Turbo C Project File C:\TC\INCLUDE C:\TC\LIB ~GREP -n+ $MEM(64) $NOSWAP $PROMPT $CAP MSG(GREP2MSG)void *.c ~Turbo Assembler /MX /ZI /O $TASM Turbo ~Debugger $EXENAME Turbo ~Profiler tprof $EXENAME MOUTUT.C \MOUTUT.C ..\LIB\MOUSE23S.LIB ..\LIB\SWINS.LIB ..\LIB\FONTEDS.LIB ..\INCLUDE\EGACOLOR.H ..\INCLUDE\FONTEDIT.H ..\INCLUDE\MOUSE23.H ..\INCLUDE\SWSKDEF.H ..\INCLUDE\SIMPWIN.H ..\INCLUDE\DIR.H ..\INCLUDE\MEM.H ..\INCLUDE\CONIO.H ..\INCLUDE\STDLIB.H ..\INCLUDE\BIOS.H ..\INCLUDE\STDIO.H ..\INCLUDE\STRING.H ..\INCLUDE\DOS.H MOUTUT.C 5;i++) call_window(ENTER_WIN) ..\INCLUDE\EGACOLOR.H ..\INCLUDE\FONTEDIT.H ..\INCLUDE\MOUSE23.H ..\INCLUDE\SWSKDEF.H ..\INCLUDE\SIMPWIN.H ..\INCLUDE\DIR.H ..\INCLUDE\MEM.H ..\INCLUDE\CONIO.H ..\INCLUDE\STDLIB.H ..\INCLUDE\BIOS.H ..\INCLUDE\STDIO.H ..\INCLUDE\STRING.H ..\INCLUDE\DOS.H MOUTUT.C er debug information should be generated for this item Select whether this item should be linked into the program Use cursor keys to examine list of dependent (include) files Load the selected include file into an editor window for viewing Generate overlay safe code Align noncharacter data at even addresses Merge two strings when one matches another Treat all char declarations as if they were signed char type Generate a standard function entry and exit code Check for a stack overflow at run time Use smallest memory model (64K available for code + data) Use small memory model (64K for code, 64K for static data) Use medium memory model (1Mb for code, 64K for static data) Use compact memory model (64K for code, 1Mb for static data) Use large memory model (1Mb for code, 1Mb for static data) Use largest memory model (1Mb for code, static data > 64K) Pass macro definitions to the preprocessor View further code generation options Don't use floating-point numbers