0 ERROR 1 Astrology and Astronomy 2 Loading... 3 One month TRIAL VERSION 4 Registered key problem 5 Granted license to 6 Problem with access to the legal software user name: if the software is not pirated, contact the technical service department. 7 DEMO VERSION 100 Out of textbox capacity. 101 Memory problem 102 Combination 103 compariSon 104 Transits 105 Barycenter 106 Symbolic Directions 107 Secondary Directions 108 Primary Directions 109 Seed horoscope 111 Position of planets and sky points 112 Position of comets 113 Position of asteroids 114 Position of stars 115 MC 116 H 117 MC 118 Sun 119 Moon 120 Mercury 121 Venus 122 Mars 123 Jupiter 124 Saturn 125 Uranus 126 Neptune 127 Pluto 128 Earth 129 Vulcan 130 Lilith 131 East 132 Zenith 133 North node 134 Vertex 135 Ceres 136 Pallas 137 Vesta 138 Juno 139 Chiron 140 Other point 141 Ascendant 142 Medium Colei 143 1st house 144 2nd house 145 3rd house 146 4th house 147 5th house 148 6th house 149 7th house 150 8th house 151 9th house 152 10th house 153 11th house 154 12th house 155 tropical coordinates 156 sidereal coordinates 157 ecliptic coordinates 158 local coordinates 159 heliocentric coordinates 160 helio-sidereal coordinates 161 equatorial coordinates 162 Azimuth 163 Altitude 164 Right asc. 165 Declination 166 Latitude 167 Longitude 168 Placidus houses 169 Campanus houses 170 Regiomontanus houses 171 Maternus houses 172 Maternus/ M.C. houses 173 Porphyre houses 174 Koch houses 175 Albategnius houses 176 Alcabitius houses 177 Abenragel houses 178 Morin houses 179 Two hours houses 180 Wiesel houses 181 Ancient houses 182 Zodiacal houses 183 Bazchenoff houses 184 Colin Evans houses 185 Zenithal houses 186 Solar houses 187 Nodal houses 188 Equatorial Regular houses 189 Semi-angular houses 190 Aries 191 Taurus 192 Gemini 193 Cancer 194 Leo 195 Virgo 196 Libra 197 Scorpio 198 Sagittarius 199 Capricorn 200 Aquarius 201 Pisces 202 g 203 Conjunction 204 Sextile 205 Square 206 Trine 207 Opposition 208 Semi-sextile 209 Semi-quintile 210 Nonogon 211 Semi-square 212 Septile 213 Quintile 214 Sesqui-square 215 Bi-quintile 216 Inconjunct 217 Quadri-nonogon 218 Other aspect 219 Bad planet or star name, being automatically changed into 'Sun' 220 Sun 221 UT) 222 31 223 Vigintile 224 Tri-dectile 300 READ A SAVED CHART 301 DISPLAY THE CURRENT CHART 302 Temporary file tmp.doz not found in the directory application 303 File not found 304 Opening a saved chart 305 Zodiac data 306 EXITING PROGRAM 307 Reading register problem 308 Trial period is finished! 309 If you want to continue using Starlogin, buy the full version. 310 END OF TRIAL PERIOD 311 File 'Starlogin.mdb' not found in '|1' directory! 312 Set up again the software or restore a file copy 313 &Display 314 &Positions... 315 &Chart... 316 &? 317 Starlogin &help... 318 &Glossary... 319 How to use the &software... 320 &About Starlogin 321 Search for help with &Keywords... 322 Help by &topics... 323 How to &use the help... 324 So&ul horoscope 325 Symbolic &cycles... 326 &Horoscopes 327 Soul in &matter... 328 Soul in her &world... 329 Emotion&al... 330 &Etheric... 331 Me&ntal... 332 &One... 333 &Astronomy 334 &Weekday... 335 &Calculate 336 &Angle between 2 planets... 337 &Aspects... 338 &Asteroids... 339 &Barycenter... 340 C&hart... 341 &Comets... 342 &Comparisons 343 &Combination... 344 Compari&son... 345 Con&versions 346 &Calendars... 347 D&egrees... 348 &Julian days... 349 &Latitudes... 350 &Time... 351 Chart &date and location... 352 &Distances between planets... 353 &Eclipses... 354 &Stars... 355 &Rise and set... 356 Pla&ces alignment... 357 Angles bet&ween 3 places... 358 &Places distances... 359 &Midpoints... 360 &Parts... 361 &Nodes crossing... 362 &Perihelion and aphelion... 363 &Moon ages and phases... 364 &Forecasting 365 &Hourly astrology... 366 &Cycles... 367 &Primary directions... 368 &Secondary directions... 369 Sy&mbolic directions... 370 &Revolutions... 371 &Transits... 372 Solstices and equino&xes... 373 &Greenwich Mean Time... 374 &Name of parts... 375 &Main 376 &Calculator... 377 Print co&nfiguration... 378 &Event... 379 &Print 380 &Read a chart... 381 &Quit 382 &Interpretation 383 &Aspects... 384 Planets in ho&use... 385 Planets in sig&n... 386 &Configurations... 387 &Houses... 388 H&ouses in sign... 389 &Planets... 390 &Signs... 391 &Options 392 &Display 393 &Houses coordinates 394 &First coordinate 395 &Two coordinates 396 Name of &signs 397 Left &Ascendant 398 &Aspects... 399 &Left Aries 400 Little fig&ures and names 401 &Coordinates 402 &Ecliptic 403 Eq&uatorial 404 &Geocentric 405 &Normal 406 &Sidereal 407 &Heliocentric 408 &Local 409 &Sidereal 410 &Tropical 411 &Houses 412 A&benragel 413 Albate&gnius 414 Alcabiti&us 415 &Ancient 416 &2 hours 417 Sem&i-angular 418 &Campanus 419 &Equatorial regular 420 Colin E&vans 421 Bazc&henoff 422 &Koch 423 &Maternus/AS 424 Ma&ternus/MC 425 M&orin 426 &Nodal 427 &Placidus 428 Porph&yre 429 &Regiomontanus 430 &Solar 431 &Wiesel 432 &Zenithal 433 Zo&diacal 434 Other optio&ns... 435 Magnitude of &stars... 436 &Printing 437 &Direct 438 &After configuration 439 &Orbs 440 Planets and s&ky points... 441 A&strology 442 Event 443 Calculate 444 Revolutions 445 compariSons 446 Transits 447 Directions 448 Print 449 Quit 450 Astrological event data 451 To calculate the event chart 452 Planets revolutions and cycles based on the chart 453 Charts combinations and comparisons 454 Planets transits compared with the chart 455 Astrological forecasting methods 456 To print the current document 457 See&d... 458 To quit Starlogin 463 QUIT THE APPLICATION 464 DISPLAY CALCULATION RESULTS 465 DISPLAY CALCULATION RESULTS OR CHART 466 STARLOGIN HELP 467 DISPLAY STARLOGIN HELP 468 DISPLAY THE STARLOGIN HELP GLOSSARY 469 DISPLAY HELP ON USING STARLOGIN 470 DISPLAY THE STARLOGIN ABOUT BOX 471 DISPLAY STARLOGIN HELP BY KEYWORDS 472 DISPLAY STARLOGIN HELP BY TOPICS 473 DISPLAY HELP ON HELP 474 CALCULATIONS ABOUT SOUL HOROSCOPE 475 CALCULATE SYMBOLIC PLANETS CYCLES 476 CALCULATE SOUL IN MATTER HOROSCOPE 477 CALCULATE SOUL IN HER WORLD HOROSCOPE 478 CALCULATE EMOTIONAL HOROSCOPE 479 CALCULATE ETHERIC HOROSCOPE 480 CALCULATE MENTAL HOROSCOPE 481 CALCULATE SEED HOROSCOPE 482 CALCULATE ONE HOROSCOPE 483 ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATIONS 484 FIND THE WEEKDAY NAME OF A DATE 485 CALCULATE APPARENT ANGLE BETWEEN TWO PLANETS 486 CALCULATE PLANETS AND SKY POINTS ASPECTS 487 CALCULATE ASTEROID COORDINATES 488 CALCULATE THE PLANETS BALANCING POINT 489 CALCULATE THE EVENT CHART 490 ASTROLOGICAL CALCULATIONS ABOUT THE EVENT 491 CALCULATE COMET POSITION 492 CHARTS COMPARISON OR COMBINATION 493 CHARTS COMBINATION 494 CHARTS COMPARISON 495 A DATE IN SEVERAL CALENDARS 496 CONVERSIONS CALCULATIONS 497 DEGREES CONVERSIONS 498 JULIEN DAYS AND GREGORIAN DATES 499 ASTRONOMICAL AND GEOCENTRICAL LATITUDES 500 UNIVERSAL AND SIDEREAL TIMES 501 FIND THE DATE OF A TROPICAL CHART 502 DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO PLANETS 503 LUNAR AND SOLAR ECLIPSES 504 CALCULATE STARS POSITION 505 CALCULATE PLANETS RISE AND SET HOURS 506 EVALUATE THREE PLACES ALIGNMENTS 507 Three earth places alignment criterion 508 CALCULATE ANGLES BETWEEN THREE PLACES 509 Angles between three earth places 510 &Filters and statistics... 600 CALCULATE THE DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO PLACES 601 Angular and kilometric distance between two places 602 place longitude 603 place latitude 604 Place A 605 Place B 606 CALCULATES PLANETS AND SKY POINTS MI-POINTS 607 CALCULATE PLANETS AND SKY POINTS PARTS 608 CROSSING NODES DATES OF A PLANET 609 PERIHELION AND APHELION CROSSING DATES OF A PLANET 610 CALCULATE MOON PHASES AND AGES 611 DISPLAY HELP ON HOURLY ASTROLOGY 612 CALCULATIONS FOR FORECASTING 613 CALCULATE PLANETS AND SKY POINTS CYCLES 614 CALCULATE PRIMARY DIRECTIONS 615 CALCULATE SECONDARY DIRECTIONS 616 CALCULATE SYMBOLIC DIRECTIONS 617 CALCULATE PLANETS REVOLUTIONS 618 CALCULATE PLANETS AND SKY POINTS TRANSITS 619 CALCULATE SOLSTICES AND EQUINOXES DATES 620 CALCULATE THE GREENWICH SIDEREAL TIME AT MIDNIGHT 621 NAME OR RENAME PARTS 622 CALL THE WINDOWS CALCULATOR 623 FIND CALC.EXE DIRECTORY 624 calc.exe searching 625 VARIOUS FUNCTIONALITIES 626 PRINTING OPTIONS CONFIGURATION 627 Print configuration 628 CHOOSE ASTROLOGICAL EVENT 629 FILTERS AND STATISTICS ABOUT EVENTS 630 PRINT WITH CURRENT OPTIONS 631 QUIT STARLOGIN 632 HELP ON PLANETS ASPECTS INTERPRETATION 633 PLANETS IN HOUSES MEANING 634 PLANETS IN SIGNS MEANING 635 HELP ON CHART INTERPRETATION 636 CONFIGURATIONS MEANING 637 HOUSES MEANING 638 HOUSES IN SIGNS MEANING 639 PLANETS PEANING 640 SIGNS MEANING 641 CHOOSE DISPLAYING OPTIONS 642 HOUSES COORDINATES DISPLAYING OPTION 643 ONLY FIRST COORDINATE DISPLAYING OPTION 644 THE TWO COORDINATES DISPLAYING OPTION 645 SIGNS NAME ON CHART DISPLAYING OPTION 646 CHART WITH LEFT ASCENDANT DISPLAYING OPTION 647 CHOOSE ASPECTS TO CONSIDER 648 DISPLAYING CHART WITH LEFT ARIES OPTION 649 DISPLAYING SMALL FONT FOR COORDINATES 650 OPTIONS CHOICE 651 COORDINATES SYSTEM CHOICE 652 ECLIPTIC COORDINATES 653 EQUATORIAL COORDINATES 654 GEOCENTRIC COORDINATES SYSTEMS 655 TROPICAL HELIOCENTRIC COORDINATES 656 SIDEREAL HELIOCENTRIC COORDINATES 657 HELIOCENTRIC COORDINATES SYSTEMS 658 LOCAL HORIZONTAL COORDINATES 659 SIDEREAL COORDINATES 660 TROPICAL COORDINATES 661 ABENRAGEL HOUSES 662 ALBATEGNIUS HOUSES 663 ALCABITIUS HOUSES 664 ANCIENT HOUSES 665 TWO HOURS HOUSES 666 SEMI-ANGULAR HOUSES 667 CAMPANUS HOUSES 668 HOUSE SYSTEM CHOICE 669 EQUATORIAL REGULAR HOUSES 670 COLIN EVANS HOUSES 671 BAZCHENOFF HOUSES 672 MORIN HOUSES 673 NODAL HOUSES 674 PORPHYRE HOUSES 675 MATERNUS HOUSES 676 MATERNUS HOUSES BASED ON MEDIUM COLEI 677 KOCH HOUSES 678 PLACIDUS HOUSES 679 REGIOMONTANUS HOUSES 680 SOLAR HOUSES 681 WIESEL HOUSES 682 ZENITHAL HOUSES 683 ZODIACAL HOUSES 684 OTHER OPTIONS 685 STARS LIMIT MAGNITUDE CHOICE 686 PRINTING WITHOUT CONFIGURATION 687 PRINTING CHOICES 688 PRINTING AFTER CONFIGURATION 689 SELECT ORBS FOR PLANETS ASPECTS 690 SELECT PLANETS AND SKY POINTS 691 PERSONALITY ASTROLOGY 692 e 693 c 694 r 695 s 696 t 697 d 698 p 699 q 700 Star c&hart 701 Spa&ce 702 &Time 800 CALCULATE PLANETS RELATIVE ASPECTS 801 &Parts 802 Event chart 803 PRINT THE CHART 804 SAVE THE CHART 820 To print the lists 821 To save the lists 822 Aspects between first event planets (outside planets in the chart) and the other ones 823 between 824 number 825 for 826 year 827 Transits on |1 (universal time - UT) 828 Comparison between 829 (outside) 830 (inside) 831 Planets barycenter 832 transits dat&e (UT) 833 ag&e 834 events numb&er 835 Several events combination 836 Two events comparison 837 Planets transits 838 Planets barycenter 839 Planets secondary directions 840 Planets primary directions 841 Planets symbolic directions 842 = Maternus houses 843 = Maternus/MC houses 844 the weight decrease from Sun to Pluto 845 Second events planets in first event houses 846 First events planets in second event houses 847 To display chart 848 To display lists 849 Aspects between first event planets and second event ones 850 Display 851 Char&t 852 &Lists 853 barycenter of differe&nt values planets 854 barycenter of identical &value planets 855 i&dentical houses from AS 856 identical houses from M&S 857 1 planets in 2 houses 858 2 planets in 1 houses 859 Dat&e or age 860 PRINT THE LISTS 900 Location and entity age for planetary revolution 901 planet or sky point 902 Location 903 La&titude 904 &Longitude 908 &Revolutions 909 Planet revolutions number 910 Entity location (known or supposed) when revolution unwinds 911 Entity location latitude 912 Entity location longitude 913 Sun 914 Moon 915 Mercury 916 Venus 917 Jupiter 918 Saturn 919 Uranus 920 Neptune 921 Pluto 922 Nodes 923 Lilith 924 Mars 1000 Date for the asteroid position calculation 1001 Hour for the asteroid position calculation 1002 The asteroid observation place 1003 The asteroid observation place latitude 1004 The asteroid observation place longitude 1005 The asteroid name 1006 To scan the asteroids list 1007 To add an asteroid into the list 1008 To delete the current asteroid from the list 1010 To validate the modifications about the asteroid 1011 To calculate the current asteroid position 1012 Quit without calculate or validate 1013 Asteroids 1014 Calc&ulate 1015 Observation P&lace 1016 La&titude 1017 Lon&gitude 1018 Obser&vation date 1019 &Hour UT 1020 &Asteroid: 1021 Num&ber: 1022 Mean Anomal&y (degrees): 1023 H &magnitude: 1024 E&xcentricity: 1025 &Perihelion argument (degrees): 1026 Asce&ndant node longitude (degrees): 1027 &Incline (degrees): 1028 &Semi-major axis (AU): 1029 &Epoch (Julian day): 1030 To scan the asteroids list: 1031 asteroid 1032 New asteroid addition 1033 Remove this asteroid? 1034 Save the new asteroid? 1035 asteroid 1100 Greenwich sidereal time at midnight 1101 G. sidereal time at 0h UT 1150 Calendars conversions 1151 Date in the above calendar 1152 Calendar name 1153 To print the dates 1154 Corresponding date in other calendars 1155 in the c&alendar: 1156 Egyptian 1157 Armenian 1158 Iezdejerd 1159 Persian 1160 Alexander 1161 Ethiopian 1162 Copt 1163 Macedonian 1164 Syrian 1165 Julian I 1166 Julian II 1167 Julian Roman 1168 Gregorian 1169 Islamic I 1170 Islamic II 1171 Islamic III 1172 Islamic IV 1173 Republican 1174 Jewish 1175 Calendar 1176 A same date in several calendars 1200 user 1201 User 1202 User name 1203 To add an user into the list 1204 To delete the current user from the list 1205 To validate the modifications about the user 1206 To close the window with current user data 1207 Zodiac appearance various options 1208 By defa&ult 1209 To make current user by default 1210 Houses 1211 Asteroids 1212 Vulcan 1213 Various 1214 Fire 1215 Earth 1216 Water 1217 Neutral 1218 Dynamic 1219 Harmonic 1220 Air 1221 Click on to change the color 1222 Colors 1223 User: 1224 Zodiac size 1225 Font size 1226 Signs size 1227 Remove this user? 1228 Save new user? 1229 Colors choice 1250 Aspects choice 1251 User defined aspect 1252 To distinguish between the same color different aspects 1253 &Major 1254 Mi&nor 1255 &Display aspects symbol 1256 Other &aspect 1257 &Value 1300 To show the ascendant aspects 1301 To show the Medium Colei aspects 1302 Planets and sky points choice 1303 &Asteroids 1304 Coll&ective 1305 &Individual 1306 &Virtual points 1307 Ot&her point... 1308 Ascen&dant (for aspects) 1309 &Middle Sky (for aspects) 1320 Gregorian date and Julian day 1321 Press 'Enter' to obtain Julian day 1322 Press 'Enter' to obtain Gregorian date 1323 &Julian date 1324 &Gregorian date 1400 Orb in degrees for the aspects between two luminaries 1401 To reduce the minor aspects orb 1402 To reduce the conjunctions orb 1403 To reduce the sextiles orb 1404 To reduce the squares orb 1405 To reduce the trines orb 1406 To reduce the oppositions orb 1407 Maximum orbs of planets and sky points aspects (in degrees) 1408 Legend: 1409 Luminary 1410 &Luminary 1411 = Sun Moon 1412 Individual 1413 &Individual 1414 = Mercury Venus Mars 1415 Jupiter Saturn 1416 &Jupiter Saturn 1417 Collective 1418 Coll&ective 1419 = Uranus Neptune Pluto Vulcan Asteroids 1420 Major virtual 1421 Major &virtual 1422 = Nodes Lilith Ascendant Middle Sky 1423 Minor virtual 1424 &Minor virtual 1425 = other virtual sky points 1426 m&inor 1427 c&onjunction 1428 squa&re 1429 tri&ne 1430 Dividing coefficients applied to the aspects 1431 s&extile 1432 && other planets 1433 = other virtual sky points 1434 o&pposition 1450 Universal and sidereal times 1451 Place &longitude 1452 Local sidereal &time 1453 Press 'Enter' to obtain sidereal time 1454 Press 'Enter' to obtain UT hour 1470 Bad 'stars.ele' data! 1471 &Coordinates 1472 To display or not planets azimuth 1473 Co&nstellations 1474 Sky view above the horizon 1475 Sky view toward zenith 1476 Observation or event place sky appearance 1477 &Horizon 1478 &Zenith 1479 PRINT LOCAL SKY 1480 To display constellations or not 1500 Native aspects activated by cyclic stars recapitulation 1501 Symbolic cycles recapitulation 1502 Comet positions between two dates 1503 Asteroid position at a date 1504 Planets and sky points position 1505 &Display aspects 1506 C&hronology 1507 Next aspects between stimulated and stimulating planets 1508 Previous aspects between stimulated and stimulating planets 1509 Aspects between stimulating planets 1510 To display aspects stimulation chronology 1511 To print only the displayed results 1512 To save the displayed results and the same kind ones 1513 Save the recapitulation in a file 1514 Cyclic planets mutual aspects recapitulation 1515 To look up the following text or word in the current result page 1516 Searched text 1530 Press 'Enter' to obtain degrees, minutes and seconds 1531 Press 'Enter' to obtain decimal degrees 1532 &Decimal degrees 1533 &Sexagesimal degrees 1534 Decimal and sexagesimal degrees 1550 Conversion between astronomical and astrological latitudes 1551 Altitude (meters) 1552 Astrono&mical latitude 1553 Geographical latitude 1554 Altitude of the considered place 1555 Press 'Enter' to obtain the geographical latitude 1556 Press 'Enter' to obtain the astronomical latitude 1580 Angular distance between two planets cyclic return 1581 Cycle&s 1582 Planet cycles number 1583 Place (known or supposed) where the cyclic return unwinds 1600 Angles between three earth places 1601 Place C 1602 Place l&atitude 1603 Place lat&itude 1604 Place latitud&e 1605 &Place longitude 1606 Place lo&ngitude 1607 Place longitu&de 1608 BAC angle 1609 CBA angle 1610 ACB angle 1611 Difference in B compared to alignment 1630 Distance and angle between two places 1631 Angle between A && B 1632 Distance between A && B 1650 Planets rise and set UT hours and positions 1651 &Planet 1652 Rise UT hour 1653 Set UT hour 1654 Rise position 1655 Set position 1656 Crossing UT meridian hour 1657 No planet rising, for this place and date! 1658 No planet setting, for this place and date! 1659 No meridian crossing, For this place and date! 1680 &Recapitulation 1681 C&alculate 1682 SYMBOLIC CYCLES: mutual aspects of cyclic planets 1683 SYMBOLIC CYCLES: aspects activated by cyclic planets 1684 MUTUAL 1685 ACTIVE 1686 active partial 1687 PARTIAL 1688 INACTIVE 1689 END 1690 January 1691 February 1692 Marsh 1693 April 1694 May 1695 June 1696 July 1697 August 1698 September 1699 October 1700 November 1701 December 1702 Number of considered years to calculate the cycles 1703 &Final age 1704 years 1705 State 1706 Value 1707 Concerned aspect 1708 Stimulating planets 1709 Stimulated planets 1710 Symbolic cycle of planets stimulating natal aspects 1711 Animated chart or not 1712 Ani&mation 1713 &Break 1750 About Starlogin 1751 Development for Windows 32 bits 1770 States CHRONOLOGY of the stimulated aspect 1771 END of stimulation 1772 STIMULATION 1773 PARTIAL deactivation 1774 To print the chronology 1775 To save the chronology 1776 Aspects state chronology 1777 &Stimulated planet 1 1778 Sti&mulated planet 2 1779 Stimul&ating planet 1 1780 Stimulati&ng planet 2 1781 Aspects stimulation c&hronology 1782 PRINT CHRONOLOGY 1783 SAVE CHRONOLOGY 1784 Save the chronology in a file 1800 Hour UT 1801 Age 1802 Moon ages and phases 1803 Ne&xt 1804 Solar and lunar eclipses 1805 Year 1806 eclipse 1807 half-light duration 1808 shadow duration 1809 hemisphere 1810 fraction 1811 Solar eclipse 1812 central 1813 full 1814 annular 1815 mixed 1816 non-central 1817 partial 1818 Lunar eclipse 1819 half-lighted 1820 Phase 1821 Full moon 1822 New moon 1823 First quarter 1824 Last quarter 1850 Crossing perihelion and aphelion dates 1851 &Supposed year 1852 Crossing perihelion date 1853 Crossing aphelion node date 1854 Crossing orbital nodes dates 1855 Crossing ascending node date 1856 Crossing descending node date 1870 Aspects between the two groups of planets 1871 Planets relative aspects 1872 Planets and sky points aspects 1873 Midpoints between the two groups of planets 1874 Midpoints of planets and sky points 1875 Part = reference planet longitude + planet 1 longitude - planet 2 longitude 1876 To print the list 1877 To save the list 1878 Reference planet to calculate parts 1879 To display or change parts names 1880 &Approximates, based on first coordinate 1881 &Exacts, reduced to first coordinate 1882 &Reference planet or point: 1900 Planets revolutions and real or symbolic cycles 1901 real Cycles 1902 Revolutions 1903 Symbolic 1904 Real planetary couples cycles 1905 Planets revolutions on initial position 1906 Symbolic planets cycles 1920 Weekday name (in the Gregorian calendar) 1921 &Weekday name 1922 Sunday 1923 Monday 1924 Tuesday 1925 Wednesday 1926 Thursday 1927 Friday 1928 Saturday 1950 Charts combination or comparison 1951 Two or several charts combination 1952 Two charts comparison 1970 Stars limit magnitude 1971 Limit magnitude 1972 (equal or less than 6) 2000 Seasons dates 2001 Spring 2002 Summer 2003 Autumn 2004 Winter 2005 EQUINOX 2006 SOLSTICE 2007 &Year 2020 Birth 2021 Number 2022 Name 2023 Place 2024 Sign 2025 Ascendant 2026 Filters and statistics about database events 2027 Number of 2028 &Search filter for the field 2029 &Field 2030 Results 2031 &by 2032 birt&h 2033 &other events 2034 e&vents 2035 &Add criterion 2036 Ne&w criterion 2037 Entity 2038 Date 2039 Configuration 2040 Month 2041 Entity name 2042 Other names 2043 Entity type 2044 Event 2045 Event date 2046 Event hour 2047 Event place 2048 Place latitude 2049 Place longitude 2050 Description 2051 List drawn up before the current Starlogin execution 2052 Birth (hour?) 2053 Sor&t by Ascendant 2054 Sor&t by configuration 2055 Sor&t by place 2056 Sor&t by sign 2057 Sor&t by entity type 2058 Sor&t by month 2059 Sor&t by year 2060 &Graph 2100 comet 2101 Date for the comet positions calculation beginning 2102 Hour for the comet positions calculation end 2103 The comet observation place 2104 The comet observation place latitude 2105 The comet observation place longitude 2106 The comet name 2107 To scan the comets list 2108 To add a comet into the list 2109 To delete the current comet from the list 2110 To validate the modifications about the comet 2111 To calculate the current comet position 2112 Quit without calculate or validate 2113 Positions every hours 2114 Positions every days 2115 Comets 2116 Calc&ulate 2117 Obser&vation place 2118 La&titude 2119 Lon&gitude 2120 &Beginning observ. date 2121 End observation date 2122 Hou&r UT 2123 Co&met: 2124 Cro&ssing perihelion date: 2125 (yyyy/mm/dd) 2126 P&erihelium distance: 2127 E&xcentricity: 2128 Perihelion argument &(degrees): 2129 Asce&ndant node longitude (degrees): 2130 &Incline (degrees): 2131 Semi-ma&jor axis (AU): 2132 &Period: 2133 Calculation step: &1 hour 2134 Calculation step: 1 da&y 2135 To scan the comets list: 2136 comet 2137 New comet addition 2138 Remove the comet? 2139 Save the new comet? 2200 9 Alpha Canis Major 2201 Star name if exists 2202 Star identity 2203 Part name(s) 2204 Reference planet 2205 Planet which longitude is added 2206 Planet which longitude is subtracted 2207 Other sky point choice 2208 &Star 2209 &Part 2210 Co&met 2211 &Asteroid 2212 &None 2230 part 2231 To scan the parts list: 2232 To add an part into the list 2233 To delete the current part from the list 2234 To validate the modifications about the part 2235 To close the window with current part 2236 To scan the parts list 2237 part 2238 New part addition 2239 Remove this part? 2240 Save the new part? 2250 Found Date: 2251 on 2252 Found place: 2253 None 2254 Start again with an other date or other planets 2255 Planet or Point 2256 Middle Sky 2257 Position in the sign if known 2258 Planet sign 2259 Planets and points with known coordinates 2260 Year if known 2261 Month if known 2262 Day if known 2263 UT hour if known 2264 First date for search interval 2265 Last date for search interval 2266 To erase the active line 2267 Finding an event date, hour and place from its chart 2268 Kn&own positions: 2269 &Sign 2270 (Tropical coordinates) 2271 Supposed or partly known date and hour: 2272 &Month 2273 &Day 2274 Search into the interval: 2275 M&inimum date 2276 Ma&ximum date 2277 &Erase the line 2300 Finding Calc.exe directory 2301 Drive 2302 Directory 2303 File 2304 AU 2320 Distance and angle between two planets 2321 &Second planet 2322 Apparent angle 2323 (Sun-Earth unit) 2340 Primary 2341 Secondary 2342 syMbolic 2400 Bad date format 2401 Format error 2402 Only in the normal version 2403 Information 2404 The chart can't be read 2420 Warning 2421 Time calculation will consider only |1 days with this increment 2422 Comet positions 2423 between 2424 Asteroid positions 2425 on 2426 (Observation place 2427 Stars position on 2428 (Limit magnitude = 2429 Bad 'étoiles.ele' data! 2430 LY 2500 Unknown country for this place 2501 To print the events list 2502 Entity names, pseudonym, alias or term 2503 Entity surname for the considered event 2504 Entity kind, race or type 2505 Event kind or name 2506 Event date (known or supposed) 2507 Event UT hour (known or supposed) 2508 Event date (known or supposed) 2509 Event local or legal time (known or supposed) 2510 Event place or region name 2511 Geographic place latitude 2512 Geographic place longitude 2513 Description, comments or details about the event or the entity 2514 To scan the events list 2515 To add an event into the list 2516 To delete the current event from the list 2517 To validate the modifications about the event 2518 To close the window with current event 2519 Universal Time hour 2520 Local or legal time 2521 local 2522 Astrological event 2523 &Place: 2524 La&titude: 2525 Lon&gitude: 2526 Dat&e: 2527 &Hour 2528 Event &list 2529 &Other names: 2530 Su&rname: 2531 Entit&y type: 2532 E&vent: 2533 Co&mments and description 2534 S&ign: 2535 Ascenda&nt: 2536 Planetary con&figurations 2537 To scan the events list: 2538 New event addition 2539 Remove this event? 2540 Save this new event? 2600 CALCULATION OF EASTER DATE 2601 E&aster date... 2602 Easter date 2653 Recherche d'une image (*.bmp, *.wmf, *.emf) 3250 First running 3251 BAD KEY! Retry. 3252 &The Key is: 3253 To obtain your key, contact HERACLION Productions (look at the readme.txt file in the CD-ROM or in the application directory) 3254 The Lock is: 3255 Bad Key! The application can't continue. Contact HERACLION Productions. 3256 Bad Lock! The application can't continue. Contact HERACLION Productions. 5000 Calculation problem 5001 Calculus don't converge! Try an other planet combination or cycles number. 5002 Calculus don't converge! Try an other revolutions number. 5003 can't be calculated for this place! Campanus houses will be used instead. 5004 Polar latitude 5005 Placidus can't be calculated for this place! 5050 Saving a chart in a file 5051 Zodiacal Data 8000 west 8001 West 8002 east 8003 East 8004 north 8005 North 8006 south 8007 South 8008 Corrupted file 8009 birth 8010 Sun 8011 Moon 8012 Mercury 8013 Venus 8014 Jupiter 8015 Saturn 8016 Uranus 8017 Neptune 8018 Pluto 8019 Nodes 8020 Lilith 8021 Unknown 8022 UT 8023 O&K 8024 &Cancel 8025 &Add 8026 &Delete 8027 Cl&ose 8028 first 8029 last 8030 next 8031 previous 8032 (mm/dd/yyyy) 8033 Accept modifications? 8034 House 8035 Contents 8036 and 8037 To print the chart 8038 To save the chart 8039 Quit without validate 8040 with present data 8041 &Name 8042 New York 8043 40°40'00'' North 8044 73°50'00'' West 8045 01/01/2001 8046 &Midpoints 8047 &Aspects value 8048 Display R&esults 8049 &Houses 8050 &Rises and sets 8051 &Distances between planets 8052 To display numerical results 8053 To display houses or not 8054 Planets rise, crossing meridian, or set 8055 Parts list 8056 List of Midpoints between planets 8057 Planetary aspects list 8058 Relati&ve aspects 8059 relating to degree difference between Sun and Ascendant 8060 Set up again Starlogin or restore the file from a back up or a copy 8061 Text 8062 &First planet 8063 &Second planet 8064 by 8065 Text file 8066 at 8067 Mars 8068 modifications 8069 &Date 8070 to display either straight or bent at an angle planets line 8071 &Strait lines 8072 &Save