Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Portuguese Bible 98 (PT - OT & NT) ----------------------------------------------------------- ONLY FOR PORTUGUESE BIBLE 98! NOT SUITABLE FOR OTHER LANGUAGE VERSIONS OF BIBLE 98! © 1995-1998 Dr. Maged Nabih Kamel. All rights reserved. This zip archive may be distributed freely without modification of any kind! The archive contains two files: BIB98PT.EXE -- 337,408 bytes README.TXT -- The file you are reading now This is an update not a complete program. To use it, you must first install Portuguese Bible 98 (PT - OT & NT) on your machine (Get it from: ). Service Pack 3 for Portuguese Bible 98 just updates your current installation of Portuguese Bible 98. You must unzip Service Pack 3 for Portuguese Bible 98 is in the same folder where you have installed Portuguese Bible 98. This is usually "C:\Program Files\PTBib98". While unzipping Service Pack 3 for Portuguese Bible 98, make sure that Portuguese Bible 98 is NOT running and that ALL the files in "C:\Program Files\PTBib98" (or the folder where Portuguese Bible 98 has been installed) are NOT Read-only (i.e., check that they have their Read-only attribute turned OFF), because BIB98PT.EXE in this Service Pack must overwrite the existing BIB98PT.EXE in the folder where you have installed Portuguese Bible 98. The reason for this update is to correct: ----------------------------------------- Atos 1:1 (Portuguese) --------------------- SHOULD BE: ---------- --- CORRECT ---> Fiz o primeiro tratado, ó Teófilo, acerca de tudo quanto Jesus começou a fazer e ensinar, (Atos 1:1) [Corrected in SP3] INSTEAD OF: ----------- --- WRONG ---> E, DEPOIS que cessou o alvoroço, Paulo chamou a si os discípulos e, abraçando-os, saiu para a Macedônia. Atos 27:1 (Portuguese) ---------------------- SHOULD BE: ---------- --- CORRECT ---> E, como se determinou que navegássemos para a Itália, entregaram Paulo e alguns outros presos a um centurião por nome Júlio, da corte augusta. (Atos 27:1) [Corrected in SP3] INSTEAD OF: ----------- --- WRONG ---> E, embarcando nós em um navio adramitino, partimos navegando pelos lugares da costa da Ásia, estando conosco Aristarco, macedônio, de Tessalônica. IMPORTANT! ---------- The electronic text of this version is still in draft stage. Please send bugs and remarks to: Check for updates at: ----------------------------------------------------------- Visit The Holy Bible Web Site: E-mail: -----------------------------------------------------------