========================= How to Install CATraxx 98 ========================= From hard disk -------------- 1. Ensure that the CATraxx installation files SETUP.EXE SETUP.2 SETUP.3 are in the same folder, for example C:\TMP. 2. From the Start menu, choose Run. You see the Run dialog box. 3. Type the path to the installation program in the Open text box, for example C:\TMP\SETUP, and choose OK. You can also double click SETUP.EXE from Windows Explorer. 4. Follow the instructions on the screen. When requested, specify the folder where you want to install CATraxx. Unless you specify a different folder, the application will be installed to C:\Program Files\CATraxx32. 5. When the installation is completed, you can delete the files (SETUP.EXE, SETUP.2 and SETUP.3) in the temporary folder. 6. To start CATraxx, choose Programs / CATraxx 98 from the Start menu From diskette ------------- 1. Insert diskette number 1 into your diskette drive. 2. From the Start menu, choose Run. You see the Run dialog box. 3. In the Open text box, type the path to the installation program, for example A:\SETUP, and choose OK. 4. Follow the instructions on the screen. When requested, specify the folder where you want to install CATraxx. Unless you specify a different folder, the application will be installed to C:\Program Files\CATraxx32. 5. To start CATraxx, choose Programs / CATraxx 98 from the Start menu