Applet IconBar V 1.0 Discription

Please use Applet IconBar to Navigate these files

This is an evaluation version! You can purchase your full version and RegistrationID from Cnet's BuyDirect secure commerce server by clicking the buydirect logo.

IconBar graphical navigation buttons are the perfect tool for for quickly finding your way around a Web Site. After you have created your Icons, IconBar will turn them into moving Web navigation buttons that can sound when clicked. IconBar can be setup as a web site table map and will open the selected page in the frame of your choice.

Full version Includes:

1) Fast Loading.
2) Customizable Button Colors
3) Easy to setup, sample HTML files, full Applet IconBar Setup Instructions ,FAQ and email support.
4) Can add sound when buttons are clicked.
5) Fully HTML FRAMES compatible.
6) Can be setup to appear like the toolbars on the lastest web browsers.
7) Used for web site navigation and web site mapping "table mapping".
8) Can be positioned HORIZONTALLY or VERTICALLY.

Also supplied are desriptions of some other graphical Silk Webware Webpage Applets

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