Email Remover History Author: Victor Javier Created: April 6, 98 Update on April 6, 98 for version 1.11 Update on April 26, 98 for version 2.0 This document contains the changes made through various version of Email Remover. 1.0 Initial public release 1.1 Many changes - I have re-written the socket library and pop library for a more robust interface with Winsock. - Re-arranged Wizard pages for quicker access - allow user to preview/peek message - allow user to launch external email client - Improve error handling with more descriptive messages - saves settings to registry - include trace/log feature which can help to provide me more information when user needs help. 1.11 Correct a bug which caused some mail server to fail in recognizing Email Remover's commands. - Prompt user for password if it is not entered 2.0 Major enhancment - Better user interface on email selection screen - Better preview format - Supports unlimited accounts - Can configure multiple external email programs - Allows you to set the number of preview lines - Allows you to auto-log-in startup - On-line tip using Win95 help system - And many other enhancements