FAQWriter ver.1.0 Manual by Cory Rauch. 1998. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I add a Question/Answer to my FAQ? --- That's easy just press the add button. It will give you a window with two boxes. The top box is wheir you type your question. The bottom is for the answer. When you finally done with the question and answer press ok on the menu bar. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I remove a Question/Answer from my FAQ? --- If you notice everytime you enter a question and answer to the faq, the first line of the question shows up on the main menu's list. Just select the question you want to delete and press the remove button. FAQWriter will delete the question and answer that you select automatically. This is one FAQWriter's powerful editing feature's. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If I find a bug in the program who do I call? --- Just email me Cory Rauch for any bugs,strange behavior's,or annoyance's. My email address is deadbeat@brigadoon.com. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I edit a Question/Answer in my FAQ? --- Just select the question in the list box you want to edit, and press the edit button. It will bring up the same dialog you used to add it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I add a title or auther name to my FAQ? --- Just click on the main windows edit box which contains your faq. Simply add any text you want at the top of the faq. FAQWriter will ignore any text on the top of the faq. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is their plan for a dos version or Win 3.1? --- No. I only plan to target Win95-NT right now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do I get with the full version? --- You get the capability to create Faq's of any length. Plus the latest bug fixes and constant feature's being added. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I order FAQWriter 1.0? --- Simply send a check or cod for 15$(US) to "Cory Rauch" at: 7 Atlantic S.t. Holtsville, NY 11742 On receival of the check I will send the program. If you have any problem email me at deadbeat@brigadoon.com