________________________ Virtual Reality Studio Part 15 ________________________ Additional Information DEFAULT KEY CONTROLS -------------------- [O] MOVE [Q] TURN [K] MOVE FORWARD LEFT BACK [H] MOVE [P] LOOK [J] MOVE LEFT UP RIGHT [R] MOVE [N] TILT [F] MOVE UP (RISE) LEFT DOWN (FALL) [W] TURN [I] FACE [1] SAVE GAME RIGHT FORWARD POSITION [L] LOOK [U] U-TURN [2] LOAD GAME DOWN POSITION [M] TILT [A] ACTIVATE [ESC] QUIT RIGHT OBJECT GAME [B] SELECT [V] CHANGE [C] CENTER MODE MODE CURSOR (WALK/FLY) ON/OFF [SPACE] FIRE! RECOMMENDED ART PACKAGES ------------------------ DELUXE PAINT I, II AND III. HINTS AND TIPS -------------- 1. Save regularly. 2. Have blank formatted discs ready for saving data. 3. Always mention the Virtual Reality Studio release number in any correspondence. This can be accessed from the ABOUT function in the FILE menu 4. Color sides of object that can never be seen to color 0 (Invisible) to increase performance. 5. Care should be used when entering Conditions as an infinite loop could be created, effectively causing a crash. If in doubt save your data to disc before testing a procedure you are unsure of. 6. When moving around your Virtual Reality, you can move faster and bigger jumps by clicking on the right mouse button. RANGE OF ALLOWED VALUES ----------------------- Object X, Y, Z positions: 0...8192 sizes: 0...8192 Viewpoint X, Y, Z positions: 0...8192 rotations: 0...359 Numbers in conditions: -16384...+16383 Variables: 0...255 which can store: -2147483646...+2147483645 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR VGA ----------------------------------- As EGA except for: SAVE DATA and LOAD DATA VGA only - an extra file will be saved to disc containing color palette information - this will have the extension .PAL. LOAD BORDER VGA format is 320 x 200 pixels, 256 colors. MAKE The runner program is called RUNVGA.EXE EDIT INSTRUMENT The instrument color range is from 0 to 256 for all types. AREA COLORS This will display the COLOR OBJECT option as all areas use the same palette. COLOR OBJECT 256 solid colors are available in VGA mode. The last 16 colors are used for the editor and cannot be changed. All other colors can be altered using the red, green, and blue slider bars. *** END ***