Contents of the Utilities Experience Volume 1

There is well over 450Mb of hot serious software on The Utilities Experience Volume 1, below is the full contents:
Index: Business

AmiBroker        - Stock Charting/Analysis program.
AmiCheck         - Powerful chequebook/accounts manager.
BancaBase        - Accounts program.
Blitzbank        - Banking program.
CDDatai          - Music CD database.
db2.9            - Good Database program.
DFA              - The Ultimate address program.
EasyBase         - Simple database that uses MUI.
EOrganiser       - Everyday organiser.
FiloFax          - A german organiser program.
FKM              - Business program?
Mui-Rechung      - Database program.
Onform           - Invoice/Orderform program.
PDBase           - Keep a database of your Amiga PD collection (MUI)
Recall           - The ultimate reminder program.
Scion            - Database for gene information.

Index: Comms

AmFTP            - File transfer prog for the internet.
AmIRC            - Chat program for the internet.
Aweb             - GREAT web browser for the internet.
backarc          - Dearchives downloads automatically.
HTML heaven      - Make your own web pages.
InternetInstaller- Get on the 'net.
metamail         - email prog for the internet.
Mftp             - File transfer prog for the internet.
Mosaic           - The famous Amiga WWW browsing software.
NCP              - Some programs for you lucky Psion palmtop owners.
Term             - The best Comms program on the Amiga!
Thor             - Mail/News prog.
UUxT             - This allows you to encode files to send them via E-Mail.
Voodoo           - email prog.
Yam              - email prog.

Index: Datatypes

AIFF             -  Sound Datatype
AOM_RAW_DT       -  Sound Datatype
BMP_datatype     -  Picture Datatype
DTPrefs          -  Alter the settings for various Datatypes.
FontDT           -  Datatype for Amiga fonts.
GIF              -  Picture Datatype
HSN_DT           -  Maxon Magic Sound Datatype
Icon             -  Another Icon Datatype.
InfoDataType     -  Amiga Icon Datatype
jfif_dtc         -  JPEG/JFIF Picture Datatype
MacSND           -  Apple Macintosh Sound Datatype
MAUD_dt          -  Toccata Sound Board Sample Datatype
PCX              -  Picture Datatype
PNG_dt           -  PNG picture datatype (PNG - better replacement for GIF)
post             -  Postscript Datatype (requires post.library)
QRT_DT           -  PovRay Dump Format Datatype
reko.datatype    -  Klondike Cardsets Datatype
SampleVision_dt  -  MSDOS Sound Datatype
sun.datatype     -  Sun Raster file (SUN Picture) Datatype
TIFF             -  Tiff picture datatype.
TPD              -  Another PCX picture Datatype
TX16W_DataType   -  Yamaha Sample Sound Datatype
VOC              -  Sound Datatype
WAV              -  Sound Datatype (Mainly IBM/PC)
wpg.datatype     -  Wordperfect Bitmap Picture Datatype

Index: Demos

ADpro            - Image processor.
AFSDemo          - Demo of the new Amiga filesystem (Advanced Users Only!!)
Amms             - new BBS program.
Balls!           - The best lottery prediction program.
blitzbasic       - Probably the best BASIC on the Amiga.
CheckItOut       - A demo of a great personal finance program.
Cinema-4D-Demo   - This is one of the best Amiga Ray-Tracers.
DemoMania        - Make your own demos.
DesignWorks      - Demo of structured drawing program.
Diavalo          - A BRILLIANT (MagicWB looking) backup program!
DigitalUniverse  - This is the BEST astronomy program on any Machine!
Diskmagic        - Opus-like program.
DPaintV          - This must be the Amiga's more famous paint program.
EasyCalc         - This is a brilliant easy-to-use spreadsheet program.
Els              - Easyledgers business software.
FreeForm3D       - Preview of great 3D modeler.
ImageFX          - Demo of the great image processor.
MagicLink        - A new 3D object conversion tool. (german)
Mand2000Demo     - A BRILLIANT mandel program!
PBDemo304        - Don't know??
PgxDemo12        - Photogenics 1.2 -the BEST image processing program!
PMBS             - another good BBS program.
PNDemo20c        - Pro Net electornics program.
Raystorm         - Raystorm is a very fast Raytracing program.
Reflect          - Demo of reflections ray-tracer.
Sbase4           - Database
Sonic            - Sonic Arranger music program.
StormC           - Demo of great new programming language.
Stylus_Demo      - The latest structured drawing program.
Termite demo     - A very good comms program.
TurboCalc        - Another demo of a powerful Amiga spreadsheet.
TwistDemo        - Probably the best Database on the Amiga.
Quill            - Great new text editor.
X-DVE2           - Animation editing/playing program.
XiDemo           - A great 24bit paint program.

Index: Disktools

AmiCDFileSystem  - A CDROM filesfyetm supporting Mac CDs.
AmiCDFS2         - CDROM filing system.
AmiCDROM         - Popular CDROM filesystem for SCSI CDROMS.
Atapi            - Use IDE CDRom drives on your A1200/A4000. (Demo)
CacheIt          - A Floppy Cache (speed-up) program.
CD32Goodies      - Various little tools for CD32 owners.
CD32Tools        - More utilities for CD32 owners.
CDPlay           - A small CD player for Xetec CD software.
CD_Stop          - Stops the CD spinning on CD32.
DiskMon          - Diskmonitor/Editor (USE WITH CARE!!)
DiskSalv2        - Recovers corrupted disks.
EmpCD            - Use CDROM drives with Emplant and Shapeshifter.
HDOff            - Switches off IDE drives after set time-saves power & noise.
HD-Tools         - Various useful A1200 HD Tools (some German programs).
MFS              - If you use different filesystems (PC etc) this is for you.
MRBackup         - Good disk backup program.
Playcdda1.1      - Play CD audio and MPEG files in DOpus 5.11.
ReOrg            - Optimizes (speeds-up) disk access.
SlowReset        - Pevents errors by allowing diskaccess to stop before reset
SmartCache       - A Floppy Cache (speed-up) program.
StatRam3         - A RAM disk that survives resets.
Vdisk            - RAD replacement

Index: Emulation

A4               - C16 Emulator.
Amoric           - The first Oric Atmos emulator (including games)
Amstrad          - 8bit amatrad emulator.
AppleII          - A brilliant AppleII emulator (including games!)
Atari800         - Old Atari emulator.
AXF_64           - Latest C64 emulator.
Emplant          - This drawer contains miscellaneous tools for Emplant..
fmsx             - emulates the little-known MSX computer.
Frodo            - C64 emulator.
Gameboy          - Have a guess!
MagiC64          - Very good C64 emulator.
MSX2             - Another good MSX emulator.
PC-TaskDemo3_1   - Demo of great PC emulator.
Shapeshifter     - A Shareware Macintosh Emulator (requires Mac ROM)
ST               - Atari ST emulator - needs ROM.
ZXam Spectrum    - Brilliant Speccy emulator (plus games!)
ZXFiles          - Speccy diskmag.

Index: Graphics

1942PatchAGA     - Updates WB to deal with 1940/1942/VGA/Multiscan monitors.
AAStarter        - Use startup menu with VGA monitors.
Ad               - GFX viewer/Ripper.
AGAiff           - IFF to RAW convertor.
AGA_Test         - Shows all the colours the AGA chipset is capable of showing.
aMiPEG_0.4       - Shows MPEG animations.
Amountains       - Renders mountains on your Wb screen.
Anim3D           - Plays 3D animations in multitasking windows.
AnimPoint        - Animates the mouse pointer.
ART-Pro          - Image manipulator/convertor.
AutoPeg          - Automatically compress/decompress JPEG files (Needs MUI)
BeyondTheDark    - New screen-saver.
BlitzBlank       - Brilliant screen-saver (needs MUI)
BluffTitler      - A real-time video titler demo.
Bview_133        - IFF viewer.
CG_Demo          - AGA character generator for video work.
ChaosPro         - A FABULOUS mandel/julia program!!!!
CheckAGA         - Checks whether the AGA chipset is installed
cloudsaga        - Creates beautiful AGA cloud paterns.
CyberShow        - Pic viewer for cybergraphics card owners.
CyberTV_Player   - Anim program for cybergraphics.
doublex          - Ensures that all screens support VGA monitors.
DT2IFF1.0        - Converts Datatype pictures to IFF/ILBM.
DTView           - Shows any picture you have a Datatype for.
Dynamics         - A brilliant AGA paint program.
Dust             - Rendering program.
FastJPEG         - Fastest JPEG viewer available.
FastView         - Shows IFF/GIF files.
FixSprite1_03    - Fixes AGA pointer bug.
Flick_1_4        - Plays FLI/FLC animations.
FractalComp      - Compress pictures with Fractal compression.
Fractint         - Fractal/Mandelbrot generator.
FU               - Great new mandel program (needs installing to hard drive)
Gif2PNG          - This converts GIF pictures to the superior PNG format.
GfxCon           - Easy-to-use program to convert pictures to dif formats.
Graphics_Card    - This drawer contains programs which require a Graphics Card.
ham8-jpeg        - Shows JPEG pictures in HAM8.
IE               - Image Engineer is a brilliant Image Processor.
IFF_FX_AGA       - Small AGA picture manipulator.
IFF_Master       - Image processing program.
ImageStudio1.2.1 - Image processor.
ImageStudio      - V2.00 of the great easy-to-use Image Processor.
IPR_Demo         - Demo of FAST Intuitive Image Processor.
JIV              - AGA/GFX card picture viewer.
jpegAGA          - Another JPEG viewer.
MagicLayers      - Real Time windows.
MagnifiCAD       - CAD program.
MainActor        - Animation editor/player that supports many formats.
MandelTour       - Good Mandel program.
MonEd3a          - Edits properties of screenmode.
MP103            - MPEG animation player.
mpeginterface    - Interface to play MPEG animations.
Navigator        - A 3d virtual reality presentation program!
ntsc4ntsc        - Changes screenmodes (eg PAL to NTSC).
NTitler          - Realtime 3d video titling program!!!!
NWiper           - A realtime texture-mapping video program!!!!
patchpointer     - Prevents annoying LOWRES AGA pointers.
PCXAGA           - PCX picture viewer.
PhotoCD          - Loads PhotoCD pictures into Art Department Professional.
PhotoCDAGA       - Converts PhotoCD pictures to IFF/ILBM format.
PicCon           - Programmer's picture convertor.
PicScaler        - A program to scale IFF/ILBM pictures.
Plasma           - Plasma cloud generator - very pretty!
PlayKiss         - Plays 'KISS' animations.
PNG_Dt           - Datatype for PNG pictures.
povray           - 68040 only ray-tracer.
PPShow           - Flexible picture viewer.
PrintFractal     - Prints lovely fractals.
procurepens      - Colour setting software for WB3.0 or higher.
QuickGrab        - Screen grabber.
RaystorBin       - Ray-tracing program.
RaystorExa       - Examples for RayStorm.
Rend24           - Converts single frames to animations plus much more.
ScanCentre       - A scanning program for SCSI HP scanners.
ShowObj          - Shows 3d objects in a window (needs MUI).
ShowPCX          - Shows PCX pictures :-)
SplatterPt       - Powerful paint program.
SuperViewEL      - Shows many different formats, and grabs screens etc.
SSPro            - Creates 3d stereo pictures upto 24bit!
StusCDXL         - Play CDXL files from a smart interface!
TIFF43.1         - Datatype for TIFF 43.1.
TIFFView114      - Reads, Views and prints loads of different formats.
TPaint           - A 24bit paint program for AGA Amigas.
TSMorph          - Easy to use morphing program.
UltraConv        - One of the best picture converters around.
U_PAINT          - Simple paint program.
Viewtek          - Versatile picture viewer.
Visage           - WB3 Picture viewer.
Visual1.00       - Shows HAM8 'thumbnails' of your picture collection.
vr_world         - Virtual reality type 3D worlds.
wbverlauf        - Rainbow coloured WB backdrops.
WBView           = Show HAM pictures on Workbench.
WBWinplay        - Plays anims in WB windows.
WindowBlender    - The author calls this 'Mind Candy' - who knows?
WSpeed14         - Tests the speed of your Amiga's graphics.
XAnim4           - Plays a multitude of different animation formats.
XFig             - A brilliant structured drawing program (needs MUI).
xv218            - Great image processor (Requires MUI - Inside WBTools).
ZGIF             - Fast GIF viewer.
ZGIF_DRVR        - Easy viewing of hundreds of GIFs.

Index: Icons+Tools

Associate        - Checks file type and adds appropriate icon.
IconCopy         - Easily manage your icons.
IconDeluxe       - Fully-featured icon editor.
Iconian          - The BEST icon editor!
IconInstaller    - Another great icon manager.
Icons+Stuff      - A great collection of Icons and WB backdrops etc.
IconToolBox      - Converts pics to icons + more (Needs MUI)
IconTools        - A collection of powerful tools for dealing with icons.
Opticon          - Cuts down icons to save space.
Picticon         - Easy program to add icons to pictures.

Index: Misc

3.0iUpdate       - Update to the latest Pagestream.
Abgtwb3          - Guide to Workbench 3.
ActionReplay 5   - Grab pictures/mods from games etc.
AGA_Switch       - Switches off AGA chipset from WB.
Aiib             - Performance tester.
AlBin-MUI        - MUI cataloging program.
AlertTimer       - Determines how long system alerts are displayed for.
AmiGlobe         - Great educational program about the Earth (MUI)
Animan           - Animated face on WB (needs sound sampler)
Artic1_63        - Compresses files as they are used/saved (Real-Time).
Assist17         - Guide program.
AWS              - Shows your system's info whilst booting. Neat.
BlueEyes v1.3    - Eyes that follow the mouse.
Boot020          - Boots CSA accel in 020 mode.
BootUte_2        - This is a brilliant degrader program.
Busypointers     - Neat AGA busypointers.
CPU-Control      - Alters your processor caches etc.
CPULoad          - Shows how busy your Amiga is.
CrMV1.9t         - Powerful compressor.
Dopus511         - Update your original DOpus 5 to 5.11.
EasyDMS          - Deal with DMS files easily.
EscomBoot        - Boot pics with Escom Logo (No Icons)
exept49          - speed up hack.
FakeMouseCD32    - Use contoller as mouse on CD32.
FastBoot         - Boot your amiga FAST!
FastMath406      - Faster maths libraries (needs FPU)
Funky            - Graphs etc.
GetScreenID_1.1  - Gives screen type of screen.
GoldEd           - Powerful Text Editor (needs installing to Hard Drive).
Graph2Dv3.2      - More graphs.
HandPointer      - A neat Hand pointer for WB3.
HandyDMS         - Deals with .DMS compressed files.
Hsc              - A tool to help develop HTML documents.
IFX21to21aPatch  - Updates ImageFX 2.1 to 2.1a.
IntuiCookie BGUI - Random fortune cookies.
IntuiCookie Req  - More random fortune cookies.
IPatch           - speed-up hack.
Luminus          - Text viewer.
Megasearch       - CDROM database program.
MiserPrint       - Printer utility for HP printer owners.
NCP              - Some programs for you lucky Psion palmtop owners.
NFABoot_V2.42    - Boot Util
NVRAM            - Tool for altering the 1k non-volotile RAM on CD32.
PatchAllocMem    - Changes CHIP RAM to FAST RAM.
PDBase           - Catalogues your PD collection (needs MUI)
PicBoot          - Shows a picture during booting.
Planetarium      - Very good space program.
PointerX         - Animates clock hands on mouse pointer.
PSPrt            - This basically give you a postscript printer!
Scout            - Great System Monitor.
SF_VBlast        - BLAST those viruses etc.
SteveHR          - Mental talking head!!??!!
Studio           - Updates Studio Printer software.
Sysihack         - Changes look of scroll bars etc.
SysSpeed         - Checks just how fast (or slow!) your Amiga is.. (MUI)
TapeCover        - Designs covers for music cassettes.
Term             - The best Comms program on the Amiga!
Text Engine      - Great Shareware word processor with spell checker.
TRSIVW           - Another good virus killer.
UUxT             - This allows you to encode files to send them via E-Mail.
VirusChecker     - Great Virus Killer.
VirusZ           - VERY good virus checker.
VT               - Another virus killer.
X-Windows        - Nice WB look.

Index: Music

AudioLab         - Very powerful new music program.
Camouflage       - MIDI tool.
Delitracker      - Great Mod player.
FP_ADPCM         - Some sound tools for CDROM owners. (that's you!)
Gfft             - Sample Program.
HippoPlayer      - Modplayer
Interplay        - Audio CD Player.
Play16           - Plays loads of different sound formats (like WAV)
SoundBox         - Powerful music utility.
Stonetracker     - Music tracker program.
Sypmph           - Another music program.

Index: Video

BluffTitler      - A real-time video titler demo.
CG_Demo          - AGA character generator for video work.
NTitler          - Realtime 3d video titling program!!!!
NWiper           - A realtime texture-mapping video program!!!!
VideoBackdrops   - Some exclusive DTV backdrops.
VideoTitler      - Another video titlin program.

Index: Workbench+Shell

AlertPatch       - Patches your alerts.
AppTrashcan      - Gives you a trashcan on your WB (Like the Apple Mac)
arq              - This gives you great animated Workbench requestors.
AStart           - Tool manager program.
Browser          - A brilliant filemanager.
ClassAction      - Works with ANY program type.
ClassPatch       - Patches classact.
Colorado         - MagicWB colour program.
ColorPatch       - Changes Workbench  Colour/Contrast/Brightness etc.
Csh547           - CShell is a brilliant powerful replacement for Shell.
CycleToMenu      - Changes the 'radio' gadgets into menus - very good.
DaLastAlerts3    - Records last GURU/Software failure number.
DClock15         - Digital clock for WB.
Dhrystone        - Standard benchmarking program.
Executive        - This great program improves your Amiga's Multitasking.
ExtraInfo        - Deluxe replacement for the original WB 'Information'.
FREAK BOOT V2.6  - Boot your 1200/4000 with extra goodies!
IconifyGadget    - Adds iconfy gadget to windows etc.
KingCON1.3       - A very powerful Shell enhancer.
Luminus          - Text viewer.
Madhouse         - Latest screen saver.
MagicEye         - Puts eyes that follow your Mouse on your Workbench.
MagicFrames      - Makes your WB look better in Hi-Res modes.
Magicmenu        - Greatly improves WB menus.
MCArchive        - This is the very BEST clock program on the Amiga!
MCP              - The all-in-one PD utility program (Needs MUI)
MCXP304          - Multi-purpose program.
ModePro          - Screen Promotor (changes one screenmode for another)
MrCopper         - Puts nice coloured patterns on WB screen.
MUI              - Popular Workbench enhancer.
MultiCX          - Small multi-purpose commodity (screen blanking etc.)
NewPatterns      - Makes Workbench redraws faster plus much more!
NoAGA_1.00       - Allows running of old progs by turning off AGA chipset.
PalReq24         - 24bit palette requestor.
PatchWBPens      - Makes WB colour-handling better.
PKludge          - Screen promotor.
PPrefs           - Another screen promotor.
RainDIR          - A very colourful replacement for standard DIR command.
Rings            - Puts animated rings on your WB.
RO               - A MUI based filemanager.
RO-Update        - Update to RO.
RynoDocs         - Docks brushes etc.
SetNewLook       - Corrects the white on black menu problem.
ShutWB           - Allows you to close WB for more memory.
SkyBoot          - Nice boot program/pattern.
Speedsys1.0      - Small system speed-up patch.
Starter          - Starts programs from WB.
SwazInfo         - Replacement for WB Information command.
SysPic           - Nice picture program.
SystemPrefs      - Alter Cache etc. on all processors (up to 68060).
taskBar          - Executes proram from the tool bar.
TBC              - Puts a clock in your WB titlebar.
TinyMeter        - Shows memory/drive space (needs MUI) Looks great!
TList            - A very detailed replacement for LIST command.
TM_Update        - Toolmanager update.
TollUhr          - Nice WB clock program.
Toolmanager      - Allows easy loading of WB programs.
TrashManager0.95 - Puts a trashcan icon on your Workbench screen.
VMM              - Virtual Memory (needs MMU)
WBHacksAGA       - Gives a 1024x768 screen and HAM icons.
WBinfo           - Opens the Workbench information window from the CLI.
WBMakeLink       - Makes an Icon Alias.
WBPi             - WB3 Palette editor.
WBStartup+       - Enhances the WBStartup drawer.
WBTitle          - Allows changing of text in Titlebar.
WCC              - WB colour changer.
Windoze'95       - Makes WB look like W95.

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