++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TIMESLICE FOR WINDOWS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TimeSlice (v1.1.0) for Windows, Time Tracking and Billing Application. Useful to anyone who bills for time or just wants a simple solution for keeping track of time events and charges. (US$40. - MC/Visa/AmEx/Discover) Maui Software mailto:info@mauisoftware.com http://www.mauisoftware.com TimeSlice automates the task of tracking your time and billing for hourly work. You can list clients, projects and/or categories with applicable rates, then start timing when you begin work. An expense amount can be added to each time entry. You can easily add time entries when you have been working away from your computer. TimeSlice allows you to bill by minutes or tenth, quarter, half, or whole hour and then generate invoices or reports for any set of time recorded. You can bill time against clients, projects, or specific tasks and keep notes on exactly what you're doing. TimeSlice data can be exported to database, spreadsheet, word processing programs so that you can create custom invoices and reports. TimeSlice stays out of your way while you work on your computer by providing the ability to command the timer and edit active time entries while TimeSlice is minimized. New features for TimeSlice version 1.1.0 · Expense Feature: · There is now a column which stores a currency amount with each Time row. · New Export Features: · Option to Export (or not) the column titles row. · Option to Export (or not) the totals row. · Export option to get rid of "carriage returns" in the Notes text. · Option to specify which columns to include in the Export File. · Export option to append to an existing file or create a new file. · New Print Features: · Option to specify the text for the Report Title (instead of the default - file name). · Option to Print (or not) the report title and page number. · Option to Print (or not) the column titles row. · Option to Print (or not) the totals row. · Option to add a blank line after each row in the Printed Report. · Option to specify which columns to include in the Printed Report. · Specify the Font type, style and size to use in the Printed Report. · New Column Settings: · Option to hide columns in the Time Table. · "Center", "Left" or "Right" justification can be set for the Column Data and Headings in the Time Table. · Edit Column names. These names will be displayed in the Time Table and will be used in the Export file and Print report. · Total "Active", "Marked", or "All" Records: · Menus to select to show the "Total Active Record", "Total Marked Records", or "Total All Records" in the "Total Time", "Total Charge", and "Total Expenses" boxes in the document window. · TimeTable Horizontal and Vertical Splitter Bars: · The Time Table has a vertical and horizontal splitter bar so that one section of the table can be shown and the rows or columns on the other section can be scrolled. · Command and View Time data while TimeSlice application is minimized · The TimeSlice icon is replaced with a "red", "green", or "yellow" icon when the document or application window is minimized. The icon represents the state of the timer in the document, or in the case of the minimized program, it represents the state of the timer of the "active" document. · Minimized TimeSlice program has a pop-up system menu where each TimeSlice document has a sub-menu. The following is shown or are allowed commands for each open TimeSlice Document: 1). Show the red, green or yellow icon next to the Document name, 2). Shows the Active or Marked or All Time, 3). Start/Stop/Restart Menu, 4). Pause/Restore menu, 5). Edit Active Time Record, 6). Set as Active Document. (The application system menu is popped up by clicking the right mouse button on the minimized TimeSlice icon.) · Suggestions from our customers: · Create an UnDelete TimeTable Row Menu. · Tab to the "hourly rate" column in the Edit Project, Category, Client dialog box. · Add Project, Category, Client name by typing in the combo list boxes in the TimeTable or the Edit Time Dialog box. · Make the drop down list box for the Project, Category, Client names wider. · Option to not display the "Delete Row Confirmation Dialog Box". · Entering the time 12:xx without any am or pm in the TimeTable will default the value to 12:xx PM. · TimeSlice will remember the Status bar and Tool bar view settings for the next time TimeSlice program starts. · Option to Export and Print the Mark Column. · Ability to "Tab" forward or "Shift-Tab" backward a cell in the Time Table. · If there are no rows are selected and the timer is active, the active time record will be edited in the Edit Time Dialog Box when the Edit Time menu, F6 is pressed, or the Edit Time button in the tool bar is pressed. · A double click on a specific cell will bring up the Edit Time Dialog Box with the cursor in the area to edit the data from that cell. · Disable the "Pause/Resume" menu in the document system menu when the timer is not active. · The Project, Category, Client lists are sorted (or not sorted) in the Mark Special Dialog Box, Edit Time Dialog Box and the TimeTable according to the sort always setting in the Edit Project, Category and Client Dialog Box. · If the time is edited in the Time Table and the seconds are not specified to be displayed, eliminate the seconds stored. As an example, if the start time is edited to be 10:03 and the stop time is edited to be 12:03, the elapsed time is set to 2:00 and not rounded up to 2:01 because there are extra seconds. · Problems fixed: · Make sure that if Auto-Save is enabled, not more than one "save error" dialog box will be displayed at a time. · If a file was closed with the window compacted, the compacted window will be positioned in the same position when opened again. · Fixed the problem where a compacted window was saved, closed, then reopened, but restoring the window did not put the window in the same position when initially compacted. · Fixed the problem where the TimeTable scroll bars were not always visible when the document window also had scroll bars. · Fixed the problem where the Elapsed Time Column Width was not save correctly with the document. · Fixed the problem where the TimeTable was not sized correctly when the document window was maximized and the program window minimized when the application is closed. TimeSlice v1.0.1 --------------------- -> Add information about our California office. TimeSlice v1.0.0 --------------------- The new features in this version: -> New Project, Category and Client Columns. Enter multiple text and hourly rate pairs for each column. Select from your defined list for each column for each time record. -> Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete text when text editing within the cell of the Time Table. -> Auto Adjust Dates and Times when editing times in the Time Table or Edit Time Dialog Box. Set Auto Adjust Preferences. -> Hourly Rate setable per record. -> Restart a Time Table Row. -> Time Status Light shows "Green" when the timer is started, "Yellow" when the timer is paused, and "Red" when the timer is not running. -> TimeSlice Document Window and Program Window size and locations and the column widths are saved and used next time the TimeSlice Program or one of its Documents are opened. -> TimeSlice Startup Preferences where you can select to have TimeSlice open a New Document, open no Documents, or open the Documents that were open last time you exited TimeSlice. -> Start, Restart, Pause, Resume and Stop menus in the menu bar and each has associated function keys. -> Ease of inputting Time values. If you have the time display setting to use the ‘:’, you can use the ‘.’ to more easily enter in time values and TimeSlice will change it appropriately to a ‘:’. -> Mark Column that helps select rows with specific characteristics. For instance, mark the rows with a specific date and Project column text value. Then Print or Export just these marked rows. The marked rows can also be selected more easily for copy or deletion. -> Export or Print Preferences allows to print or export all records in a file, or a marked subset of the records. -> Sort Row Option. From 0, 1, 2 or 3 columns can be specified to sort on. TimeSlice Lite v2.0.1 --------------------- This version includes a bug fix for version 2.0.0. The bug was a negative elapsed time being created when a document was saved and closed with a paused timer. TimeSlice Lite v2.0.0 --------------------- The new features in this version: -> Program name changes from TimeTracker to TimeSlice Lite -> International Format Date, Time and Currency values available in the 32 bit version. (use Regional Settings) -> Print entire Notes on a subsequent line(s) with a Print option. -> Edit Time Information in the Table Cell as well as in the Edit Dialog Box. -> Easy method to Add Time Information manually. -> Select All / Select None - in the Table from the upper left corner of the Time Table. -> Time Table sizes larger when the Document window sizes larger. -> Tool Tips appear when the cursor passes over the Toolbar buttons in the 32 bit version. -> Scroll bars appear on the program application and document windows when needed. -> The Stop Date, Pause Time are added to the Time Table and the Printed report. -> The Active Time Record has an italic font. -> Sizable Columns in the Time Table. -> The Edit Time Entry Button edits the Active Time Record when the Document window is compacted. TimeTracker v1.2.0 ------------------ The new features in this version: -> 16 and 32 bit versions of the program (Windows 3.1, 95 and NT versions). -> Printed Report has a total line at the end. -> February can have 29 days. -> Select All, Select None - Time Record lines in the Time Entry List box. -> Tile Vertical and Horizontal -> Toolbar on the Child Window -> New Compact Window feature (screen space saver) to compact each child window separately. -> Initial Focus in the Notes edit area in the Edit Time Entry Dialog box. TimeTracker v1.1.0 ------------------ The new features in this version: -> Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear - time entries (records) in the list box. -> Copy, Cut - will also copy the highlighted time entries tab delimited to the clipboard. -> Can edit the active time entry -> Icon on the icon bar to toggle the Compress/Restore Child Window Menu -> Preference setting for Time Display. For instance, display in one second, one minute 6 minute, 15 minute increments. Can also select time displayed in decimal notation, ie: two hours and 18 minutes displayed in decimal notation in 6 minute increments is displayed as 02.30 TimeTracker v1.0.3 ------------------ This version includes a bug fix for previous versions. The bug was a problem with the Export feature. TimeTracker v1.0.2 ------------------ This version includes a bug fix for version 1.0.1 The bug was a General Protection Fault when Auto Saving is enabled and the document window was minimized. TimeTracker v1.0.0 ------------------ -> Start/Stop and Pause/Resume button -> Multi-Document Interface -> Print / Print Preview Time Events report -> Export time records to other programs -> Extensive online help -> Automatic Charge calculation -> Automatic Document total charge and total time calculation -> Default Hourly Rate Preference setting -> Hourly Rate set per document -> Application Window compacting option for minimal screen usage ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW TO GET IN TOUCH WITH MAUI SOFTWARE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Web: http://www.mauisoftware.com Electronic Mail: -------------------- Send Order Forms email to: sales@mauisoftware.com Send windows specific support email to: lois@mauisoftware.com Send other email to: info@mauisoftware.com Postal Address: -------------------- Maui Software 7960-B Soquel Dr. #216 Aptos, CA 95003 Voice/Fax Number: -------------------- 408-689-9314 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW TO ORDER TIMESLICE FOR WINDOWS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TimeSlice is available for only $40 per copy (one copy per user). Order our software electronically using the internet order page on our web page at www.mauisoftware.com Order our software using our text file - register.txt Or email the order forms to: eMail: sales@mauisoftware.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ POSTING TIMESLICE TO BULLETIN BOARDS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TimeSlice® is uploaded as a demo, so feel free to upload the unregistered version to bulletin boards. Please post TimeSlice to other bulletin boards. And if you do, please include the following text as the product description. Thanks for helping! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you work or charge by the hour? If so, then you need TimeSlice. TimeSlice is a simple $40 time and billing application under MS Windows® for recording time tasks . TimeSlice is useful for consultants, programmers, attorneys, graphic designers, or anyone who bills for time, or just wants a simple solution for keeping track of time events. Partial feature list: - Have multiple time sessions going at the same time - Windows can be enlarged to fill entire screen or minimized to a very small size - Export & print time entries - Extensive editing controls in one easy-to-use window - Start, Stop, Restart, Pause, and Resume time entries - A complete user's manual On-Line. And much more... TimeSlice by Maui Software. email: info@mauisoftware.com http://www.mauisoftware.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TimeSlice FAQs (frequently asked questions) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - What is TimeSlice? A simple, easy-to-use time and billing program for MS Windows®. - How much does TimeSlice for Windows cost? US$40 per copy per user. Quantity discounts are available. - Where can I get TimeSlice? It's posted to every major bulletin board. Send email to info@mauisoftware.com if you can't find it. - What is TimeSlice Lite? A simple, easy-to-use time and billing program for MS Windows®. The TimeSlice Lite version is less expensive and does not have as many features as the TimeSlice version. - Is there a Macintosh version of TimeSlice? Yes, contact Maui Software for more information. - What happened to TimeTracker? We changed the name of the TimeTracker program to TimeSlice Lite. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WHERE IS TIMESLICE? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TimeSlice is available at the following locations. If you have trouble locating TimeSlice, send email to: info@mauisoftware.com - Maui Software's FTP site ftp://ftp.scruznet.com/users/maui/public (this site always has the very latest versions posted) - Maui Software's WEB Page http://www.mauisoftware.com/ (this site always has the very latest versions posted) - America Online (APPS, LEGAL, DWP Forums) - CompuServe (WINBIZ, WINSHARE, WINPROD, LAWSIG, DTPFOR, WORK, CONSULT, ZDBUS Forums) - Local BBSes sometimes carry TimeSlice. If not, upload it! - Coast to Coast: http://www.coast.net/SimTel (and mirror sites) - WinSite: http://www.winsite.com - SimTel: http://www.simtel.net (and mirror sites) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Write Down Your Registration Name and Code Information!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You might need it after installing new system software, purchasing a new Computer, restoring to a hard disk, or installing a new TimeSlice program. And you'll need it Sunday night when everything is closed. So Write Down Your Registration Name and Code Information in a place when you can get to it easily, somewhere other than your computer!! You can view your Registration Name and Code in the About Box of the TimeSlice program.