-------------------------------- Thank you for trying Keys Plus! -------------------------------- Keys+ is a shareware keyboard mapper, typing helper and macro interpreter. See online help for detailed feature list and usage. This package contains a full featured working version (Keys 4.1) with a 10 seconds reminder at start, which will disappear when you register. Please send questions, bug reports and comments to: szp@iname.com Check out http:\iap.ethz.ch\users\szp\keys for updates and further information. --------------- Installing Keys --------------- Copy the files from this package in one directory. Start keys32.exe. If you had earlier versions you may import your maps from \windows\wxkbd.ini. (The new default for the map file is keys32.ini) Pay attention to the status line as you move around with the cursor in the editor. It supposed to give you the most important informations. Please read online help for explanations and examples. ----------------------------- "Knowledge Base" (Known Bugs) ----------------------------- There is no known problem that would be unambigously caused by Keys. Bug reports - that help fixing a problem - are honored with license keys. P. Szaszvari