Secure Delete will show its GUI mode interface when you start the program without any command line arguments.

The GUI menus and functions are all described below.

You can use the mouse to navigate throughout the GUI by clicking on the relevant buttons, or you can use the keyboard. While using the keyboard, return will select a single choice, escape will drop back a menu level and then exit the program from the main menu and the first letter of an button or item is usually its keyboard shortcut.

Main sections below:

Main Menu

Delete File
This option allows you to delete a file in the GUI by browsing for the file on your computer. If your prompt option is set to on you will be asked for confirmation that you really want to delete the file, then then file is securely deleted. See the Delete File section below.

Clear Disk
This button lets you choose a drive to clear all the free space on. After you choose your drive, you will be asked to confirm your choice ( unless prompts are off ) and then the drive will be cleared. See the Clear Disk section below.

Here you can adjust the programs preferences which are active in both GUI and CLI mode. See the Options section below for more information.

This button will bring up information including the program version and allow you to reset the program preferences to defaults. See the About section for more details.

Delete File

After you have chosen the file to delete from the main menu, and confirmed that you want to delete the file if necessary, you will see a window showing you the file name and how many kilobytes have been written to the file.

Once the file has been deleted you will see a confirmation dialog which tells you the file name, amount of bytes written and how many seconds the operation took.

Clear Disk

Once you have chosen the drive to clear from the main menu by selecting any location on the drive, you will be asked if you wish to proceed with disk clearing ( unless you have turned prompts off ).

After you choose to continue the operation, you will see a status window which shows you the drive being cleared and how many kilobytes have been cleared so far.

Once the drive clear has finished ( you may get a warning about low disk space from your operating system, just cancel the warning ) you are presented with a confirmation dialog showing your the drive cleared, total bytes written and how many seconds the operation took.


Secure Delete has numerous options which you can change in the GUI and which affect both the GUI and CLI modes of operation.

When you first select the option button from the main menu you will see a screen like the one below.

Font Size
You can adjust the size of fonts throughout the GUI to one of three settings. You can preview what these settings look like by clicking on a thumbnail picture below - they are arranged in order of small to large.

Here you can adjust Secure Delete to either prompt you for every file action it performs, prompt you only for directory deletions and disk clears, or not to prompt you at all ( which also turns off CLI output totally ).

By clicking on the Advanced button in the bottom left corner, you will bring up a page of advanced options as below:

Directory Recursion
This toggle allows you to turn directory recursion on and off. When it is on, directories that match your file pattern will be scanned for more files which match or more directories and so on. When off, the program never goes deeper than the first level of a directory.

Data to overwrite
This switch allows you to adjust the data that Secure Delete uses to overwrite with - either pseudo-random or sequential. Sequential may be significantly faster on some system, but cannot be used on file systems with any sort of compression and so if switched off by default.

Times to overwrite
This box allows you to alter how many times a file is overwritten before being deleted.

Bytes to Pad on Overwrite
This box allows you to alter how many bytes are padded to the length of the file before overwriting.


The About menu displays some program information including the version type and number, and has one function which is the Defaults button in the bottom left hand corner.

If you press this button, you will be asked if you wish to restore all program settings to their default values. This can be useful if you have changed settings and are not really sure what you did.