Auto wallpaper changer v1.11 Written by Mario Hadjieleftheriou Send any comments, suggestions, bugs, complaints etc to This program changes the desktop wallpaper everytime you logon. First of all copy the two files (Wallpaper.exe and Nexxus10.dll) into the same location (it doesn't matter where). Than you should add a shortcut to Wallpaper.exe in your StartUp folder. After that, run the application, choose settings and specify a working directory where the wallpaper images are located (usually the Windows dir...). You may also specify a time interval after which you want the wallpaper to change automatically without login out. The supported file formats are GIF, BMP, PPM, PGM and JPEG (not progressive format thought). If the file format is other than BMP a temporary file named ~wallpaper.bmp is created in the same directory as the images. This file is deleted when the application exits. If you don't have write permissions in that directory then the wallpaper cannot be created and an error occurs. Hey, thanks for trying this out! March 28th 1998 marioh + Added two command line arguments: -m:number of minutes after next wallpaper change (eg -m:4) -p:images path to look for (eg -p:"c:\My Images\jpeg") + Added option not to change wallpaper everytime the user logs in.