Banner Factory V 1.1 is a Java Applet web site banner development tool. You can create professional 3Dimensional banners without any knowledge of Java programming or HTML. Banner Factory gives you the ability to include metallic/glowing Titles, scrolling messages and 3D effects. After you have created a banner to suite your needs Banner Factory will generate all the necessary html code required to include it on your web page. Sample Banner!

1)Banner Factory V 1.1 Overview and Instructions.
Using Banner Factory The easiest way to learn how to use Banner Factory is to play with it. Click Here!

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A: Title, SubTitle and Message Settings.
Enter your own Title, SubTitle and Message then press set. Here you can also change the font face and font size. You can leave any of these blank if you desire.
B: Special Effects Settings
Message Scroll: Setting message scroll to false (Unticked) will halt and center the message.
3D Out of Screen: If you want your Title and SubTitle to appear as if they are situated just out of the screen. Set this to true (ticked)
Title Glow: If you wish the title to glow and appear metallic set this to true (ticked).
White Mask Effect: White mask effect dictates the color of "word edges" with respect to the 3D effect. Setting White Mask to true (ticked) will whiten the effect.
Speed: If you wish to adjust the speed of the scroll and glow effect use the speed control.
C: Color Settings
First select the part of the banner you want to change (Background, Title, SubTitle, Message) then choose from the range of colors in the palette. You can adjust these colors by mixing in primary colors (Red, Green, Blue), using the scrollbars. Once you have selected or created a color press "Set Color".
D: Title, SubTitle and Message, Vertical Adjustment
You can adjust the individual vertical midpoints of Title (1st Scrollbar), SubTitle (2nd Scrollbar) and Message (3rd Scrollbar).
E: Banner Resize, height and width
Drag and click your mouse within the construction area to resize the banner.
F: Serial Number and Page to Open
If you wish Silk Banner to open the page of your choice, when clicked, you must have a valid serial number. You can use Silk Banner and Banner Factory for up to 30 days without a Serial Number however the "go to" function will be disabled. If you have an "unregistered version" all clicks on the banner will lead the browser to the Silk Webware Banner Factory homepage.
If you have purchased a valid serial number enter it in the "Serial Number" entry field.
You can then enter the URL "Address" of a page you wish Silk Banner to open in the "GoTo" entry field.

G: BackImage
Silk Banner can display a BackImage to match the back ground image of your web page. The default BackImage is concrete.gif. Center Image If you set Center Image to true, the Banner Factory will load a single copy of the image and center it within your Banner. If you set Center Image to false (unticked) the image will become "wall papered" all over the Background of the Banner. See advanced for information on changing the default BackImage from concrete.gif
H: Html Code Generator
After you have created your banner select either "Full html page" or "Applet Tags Only". "Full html page" will generate all the html tags required for a full web page whereas "Applet Tags" gives you the html applet tags which can be inserted into an existing web page. Press "Make HTML" and after the code has been generated carefully select it with your mouse. Copy the Code (Windows 95 press Ctrl+C ie: press the "Ctrl" and "C" button at the same time.)
Full HTML page Paste the Code into a text editor (Windows 95 notepad) and save as Mypage.html, or any .html filename of your choice.
Applet Tags Only Paste the Code into an existing HTML page.
Please note: the file afSilkBanner.class must be placed in the same directory as the .html page that contains the Banner. Think of afSilkBanner.class as an Image file.
To Test the Banner open the .html page in a Java Enabled browser, it should appear exactly as you created it in Banner Factory.

2)Banner Factory V 1.1 Advanced Instructions

i Changing the default BackImage
If you wish to change the default BackImage of Banner Factory and the resulting generated HTML code, please do the following.
1:Find this line within the BannerFactory.html file.
<param name=BackImage value="concrete.gif">
2:Change the filename concrete.gif to the image filename of your choice and save. Please note that the new image must be within the same directory as Banner Factory and it must be of the format .gif or .jpg. The Banner Factory generated HTML code will contain the filename of the new image file.

ii Changing the Frame in which the new page is opened
If you have purchased a registered version and Serial number you can have Silk Banner open any internet page in any frame you desire. The default frame is "_self" however by slightly changing the html code generated by banner factory you can choose any of the following. Silk Banner follows all HTML standard frame conventions.

"_self" ---show in the current frame <default>
"_parent" -----show in the parent frame
"_top" -----show in the top most frame
"_blank" ------show in a new unnamed top-level window
<other> -----show in top-level window named <other>

<param name=Frame value="_blank">
This will cause Silk Banner to open the page in a new unnamed top-level window. Find the line <param name=Frame value="_self"> , within the generated code and change it to any of the above, if you desire.

3)Banner Factory V 1.1 Frequently Asked Questions

i Q:Why wont Silk Banner open the page I want it to when I click on it? A:You must register Banner Factory and afSilkBanner.class, you will receive a unique Serial Number to activate Banner Factory and allow Silk Banner to open the page of your choice. You must enter this number in the Serial box each time you use Banner Factory.
ii Q:Why can't I see my Banner on my page? A: Do you have a Java Enabled Browser? Most browsers released today are Java enabled. A:Have you included the file afSilkBanner.class within the same directory as the page that contains the html code. A: Try closing down your web browser and then reloading the .html page. If you have any problems please let us know Support
iii Q:No BackImage in Netscape 4.0 Win95? A:Some versions of Netscape 4.0 running under Windows95 will not load the BackImage when loaded from the local file system. This is not a problem when SilkBanner is loaded from the Internet. If you want the BackImage available when developing your Banners try Bookmarking the page where Banner Factory/Silk Banner is located on your local file system, close down your browser then reopen it and select that bookmark, you should then see the BackImage.

If you have any questions regarding the correct setup of Silk Banner, please email us at For more exciting webpage enhancements please visit Silk Webware at Silk Webware

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