This file shuold have beeen copied to the root NTMail directory. Brian Mail Deamons for NT i386 Version 3.00 ======================================== Contents: -------- DISTRIBUTION - What the files are INSTALLATION - First time UPGRADE - From a previous version of NTMail REMOVING NTMail HOW TO TEST NTMAIL WARRANTY - Details of SUPPORT - Email addresses DISTRIBUTION ============ This distribution contains the following files: SETUP.EXE - A program that will install NTMail on your system. POP.EXE - The POP3 compliant Service SMTP.EXE - SMTP receive Service POST.EXE - Post Service MAIL.EXE - MAIL Utility MAILUSER.EXE - Utility to add and remove users. NTMAIL.DOC - Word 6 manual for NTMail. NTMAIL.WRI - Write version of manual for NTMail. NTLIST.DOC - Word 6 manual for NTList. NTLIST.WRI - Write version of manual for NTList. README.TXT - that should be this file. NTMAIL.CPL - Copy this CPL file to \winnt\system32 directory. NTMAIL.HLP - Copy this help file to \winnt\system32 directory. MAILLITE.EXE - Shows current status of NTMail server. MAILSHOW.EXE - Shows messages in and waiting to go out. *.DLX - If your system complains these are not present when you run the NTMail CPL, place this file into \winnt\system32 and rename them *.DLX. INSTALLATION (First time) ========================= You will need a key to get these services running. There are several ways of getting a key: 1. A one month, 10 user trial key may be found on the page: 2. You can apply for a key by completing a form at: You will usually get the key of your choice (eg. unlimited users) emailed to you within 24 hours. 3. Send a request to To install NTMAIL from scratch: Unzip the files in the directory that is to be their home. Enter SETUP Please see the Manual and/or HTML pages for more complete installation instructions. UPGRADING FROM VERSION 2.10 =========================== Changes ------- When you upgrade from version 2.10, you will find that files and registry entries have all been changed. The new setup for version 3.0 is given in the User Guide. In addition you should note: + That the way NTMail recognises the local domain name has changed. In version 2.10, defining your domain name as "" would mean that mail to "" would be accepted a local. In version 3.0 this is no longer true. In version 3.0 you will need to make your domain name "" AND add your additional local domain name as "*" in the Control Panel. (In the registry, the value /InternetShopper/Mail/Parameters/LocalDomainNames will become " *"). + The name of the POP service has been changed from "POPD" to "POP". This means that your can enter "NET STOP POP" rather than "NET STOP POPD" and is now consistent with the other NTMail services. The upgrade ----------- Please follow these instructions... the upgrade to version 3.0 is very complex and by saving the current status you can always return should something unexpected happen. To upgrade from a previous version of NTMail, you will need to: Take a backup of the registry using REGEDT32 and save the old executables. Start REGEDT32 up (type START REGEDT32) Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/InternetShopper Highlight the entry called "Mail" by a single click on it. Select the command "Save Key" from the "Registry" menu and save the values to a backup file. We suggest you use the extension .key so you can find it later if need be. Enter the command NET STOP POPD (ignore the errors) At this point you have a choice - Manual or GUI. For the GUI update, simply type SETUP (it will save the current executables for you). For a manual update: Enter "mail -stop" Move the old executalbes to POP.OLD, POST.OLD and SMTP.OLD. Copy the three new executables (POP, POST and SMTP) to the same directory as the previous executables. Enter the command "smtp -i" to update the registry. Enter "mail -start" If you have upgraded from version 2.10, you will find a residual number of .mbx files in the NTMail base directory. Once you are sure that the installation has gone well and all services are working as you would expect, delete these old mail boxes. DO NOT delete the mail boxes in the In and Out directory (otherwise you will have some very upset/confused people)! If the installation fails, goto the Registry Editor and, after selecting the key "Mail", select "Restore" from the "Registry" menu. Select your key backup file. Stop the services, copy the old executables on top of the new ones and restart the services. You will then have recovered your mail system. Please email with details of the problem that you encountered. REMOVING NTMail =============== To remove NTMail: 1. Go to the base directory and enter the commands: pop -u post -u smtp -u 2. From the registry editor, remove the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/InternetShopper 3. In your winnt/system32 directory, remove the following files: DEL MAIL.EXE DEL MAILUSER.EXE DEL NTMAIL.CPL DEL NTMAIL.HLP DEL MAILLITE.EXE DEL MAILSHOW.EXE 4. Finally, remove the directory you installed NTMail in. HOW TO TEST NTMail ================== Once NTMail has been installed and started on your system, you should get a copy of your POP3 email client. Configure this program to check the account (where is your domain name) and then send some mail to Using the password "root" try to collect the mail. More details about setting up NTMail are available in the manual. WARRANTY ======== This Program is provided "as is". Internet Shopper Ltd. (ISL) warrants that the Program will substantially comply with the specifications set out in the documentation. Except as stated herein this Program is provided, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Program is with you. Should the Program prove defective, you assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. ISL does not warrant that the functions contained in the Program will meet your requirements or that the operation of the Program will be uninterrupted or error-free. ISLīS SOLE LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ANY CLAIM, DEMAND OR CAUSE OR ACTION WHATSOEVER, AND REGARDLESS OF FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, SHALL BE LIMITED, AT ISLīS SOLE OPTION, TO REPLACEMENT OF THE PROGRAM OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISL BE LIABLE FOR OR YOU HAVE A REMEDY FOR RECOVERY OF ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF ISL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, LOST REVENUES OR ECONOMIC LOSS OF ANY KIND, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY THIRD PARTY. All trademarks are acknowledged as the property of their respective owners. If you have any problems with this program, please direct your comments to one of the authors at "", or at PO Box 6064, London, SW12 9XG, UK. Please grant us the opportunity of defending the program's design and functionality before decrying its use in any forum, public or private. The success of future shareware depends on your encouragement. SUPPORT ======= We strongly recommend that you join the NTMAIL-UPDATE mail list so that you receive details of updates to this software. To join this list, send an email message to with the body "join ntmail-update" and you will receive conformation of being added. In addition you may like to join the discussion forum for NTMail and NTList by sending a message to with the body "join ntmail-discuss" or "digest ntmail-discuss". You will receive conformation that you have been added. If you have any problems with this product, please check out the WWW pages at and If there is still no resolution to your problem, please contact: For sales, please email 24-October-1995