H&S Technology, Inc. P.O. Box 5152 Katy, TX 77491-5152 Tel: (281) 395-0345 Fax: (281) 395-8884 Email: hnstech@compuserve.com URL: http://www.hnstech.com Welcome to H&S Technology, Inc.'s SMTPOP32 DLL. SMTPOP32 DLL is a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Post Office Protocol (POP3), and Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME 1.0) compliance Application Programming Interface (API) for Windows 95 & NT development toolkit. This API allows you to integrate SMTP, POP3, and MIME mail enabling functions into your application seamlessly. Please read the LICENSE.WRI file first for licensing information. In order to use SMTPOP32.DLL, you will need to run setup to properly install the software first. The DLL will not function properly unless you perform the following installation process correctly. Begin the installation from Windows. Note: Please take a moment to locate your serial number and registration key on the installation diskette. If you are installing for evaluation only, then you do not need the serial number and registration key, just click OK when you are asked for serial number and registration key. Installing SMTPOP32.DLL. To begin the install process from a distribution diskette: 1. Insert the SMTPOP32 disk in your floppy drive : 2. If you are using Windows 95, select Start from the Taskbar, then Select Run from the Start menu. or If you are using Windows NT, select Run from the Program Manager File menu. 3. Type X:\SETUP, substituting your floppy drive's letter for X (for example, if your floppy driver letter is A, you'd type A:\SETUP). 4. Click OK. 5. Follow the instructions on the screens. 6. After you have finished installing, add the SMTPOP32.DLL in your search PATH or copy it to your Windows directory. To begin the install process from a SMTPOP32.ZIP file: 1. First create a temporary directory and copy WINFTP32.ZIP into the temporary directory. 2. Unzip the file with PKUNZIP SMTPOP32.ZIP. 3. If you are using Windows 95, select Start from the Taskbar, then Select Run from the Start menu. or If you are using Windows NT, select Run from the Program Manager File menu. 4. Type \SETUP in the Command Line text box, substituting the temporary directory for (for example, if your temporary directory is C:\TEMP, you'd type C:\TEMP\SETUP). 5. Click OK. 6. Follow the instructions on the screens. 7. After you have finished installing, add the SMTPOP32.DLL in your search PATH or copy it to your Windows directory. New Release of SMTPOP32 version 2.1 Major enhancements: * Functions to retrieve mail's header information; * Easier to determine mail attachments; * Enhanced the "out of sync" problem; * Set time out values; * Use different mail ports; * Quick scan mails; * Handle mail attachments correctly when the boundary is "--"; and * Handle mail attachments with no mail message. Twelve (12) new functions. * smtp_SetTimeOut - Set current SMTP session time out value. * smtp_DefaultTime - Set the initial default time out value for all SMTP and POP3 sessions. * smtp_LoginMailPort - Login to a user specified SMTP mail port. * pop_SetTimeOut - Set current POP3 session time out value. * pop3_LoginPort - Login to a user specified POP3 mail port. * pop3_GetDispositionType - Retrieve the content type of the "content-disposition" header. * pop3_GetDispositionFname - Retrieve the filename from the "content-disposition" header. * pop3_GetPartHeaders - Get the headers of a mail part. * pop3_GetHeaderField - Get a header from a mail part. * pop3_GetHeaderType - Get the type of a header from the mail part. * pop3_GetParmValue - Get the value of a parameter from a header within a mail part. * pop3_QuickScanMail - Retrieve only the mail header from the POP3 server. New Release of SMTPOP32 version 2.2 Major enhancement: * Optional progress bar dialog box for sending and retrieving mails. Functions: * smtpop_DefaultProgressBar - Set the default progress bar ON or OFF. * smtp_SetProgressBar - Set progress bar ON or OFF for current SMTP session. * pop3_SetProgressBar - Set progress bar ON or OFF for current POP3 session. Ombudsman statement: "H&S Technology, Inc. is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 157-F Love Ave, Greenwood, IN 46142 USA, FAX 317-888-2195, or send email to omb@asp-shareware.org."