F.O.Y.D. Fog On Your Desk - version 1.2 Pseudo English instruction file --------------------------------------- 1. Why FOYD? I write FOYD during my lunch breaks, so it is not a "state of the art" screen saver; it's freeware (I will be happy if you send me a postcard) and if somebody wants its C source code (I hope you will use it to develop better screen savers) I will send it by e-mail for free. 2. Installation Win95: right click on FOYD.SCR and choose install. WinNT 4.0: copy FOYD.SCR in your Windows NT directory, right click on the desktop, select "Properties...", the "Display Properties" dialog box should appear; select "Screen Saver" tab and "Foyd" from the list of available screen savers. 3. Configuration Win '95: Right click on the desktop and choose "Properties" from the menu. On the "Screen Saver" page use "Settings" to configure FOYD's parameters or "Password protected" and "Change..." to set up a password. 4. Notes - (Win NT) on win NT the screen saver works only on Desktop background, if you have a single color background, FOYD effect is not visible. - FOYD is happy to work even on my old 100MHz AMD486 but likes powerful pentiums and 16-24bit colorful video modes (like on my new K6)! - FOYD, like any other screen saver, can't really save your video, if you want to save your video (and reduce your bills!), use the energy saving features of your monitor and video card... ...but let FOYD play for some time! - If you have other problems (ach!) feel free to contact me by e-mail: vuemme@logic.it; 5. East Timor If you like FOYD tell me by e-mail or (better) with a postcard. But even if you don't like it I hope you can look at "www.uc.pt/Timor/TimorNet.html" to know something about East Timor. 6. FOYD's source FOYD's source code is available for free; you can request it via e-mail and I will send it as soon as possible (I cannot check my home e-mail everyday). FOYD is built using SCRNSAVE.LIB, that's available with Microsoft's compilers. Valter Minute vuemme@logic.it My snail mail address is: Valter Minute Via C.Colombo 42 21048, Solbiate Arno ITALY