on the Random button and notice the numerical gadget right below. You can regenerate this identical landscape at any time by remembering the state of the Island button and the number located in the numerical gadget right below the Random button. To regenerate a landscape that was created earlier, just set the Island button, click on the numerical gadget, enter the number and press the ENTER key. The FrDim numerical gadget is used to change the vertical scale and roughness of the mountains and hills on the random landscape. Larger values generate taller and rougher landscapes, while smaller values generate flatter and smoother landscapes. Changing FrDim value does not affect the current landscape, only landscapes generated after the new value has been entered. This value is also used by the Fractlz button when determining the amount of fractalization to be performed on an existing landscape. FRACTALIZE YOUR LANDSCAPE ------------------------- The Frctlz button is used to change the roughness of the current landscape. Clicking on it causes Vistapro to fractalize the landscape (add detail). It uses the number in the FrDim numerical gadget to determine the amount of fractalization to be done on the landscape. Low values smooth the landscape, while higher values cause the landscape to become rougher. The buttons right below the Fractlz button are the fractal divisor. These button determine the scale where fractalization occurs. If the "1" button is selected, then the fractal detail will be added at a very small scale, whereas if the "8" button is selected the landscape will look much rougher and may not even resemble the original landscape. Fractalizing at fractal divisor "1" is useful for adding small details after enlarging a landscape. Fractalizing is also good for adding detail to landscapes that don't have much detail of their own. TO STRETCH A LANDSCAPE ---------------------- Use the Stretch button to vertically stretch an existing landscape. This button causes peaks to grow taller and valleys to grow deeper. The scale at which this happens is controlled by the Fractal Divisor buttons immediately above the Stretch button. Smaller values cause only the smallest features to be stretched, whereas larger values cause the larger features to be stretched. You will need to experiment a bit to find the settings that are most to your liking. Take some time and generate some landscapes using different settings. TURNING YOUR WORLD UPSIDE DOWN...... ------------------------------------ and other not so drastic alterations. By entering a number into the VScale numerical gadget (located on the Middle Control Panel) the currently loaded landscape can be re-scaled. So, for example, if you enter a value of 2.0 into the VScale gadget, then the landscape will become twice as tall. A value below 1.0 causes the landscape to become flattened. Entering a -1.0 causes the landscape to flip over (become inverted). Try entering different VScale values. Try scaling up the landscape so a mountain will exceed 32000 meters and then scaling it back down again. This will resulting in a pit in the top of the mountain. Add a lake in the pit at the top of the mountain. Now enter a VScale value of -1.0. As you can see, some pretty interesting things can be done with the VScale option. Vertical scaling can be used to give relatively boring landscapes dramatic features. ENLARGING YOUR LANDSCAPE ------------------------ Vistapro has an option which allows you to enlarge a portion of the landscape so it fills the entire topographic area. Click on the Enlarge button located on the Middle Control Panel. You will see a box that follows the mouse cursor around the screen. Pick a spot on the topographical map, and click the left mouse button.At this point, a requestor will open asking you to select either the Interpolate (average) or Duplicate mode. Choosing the Interpolate mode will result in a smooth transition between elevation points. The Duplicate mode will result in a coarse or step effect. After enlarging a portion of the landscape, it's a good idea to fractilize it to regain that natural look. Try fractalizing at a fractal dimension of 100 to 200 with the fractal divisor set to "1" after each enlargement. SMOOTH YOUR LANDSCAPE --------------------- With the Smooth button, the power of erosion is at your finger tips. Clicking on the Smooth button will remove the harsher, more jagged edges of your landscape, often improving the landscapes appearance. You can click on the Smooth button as many times as you like, but remember, each time you use it your landscape is eroded even more. *** End of Tutorial #3 ***