═══ 1. Network Administration Authorization ═══ Network Administration Authorization Type your name and password. If you want, the name can be the same as your network username. If the name is new and you entered a password, the Setup Information window appears asking if you want to define setup information for the new name. If you answer "Yes", you will be asked to enter your new password again. Then the NMM Customization and Setup menu screen appears. If you enter an incorrect password or no password at all, the NMM Customization and Setup menu is still displayed. However, to have a valid password, you will have to enter a password by selecting the "Management Password" option. ═══ 2. NMM Setup and Customization ═══ NMM Setup and Customization Select a setup option by pointing to the option box and clicking the left mouse button, or by highlighting an option and pressing the space bar to mark it. After marking options, click on the "OK" button. Each option displays a window where you can set parameters. Management Password - Change your password. This password is for the NetWare Management Map program only. Map Parameters - Change the default network map display options, including - Icon size - Navigator window on/off - Display/not display workstations Action Request Verification - Turn on or off the appearance of a window asking to verify the action requested. Online WS Search - Enable or disable the online Workstation search feature. Report Title - This option allows you to type in the default report title for the map report printout. ═══ 3. Management Password ═══ Management Password Enter your new password, then re-enter it for verification. Use 1 to 16 characters. This password is for management console user authorization only. This password should not be the same as the password assigned to the NETMAN user account. ═══ 4. Network Map Parameter ═══ Network Map Parameter Set the default Network Map display options. - Select large or small map node icon display. Default = small icons. - Select whether or not the Navigator window will automatically display. - Select whether or not all workstations on all cable segments will be displayed. ═══ 5. Real-Time Data Update Interval ═══ Real-Time Data Update Interval Use the scroll bar to set the time interval that the management console screen is updated with current data. Range: 1 to 60 seconds Default: 1 second The management console is always collecting data. This setting determines how often the console screen is updated with new data. Setting the interval too low may slow down console response to user requests. ═══ 6. Setup Information ═══ Setup Information This is a summary screen of all your setup option choices. The settings in each window that were accepted (or changed) by clicking the "Ok" button are marked with a "*". Select "Save" to save the information and exit the program. Select "Cancel" to return to the previous screen. ═══ 7. Action Request Verification ═══ Action Request Verification Setting this parameter "On" causes a message box to appear asking you to verify the action you have requested. Setting to "Off" will prevent the verification boxes from appearing. Default = On ═══ 8. Online Workstation Search ═══ Online Workstation Search Selecting this option enables console IPX diagnostic broadcasts to discover new nodes in real time. Enabling this option will increase network traffic. ═══ 9. Report Title ═══ Report Title Enter the title which will be displayed and printed on the Map printout report.