2 NutriGenie Nutritionist 98 4 \nMenuDay\nMenuDay Document\nNutriGenie (*.n98)\n.n98\nNGN98\nNutritionist 98 5 NutriGenie - Nutrient Analysis 6 *.n98 16 Cannot get printer device context. 17 Cannot get printer device defaults. 18 Unavailable 19 %lu KB Free 20 Not present 21 Present 22 %lu KB Free 400 NUTRITIONIST 98 for Windows 95, 98 and NT 401 NutriGenie Nutritionist 98 402 Copyright © 1998 NutriGenie®. All rights reserved. 403 Shareware Version 6.0 - Registration fee $35 404 NutriGenie, P.O.Box 8226, Stanford, CA 94309 700 BREAKFAST 701 SNACK - Morning 702 LUNCH 703 SNACK - Afternoon 704 DINNER 705 SNACK - Evening 706 Milk, Yogurt, Cream, Milk Drink 707 Ice cream, Cheese, Pudding, Milk products 708 Eggs, Egg products 709 Beef 710 Pork, Ham, Bacon 711 Lamb, Veal, Game 712 Poultry 713 Liver, Organ meats 714 Sausages, Lunch meats, Hot Dog 715 Fish, Shellfish 716 Sandwiches, Burger, Pizza 717 Mixed dishes with meat 718 Mixed dishes with vegetable 719 Mixed dishes with grain products 720 Soups 721 Breads, Rolls, Flour 722 Cakes 723 Pies, Pastries 724 Cookies, Crackers, Other grain products 725 Cooked Cereals, Rice, Pasta 726 Cereals not cooked 727 Fruits, Citrus, Juices 728 Legumes, Nuts, Seeds 729 Vegetables 730 Potatoes 731 Pickles, Relishes, Olives 732 Fats, Oils, Salad dressing 733 Sugars, Sweets 734 Beverages, non-alcoholic 735 Beverages, alcoholic 770 Nutrient 771 Food 772 Meal 773 Day 774 % Goal 775 Unit 1000 Weight 1001 Calories 1002 Protein 1003 Carbohydrate 1004 Total Fat 1005 Saturated Fat 1006 Monoun. Fat 1007 Polyun. Fat 1008 Cholesterol 1009 Fiber 1010 Vitamin A 1011 Vitamin E 1012 Vitamin C 1013 Thiamin 1014 Riboflavin 1015 Niacin 1016 Vitamin B6 1017 Folate 1018 Vitamin B12 1019 Calcium 1020 Phosphorus 1021 Magnesium 1022 Iron 1023 Zinc 1024 Copper 1025 Sodium 1026 Potassium 1027 Alcohol 1100 Wght 1101 Calorie 1102 Protn 1103 Carbohy 1104 TotFat 1105 SatFat 1106 MonoFat 1107 PolyFat 1108 Choles 1109 Fibe 1110 Vit A 1111 Vit E 1112 Vit C 1113 Thiam 1114 Riboflvn 1115 Nia 1116 V B6 1117 Fola 1118 V B12 1119 Calc 1120 Phosph 1121 Magne 1122 Irn 1123 Znc 1124 Cop 1125 Sodi 1126 Potass 1127 Alco 1200 Wgt 1201 Calr 1202 Pro 1203 Car 1204 Fat 1205 SFat 1206 MFat 1207 PFat 1208 Chol 1209 Fib 1210 V A 1211 V E 1212 V C 1213 Thia 1214 Ribo 1215 Nia 1216 B6 1217 Fol 1218 B12 1219 Ca 1220 P 1221 Mg 1222 Fe 1223 Zn 1224 Cu 1225 Na 1226 K 1227 Alc 1300 g 1301 kcal 1302 g 1303 g 1304 g 1305 g 1306 g 1307 g 1308 mg 1309 g 1310 mcg RE 1311 mg 1312 mg 1313 mcg 1314 mcg 1315 mg 1316 mcg 1317 mcg 1318 mcg 1319 mg 1320 mg 1321 mg 1322 mg 1323 mg 1324 mg 1325 mg 1326 mg 1327 g 1400 g 1401 kcal 1402 g 1403 g 1404 g 1405 g 1406 g 1407 g 1408 mg 1409 g 1410 mcg 1411 mg 1412 mg 1413 mcg 1414 mcg 1415 mg 1416 mcg 1417 mcg 1418 mcg 1419 mg 1420 mg 1421 mg 1422 mg 1423 mg 1424 mg 1425 mg 1426 mg 1427 g 2000 0;Milk [1 cup] 2001 1;Milk, lactose reduced, 1% fat, fortified w/ calcium [1 cup] 2002 2;Milk, dry, reconstituted [1 cup] 2003 3;Milk, evaporated, skim, undiluted [1 cup] 2004 4;Milk, imitation, fluid, non-soy, corn-syrup based [1 cup] 2005 5;Yogurt, frozen, chocolate, low fat milk [1 cup] 2006 6;Yogurt, frozen, not chocolate, nonfat milk [1 cup] 2007 7;Yogurt, plain [1 cup] 2008 8;Cream [1 fl oz] 2009 9;Cream, heavy, whipped [1 serving] 2010 10;Cream, whipped, pressurized container [1 cup] 2011 11;Sour cream, half & half [1 cup] 2012 12;Whipped topping, nondairy [1 serving] 2013 13;Nestle's Quik, milk added [1 cup] 2014 14;Flavored milk drink, not chocolate [1 cup] 2015 15;Milk fruit drink (Champola de frutas) [1 cup] 2016 16;Milk, chocolate, whole milk-based [1 cup] 2017 17;Milk, malted, unfortified [1 cup] 2018 18;Thick shake, carry-out type, not chocolate [1 container (12.5 fl oz)] 2019 19;Ice cream bar, chocolate covered, w/ nuts [1 bar] 2020 20;Ice cream cone, no topping, not chocolate [1 cone] 2021 21;Ice cream sundae cone [1 cone] 2022 22;Ice cream w/ sherbet [1 serving] 2023 23;Ice cream, soft serve, chocolate [1 cup] 2024 24;Ice milk sundae, chocolate topping, w/ whipped cream (incl McDonald's sundaes) [1 sundae] 2025 25;Ice milk, w/ sherbet or ice cream [1 bar (2.5 fl oz)] 2026 26;Cheese, Brie [1 serving] 2027 27;Cheese, Feta (incl goat cheese) [1 cup] 2028 28;Cheese, Mozzarella, low fat [1 slice] 2029 29;Cheese, Parmesan, hard [1 serving] 2030 30;Cheese, Tilsit [1 slice] 2031 31;Cheese, cottage, low fat [1 serving] 2032 32;Cheese, cottage, w/ vegetables [1 cup] 2033 33;Cheese, processed, American, Cheddar, or Colby, low fat, low sodium [1 slice] 2034 34;Cheese, processed, w/ vegetables [1 serving] 2035 35;Imitation cheese, American or cheddar type [1 serving] 2036 36;Dip, cheese base other than cream cheese [1 cup] 2037 37;Cheese sandwich [1 sandwich] 2038 38;Cheddar cheese soup [1 cup] 2039 39;Diplomat pudding (Budin Diplomatico) [1 cup] 2040 40;Mousse, not chocolate [1 cup] 2041 41;Pudding, canned, low-calorie, chocolate [1 can (5 oz)] 2042 42;Pudding, Indian [1 serving] 2043 43;Pudding, prepared from dry mix, low-calorie, milk added, not chocolate [1 cup] 2044 44;Pudding, tapioca, made from dry mix [1 cup] 2045 45;Egg, raw [1 cup] 2046 46;Egg, whole, ckd [1 large] 2047 47;Boiled egg [1 large] 2048 48;Egg drop soup [1 cup] 2049 49;Egg omelet or scrambled egg, w/ cheese [1 egg] 2050 50;Egg omelet or scrambled egg, w/ peppers, onion, & ham [1 egg] 2051 51;Egg, cheese, & beef on English muffin [1] 2052 52;Ripe plantain omelet [1 egg] 2053 53;Ground meat [1 cup] 2054 54;Steak, ckd, lean & fat [1 cup, diced] 2055 55;Beef steak [1 large steak] 2056 56;Beef steak, breaded or floured, baked or fried, lean only [1 medium steak] 2057 57;Beef steak, lean & fat [1 serving] 2058 58;Beef, oxtails, ckd [1 serving] 2059 59;Beef, pot roast, braised or boiled, lean & fat [1 slice] 2060 60;Beef, roast, roasted, lean & fat [1 slice] 2061 61;Beef brisket, ckd, lean only [1 slice] 2062 62;Ground beef, extra lean, ckd [1 patty] 2063 63;Beef, smoked, spiced [1 slice] 2064 64;Pork chop, battered, fried, lean & fat [1 medium] 2065 65;Pork chop, broiled or baked, lean only [1 medium] 2066 66;Pork chop, lean & fat [1 medium] 2067 67;Pork roast, ckd, lean & fat [1 slice] 2068 68;Pork roast, smoked or cured, ckd, lean & fat [1 slice] 2069 69;Pork steak or cutlet, breaded, broiled or baked, lean only [1 serving] 2070 70;Pork steak or cutlet, lean & fat [1 medium steak] 2071 71;Pork, ground or patty, breaded, ckd [1 patty] 2072 72;Pork, tenderloin, braised [1 serving] 2073 73;Fried pork chunks (Carne de cerdo frita) [1 piece] 2074 74;Ham, breaded, fried, lean & fat [1 slice] 2075 75;Ham, smoked or cured, ckd, lean & fat [1 slice] 2076 76;Bacon or side pork, fresh, ckd [1 slice] 2077 77;Lamb chop, ckd [1 medium] 2078 78;Lamb, loin chop, ckd, lean only [1 medium] 2079 79;Lamb, shoulder, ckd [1 slice] 2080 80;Veal chop [1 medium] 2081 81;Veal chop, broiled, lean & fat [1 medium] 2082 82;Veal cutlet or steak, lean & fat [1 cutlet] 2083 83;Armadillo, ckd [1 cup, diced] 2084 84;Goat, baked [1 oz, boneless] 2085 85;Rabbit, wild, ckd [1 cottontail] 2086 86;Venison, cured [1 oz, boneless] 2087 87;Chicken, boneless, battered, fried, skin eaten [1 serving] 2088 88;Chicken, boneless, floured, baked or fried, skin not eaten [1 serving] 2089 89;Chicken, w/ bone [1 piece] 2090 90;Chicken, w/ bone, broiled, skin eaten [1 piece] 2091 91;Chicken, w/ bone, roasted, skin not eaten [1 piece] 2092 92;Chicken, breast, roasted [1/2 breast] 2093 93;Chicken, breast, breaded, baked or fried, skin eaten [1/2 breast] 2094 94;Chicken, breast, sauteed, skin not eaten [1/2 breast] 2095 95;Chicken, leg, roasted, skin not eaten [1 leg] 2096 96;Chicken, leg, breaded, baked or fried [1 leg] 2097 97;Chicken, drumstick, broiled, skin eaten [1 drumstick] 2098 98;Chicken, drumstick, fried, no coating, skin not eaten [1 drumstick] 2099 99;Chicken, thigh [1 thigh] 2100 100;Chicken, thigh, stewed, skin eaten [1 thigh] 2101 101;Chicken, thigh, breaded, baked or fried, skin not eaten [1 thigh] 2102 102;Chicken, wing, skin not eaten [1 wing] 2103 103;Chicken, wing, fried, no coating [1 wing] 2104 104;Chicken, wing, battered, fried, skin eaten [1 wing] 2105 105;Chicken, chicken roll, roasted [1 slice] 2106 106;Turkey [1 cup, diced, cooked] 2107 107;Turkey, light & dark meat, roasted, skin eaten [1 serving] 2108 108;Turkey, light meat, roasted, skin not eaten [1 serving] 2109 109;Turkey, drumstick, roasted [1 drumstick] 2110 110;Turkey, wing, ckd, skin not eaten [1 wing] 2111 111;Duck, ckd [1/2 duck] 2112 112;Duck, roasted, skin not eaten [1 serving] 2113 113;Cornish game hen, roasted [1 serving] 2114 114;Pigeon, fried [1 serving] 2115 115;Beef liver, fried or broiled, no coating [1 slice] 2116 116;Chicken liver, breaded, fried [1 serving] 2117 117;Liver, breaded, fried [1 serving] 2118 118;Kidney, breaded, fried [1 cup, diced] 2119 119;Brains & eggs, ckd [1 cup] 2120 120;Tripe, battered, fried [1 cup] 2121 121;Frankfurter, chicken [1 frankfurter] 2122 122;Beef sausage w/ cheese, smoked [1 link] 2123 123;Bologna, beef [1 slice] 2124 124;Capicola [1 slice] 2125 125;Polish sausage [1 sausage] 2126 126;Salami, dry or hard [1 slice] 2127 127;Corned beef spread [1 cup] 2128 128;Ham, sliced [1 slice] 2129 129;Thuringer (incl summer sausage) [1 slice] 2130 130;Fish, raw [1 oz, boneless] 2131 131;Fish, smoked [1 cup, flaked] 2132 132;Anchovy, canned [1 can (2 oz) drained] 2133 133;Carp, floured or breaded, fried [1 serving] 2134 134;Catfish, floured or breaded, fried [1 medium catfish] 2135 135;Cod, fried w/ no coating [1 serving] 2136 136;Eel, ckd [1 cup, flaked] 2137 137;Turbot, steamed or poached [1 serving] 2138 138;Halibut, battered, fried [1 serving] 2139 139;Flounder, smoked [1 oz, boneless] 2140 140;Haddock, steamed or poached [1 serving] 2141 141;Herring, dried, salted [1 medium herring] 2142 142;Mackerel, baked or broiled [1 serving] 2143 143;Mullet, baked or broiled [1 serving] 2144 144;Rockfish, sauteed or fried w/ no coating [1 serving] 2145 145;Ocean perch, raw [1 oz] 2146 146;Freshwater bass, breaded or battered, baked [1 serving] 2147 147;Perch, sauteed or fried w/ no coating [1 serving] 2148 148;Dolphinfish, baked or broiled [1 serving] 2149 149;Pompano, raw [1 oz, boneless] 2150 150;Snapper, breaded or battered, baked [1 serving] 2151 151;Porgy, floured or breaded, fried [1 serving] 2152 152;Ray, floured or breaded, fried [1 serving] 2153 153;Salmon, fried w/ no coating [1 serving] 2154 154;Grouper, ckd [1 serving] 2155 155;Sea bass, pickled (Mero en escabeche) [1 oz, boneless] 2156 156;Capelin, floured or breaded, fried [1 Capelin] 2157 157;Sturgeon, baked or broiled [1 serving] 2158 158;Marlin, sauteed [1 serving] 2159 159;Cisco, baked or broiled [1 serving] 2160 160;Whitefish, steamed or poached [1 serving] 2161 161;Bonito, fresh, ckd [1 serving] 2162 162;Tuna, fresh, floured or breaded, fried [1 serving] 2163 163;Whiting, battered, fried [1 serving] 2164 164;Octopus, dried, boiled [1 cup] 2165 165;Squid, canned [1 cup] 2166 166;Clams, raw [1 clam] 2167 167;Clams, steamed or boiled [1 cup] 2168 168;Crayfish, floured or breaded, fried [1 oz, w/o shell] 2169 169;Lobster, floured or breaded, fried [1 serving] 2170 170;Oysters, ckd [1 oz, w/o shell] 2171 171;Scallops, floured or breaded, fried [1 scallop] 2172 172;Shrimp, floured or breaded, fried [1 serving] 2173 173;Cheeseburger, 1/4 lb meat, plain, on bun [1] 2174 174;Cheeseburger, w/ mayonnaise or salad dressing, on bun [1] 2175 175;Hamburger, 1 oz meat, w/ tomato catsup, on miniature bun [1] 2176 176;Hamburger, w/ tomato catsup, on bun [1] 2177 177;Pizzaburger (hamburger, cheese, sauce) on whole bun [1] 2178 178;Frankfurter, w/ chili, on bun [1] 2179 179;Pizza w/ meat & vegetables [1 pizza (12i dia)] 2180 180;Pizza, cheese [1 pizza (10i dia)] 2181 181;Pizza, cheese, w/ vegetables, thin crust [1 pizza (12i dia)] 2182 182;Bacon & egg sandwich [1] 2183 183;Chicken barbecue sandwich [1] 2184 184;Corned beef sandwich [1] 2185 185;Ham & cheese sandwich [1] 2186 186;Luncheon meat sandwich [1] 2187 187;Puerto Rican sandwich (Sandwich criollo) [1] 2188 188;Sardine sandwich [1] 2189 189;Steak submarine sandwich, w/ tomato, on roll [1] 2190 190;Beef & noodles w/ cream or white sauce [1 cup] 2191 191;Beef & rice w/ cream sauce [1 cup] 2192 192;Beef & vegetables, Hawaiian style [1 cup] 2193 193;Beef curry [1 cup] 2194 194;Beef rolls, stuffed w/ vegetables or meat mixture [1 beef roll] 2195 195;Beef stew w/ potatoes, gravy [1 cup] 2196 196;Beef w/ cream or white sauce [1 serving] 2197 197;Beef w/ vegetables, tomato sauce [1 cup] 2198 198;Beef, potatoes, & vegetables, no sauce [1 cup] 2199 199;Cabbage w/ ham hocks [1 cup] 2200 200;Chicken or turkey & noodles w/ mushroom soup [1 cup] 2201 201;Chicken or turkey & vegetables, gravy [1 cup] 2202 202;Chicken or turkey divan [1 cup] 2203 203;Chicken or turkey parmigiana [1 piece w/ sauce and cheese] 2204 204;Chicken or turkey w/ barbecue sauce [1 cup] 2205 205;Chicken or turkey, noodles, & vegetables, cheese sauce [1 cup] 2206 206;Chicken or turkey, rice, & vegetables, soy-based sauce [1 cup] 2207 207;Chili con carne w/ beans & macaroni [1 cup] 2208 208;Chow mein w/ noodles [1 cup] 2209 209;Corned beef hash [1 can (7 oz)] 2210 210;Crab, deviled [1 serving] 2211 211;Fish & rice w/ tomato-based sauce [1 cup] 2212 212;Fish w/ cream or white sauce, not tuna or lobster [1 cup] 2213 213;Gumbo w/ rice (New Orleans type) [1 cup] 2214 214;Ham or pork & potatoes w/ gravy [1 cup] 2215 215;Ham pot pie [1 pie] 2216 216;Julienne salad (meat, cheese, eggs, vegetables), no dressing [1 cup] 2217 217;Lamb or mutton stew w/ potatoes & vegetables [1 cup] 2218 218;Liver hash [1 cup] 2219 219;Lobster salad [1 serving] 2220 220;Meat loaf [1 slice] 2221 221;Meatloaf made w/ beef & pork [1 slice] 2222 222;Oyster pie [1 pie] 2223 223;Pork & vegetables [1 cup] 2224 224;Pork chow mein or chop suey, no noodles [1 cup] 2225 225;Puerto Rican style beef stew, meat w/ gravy [1 cup] 2226 226;Sardines w/ tomato-based sauce [1 cup] 2227 227;Sausage, noodles, & vegetables [1 cup] 2228 228;Seafood salad [1 serving] 2229 229;Shrimp & noodles w/ cheese sauce [1 cup] 2230 230;Shrimp creole, no rice [1 cup] 2231 231;Shrimp scampi [1 cup] 2232 232;Spaghetti sauce w/ beef, homemade-style [1 cup] 2233 233;Stewed codfish, Puerto Rican style [1 cup] 2234 234;Stewed seasoned ground beef w/ potatoes [1 cup] 2235 235;Sukiyaki [1 serving] 2236 236;Swiss steak [1 piece w/ sauce] 2237 237;Tuna pot pie [1 serving] 2238 238;Turkey w/ gravy [1 serving] 2239 239;Veal stew w/ potatoes & vegetables [1 cup] 2240 240;Venison, noodles, & vegetables, tomato sauce [1 cup] 2241 241;Barbecue sauce [1 cup] 2242 242;Beans, green string, w/ onions [1 cup] 2243 243;Beans, green, & potatoes, ckd w/ fat [1 cup] 2244 244;Beans, lima & corn (succotash), ckd w/ fat [1 serving] 2245 245;Beans, string, green, w/ mushroom sauce [1 serving] 2246 246;Broccoli casserole [1 serving] 2247 247;Brussels sprouts, creamed [1 cup] 2248 248;Cabbage, creamed [1 cup] 2249 249;Carrots, ckd, glazed [1 serving] 2250 250;Cauliflower, breaded, fried [1 cup] 2251 251;Celery, stuffed w/ cheese [1 medium stalk] 2252 252;Corn, scalloped or pudding [1 cup] 2253 253;Cucumber salad w/ dressing [1 cup] 2254 254;Eggplant, batter-dipped, fried [1 serving] 2255 255;Kohlrabi, creamed [1 serving] 2256 256;Mixed salad greens [1 serving] 2257 257;Mixed vegetables (corn, lima beans, peas, green beans, & carrots), ckd w/ fat [1 serving] 2258 258;Okra, batter-dipped, fried [1 serving] 2259 259;Pea salad [1 serving] 2260 260;Peas & carrots, creamed [1 cup] 2261 261;Peas & onions, ckd w/ fat [1 cup] 2262 262;Peas, creamed [1 cup] 2263 263;Pumpkin fritters, Puerto Rican style [1 fritter] 2264 264;Sauerkraut, ckd w/ fat [1 cup] 2265 265;Spaghetti sauce, low sodium [1 cup] 2266 266;Spinach, creamed [1 cup] 2267 267;Squash, summer, casserole w/ tomato & cheese [1 serving] 2268 268;Squash, summer, yellow or green, breaded or battered, fried [1 cup] 2269 269;Tomato & celery, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2270 270;Tomato & onion, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2271 271;Tomato chili sauce (catsup-type) [1 packet] 2272 272;Tomato sauce [1 cup] 2273 273;Turnips, creamed [1 cup] 2274 274;Vegetable combination, ckd, w/ sauce & pasta [1 cup] 2275 275;Vegetable combinations, Oriental style [1 cup] 2276 276;Zucchini w/ tomato sauce, ckd w/o fat [1 serving] 2277 277;Burrito w/ beef & potato, no beans [1 burrito] 2278 278;Burrito w/ pork & beans [1 burrito] 2279 279;Chilaquiles, w/ egg [1 cup] 2280 280;Chow fun noodles w/ vegetables, meatless [1 cup] 2281 281;Croissant, filled w/ broccoli & cheese [1 croissant] 2282 282;Dumplings, meat-filled [1 dumpling] 2283 283;Enchilada w/ beef & beans [1 enchilada] 2284 284;Enchilada w/ seafood [1 enchilada] 2285 285;Flavored rice, brown & wild [1 cup] 2286 286;Pizza Hut Priazzo Florentine [1 pie] 2287 287;Lasagna w/ meat, whole wheat noodles [1 lasagna] 2288 288;Lasagna, w/ chicken or turkey, & spinach [1 lasagna] 2289 289;Macaroni or noodles w/ cheese & pork or ham [1 cup] 2290 290;Macaroni w/ tuna [1 cup] 2291 291;Meat pie (Pastelon de carne) [1 pie] 2292 292;Nachos w/ cheese & sour cream [1 cup] 2293 293;Pasta salad (macaroni or noodles, vegetables, dressing) [1 cup] 2294 294;Pastry, cheese-filled [1 pastry] 2295 295;Ravioli, cheese-filled, w/ tomato sauce [1 cup] 2296 296;Rice polishings [1 cup] 2297 297;Rice w/ squid (arroz con calamares) [1 cup] 2298 298;Risotto [1 cup] 2299 299;Spaghetti w/ tomato sauce, meatless [1 cup] 2300 300;Stewed rice (arroz quisado) [1 cup] 2301 301;Stuffed tomato, w/ rice & meat [1 cup] 2302 302;Taco or tostada w/ beans, cheese, & meat [1 taco] 2303 303;Tamale casserole w/ meat [1 cup] 2304 304;Tortellini, spinach-filled, no sauce [1 cup] 2305 305;Turnover, meat-filled, w/ gravy [1 turnover] 2306 306;Bean soup [1 cup] 2307 307;Chicken noodle soup, w/ carrots [1 cup] 2308 308;Instant soup, noodle, meat flavor [1 cup] 2309 309;Pinto bean soup [1 cup] 2310 310;Soybean soup, miso broth [1 cup] 2311 311;Broccoli soup [1 cup] 2312 312;Cucumber soup, cream of, prepared w/ milk [1 cup] 2313 313;Mushroom soup, cream of, prepared w/ water, low sodium [1 cup] 2314 314;Pea soup, prepared w/ water [1 cup] 2315 315;Tomato beef soup [1 cup] 2316 316;Tomato soup, canned, prepared w/ milk [1 cup] 2317 317;Vegetable broth, bouillon [1 cup] 2318 318;Vegetable soup, chunky style [1 cup] 2319 319;Anisette toast [1 piece] 2320 320;Bagel, toasted [1 medium] 2321 321;Bagel, whole wheat, 100%, toasted [1 medium] 2322 322;Biscuit mix, dry [1 cup] 2323 323;Bread stick, soft [1 medium stick] 2324 324;Bread, bran, w/ raisins [1 slice] 2325 325;Bread, corn & molasses [1 slice] 2326 326;Bread, French or Vienna [1 slice] 2327 327;Bread, high protein [1 slice] 2328 328;Bread, milk & honey [1 slice] 2329 329;Bread, Native, Puerto Rican style, toasted (Pan Criollo) [1 slice] 2330 330;Bread, pita, toasted [1 medium pita] 2331 331;Bread, pumpernickel, toasted [1 slice] 2332 332;Bread, rye [1 slice] 2333 333;Bread, Spanish coffee [1 piece] 2334 334;Bread, very low sodium, toasted [1 slice] 2335 335;Bread, white & whole wheat [1 slice] 2336 336;Bread, whole wheat, 100% [1 slice] 2337 337;Bread, whole wheat, very low sodium, toasted [1 slice] 2338 338;Corn pone [1 pone] 2339 339;Croissant [1 mini croissant] 2340 340;Flour, whole wheat [1 cup] 2341 341;Muffin, bran, toasted [1 muffin] 2342 342;Muffin, English, cheese [1 muffin] 2343 343;Muffin, English, rye [1 muffin] 2344 344;Muffin, English, wheat or cracked wheat, w/ raisins, toasted [1 muffin] 2345 345;Muffin, multigrain, w/ nuts [1 muffin] 2346 346;Popovers [1 popover] 2347 347;Roll, garlic [1 medium] 2348 348;Roll, oatmeal, toasted [1 medium] 2349 349;Roll, sweet, Mexican, Pan Dulce, sugar topping [1 roll] 2350 350;Roll, wheat or cracked wheat [1 medium] 2351 351;Roll, whole wheat, 100%, toasted [1 medium] 2352 352;Toaster muffin, fruit, untoasted [1 toaster muffin] 2353 353;Cake, angel food, w/o icing [1 piece] 2354 354;Cake, butter, w/ icing [1 piece] 2355 355;Cake, chiffon, chocolate, w/o icing [1 tube cake] 2356 356;Cake, cupcakes [1 cupcake] 2357 357;Cake, Dobos Torte [1 piece] 2358 358;Cake, lemon, w/ icing [1 piece] 2359 359;Cake, peanut butter, w/ icing [1 piece] 2360 360;Cake, prune, w/o icing [1 serving] 2361 361;Cake, shortcake, biscuit type, w/ whipped cream & fruit [1 biscuit] 2362 362;Cake, sponge [1 tube cake] 2363 363;Cake, white [1 1-layer cake] 2364 364;Cake, yellow, w/o icing [1 1-layer cake] 2365 365;Cheesecake, low-calorie, w/ fruit, Weight Watcher's [1 individual cake] 2366 366;Churros [1 churro] 2367 367;Cobbler, peach [1 serving] 2368 368;Coffee cake [1 cake] 2369 369;Cream puff, eclair, custard or cream filled [1 eclair] 2370 370;Crisp, apple, apple dessert [1 serving] 2371 371;Doughnut [1 doughnut] 2372 372;Doughnut, chocolate cream-filled [1 doughnut] 2373 373;Doughnut, raised or yeast, chocolate covered [1 doughnut] 2374 374;Fritter, banana [1 fritter] 2375 375;Taco Bell Cinnamon Crispa [1 crispa] 2376 376;Pie, apple, one crust [1 pie] 2377 377;Pie, banana cream [1 serving] 2378 378;Pie, blueberry, one crust [1 pie] 2379 379;Pie, cherry, made w/ cream cheese & sour cream [1 serving] 2380 380;Pie, chocolate cream [1 pie] 2381 381;Pie, coconut custard [1 pie] 2382 382;Pie, lemon [1 serving] 2383 383;Pie, mince [1 pie] 2384 384;Pie, peanut butter cream [1 pie] 2385 385;Pie, pineapple cream [1 pie] 2386 386;Pie, pudding, not chocolate, individual size [1 small tart] 2387 387;Pie, raspberry cream [1 pie] 2388 388;Pie, squash [1 serving] 2389 389;Pie, tofu w/ fruit [1 pie] 2390 390;Strudel, apple [1 piece] 2391 391;Turnover or dumpling, berry [1 turnover] 2392 392;Cookie, applesauce [1 medium] 2393 393;Cookie, butter or sugar cookie, w/ coconut [1 medium] 2394 394;Cookie, chocolate sandwich, chocolate covered [1] 2395 395;Cookie, cone shell, ice cream type [1 cone] 2396 396;Cookie, dietetic, sandwich type [1 cookie] 2397 397;Cookie, lemon bars [1 bar] 2398 398;Cookie, oatmeal [1 medium] 2399 399;Cookie, peanut butter, w/ oatmeal [1 cookie] 2400 400;Cookie, sesame [1 cookie] 2401 401;Cookie, vanilla w/ caramel, coconut, & chocolate coating [1 cookie] 2402 402;Crackers [1 serving] 2403 403;Crackers, cylindrical, peanut butter-filled [10 combos] 2404 404;Crackers, mixed grain, salt free [1 cracker] 2405 405;Crackers, sandwich-type, peanut butter-filled [1 sandwich] 2406 406;Crispbread, wheat [1 oz] 2407 407;Pancake, cornmeal [1 pancake] 2408 408;Popcorn cake [1 cake] 2409 409;Popcorn, w/ cheese [1 cup] 2410 410;Puffed rice cakes w/o salt [1 cake] 2411 411;Waffle, blueberry [1 round waffle] 2412 412;Bulgur, ckd or canned, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2413 413;Couscous, plain, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2414 414;Grits, ckd, corn or hominy, quick, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2415 415;Macaroni, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2416 416;Millet, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2417 417;Noodles, ckd, egg [1 cup] 2418 418;Oat bran cereal, ckd [1 serving] 2419 419;Oatmeal, ckd, instant [1 cup] 2420 420;Oatmeal, made w/ milk [1 cup] 2421 421;Rice, ckd, w/ milk [1 cup] 2422 422;Rice, white & wild, ckd w/ fat [1 cup] 2423 423;Rice, yellow, ckd, regular, fat added [1 cup] 2424 424;Vermicelli, ckd [1 cup] 2425 425;Wheat, cream of, ckd, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2426 426;Whole wheat cereal, wheat & barley, ckd w/ fat [1 cup] 2427 427;All-Bran cereal [1 cup] 2428 428;Bran Muffin Crisp cereal [1 cup] 2429 429;Cereal, NFS [1 cup] 2430 430;Cookie-Crisp cereal [1 cup] 2431 431;Corn Total cereal [1 cup] 2432 432;Double Chex cereal [1 cup] 2433 433;Frosted Mini-Wheats cereal [1 cup] 2434 434;Honey Bunches of Oats cereal [1 cup] 2435 435;Malt-O-Meal Puffed Wheat cereal [1 cup] 2436 436;Nature Valley Granola, toasted oat mixture [1 cup] 2437 437;Nutri-Grain Nuggets Whole Grain Wheat & Barley Cereal [1 cup] 2438 438;Oat Flakes, Post cereal [1 cup] 2439 439;Raisin Bran, Ralston Purina cereal [1 cup] 2440 440;Rice, puffed [1 cup] 2441 441;Toasties cereal [1 cup] 2442 442;Wheat, puffed, plain [1 cup] 2443 443;Apple, dried, ckd [1 cup] 2444 444;Applesauce, stewed apples [1 cup, sauce] 2445 445;Apricot, dried, ckd [1 cup] 2446 446;Banana, Chinese [1 medium] 2447 447;Blackberries, ckd or canned [1 cup] 2448 448;Blueberry pie filling [1 cup] 2449 449;Cassaba melon [1 cup] 2450 450;Cherries, sweet, in light syrup [1 cup, w/ pits, yields] 2451 451;Cranberries [1 cup, whole] 2452 452;Fig, dried, ckd [1 cup] 2453 453;Grapefruit & orange sections [1 cup] 2454 454;Grapes [1 cup] 2455 455;Jackfruit, ckd or canned [1 cup] 2456 456;Lime [1 fruit] 2457 457;Mango, ckd [1 oz] 2458 458;Nectarine, ckd [1 cup] 2459 459;Orange, mandarin, fresh [1 medium] 2460 460;Peach, ckd or canned, in heavy syrup [1 cup] 2461 461;Peach, frozen, w/ sugar [1 cup, sliced] 2462 462;Pear, dried, ckd [1 cup] 2463 463;Pineapple, ckd or canned, in heavy syrup [1 cup] 2464 464;Plum, ckd or canned, in light syrup [1 cup, pitted] 2465 465;Prune, dried, uncooked [1 cup, pitted] 2466 466;Raspberries, frozen, w/ sugar [1 cup] 2467 467;Rhubarb, frozen, w/ sugar [1 cup] 2468 468;Strawberries, frozen [1 cup] 2469 469;Tangelo [1 medium] 2470 470;Apple juice [1 cup] 2471 471;Apricot nectar [1 serving] 2472 472;Cranberry juice, unsweetened [1 serving] 2473 473;Grape juice, unsweetened [1 cup] 2474 474;Grapefruit & orange juice, frozen, w/ sugar (reconstituted w/ water) [1 cup] 2475 475;Guava nectar [1 serving] 2476 476;Mango nectar [1 serving] 2477 477;Orange juice, frozen, w/ sugar, not reconstituted [1 cup] 2478 478;Peach nectar [1 cup] 2479 479;Pineapple-grapefruit juice, canned [1 cup] 2480 480;Prune juice [1 cup] 2481 481;Vinegar [1 cup] 2482 482;Chutney [1 tbsp] 2483 483;Fruit cocktail, in light syrup [1 cup] 2484 484;Fruit salad (excl citrus fruits) w/ salad dressing or mayonnaise [1 cup] 2485 485;Pear salad w/ dressing [1 serving] 2486 486;Beans, dry, ckd w/ fat [1 cup] 2487 487;Black, brown, or Bayo beans, dry, ckd [1 cup] 2488 488;Lima beans, dry, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2489 489;Pinto, calico, or red Mexican beans, dry, ckd w/ fat [1 cup] 2490 490;White beans, dry, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2491 491;Green or yellow split peas, dry, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2492 492;Beans & franks [1 cup] 2493 493;Curd cheese [1 cup] 2494 494;Miso sauce [1 cup] 2495 495;Soy sauce [1 cup] 2496 496;Stewed cowpeas (incl frijoles) [1 cup] 2497 497;Tofutti, frozen dessert, not chocolate [1 cup] 2498 498;Almond paste (Marzipan paste) [1 cup] 2499 499;Butter nuts [1 cup] 2500 500;Coconut meat, fresh [1 cup] 2501 501;Macadamia nuts, unroasted [1 cup] 2502 502;Peanut butter & banana sandwich [1] 2503 503;Peanuts, honey-roasted [1 oz] 2504 504;Pumpkin squash seeds, hulled, roasted [1 cup] 2505 505;Sunflower seeds, hulled, unroasted [1 cup, hulled] 2506 506;Artichoke, ckd [1 medium] 2507 507;Asparagus, ckd w/o fat [1 serving] 2508 508;Bean sprouts, ckd [1 serving] 2509 509;Beans, lima, immature, canned, low sodium, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2510 510;Beans, string, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2511 511;Beans, string, green, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2512 512;Beet greens, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2513 513;Beets, ckd w/o fat [1 serving] 2514 514;Broccoli, ckd [1 serving] 2515 515;Brussels sprouts, ckd w/o fat [1 serving] 2516 516;Cabbage, green, ckd [1 cup] 2517 517;Cabbage, red, raw [1 cup, chopped] 2518 518;Carrot juice [1 cup] 2519 519;Carrots, raw [1 medium] 2520 520;Cauliflower, ckd w/ fat [1 cup] 2521 521;Celery, ckd w/ fat [1 cup, diced] 2522 522;Chard, ckd [1 serving] 2523 523;Collards, ckd [1 serving] 2524 524;Corn, ckd w/ fat [1 cup] 2525 525;Corn, white, ckd [1 serving] 2526 526;Corn, yellow, canned, low sodium, ckd w/ fat [1 cup] 2527 527;Corn, yellow, cream style, ckd w/ fat [1 cup] 2528 528;Cucumber, ckd [1 serving] 2529 529;Dandelion greens, ckd [1 cup, chopped] 2530 530;Eggplant, ckd [1 large eggplant] 2531 531;Escarole, ckd [1 cup] 2532 532;Green banana, ckd (in salt water) [1 medium] 2533 533;Hominy, ckd w/o fat [1 serving] 2534 534;Kohlrabi, ckd w/o fat [1 serving] 2535 535;Lettuce, manoa [1 cup] 2536 536;Mushrooms, ckd [1 serving] 2537 537;Mustard greens, ckd [1 serving] 2538 538;Okra, ckd w/o fat [1 serving] 2539 539;Onions, mature, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2540 540;Onions, young green, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2541 541;Parsnips, ckd w/o fat [1 serving] 2542 542;Peas, green, ckd w/ fat [1 serving] 2543 543;Pepper, sweet, raw [1 medium] 2544 544;Peppers, hot, ckd (incl Jalapeno) [1 cup, chopped] 2545 545;Pimientos, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2546 546;Plantain, ripe, rolled in flour, fried [1 piece] 2547 547;Radish leaves, ckd [1 cup] 2548 548;Rutabaga, ckd w/ fat [1 cup, pieces] 2549 549;Seaweed, raw or blanched [1 cup] 2550 550;Spinach, ckd [1 cup] 2551 551;Squash, spaghetti, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2552 552;Squash, summer, yellow, raw [1 small] 2553 553;Squash, winter type, mashed [1 serving] 2554 554;Thistle leaves, ckd w/o fat [1 cup] 2555 555;Tomatoes, raw [1 medium slice] 2556 556;Turnip greens, ckd [1 serving] 2557 557;Water chestnut [1 cup] 2558 558;Yam, ckd [1 cup] 2559 559;Sweetpotato, baked, peel eaten, fat added before serving [1 cup] 2560 560;Sweetpotato, boiled, w/o peel [1 serving] 2561 561;Sweetpotato, casserole or mashed [1 cup] 2562 562;Sweetpotatoes, roasted or baked [1 cup] 2563 563;White potato, baked, peel not eaten [1 medium] 2564 564;White potato, boiled, w/o peel, ckd w/ fat [1 medium] 2565 565;White potato, creamed [1 cup] 2566 566;White potato, home fries [1 cup] 2567 567;White potato [1 small] 2568 568;White potato, stuffed, baked, peel eaten [1 long type] 2569 569;White potato, stuffed, baked, peel not eaten, stuffed w/ chili [1 cup] 2570 570;Beets, pickled [1 cup, sliced] 2571 571;Cabbage, red, sweet & sour [1 serving] 2572 572;Cucumber pickles, dill, reduced salt [1 large] 2573 573;Cucumber pickles, sour [1 medium] 2574 574;Mushrooms, pickled [1 medium] 2575 575;Olives [1 cup, chopped] 2576 576;Tabasco sauce [1 serving] 2577 577;Zucchini, pickled [1 cup] 2578 578;Butter, regular, salted [1 tbsp] 2579 579;Margarine [1 cup] 2580 580;Margarine, regular, salted [1 stick] 2581 581;Bacon grease or meat drippings [1 cup] 2582 582;Shortening, animal [1 tbsp] 2583 583;Orange sauce (for duck) [1 cup] 2584 584;Canola oil [1 tbsp] 2585 585;Rapeseed oil [1 cup] 2586 586;Walnut oil [1 cup] 2587 587;Blue or Roquefort cheese dressing [1 tbsp] 2588 588;Cream cheese dressing [1 cup] 2589 589;Fruit dressing, made w/ cream [1 tbsp] 2590 590;Mayonnaise, made w/ yogurt (incl Yogannaise) [1 cup] 2591 591;Poppy seed dressing [1 cup] 2592 592;Yogurt dressing [1 tbsp] 2593 593;Sugar, white, confectioner's, powdered [1 cup] 2594 594;Cane syrup [1 tbsp] 2595 595;Hard sauce [1 cup] 2596 596;Sorghum syrup [1 cup] 2597 597;Topping, butterscotch or caramel [1 tbsp] 2598 598;Guava paste [1 tbsp] 2599 599;Danish dessert pudding [1 serving] 2600 600;Gelatin dessert w/ fruit & whipped cream [1 cup] 2601 601;Gelatin dessert, dietetic, w/ cream cheese [1 cup] 2602 602;Gelatin powder, sweetened, dry [1 tbsp] 2603 603;Almonds, sugar-coated [1 box (1.25 oz)] 2604 604;Caramel, chocolate-flavored roll (incl Tootsie Roll) [1 piece] 2605 605;Chocolate, milk, w/ peanuts (incl Mr. Goodbar) [1 bar] 2606 606;Dietetic or low-calorie candy, chocolate covered [1 serving] 2607 607;Fudge, caramel & nut, chocolate-coated [1 bar] 2608 608;Gumdrops [10 gumdrops] 2609 609;Marshmallow, candy-coated [1 piece] 2610 610;Peanut bar [1 oz] 2611 611;Raisins, carob covered [1 oz] 2612 612;Toffee, chocolate-coated, w/ nuts [1 piece] 2613 613;Coffee & chicory [1 coffee cup] 2614 614;Coffee, decaffeinated, & chicory [1 coffee cup] 2615 615;Coffee, expresso, decaffeinated [1 cup (2 fl oz)] 2616 616;Coffee, w/ whitener & sugar, instant [1 coffee cup] 2617 617;Chicory (coffee substitute) [1 coffee cup] 2618 618;Tea, decaffeinated, presweetened w/ sugar [1 teacup] 2619 619;Tea, made from caraway seeds [1 teacup] 2620 620;Tea, made from powdered instant, presweetened [1 teacup] 2621 621;Tea, ready-to-drink, sweetened w/ sugar [1 teacup] 2622 622;Carbonated water, unsweetened [1 can] 2623 623;Cream soda [1 can] 2624 624;Soft drink, cola-type, decaffeinated [1 can] 2625 625;Soft drink [1 can] 2626 626;Apple-cherry drink [1 cup] 2627 627;Citrus drink w/ vitamin C added [1 cup] 2628 628;Fruit drink, Hawaiian Punch [1 cup] 2629 629;Grape juice drink [1 cup] 2630 630;Lemonade w/ vitamin C added [1 cup] 2631 631;Orange-lemon drink [1 cup] 2632 632;Strawberry-flavored drink [1 cup] 2633 633;Amaretto [1 cordial glass] 2634 634;Bourbon [1 jigger] 2635 635;Cordial or liqueur [1 cordial glass] 2636 636;Gin fizz [1 cocktail] 2637 637;Manhattan [1 cocktail] 2638 638;Rum & soda [1 cocktail] 2639 639;Stinger [1 cocktail] 2640 640;Wine, angelica [1 wine glass] 2641 641;Wine, marsala [1 wine glass] 2642 642;Wine, table, dry [1 wine glass] 20000 Information is not saved in shareware version. 20001 current day 20002 food item 20003 GraphTitle 20004 Nutrients from 20005 NumPoints 20006 LabelText 20007 GraphData 20008 DrawMode 20009 calories 20011 Sort ASCENDING: 20012 Sort DESCENDING: 20013 GraphType 20014 GraphStyle 20015 LegendText 20016 DataReset 20017 Percentage from Each Meal 20018 PrintStyle 20019 Nutrient 20020 NutriGraph 20021 Alignment 20022 BackColor 20023 BevelWidth 20024 FloodPercent 20025 FloodType 20026 FloodColor 20027 FloodShowPct 20028 Font3D 20029 ForeColor 20030 Outline 20031 NIP 20032 Caloric Need 20033 Age 20034 Delay 20035 Height 20036 Frame 20037 Sex 20038 SpinOrientation 20039 BorderThickness 20040 TdThickness 20041 Current Weight 20042 Activity Level 20043 Days 20044 Not enough memory to display all items! 20045 9999;Name missing from database! 20046 9999;Food has been deleted from personal database! 20047 (per 100g of food) 20048 Weight 20049 Activity 20050 1 unit 20051 unit 20052 units 20053 Find food lowest in: 20054 Find food highest in: 20055 No entry found! 20056 You don't have a personal food database! 20057 There is no food in this file! 20058 Meal is empty! 20059 Clipboard is empty! Nothing to paste. 20060 Color 20061 Duration 20062 Favorite Activity 20063 CalExp 20064 Weight Control Plan 20065 Recommended Weight 20066 BMI 20067 Ideal Weight 20068 Please select your favorite exercise from Caloric Expenditure Dialog. 20069 TC 20070 LDL 20071 HDL 20072 TRI 20073 Age Group 20074 LOW 20075 BORDERLINE LOW 20076 DESIRABLE 20077 BORDERLINE HIGH 20078 HIGH 20079 VERY HIGH 20080 Very Low (0.5 times average) 20081 Low 20082 Average 20083 Moderate (2 times average) 20084 High (2+ times average) 20085 Very High (3 times average) 20086 ColorData 20087 Show CSI 20088 Options 20089 Mouse Option 20090 Printer Font 20091 Fat Warning Percent 20092 NutriGenie SUGAR ANALYSIS 20093 NutriGenie NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS 20094 Calories from fat: 20095 Pulse 20096 Labels 20097 GridStyle 20098 BorderWidth 20099 ThisSet 20100 ThisPoint 20101 YAxisStyle 20102 NumSets 20103 Left 20104 Right 20105 Mortality 20106 FaceName 20107 PitchAndFamily 20108 Caption 20109 u. 20110 Fat calories: 20111 Genie calories 20112 Print nutrients 20113 VGA nutrients 20114 Show KFactor 20115 Use PDA 20116 One Column 20117 servings 20118 &Generate a %d-calorie menu! 20120 Generate a random menu! 20121 &Hide 20122 &Unhide 20123 Show all hi&dden foods ( 20126 Pro. 20127 Car. 20128 Fat 20129 Comparison BMI Values 20130 Avg. 20131 Obese 20132 You 20133 Bot 20134 Mid 20135 Top 20136 's weight graph 20137 's weight trend over %d weeks 20138 Line 20139 Bar 20140 Area 20141 Caloric percentage 20142 Calories from nutrient 20143 kcal/day 20144 Off 20145 Serving portion 20146 Ounce 20147 Gram 20148 Please enter food or recipe name here. 20149 1 serving 20150 Personal list 20151 's blood pressure graph 20152 's blood pressure trend over %d measurements 20153 entry 20154 entries 20155 item) 20156 items) 20157 time. 20158 times. 20159 day 20160 days 20161 0 - Don't know 20163 You have added %d food 20167 : No food selected! 20168 Cannot 20169 GAIN 20170 LOSE 20171 lbs per week. 20172 lbs per month. 20173 lbs per quarter. 20174 In other words, you should weigh 20175 lbs after 20176 Out of range 20177 Caloric equivalence: 20178 minutes of 20179 NutriGenie - Weight Control Planner 20180 File name: 20181 Your current weight: 20182 IMPORTANT: Before adopting any diet, please obtain your doctor's approval. 20185 - Full version lists 130 activities! 20186 Daily calories needed to maintain weight: 20187 calories a day. 20188 Average daily caloric intake of plan: 20189 Average fat content of plan: 20190 With this plan, on average, you will 20191 Please select an item in your plan first. 20192 Food Name 20193 Total 20194 TOTAL FOR DAY 20195 Your activity Level [ 1 = Sedentary - 10 = Strenuous ]: 20196 Please enter a name. 20197 Please add a user. 20198 Please enter initial weight in edit box. 20200 Data are saved only in registered version. 20201 : Registered Version 20202 : Unregistered Version 20203 : Press Review Version 20204 I &Eat 20205 &Delete 20206 Amt. O&K 20207 Enter text to be searched, or !text to exclude 20208 Sort ASCENDING: 20209 Sort DESCENDING: 20210 Find food highest in: 20211 Find food lowest in: 20212 This program requires the Super VGA (800x600 or higher) display mode! 20213 Please contact NutriGenie for latest version! 20214 A required file is missing or corrupted, please rerun setup! 20215 Optimal 20216 Normal 20217 High normal 20218 Stage 1 hypertension 20219 Stage 2 hypertension 20220 Stage 3 hypertension 20221 Stage 4 hypertension 20222 Invalid value. 20223 This program runs best with Super VGA (800x600 or higher) display mode where you can see analysis of all nutrients at one time. 20224 New selections will be in effect when you restart program. 20225 The first 5 items must be displayed. 20226 New selections are effective only in VGA mode. 20227 Global 20228 VGA First 20229 Milk List 20230 Fruit List 20231 Vegetable List 20232 Bread/Starch List 20233 Meat List 20234 Fat List 20235 Free List 20236 Breakfast List 20237 Lunch List 20238 Dinner List 20239 Morning Snack List 20240 Afternoon Snack List 20241 Evening Snack List 20242 Exchange Options 20243 Own Foods 20250 Protein Block 1 20251 Protein Block 2 20252 Protein Block 3 20253 Protein Block 4 20254 Carbohydrate Block 1 20255 Carbohydrate Block 2 20256 Carbohydrate Block 3 20257 Breakfast List 20258 Lunch List 20259 Dinner List 20260 Morning Snack List 20261 Afternoon Snack List 20262 Evening Snack List 20263 Day 1 20264 Day 2 20265 Day 3 20266 Day 4 20267 Day 5 20268 Day 6 20269 Day 7 20270 High (rapid insulin inducer) list 20271 Medium (moderate inducer) list 20272 Low (reduced insulin secretion) list 20273 or 20274 lbs 20275 kg 20276 cm 20277 Food Color Code 20278 AltSymbol 20401 1 - Sweets 20402 2 - Milk, Yogurt and Cheese 20403 3 - Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs 20404 4 - Vegetable 20405 5 - Fruit, Juice 20406 6 - Bread, Cereal and Pasta 20410 * Food item with calories from fat higher than 20411 NA 20412 Personal 20413 RDA 20414 Sys 20415 Dia 20416 's diet record over 20417 Allergen list 20418 Percentage of calories from fat: %d% 20419 Generating a %d-calorie menu... 20420 Generating a random well-balanced menu... 20421 VGA 20422 SVGA 20423 Not enough memory to sort %d items. 20424 Click to use RDA values for this nutrient. 20425 Shareware age range: 18 - 50, registered version: 1 - 99 20426 Sort by nutrient in ascending order 20427 Sort by nutrient in descending order 20428 Search in both standard and personal databases 20429 Search in listbox only 20430 Show food groups in normal order 20431 Show food groups in reverse order 20432 Accept manually entered amount in edit control 20433 Manually adjust amount here if desired 32768 Find your recommended weight\nIdeal weight 32769 Determine your caloric and nutrient requirements\nCaloric and nutrient requirements 32772 Search for specific foods by name\nFind food 32773 Display food items by groups or reshow foods in this food group\nShow food groups 32774 Show analysis of diet 32775 Show graphic analysis of diet 32776 Determine your body mass index 32777 Show food items from your personal food database\nShow personal database 32778 Select font for printed nutritional analysis 32779 Analyze your blood cholesterol level 32780 Set up plan to control your weight\nWeight control planner 32782 Change fat percentage bar's color to white when fat calories exceeds threshold\nSet fat warning level 32783 Show graphic analysis of individual nutrients from each meal 32784 Show graphic analysis of calories from protein, carbohydrate and fat 32785 Show graphic analysis of caloric intake from protein, carbohydrate and fat 32786 Show graphic analysis of each nutrient from meals 32790 Determine your baby's caloric requirements 32793 Select the background color of your window\nChoose window color 32794 Color of the RDA analysis bars will reflect your preferred nutrient intake levels\nSet nutrient intake preferences 32909 Determine caloric expenditure of common activities and exercises\nCaloric expenditure 32936 Find food lowest in a nutrient in all meals\nFind food lowest in a nutrient in current file 32937 Find food highest in a nutrient in all meals\nFind food highest in a nutrient in current file 32940 Show Cholesterol - Saturated Fat Index 32941 Display food group names in reverse order. 32942 Perform USDA Food Pyramid analysis\nFood pyramid analysis 32943 Determine your target heart rate\nTarget heart rate 32944 Keep track of your weight loss progress\nWeight tracker 32945 Keep track of your diet\nDiet tracker 32947 Set mouse button option for quick food amount input\nSet mouse option 32948 Keep track of your blood glucose\nGlucose tracker 32949 Keep track of your blood pressure 32950 Let the NutriGenie suggest a menu to you\nMenu generator 32952 Set options for NutriGenie 32953 Select the data for printed analysis 32954 Add food or recipe to your personal food database 32955 Don't show this food item again 32956 Hide all foods in current meal in left listbox 32957 Hide all foods currently in food listbox on the right 32958 Reshow this food item 32959 Show all foods you've hidden 32960 Select nutrients to display in the gray analysis panel 32961 Review, rename, or clear your personal food groups 32962 Show K Factor (the ratio of potassium to sodium) 32965 Show % of personal intake preference instead of % RDA 32966 Sort foods in food selection listbox by nutrient content in ascending order 32967 Sort foods in food selection listbox by nutrient content in descending order 32968 Food listbox: use standard width 32969 Food listbox: use wider width 32970 Food listbox: use widest width 33001 Add hilited food in right-side listbox to this group 33002 Add hilited food in right-side listbox to this group 33003 Add hilited food in right-side listbox to this group 33004 Add hilited food in right-side listbox to this group 33005 Add hilited food in right-side listbox to this group 33006 Add hilited food in right-side listbox to this group 33007 Add hilited food in right-side listbox to this group 33021 Add all foods in left-side meal listbox to this group 33022 Add all foods in left-side meal listbox to this group 33023 Add all foods in left-side meal listbox to this group 33024 Add all foods in left-side meal listbox to this group 33025 Add all foods in left-side meal listbox to this group 33026 Add all foods in left-side meal listbox to this group 33027 Add all foods in left-side meal listbox to this group 33041 Show all foods from this group in right-side food listbox 33042 Show all foods from this group in right-side food listbox 33043 Show all foods from this group in right-side food listbox 33044 Show all foods from this group in right-side food listbox 33045 Show all foods from this group in right-side food listbox 33046 Show all foods from this group in right-side food listbox 33047 Show all foods from this group in right-side food listbox 33061 Remove hilited food in right-side listbox from this group 33062 Remove hilited food in right-side listbox from this group 33063 Remove hilited food in right-side listbox from this group 33064 Remove hilited food in right-side listbox from this group 33065 Remove hilited food in right-side listbox from this group 33066 Remove hilited food in right-side listbox from this group 33067 Remove hilited food in right-side listbox from this group 33101 Add all foods in right-side listbox to this group 33102 Add all foods in right-side listbox to this group 33103 Add all foods in right-side listbox to this group 33104 Add all foods in right-side listbox to this group 33105 Add all foods in right-side listbox to this group 33106 Add all foods in right-side listbox to this group 33107 Add all foods in right-side listbox to this group 34080 Leave only high protein foods in listbox 34081 Leave only high fat foods in listbox 34082 Leave only high protein and high fat foods in listbox 34083 Leave only high carbohydrate foods in listbox 34084 Leave only Zone-favorable foods in food selection listbox 34085 Leave only foods containing antioxidant in food selection listbox 34086 Leave only foods containing co-factors in food selection listbox 34087 Display the Introduction topic in the help file 34088 Display the Top Tips topic in the help file 34089 Display the Registration Form 34090 Display NutriGenie product catalog 57344 NutriGenie Nutrition Series 57345 For Help, press F1 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57600 Create a new daily document\nNew file 57601 Open an existing document\nOpen file 57602 Close the active document\nClose file 57603 Save the active document\nSave file 57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave file with new name 57605 Change the printing options 57606 Change the printer and printing options 57607 Print the active document\nPrint daily file 57609 Display full pages 57616 Open this document 57617 Open this document 57618 Open this document 57619 Open this document 57632 Erase the selection 57633 Delete all foods from current meal\nClear meal 57634 Copy all foods from current meal to clipboard\nCopy meal 57635 Move all foods from current meal to clipboard\nCut meal 57636 Find foods having the specified text\nFind food 57637 Insert all foods from clipboard to current meal\nPaste meal 57640 Repeat the last action 57641 Replace specific text with different text 57642 Select the entire document 57643 Undo the last action 57644 Redo the previously undone action 57648 Open another window for the active document 57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window 57650 Arrange windows so they overlap 57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles 57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles 57653 Split the active window into panes 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout program 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents 57666 List Help topics 57668 Display instructions about how to use help 57669 Context sensitive help: Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nContext sensitive help 57670 Display help for current task or command 57680 Switch to the next window pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the toolbar 59393 Show or hide the status bar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61215 Activate this window 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61446 an unnamed file 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61504 on %1 61505 &One Page 61506 &Two Page 61507 Page %u 61508 Page %u\nPages %u-%u\n 61509 prn 61510 Output.prn 61511 Printer Files (*.prn)|*.prn|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 61512 Print to File 61513 to %1 61588 Linked %s 61589 Unknown Type 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted. 61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed. 61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system. 61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61829 %1\nUnable to register document.\nThe document may already be open. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels