REALViZ is bringing significant innovations to the world of video, film and computer graphics with revolutionary new Windows software applications in the Image Processing Factory. "Match move" easily, "retime" sequences, create 360-degree panoramas and produce 3-D models from 2-D images. Visit REALViZ at for more information.
Emmanuel Javal
Arep Center
1 Travers de Brucs
06560 Sophia Antipolis
+33 4 92 38 84 60
Fax +33 4 92 38 84 61


MatchMover from REALViZ is the ultimate camera tracking software. MatchMover will reconstruct 3-D camera motion, including zoom, from live-action footage. It dramatically reduces the cost of mixing live-action footage with computer-generated models. Using MatchMover, the complete live-action camera path and internal camera parameters can be computed and verified in an application with practical, easy-to-use post-production techniques. The camera data can then be exported to compositing and animation software where new image sequences can be created.

ReTimer from REALViZ is the ultimate "Time Warper" software to slow down or speed up motion sequences, adjust timing of sequences, create motion sequences from stills and smooth hand-drawn animation by creating more images for projection. New motion sequences can be created from existing images by adding computer-generated frames between existing frames. Using new breakthrough technology, REALViZ' ReTimer meets the challenge of producing high quality motion effects in a standalone application that is flexible and easy-to-use.

Stitcher from REALViZ will create 360�x360� panoramic images from overlapping photos. Pictures shot from a single viewpoint can be automatically composed into an accurate, realistic panorama as if taken with a very wide-angle lens. The image can be projected onto a plane, cylinder, sphere, or six faces of a cube. Image sequences can be produced that include pan, tilt, roll and zoom camera motion. Sequences can be exported to compositing and animation software and to REALViZ' RealModeler for creation of 3-D geometric models. Stitcher runs under Windows.

Instead of modeling complicated geometry, materials and lighting from scratch, REALViZ' RealModeler taps into the richness of the real world by producing 3-D geometric models from photo, video and cinematic images. RealModeler interprets images to define the model's geometry in wire-mesh. It then maps textures from the original images onto the wire-mesh. The resulting 3-D model is accurate and highly realistic, and it can be produced in less time and at much lower cost that conventional computer modeling. Models can be exported to compositing and animation software (3DSmax, Softimage, Maya and Lightwave). Visit for more information.

LightWave 3D

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