----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mouse Trap 1.0 for Windows 95 -- NT/98?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take a Hike Software ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.homeonthewww.com/ryan/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mouse Trap is freeware. Do anything you want as long as it's not bad. And if you want to make a profit off of Mouse Trap you MUST have my approval! Passwords are NOT cAsE sEnSiTiVe! IF YOU LOOSE YOUR PASSWORD E-MAIL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll do what I can. ryan@homeonthewww.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks: Davetech Enterprises - http://www.qtm.net/~bryson/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Notes: I will accept no responsibility whatsoever for any damage caused directly or indirectly from using this software!! Please report all bugs and problems to ryan@homeonthewww.com, along with the build number of the application, the basic specifications of your computer, and major software packages installed (eg. Plus!, Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc.). If the bug is something that occurs while using the program, please describe exactly what happened in as much detail as you can remember (screen shots are also very often useful). I would greatly appreciate feedback on the features, user interface and ease of use, as well as any other comments you would like to make. No registration is required, but if you would like to receive notification of updates, new releases, etc., you can email me to request this. It seems that this program has been uploaded to a few sites on the internet. I have not been responsible for this and it is virtually impossible for me to try and keep track of these sites. The only site on the internet guaranteed to have the latest version of the program is my own web site. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Instructions: Downloaded file * mousetrap.zip - Program files only, no VB run-times The best way to upgrade may be to download trapmouse.zip and just extract the files over the the existing installation. VB 5 Run-time libraries (Service Pack 3) required: * MSVBVM50.DLL * StdOle2.tlb * OleAut32.dll * OlePro32.dll * AsycFilt.dll * Ctl3d32.dll * ComCat.dll If you are missing any files required by the program, they may be downloaded from my web site. http://www.homeonthewww.com/ryan/ If you feel a little apprehensive about possible damage to your system that could be caused by the use of this software, then back up the SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT files before changing anything in case of the unlikely event that something goes wrong. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Issues: * None that I'm aware of ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Bugs: * None that I'm aware of ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Troubleshooting: * Wrong Version of Runtime DLL Download msvbvm50.zip from my web site * Error loading from DLL. Download STDOLE2.TLB from my web site. * Run-time error 31037, "Error loading from file." If you get this error while loading the application, the most likely cause is that there is a problem with COMCTL32.OCX. To remedy this, download a new copy of this file from my home page and use REGSVR32.EXE to register it (eg. REGSVR32 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COMCTL32.OCX) if necessary. It is also possible that you could get this error if you do not have enough memory available to run the program. * Run-time error 367, "Can't load (or register) custom control COMCTL32.OCX." Please refer to the installations instructions at the beginning of this document for the list of required files, and make sure they are all in your Windows\System folder. * Cannot find MSVCRT.DLL/MSVCIRT.DLL MSVCRT.DLL and MSVCIRT.DLL can be sent to you be e-mail if you need them. ryan@homeonthewww.com * Unexpected error; quitting http://www.homeonthewww.com/ryan/unexpect.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sending feedback: Ryan Martinsen E-mail: ryan@homeonthewww.com WEB: http://www.homeonthewww.com/ryan/