Centaurus Personal Information Manager (CsdPim) Ver 2.1 Copyright (c) 1998 Centaurus Software Design All Rights reserved This file contains important information about CsdPim, Please read this entire file. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. General Description 2. Program Operation 3. System Requirements 4. Installation 5. Program Files 6. Shareware Registration 7. Getting Help 8. Uninstalling 9. Copyright Notice, Distribution License, and Warranty 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Centaurus Personal Information Manager is a program for Windows 95 that enables you to manage and print personal information. There are four main panels: Contacts: Maintain information on your contacts. Clicking on the label captions changes the sorted order in the list box. You are also able to create a mail merge file from this data. Card File: Maintain any type of information in a card file type format. Memos: Create up to 12 memos. Calendar: Schedule appointments and maintain annual events, such as birthdays or other reoccurring events. If Notify is enabled, you will be reminded by a pop up window whenever you start the program. All program functions can be performed by the mouse or Shortcut Keys. 2. PROGRAM OPERATION The ToolBar: Consist of 10 icon buttons. These are: Contacts, Memos, Card File, Calendar, Notify, Print, Options, About, Help, and Exit. The Options Window: Used to set program defaults and options. See the program help file for more details. 3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 486 or better PC 24 meg RAM or better Microsoft Windows 95 VGA or SVGA monitor 10 meg of free disk space for program files 4. INSTALLATION CsdPim21.zip will have extracted 5 installation files as listed below: PimSetup.exe Disk1.bnd Disk2.bnd Disk3.bnd ReadMe.txt There are two methods available for installation: To install directly from the hard disk: Click the Start Button and then click Run. Click Browse, locate the directory where you have previously unzipped CsdPim21.zip, then click on PimSetup.exe, and then click OK. Follow the instructions provided by the setup program. When prompted to insert disk 2 and disk 3, click OK. To create installation diskettes: You will need three 1.44 Mb blank formatted diskette. Label the 1st diskette: "Centaurus PIM, ver 2.1, disk 1 of 3 Copy to this diskette the PimSetup.exe, ReadMe.txt, and Disk1.bnd files that were extracted from CSDPim21.zip. Label the 2nd diskette: "Centaurus PIM, ver 2.1, disk 2 of 3 Copy to this diskette, the Disk2.bnd file that was extracted from CSDPim21.zip. Label the 3rd diskette: "Centaurus PIM, ver 2.1, disk 3 of 3 Copy to this diskette, the Disk3.bnd file that was extracted from CSDPim21.zip. Diskette Setup Instructions: Insert the 1st diskette in drive A:, click the Start Button and click Run. Enter a:\PimSetup.exe, then click OK. Follow the instructions provided by the setup program. After you have successfully installed the CsdPim program, you can delete all the files (PimSetup.exe, Disk1.bnd, Disk2.bnd, Disk3.bnd, and ReadMe.txt) that were extracted from CsdPim21.zip from your hard drive, as they are no longer required. You might want to keep CsdPim21.zip for archiving purposes. 5. PROGRAM FILES These system files will be installed in your \windows\system directory if they do not exist, or if the existing installed files are not current versions: MSVBVM50.dll Visual Basic Virtual Machine StdOle2.tlb OLE 2.20 for Windows NT and Windows 95 OleAut32.dll OLE 2.20 for Windows NT and Windows 95 OlePro32.dll OLE Property Support DLL AsycFilt.dll OLE 2.20 for Windows NT and Windows 95 ComCtl32.dll Custom Controls Library ComCat.dll Component Category Manager Library DAO350.DLL DAO 3.5 Object Library Dao2535.tlb Mfc40.dll MFCDLL Shared Library MSJtEr35.dll Jet Database Engine Error DLL MSJInt35.dll Jet Database Engine International DLL MSVCRT40.dll C Runtime Library Forwarder DLL MSJet35.dll Jet Engine Library VBAJet32.dll Visual Basic Expression Service Loader VB5DB.dll Visual Basic OLE Database Library MSRD2x35.dll Red ISAM MsRepl35.dll Replication Library ODBCJt32.dll ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5 ODBCJI32.dll ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5 ODBCTL32.dll ODBC Helper Function DLL These files are installed in the selected installation directory: CsdPim.exe Centaurus PIM program file CsdPim.hlp Centaurus PIM help File CsdPim.mdb Centaurus PIM database file CSdPim.ini Centaurus PIM init file 6. SHAREWARE REGISTRATION This program is an unregistered version for evaluation use only. It is distributed as Shareware, which is based on the honor principals allowing you to try before you buy. You may use this program for a trial period of 14 days at no cost. During this evaluation period, printing and mail exporting functions will be disabled. If you continue to use it beyond the trial period, you are required to pay a registration fee of $20.00. Upon doing so, you will receive a registration code with instructions to register the program. This will eliminate the registration reminder screen from appearing every time you start the program and enable printing and mail exporting functions. 7. GETTING HELP We are very interested in feedback from users. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or difficulty in installing or using Centaurus PIM, please contact us by email, or write us directly. Email address: centsoft@aol.com Centaurus Software Design PO Box 1382 Auburn, NY 13021 USA 8. UNINSTALLING Using the Windows Explorer, go to the directory where you installed CsdPim, and double click on unstall.exe. 9. COPYRIGHT NOTICE, DISTRIBUTION LICENSE, AND WARRANTY Copyright Notice: Centaurus PIM, Version 2.1, Copyright (c) 1998, Centaurus Software Design, All Rights reserved. Distribution License: CsdPim may be freely distributed via OnLine Services, Bulletin Board Systems, or Shareware Venders provided that the CsdPim21.zip file is not altered in any way. Warranty: The Centaurus PIM program is believed to be accurate and reliable. The authors assume no responsibility for its use. This software is provided as is and without warranties as to performance, or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the various hardware and software environments into which this program may be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. The user must assume the entire risk of using this software. (end-of-file)