We are going to start by clearing everything out of LightWave and setting up our content directory to the proper location.

  1. Clear Layout by selecting Clear Scene from the File Pull-Down.
  2. Set your Content Directory to C:\LWOnline\IK (or to the location of your tutorial files). This can be found under Options Panel -> General Options Tab -> Content Directory. This directs LightWave to the proper location of the content files for this tutorial.
    Note: It's a good habit to start thinking of animations as "projects". Each project is a collection of the objects, images, and scene files necessary to create the animation. Any time a new project is started, you should create a main directory for the project with an objects and images directory inside. In LightWave these main directories are called Content Directories.
  3. Also from the Options Panel -> General Options Tab make sure that Auto Key Adjust and Auto Key Create are turned off. This will allow us to test our object skeleton and other items without having LightWave automatically create keys.
Now, Build the Skeleton.

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