Surfing Spy Internet Usage Monitor for Windows 95 Ver 1.50a --------------------------------------------- Program Description ------------------- The Surfing Spy is the Ultimate Internet Usage Monitoring Program for Windows 95. It is a small utility that runs hidden in the background taking note of all the sites that have been visited using either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. The name of the site, the URL and the time/date of all visits are recorded. Great for Parents, System Administrators, or anyone who wants the answer to the question: Where did you surf to today? NOTE: This demonstration version periodically displays a message notifying the user of its presence. The registered version of the program runs completely hidden from the user. SHARWARE VERSION ---------------------------- The is the shareware demonstration version of the Surfing Spy Internet Usage Monitor. Please feel free to redistribute this copy provided that none of the files are modified in any way. INSTALLATION AND USER'S GUIDE ----------------------------- Please refer to the file GUIDE.WRI for a detailed information on installing and using the Surfing Spy. REGISTRATION ------------ To obtain a registered copy of the Surfing Spy print out a copy of the file ORDER.WRI that was included in this package and send it along with a cheque, money order or MasterCard information $22.95 plus $4.00 shipping and handling to: Esm Software c/o The Surfing Spy P.O. Box 176 Pierrefonds, Quebec H9H 4K9 SEE THE FILE ORDER.WRI FOR DIFFERENT ORDERING OPTIONS INCLUDING MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, VISA, AND COMPUSERVE SHAREWARE REGISTRATION Internet: CompuServe: 102762,2715 Please address any questions and bug reports to any of the above addresses. ****Contact Esm Software for more information on site or multi-user licenses.***** ------------------------------------------------------------------ Browser support --------------- The following browsers have been tested and are known to work with this version of the Surfing Spy: - Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 3.0 4.0 - Netscape Navigator 2.02 3.01 4.01 Keep an eye on the Surfing Spy Home Page for updates: