Application Written By R Brown For ByteSoft (c)1997/98 R Brown README.TXT This software from ByteSoft is provided as is, and the author is under no obligation to release bug-fix or future versions of the software. If you decide to uninstall this software at a later date, please ensure you use the un-install function within Windows 95 as unInstallshield will remove all the files and registry settings associated with this software. The unInstallshield program will NOT remove anything else installed in the same folder, OR other software from your system. Support. -------- As the software costs you nothing and I have limited financial funds at my disposal, the support for this product is limited, please do not telephone me long distance and ask me to return your call, or send a long fax to you if you're not in the UK. That doesn't mean that I will ignore you, I will try to answer any questions or problems you may have in my own time. Please remember to include an e-mail (preferable), or snail mail address or phone number so I can get back to you..... You may also complete the bug report form included in the original archive and return it to me by email or snail mail. If you find this software useful and would like to make a small donation to the author, please send donations in UK currency only to the address below. Don't forget to check out the web site for any fixes or updated versions of this software, and for any of the other products I have made available. If you have a problem, comment or a suggestion, you are welcome to contact me by one of these methods, please don't send more than one copy of your message it wastes my time and yours. Email WWW Write ByteSize Software 29 Parker Way Halstead Essex CO9 1NS UK Please note that I only check my Compuserve mailbox once every 2 - 3 days so please be patient if you're waiting for a reply. Warranty. This software is free to use and distribute and as such it comes without any warranty of any kind. All the software is guaranteed to do is occupy a few k- bytes of space somewhere on your computer system. The author, and any person involved in distribution of the software will not be responsible for (but not limited to) any loss or damage to data or the equipment upon which it was stored, loss of earnings or liable for any other costs incurred due to the use or inabilty to use the product. The software has been tested under Windows95 and works perfectly on the machines used for testing, however this does not guarantee that you won't be using some other software or hardware, which may cause a conflict. Therefore you install and use this software entirely at your own risk!