NFTP : New File Transfer Protocol Client Version 1.22
Copyright (C) 1994-1998 Sergey Ayukov

Home page of NFTP is
New versions are also available by FTP:

Important note: this manual has not been updated yet to reflect Windows and Linux versions.


  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Quick start
  4. Usage
  5. Keyboard commands summary
  6. Frequently Asked Questions
  7. Acknowledgements
  8. Registration
  9. Contacting the author
  10. Version history


NFTP is a text-mode ftp client for OS/2, Windows 95/NT and Linux. It has a number of quite useful features (new ones are in boldface):

The biggest advantage (and one of the main design concepts) of NFTP is speed and effectiveness of text-mode keyboard user interface.


Installation under OS/2

  1. Requirements are
  2. Installation. Unpack archive nftp*.zip into some directory. You can also unpack it into the directory where it will reside. Run install.cmd. After answering some questions necessary files will be copied to the directory you specified and your WPS desktop will hold NFTP folder. Inside it you'll find "NFTP" (executable), "NFTP Manual" and other icons (most of which are self-explanatory). You probably already done that because you're reading that "NFTP Manual".

    If you want to install NFTP by hand (without install.cmd), copy all files into the directory of your choice (eg, "d:\apps\tcpip\nftp"), rename nftp.i into nftp.ini, load it into your favourite ASCII text editor (eg, TEDIT shipped with Warp) and insert your e-mail address (it will be used as a password for anonymous logins) at the appropriate place:

    Then decide where you will keep your bookmarks and transfer history and set corresponding variables accordingly. If you like to launch programs from desktop, create program object for NFTP. Rename supplied file to nftp.bmk and put it into the directory which you've chosen in nftp.ini. BMKCONV.CMD can be used to convert old bookmarks file (nftp.mrk) into new format (nftp.bmk).

    The language NFTP uses is determined by environment variable NFTP_LANG. It should be set to the name (without extension) of corresponding NLS file. E.g., if you want to use Japanese version, you should use

              set NFTP_LANG=japanese
    This statement can be put to config.sys or to the batch file invoking nftp (install.cmd does exactly this). If you only need English version you may omit this variable.

    install.cmd creates Workplace shell object to run NFTP. This feature can be useful even you are die-hard command-line user (see below). NFTP can run in a fullscreen session or in a VIO window. Installation script sets it to run in a window, and window will not be closed automatically after exit -- this can help to diagnose problems. Turn it off when everything works as expected.

    If somehow WPS NFTP folder is lost, you can create it again with makeobjs.cmd.

Installation under Windows 95/NT

see install.txt

Installation under Unix

see install.txt


After installation, run nftp.cmd (from command line or WPS object). If you're launching NFTP from WPS object created by installation script you will be asked to enter "FTP server to log in"; simply press ENTER now.

You should see list of bookmark folders on the screen. Use cursor keys to select one of them and press ENTER. You are now inside folder; you can return to folder list by pressing Esc or left arrow key. Select one of the sites listed in the folder contents; press ENTER again. If everything is set up correctly, you'll see client-server negotiation and then finally list of files and directories on the ftp server you've chosen.

Hit SPACE to view control connection window (and it is scrollable!), TAB to view local files/directories. Return to remote directory view by pressing space/tab another time. Move pointer with cursor keys, press ENTER on a directory to enter it. If you know name of the file (or first symbols of the name), type it directly: NFTP will try to position cursor on a file which name starts with these symbols.

Select files to download with INSERT or simply press F5 to transfer single file. To upload file to server, switch to local files view (with TAB), select file(s) and press Shift-F5. To view local or remote file, move pointer to it and press F3 (of course, remote file will be downloaded first -- that will probably take some time).

Press F10 to log off and exit NFTP.


You often already know where the file you need right now is located. Let's suppose, say, you want to retrieve RFC 959 from
Launch nftp in the following fashion:
   or even
After logging in into nftp will change directory for you to /pub/rfc. Having directory listing before you, start typing 'rfc959': cursor will be positioned on rfc959.txt.gz. You may now download required file.

The command line format for NFTP is:

      nftp [hostname[[:[port]]directory]   [userid]
      nftp -{F|f} hostname[:port]filename]
Second format is used to download single file; use 'F' if you want to log off afterwards and 'f' if you want to stay connected. "hostname" is the name of ftp server ('' in the above example), ":" can be omitted, "directory" is remote directory ('/pub/rfc' in the above example), "port" is port number (don't use it if you don't know what's it). If you have an account on ftp server (i.e. you're not anonymous user), you can specify your userid in the command line. You will be asked for a password. An important note -- there shouldn't be any spaces between hostname and directory! Other examples are:
      nftp    (nonstandard port)
      nftp ftp/pub                        (domain suffix omitted)
      nftp         (IP number instead of host name)
      nftp asv  (login with explicit directory and 
                                           real password)
      nftp -F
                                          (retrieve NFTP 0.10 and then log off)

Specifying directories in a command line is a pretty useful feature: when you've found some reference, paste it directly into the command line and you'll get right into the place without typing anything except Ctrl-Ins and Shift-Ins!

NFTP will try to use any text mode you have set before starting it, i.e. it will run even in 160x80 text window. Some parts are optimized for 80x25 screen, but this is to be fixed in the future.


NFTP has several ways to choose ftp server:

To log off, use Ctrl-K; F10 will log off and exit NFTP.


NFTP can be used if your machine is located behind the firewall. There are several kinds of firewalls (and may be even other types not documented here). Unfortunately, I cannot test NFTP with any type of firewall because I don't have one. So I have to rely on independent testers. If NFTP does not work with your firewall software, please contact me and I will try to fix the situation. I would also appreciate your report about whether NFTP works with your firewall, how your firewall software is called and to what type it belongs (see below about firewall types). Here are six types of firewalls supported by NFTP:
  1. SITE hostname
    Firewall host, userid and password are required. User is logged on the firewall and the remote connection is established using SITE remote_host.
  2. USER after logon
    Firewall host, userid and password are required. User is logged on the firewall and the remote connection is established using USER remote_userid@remote_host
  3. USER with no logon
    Firewall host required, userid and password are ignored. USER remote_userid@remote_host is sent to firewall upon initial connection.
  4. Proxy OPEN
    Firewall host required, userid and password are ignored. OPEN remote_host is sent to firewall upon initial connection.
There is another kind of firewall, which is not specifically configured. A router-based firewall is one which allows connections to be established in one direction only. The router itself is invisible to the user. However, the default mode within FTP is that "data" connections are established by the server rather than the client. To work with a router-based firewall requires using the PASV Mode of FTP.

Currently, NFTP does not work with Squid-style ftp proxy servers.

You decide of what type your firewall is, and then edit NFTP.INI setting appropriate variables:


With NFTP, you work with remote directories like using some kind of filemanager. List of files is scrollable; you can view, delete, rename files and directories, create new directories, sort file list by different criteria, mark and unmark files, quickly search for file if you know its name, change directories etc. Some actions will succeed only if you have sufficient rights, of course. Most anonymous servers allow to create directories and upload files only to special 'incoming' directory; in other directories you can't manipulate directory contents.

Complete list of available commands is in the Keyboard Commands Summary section. You can also view it while working with NFTP - just press F1. Ctrl-F1 displays context-sensitive help, i.e. keystrokes valid in the current mode. Shift-F1 shows general information about program usage.


Basically, you mark files with Insert key and hit F5 to download, Shift-F5 to upload. Each key of the pair F5/Shift-F5 only works in corresponding mode, i.e. you should be looking at remote files to download something and local files to upload something. Modes are switched with Tab. Marks are kept while walking on remote directories; you can tag many files from many directories and then download them all with Alt-F5 (before starting transfer, go to toplevel directory: NFTP will only get files in the subdirectories of the current). If you just want to transfer a single file, don't mark anything, just get cursor to that file and hit F5/Shift-F5. Another useful set of keys is Ctrl-Greyplus/Ctrl-Greyminus: first of them marks all files in the current directory, second removes the mark.

During transfer, you can skip files (S) and interrupt transfer (Q). Response to these keys is usually slow if server is very far away and link is slow. This feature has been improved in the version 1.10; please report your experience (especially bad one).

To look at the file, use F3 (fast internal viewer). If you happened to love some particular file viewer you can use it instead (edit NFTP.INI to set name of the viewer and then use Alt-F3). When using internal viewer, files are cached in memory (so if you'll want to look at the file again, NFTP won't transfer it again).

See also FAQ about transferring entire directory trees.


Almost all customizations are done through NFTP.INI. This file must reside in the same directory as NFTP.EXE.

The file NFTP.INI is plain ASCII file and can be edited with any ASCII editor (e.g., "System Editor" or "TEDIT"). Lines starting with semicolon ";" are comments; empty lines are ignored. The file itself holds comments about configuration and parameter meaning. NFTP folder has an icon which starts OS/2 System Editor and loads NFTP.INI.

Note that only one entry in NFTP.INI is required -- your e-mail address (anonymous-password). Installation script sets some others. Do not forget to remove leading ";" when doing customizations.

Complete explanation of all parameters in NFTP.INI is in NFTP.INI itself. I feel it is more appropriate place than this manual; it makes little sense to duplicate information here.

Parameters can be of one of three types: integer, boolean and string. Integer values are represented by integers and can be prefixed by sign. Boolean values can be specified as "0", "n", "no" (false), "1", "y", "yes" (true) (without quotes). Different capitalization (e.g., "Yes") can also be used. Strings are represented by character sequencies enclosed into double quotes; if value contains only letters, digits and minus sign you can safely omit quotes.


Many people have helped me in creating and improving NFTP. They are (in alphabetical order):

Special thanks to Eberhard Mattes, author of emx/gcc development system, and, of course, all people at Free Software Foundation who created GCC, GNU C compiler and other GNU software.

Also helped (in alphabetical order): AC/DC, Accept, Ritchie Blackmore, Tony Carey, The Cars, Nick Cave, The Cranberries, The Cure, Dire Straits, Dio, Peter Hammill, Hawkwind, Iron Maiden, J.M.Jarre, Judas Priest, King Diamond, King Crimson, Kraftwerk, Megadeth, Metallica, Oasis, Ozzy Osbourne, Pink Floyd, Rainbow, Rush, SuperMax, Twisted Sister, Uriah Heep, Roger Waters, Andrew Lloyd Webber.

This program is packaged using Info-ZIP's compression utility. Info-ZIP's software (Zip, UnZip and related utilities) is free and can be obtained as source code or executables from various bulletin board services and anonymous-ftp sites, including CompuServe's IBMPRO forum and*.


Registration fee is US$ 20. For this price you'll get free updates (i.e. all future versions of NFTP) and support from author by e-mail. Single registration covers all national language versions, so if you want to run, say, English and Chinese versions, you'll have to pay only once.

Important: the price will go up to $25 on 1 Sept 1998.

As of Jan 1998, there are two ways to register. You might view NFTP homepage to check whether new methods of registration are available.

In any case, whether you are registering via BMT Micro or directly with author, fill in 'regform.txt' supplied with NFTP and e-mail it to myself (

  1. The first one (and mostly safest, reliable and fastest) is to register via BMT Micro. They accept payment via variety of ways. I recommend this method. For ordering and payment information, please read file order.frm in the NFTP directory. Note that BMT Micro has lots of resellers in other countries.
  2. If somehow purchasing via BMT Micro is not suitable for you, you may register directly with myself. The biggest problem is how to send money to Russia. Right now, I can think of two alternatives:
    1. Direct bank transfer (US dollars only). Requisites of my bank are (note: requisites have changed 1 Jan 1998, these are new ones!):

      Savings bank of the Russian Federation, Moscow Bank.
      Moscow, Russia.
      SWIFT: SABR RU MM100
      Khamovnicheskoe Branch N 7812/0495
      Moscow, Russia
      acc. 089120031

      Sergey Ayukov
      acc. 3800170500199

      This way is reliable but not fastest: it can take 2 weeks for money to reach my bank, and you'll wait all that time. Your bank might also ask unreasonably large fee for transfer, especially when converting from other currency.

    2. Send cash in a letter. This way is highly discouraged and I cannot recommend it. I also can't be hold responsible for bank notes lost in mail. I don't know whether our mail is notorious for losing money sent this way, so there's nothing yet to fear here, but I repeat: if you have sent money in mail to me and nothing arrived, I am not responsible. Sorry. Please avoid this way. If you are forced to it, any major currency will do; please add 2% for conversion if sending something different from US dollars. (Note: so far there was one successful case and no failures).
    After sending money, inform me by e-mail and don't forget to attach registration form! When my bank will tell me that money has arrived, you'll get your registration key by e-mail.
In any case, if you're not sure, please do not hesitate to contact myself.

For people living in Former Soviet Union countries registration costs only one postcard. Important: this offer will terminate on 1 Sep 1998! Send nice postcard (preferably with your home town if it's not Moscow) enclosed in envelope to

Sergey Ayukov
Sternberg Astronomical Institute
Universitetsky pr., 13
Moscow 119899
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You will receive your registration number after sending registration form by e-mail. This form is in the file 'regform.txt' supplied with NFTP.


You can reach me at

Where to find new versions:

  1. anonymous ftp:
  2. WWW:

Sorry for any typos and bad grammar. I will gladly accept any corrections to this manual.

Sergey Ayukov (