The Artbeats Digital Film library is a leading provider of royalty-free stock footage and still imagery for broadcast, desktop video, multimedia, internet and 3D texture mapping. Content includes pyrotechnic effects, water, backgrounds, clouds, surface maps and much more. All products are available on CD-ROM or tape for multiple platforms.
Peggy Nichols
Box 709
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457
Fax 541-863-4547


ReelExplosions 1:
ReelExplosions 1 brings you a collection of 30 broadcast quality pyrotechnic clips in QuickTime or Targa format. Most of the effects were created by Robbie Knott, special effects veteran of many film and TV series including Field of Dreams, Dances with Wolves, and Dante's Peak (2nd unit). ReelExplosions 1 contains a wide variety of materials including powder explosions, gas explosions, explosions within framed, full-frame explosions, aerial/zero gravity explosions, and ground explosions. Four high resolution (larger than 720 x 486) clips have been provided. In addition, you will also find mattes for compositing most of the effects with other footage.

ReelExplosions 2 brings you a collection of 34 broadcast quality pyrotechnic clips in QuickTime format or Targa. As in ReelExplosions 1 most of the effects were created by Hollywood veteran Robbie Knott. With explosions that fill the frame, ground explosions, shockwaves and explosions that stay within the frame, you'll find enough material to supply a full-on space war! Not only that, but nine of the clips are provided at high resolution (larger than 720 x 486) and seven of those are at film resolution. The shockwaves are provided at 2916 x 2916 pixels (or higher) so you can tilt them in any direction for great perspective shots. You will also find mattes for compositing most of the effects with other footage.

ReelExplosions 3 is a collection of 30 all new explosions that contain larger scale explosions than previous Artbeats titles, complete with debris. The effects-physically larger than the effects used in previous titles-were shot with a super high speed 35mm camera at 360 frames per second for an even longer lasting effect. Available in three different resolutions (1k, 2k, & D1 resolutions) for the widest variety of possible uses. All clips include a matte and are royalty free and licensed for multimedia, broadcast, game, and internet development.

ReelExplosions 1, 2, 3:
Mac, Windows $499.00

ReelExplosions 1, 2, 3: LightWave 3D

ReelExplosions 1, 2, 3: Windows (32 bit)-Microsoft Windows 95 or better or Mac: Apple System 7.1 or better

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