


CamRunner Interface 
This is the main window of CamRunner. In the center is your current image, the lower portion is the scheduling area, and the box on the right shows your current transfer information. This page is CamRunner's main control center where all major operations begin.

  • Main Menu 
    The main menu allows you to change different settings in CamRunner as well as perform a variety of tasks on the schedules and images. 
  • Toolbar 
    The toolbar allows you to bring up various transfer modifying dialog boxes and allow you to manually snap and send images. You can also start and stop sending images continuously as well as change your connection type (LAN vs. Dial-up).
  • Scheduling 
    The scheduling area shows which schedules are available to activate or modify.To modify a schedule, highlight the Schedule Name and click Modify or double click the schedule name. 
  • Transfer Information 
    The transfer information area shows which transfer will be used to send the image, where that image is going, and what annotation, if any, will be on the image. It also shows the transfer status.
  • Next Send Time
    This displays when the next time CamRunner will send an image. If no schedule is active the Next Send Time will say No Active Schedule.

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