Unzip this file to a directory of your choice. If Running from the DOS Command use the -d option (i.e. pkunzip c:\pfh_1998.zip c:\temp -d). If using winzip make sure that the use folder names box is checked. Once unzipped, the directory you created should have a sub-directory in it called "data". All of the *.dat files must be in this subdirectory. This is an early release of PFH_1998. It contains the data from the 1997 season so that you can check out the various features of the program. As there is no data for the 1998 season yet, I thought this would be the best way to allow you to get used to the program. Once you are ready for the 1998 season, visit my website at: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Loge/1433 and download the 1998 service pack. This service pack will make the program ready for the upcoming season. Should you have any questions or problems in using the program please contact me at: wmsmith@itlnet.net Please read PFH_1998.doc for system requirements and basic use.