:Base 4nt.hlp :Title 4NT v3.01 Help 1 Copyright and Version=COPYRIGHT 1 The Command Line 2 Overview=COMMANDLINE 2 Command-Line Editing=EDITING 2 Command History and Recall=CMDHIST 2 Command History Window=HISTWIN 2 Filename Completion 3 Using Filename Completion=FILECOMP 3 Appending Backslashes to Directory Names=APPBACKSLASH 3 Customizing Filename Completion=FILECOMPCUST 3 Filename Completion Window=FILECOMPWIN ;following line is decremented one level extra due to WINHELP bug 1 Automatic Directory Changes=AUTODIR 2 Directory History Window=DIRHIST 2 Multiple Commands=MULTCMDS 2 Expanding and Disabling Aliases=ALIASEXPAND 2 Command-Line Length Limits=CMDLENGTH 1 File Selection 2 Overview=FILESEL 2 Extended Parent Directory Names=PARDIR 2 Wildcards=WILDCARDS 2 Ranges 3 Using Ranges=RANGES 3 Date Ranges=DATERANGES 3 Time Ranges=TIMERANGES 3 Size Ranges=SIZERANGES 3 File Exclusion Ranges=FILEXRANGES ;following line is decremented one level extra due to WINHELP bug 1 Multiple Filenames=MULTFILES 2 Include Lists=INCLLIST 2 LFN File Searches=LFNSEARCH 2 Executable Extensions=EXEEXT 2 Using Windows File Associations=USINGWINASSOC 2 Using Internet URLs=USINGURLS 2 Waiting for Applications to Finish=WAITFORAPPS 1 Directory Navigation 2 Overview=DIRNAV 2 Extended Directory Searches=EXTDIRSEARCH 2 CDPATH=CDPATH 1 Other Features 2 Page and File Prompts=PROMPTS 2 Redirection and Piping 3 Overview=REDIRPIPE 3 Redirection=REDIRECTION 3 Piping=PIPING ;following line is decremented one level extra due to WINHELP bug 1 Critical Errors=CRITERR 2 Conditional Commands=CONDITIONAL 2 Command Grouping=GROUPING 2 Escape Character=ESCAPE 1 Commands 2 Commands by Category=COMMANDS 2 Commands by Name 3 ?=QMARK 3 ACTIVATE=ACTIVATE 3 ALIAS=ALIAS 3 ASSOC=ASSOC 3 ATTRIB=ATTRIB 3 BEEP=BEEP 3 CALL=CALL 3 CANCEL=CANCEL 3 CD / CHDIR=CD 3 CDD=CDD 3 CLS=CLS 3 COLOR=COLOR 3 COPY=COPY 3 DATE=DATE 3 DEL / ERASE=DEL 3 DELAY=DELAY 3 DESCRIBE=DESCRIBE 3 DETACH=DETACH 3 DIR=DIR 3 DIRHISTORY=DIRHISTORY 3 DIRS=DIRS 3 DO=DO 3 DRAWBOX=DRAWBOX 3 DRAWHLINE=DRAWHLINE 3 DRAWVLINE=DRAWVLINE 3 ECHO and ECHOERR=ECHO 3 ECHOS and ECHOSERR=ECHOS 3 ENDLOCAL=ENDLOCAL 3 ESET=ESET 3 EXCEPT=EXCEPT 3 EXIT=EXIT 3 FFIND=FFIND 3 FOR=FOR 3 FREE=FREE 3 FTYPE=FTYPE 3 GLOBAL=GLOBAL 3 GOSUB=GOSUB 3 GOTO=GOTO 3 HELP=HELP 3 HISTORY=HISTORY 3 IF=IF 3 IFF=IFF 3 INKEY=INKEY 3 INPUT=INPUT 3 KEYBD=KEYBD 3 KEYS=KEYS 3 LIST=LIST 3 LOADBTM=LOADBTM 3 LOG=LOG 3 MD / MKDIR=MD 3 MEMORY=MEMORY 3 MOVE=MOVE 3 MSGBOX=MSGBOX 3 ON=ON 3 OPTION=OPTION 3 PATH=PATH 3 PAUSE=PAUSE 3 POPD=POPD 3 PROMPT=PROMPT 3 PUSHD=PUSHD 3 QUIT=QUIT 3 RD / RMDIR=RD 3 REBOOT=REBOOT 3 REM=REM 3 REN / RENAME=REN 3 RETURN=RETURN 3 SCREEN=SCREEN 3 SCRPUT=SCRPUT 3 SELECT=SELECT 3 SET=SET 3 SETDOS=SETDOS 3 SETLOCAL=SETLOCAL 3 SHIFT=SHIFT 3 SHRALIAS=SHRALIAS 3 START=START 3 SWITCH=SWITCH 3 TEE=TEE 3 TEXT=TEXT 3 TIME=TIME 3 TIMER=TIMER 3 TITLE=TITLE 3 TOUCH=TOUCH 3 TREE=TREE 3 TYPE=TYPE 3 UNALIAS=UNALIAS 3 UNSET=UNSET 3 VER=VER 3 VERIFY=VERIFY 3 VOL=VOL 3 VSCRPUT=VSCRPUT 3 WINDOW=WINDOW 3 Y=Y 1 Aliases and Batch Files 2 Aliases=ALIASES 2 Batch Files 3 Batch File Overview=BATCH 3 .BAT, .CMD, and .BTM Files=BATCHTYPE 3 Echoing in Batch Files=BATCHECHO 3 Batch File Parameters=BATCHPARMS 3 Using Environment Variables=BATCHENV 3 Batch File Commands=BATCHCMDS 3 Interrupting a Batch File=BATCHINT 3 Automatic Batch Files=AUTOBATCH 3 Detecting 4NT=BATCHDETECT 3 Using Aliases in Batch Files=BATCHALIAS 3 Debugging Batch Files=BATCHDEBUG 3 Batch File String Processing=BATCHSTRING 3 Batch File Line Continuation=BATCHLINECONT 3 Batch File Compression=BATCHCOMP 3 Special Character Compatibility=COMPAT 3 Command Parsing=PARSING 3 Argument Quoting=QUOTING 3 REXX Support=REXX 3 EXTPROC Support=EXTPROC 1 The Environment 2 Overview=ENVIRONMENT 2 CDPATH=CDPATH 2 CMDLINE=CMDLINE 2 COLORDIR=COLORDIR_VAR 2 COMSPEC=COMSPEC 2 FILECOMPLETION=FILECOMP_VAR 2 PATH=PATH_VAR 2 PROMPT=PROMPT_VAR 2 Internal Variables 3 Overview=INTVARS 3 ? (exit code, last external program)=_QMARK 3 _? (exit code, last internal command)=__QMARK 3 \= (substitutes escape character)=EQUALS 3 + (substitutes command separator)=PLUS 3 _4VER (4NT version)=_4VER 3 _ANSI (ANSI status)=_ANSI 3 _BATCH (batch nesting level)=_BATCH 3 _BATCHLINE (line number in current batch file)=_BATCHLINE 3 _BATCHNAME (full name of current batch file)=_BATCHNAME 3 _BG (background color at cursor position)=_BG 3 _BOOT (boot drive letter)=_BOOT 3 _CI (insert mode cursor shape)=_CI 3 _CMDPROC (command processor name)=_CMDPROC 3 _CO (overstrike mode cursor shape)=_CO 3 _CODEPAGE (code page number)=_CODEPAGE 3 _COLUMN (cursor column)=_COLUMN 3 _COLUMNS (virtual screen width)=_COLUMNS 3 _COUNTRY (country code)=_COUNTRY 3 _CPU (CPU type)=_CPU 3 _CWD (current drive and directory)=_CWD 3 _CWDS (current drive and directory with trailing \)=_CWDS 3 _CWP (current directory)=_CWP 3 _CWPS (current directory with trailing \)=_CWPS 3 _DATE (current date)=_DATE 3 _DAY (day of current month)=_DAY 3 _DISK (current drive)=_DISK 3 _DNAME (description file name)=_DNAME 3 _DOS (operating system type)=_DOS 3 _DOSVER (operating system version)=_DOSVER 3 _DOW (alpha day of the week)=_DOW 3 _DOWI (numeric day of the week)= Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc.).=_DOWI 3 _DOY (numeric day of the year)=_DOY 3 ERRORLEVEL (exit code, last external program)=ERRORLEVEL 3 _FG (foreground color at cursor position)=_FG 3 _HLOGFILE (history log file name)=_HLOGFILE 3 _HOUR (hours in current time)=_HOUR 3 _KBHIT (test for keyboard input)=_KBHIT 3 _LASTDISK (last valid drive)=_LASTDISK 3 _LOGFILE (log file name)=_LOGFILE 3 _MINUTE (minutes in current time)=_MINUTE 3 _MONTH (month of current year)=_MONTH 3 _MOUSE (mouse driver flag)=_MOUSE 3 _NDP (coprocessor type)=_NDP 3 _PID (4NT process ID)=_PID 3 _PIPE (test for piped input)=_PIPE 3 _ROW (cursor row)=_ROW 3 _ROWS (screen height)=_ROWS 3 _SECOND (seconds in current time)=_SECOND 3 _SHELL (4NT shell level)=_SHELL 3 _SYSERR (last Windows error code)=_SYSERR 3 _TIME (current time)=_TIME 3 _TRANSIENT (transient shell flag)=_TRANSIENT 3 _WINDIR (Windows NT directory)=_WINDIR 3 _WINSYSDIR (Windows NT system directory)=_WINSYSDIR 3 _WINTITLE (current window title)=_WINTITLE 3 _WINVER (Windows version)=_WINVER 3 _YEAR (current 4-digit year)=_YEAR 2 Variable Functions 3 Overview=VARFUNCS 3 @ALIAS (value of an alias)=F_ALIAS 3 @ALTNAME (short name for a file)=F_ALTNAME 3 @ASCII (numeric ASCII value for a character)=F_ASCII 3 @ATTRIB (file attributes)=F_ATTRIB 3 @CDROM (CD-ROM drive detection)=F_CDROM 3 @CHAR (character value for numeric ASCII)=F_CHAR 3 @CLIP (lines from the clipboard)=F_CLIP 3 @COMMA (insert commas)=F_COMMA 3 @CONVERT (convert between numeric bases)=F_CONVERT 3 @DATE (date to number of days)=F_DAY 3 @DAY (day of month for a date)=F_DATE 3 @DEC (decremented value of a variable)=F_DEC 3 @DESCRIPT (file description)=F_DESCRIPT 3 @DEVICE (character device detection)=F_DEVICE 3 @DISKFREE (free disk space)=F_DISKFREE 3 @DISKTOTAL (total disk space)=F_DISKTOTAL 3 @DISKUSED (used disk space)=F_DISKUSED 3 @DOSMEM (size of largest free memory block)=F_DOSMEM 3 @DOW (day of week for a date)=F_DOW 3 @DOWI (day of week as integer)==F_DOWI 3 @DOY (day of year for a date)=F_DOY 3 @EVAL (arithmetic calculations)=F_EVAL 3 @EXEC (execute a command)=F_EXEC 3 @EXECSTR (execute a command and return output)=F_EXECSTR 3 @EXPAND (wildcard filename matching)=F_EXPAND 3 @EXT (file extension)=F_EXT 3 @FILEAGE (file age -- date and time)=F_FILEAGE 3 @FILECLOSE (close a file)=F_FILECLOSE 3 @FILEDATE (file date)=F_FILEDATE 3 @FILENAME (file name and extension)=F_FILENAME 3 @FILEOPEN (open a file)=F_FILEOPEN 3 @FILEREAD (read a line from a file)=F_FILEREAD 3 @FILES (count files matching a wildcard)=F_FILES 3 @FILESEEK (move a file pointer)=F_FILESEEK 3 @FILESEEKL (move a file pointer to a line)=F_FILESEEKL 3 @FILESIZE (size of files matching a wildcard)=F_FILESIZE 3 @FILETIME (file time)=F_FILETIME 3 @FILEWRITE (write text to a file)=F_FILEWRITE 3 @FILEWRITEB (write data to a file)=F_FILEWRITEB 3 @FINDCLOSE (close a search handle)=F_FINDCLOSE 3 @FINDFIRST (find first matching file)=F_FINDFIRST 3 @FINDNEXT (find next matching file)=F_FINDNEXT 3 @FORMAT (reformat a string)=F_FORMAT 3 @FSTYPE (file system type)=F_FSTYPE 3 @FULL (file name with path)=F_FULL 3 @IF (evaluate an expression)=F_IF 3 @INC (incremented value of a variable)=F_INC 3 @INDEX (position of one string in another)=F_INDEX 3 @INIREAD (read from an .INI file)=F_INIREAD 3 @INIWRITE (write to an .INI file)=F_INIWRITE 3 @INSERT (insert string1 into string2)=F_INSERT 3 @INSTR (substring)=F_INSTR 3 @INT (integer part of a number)=F_INT 3 @LABEL (volume label)=F_LABEL 3 @LEFT (leftmost characters of string)=F_LEFT 3 @LEN (length of a string)=F_LEN 3 @LFN (long name for a short filename)=F_LFN 3 @LINE (read a line from a file)=F_LINE 3 @LINES (count lines in a file)=F_LINES 3 @LOWER (convert string to lower case)=F_LOWER 3 @MAKEAGE (date to file timestamp)=F_MAKEAGE 3 @MAKEDATE (date to number of days)=F_MAKEDATE 3 @MAKETIME (time to number of seconds)=F_MAKETIME 3 @MONTH (month for a date)=F_MONTH 3 @NAME (file name only)=F_NAME 3 @NUMERIC (test if string is numeric)=F_NUMERIC 3 @PATH (file path without name)=F_PATH 3 @RANDOM (random integer)=F_RANDOM 3 @READSCR (characters from the screen)=F_READSCR 3 @READY (drive ready status)=F_READY 3 @REMOTE (network drive detection)=F_REMOTE 3 @REMOVABLE (removable drive detection)=F_REMOVABLE 3 @REPEAT (repeated character)=F_REPEAT 3 @REPLACE (replace one string within another)=F_REPLACE 3 @REXX (execute REXX expression)=F_REXX 3 @RIGHT (rightmost characters of string)=F_RIGHT 3 @SEARCH (path search)=F_SEARCH 3 @SELECT (menu selection)=F_SELECT 3 @SFN (short name for a long filename)=F_SFN 3 @STRIP (strips characters from a string)=F_STRIP 3 @SUBSTR (substring)=F_SUBSTR 3 @TIME (time to number of seconds)=F_TIME 3 @TIMER (split time from timer)=F_TIMER 3 @TRIM (remove blanks from a string)=F_TRIM 3 @UNIQUE (create file with unique name)=F_UNIQUE 3 @UPPER (convert string to upper case)=F_UPPER 3 @WILD (compare strings using wildcards)=F_WILD 3 @WORD (extract a word from a string)=F_WORD 3 @WORDS (count words in a string)=F_WORDS 3 @YEAR (return year for date)=F_YEAR 1 Configuring 4NT 2 .INI File Overview=INIFILE 2 Using the .INI File 3 Modifying the .INI File=INIMODIFY 3 Using the .INI File=INIUSING 3 .INI File Sections=INISECTIONS 3 .INI File Examples=INIEXAMPLES 2 .INI File Directives 3 Directives Overview=INIDIRECTIVES 3 Initialization 4 Initialization Directives=INIINIT 4 4StartPath (path for 4START and 4EXIT)=INI_4STARTPATH 4 DirHistory (size of directory history)=INI_DIRHISTORY 4 DuplicateBugs (emulate CMD.EXE bugs)=INI_DUPLICATEBUGS 4 History (size of history list)=INI_HISTORY 4 INIQuery (query each line in 4NT.INI)=INI_INIQUERY 4 LocalAliases (local vs. global aliases)=INI_LOCALALIASES 4 LocalDirHistory (local vs. global directory history)=INI_LOCALDIRHISTORY 4 LocalHistory (local vs. global history)=INI_LOCALHISTORY 4 PauseOnError (pause on errors in 4NT.INI)=INI_PAUSEONERROR 4 TreePath (path for directory search database)=INI_TREEPATH 4 WindowState (initial state of 4NT window)=INI_WINDOWSTATE 4 WindowX (position of 4NT window)=INI_WINDOWX 4 WindowY (position of 4NT window)=INI_WINDOWX 4 WindowWidth (size of 4NT window)=INI_WINDOWX 4 WindowHeight (size of 4NT window)=INI_WINDOWX 3 Configuration 4 Configuration Directives=INICONFIG 4 AmPm (time display format)=INI_AMPM 4 AppendToDir ("\" on directories in filename completion)=INI_APPENDTODIR 4 BatchEcho (default batch echo state)=INI_BATCHECHO 4 BeepFreq (default beep frequency)=INI_BEEPFREQ 4 BeepLength (default beep length)=INI_BEEPLENGTH 4 CDDWinLeft (position of directory search window)=INI_CDDWIN 4 CDDWinTop (position of directory search window)=INI_CDDWIN 4 CDDWinWidth (size of directory search window)=INI_CDDWIN 4 CDDWinHeight (size of directory search window)=INI_CDDWIN 4 CommandSep (command separator)=INI_COMMANDSEP 4 CursorIns (insert mode cursor width)=INI_CURSORINS 4 CursorOver (overstrike mode cursor width)=INI_CURSOROVER 4 DecimalChar (decimal separator)=INI_DECIMALCHAR 4 DescriptionMax (max length of file descriptions)=INI_DESCRIPTIONMAX 4 DescriptionName (description file name)=INI_DESCRIPTIONNAME 4 Descriptions (enable description processing)=INI_DESCRIPTIONS 4 EditMode (insert / overstrike mode)=INI_EDITMODE 4 EscapeChar (escape character)=INI_ESCAPECHAR 4 EvalMax (@EVAL max precision)=INI_EVALMAX 4 EvalMin (@EVAL min precision)=INI_EVALMIN 4 ExecWait (wait for external programs)=INI_EXECWAIT 4 FileCompletion (files selected for file completion)=INI_FILECOMPLETION 4 FuzzyCD (extended directory search mode)=INI_FUZZYCD 4 HistCopy (copy commands to end of history)=INI_HISTCOPY 4 HistLogName (history log file name)=INI_HISTLOGNAME 4 HistMin (min command length to save)=INI_HISTMIN 4 HistMove (move commands to end of history)=INI_HISTMOVE 4 HistWrap (wrap command history)=INI_HISTWRAP 4 LogName (log file name)=INI_LOGNAME 4 NoClobber (protect redirected output files)=INI_NOCLOBBER 4 ParameterChar (parameter character)=INI_PARAMETERCHAR 4 PopupWinLeft (position of popup windows)=INI_POPUPWIN 4 PopupWinTop (position of popup windows)=INI_POPUPWIN 4 PopupWinWidth (size of popup windows)=INI_POPUPWIN 4 PopupWinHeight (size of popup windows)=INI_POPUPWIN 4 Printer (LIST print device)=INI_PRINTER 4 ScreenRows (screen height)=INI_SCREENROWS 4 TabStops (output tab positions)=INI_TABSTOPS 4 ThousandsChar (thousands separator)=INI_THOUSANDSCHAR 4 UpperCase (force file names to upper case)=INI_UPPERCASE 3 Color 4 Color Directives=INICOLOR 4 CDDWinColors (directory change window colors)=INI_CDDWINCOLORS 4 ColorDir (directory colors)=INI_COLORDIR 4 InputColors (input colors)=INI_INPUTCOLORS 4 ListboxBarColors (light bar color in list boxes)=INI_LISTBOXBARCOLORS 4 ListColors (LIST colors)=INI_LISTCOLORS 4 ListStatBarColors (LIST status bar colors)=INI_LISTSTATBARCOLORS 4 PopupWinColors (popup window colors)=INI_POPUPWINCOLORS 4 SelectColors (SELECT colors)=INI_SELECTCOLORS 4 SelectStatBarColors (SELECT status bar colors)=INI_SELECTSTATBARCOLORS 4 StdColors (standard colors)=INI_STDCOLORS 3 Key Mapping 4 Key Mapping Directives=INIKEYMAP 4 General Input Keys 5 Overview=INIGENKEYS 5 Backspace (deletes character to left of cursor)=INI_BACKSPACE 5 BeginLine (move cursor to start of line)=INI_BEGINLINE 5 Del (delete character at cursor)=INI_DEL 5 DelToBeginning (delete to start of line)=INI_DELTOBEGINNING 5 DelToEnd (delete to end of line)=INI_DELTOEND 5 DelWordLeft (delete word to left)=INI_DELWORDLEFT 5 DelWordRight (delete word to right )=INI_DELWORDRIGHT 5 Down (move cursor or scroll down)=INI_DOWN 5 EndLine (move cursor to end of line)=INI_ENDLINE 5 EraseLine (delete entire line)=INI_ERASELINE 5 ExecLine (execute or accept line)=INI_EXECLINE 5 Ins (toggle insert / overstrike)=INI_INS 5 Left (move cursor or scroll left)=INI_LEFT 5 NormalKey (deassign a key)=INI_NORMALKEY 5 Right (move cursor or scroll right)=INI_RIGHT 5 Up (move cursor or scroll up)=INI_UP 5 WordLeft (move left one word)=INI_WORDLEFT 5 WordRight (move right one word)=INI_WORDRIGHT 4 Command-Line Editing Keys 5 Overview=INIEDITKEYS 5 AddFile (keep filename and add another)=INI_ADDFILE 5 AliasExpand (expand an alias)=INI_ALIASEXPAND 5 CommandEscape (direct entry of a keystroke)=INI_COMMANDESCAPE 5 DelHistory (delete history list entry)=INI_DELHISTORY 5 EndHistory (last entry in history list)=INI_ENDHISTORY 5 Help (invokes help system)=INI_HELP 5 LFNToggle (toggle between long and short filenames)=INI_LFNTOGGLE 5 NextFile (get next matching filename)=INI_NEXTFILE 5 NextHistory (recall next command)=INI_NEXTHISTORY 5 NormalEditKey (deassign command-line editing key)=INI_NORMALEDITKEY 5 PopFile (open filename completion window)=INI_POPFILE 5 PrevFile (get previous matching filename)=INI_PREVFILE 5 PrevHistory (recall previous command)=INI_PREVHISTORY 5 SaveHistory (save command line)=INI_SAVEHISTORY 4 Popup Window Keys 5 Overview=INIPOPUPWINKEYS 5 DirWinOpen (open directory history )=INI_DIRWINOPEN 5 HistWinOpen (open command history)=INI_HISTWINOPEN 5 NormalHWinKey (deassign popup window key)=INI_NORMALHWINKEY 5 PopupWinBegin (first line of popup window)=INI_POPUPWINBEGIN 5 PopupWinDel (delete line in popup window)=INI_POPUPWINDEL 5 PopupWinEdit (move line from popup window to prompt)=INI_POPUPWINEDIT 5 PopupWinEnd (move to end of popup window)=INI_POPUPWINEND 5 PopupWinExec (select current item in popup window)=INI_POPUPWINEXEC 4 LIST Keys 5 Overview=INILISTKEYS 5 ListExit (exit current file)=INI_LISTEXIT 5 ListFind (search for a string)=INI_LISTFIND 5 ListFindReverse (search backwards)=INI_LISTFINDREVERSE 5 ListHex (toggle hex display mode)=INI_LISTHEX 5 ListHighBit (toggle "strip high bit" option)=INI_LISTHIGHBIT 5 ListInfo (information about current file)=INI_LISTINFO 5 ListNext (find next matching string)=INI_LISTNEXT 5 ListPrevious (find previous matching string=INI_LISTPREVIOUS 5 ListPrint (print file)=INI_LISTPRINT 5 ListWrap (toggle wrap option)=INI_LISTWRAP 5 NormalListKey (deassign LIST key)=INI_NORMALLISTKEY 3 Advanced Directives 4 Overview=INIADV 4 ClearKeyMap (clear default key mappings)=INI_CLEARKEYMAP 4 Include (include text in .INI file)=INI_INCLUDE 4 NextINIFile (Set secondary shell .INI file name)=INI_NEXTINIFILE 1 Setup and Troubleshooting ;2 Starting 4NT 2 Startup=STARTUP ;3 Startup=STARTUP ;3 Command Line Options=CMDLINEOPTS ;following line is decremented one level extra due to WINHELP bug 1 The 4NT Help System=HELPSYS 2 Error Messages 3 A=ERR_A 3 B=ERR_B 3 C=ERR_C 3 D=ERR_D 3 E=ERR_E 3 F=ERR_F 3 G=ERR_G 3 I=ERR_I 3 K=ERR_K 3 L=ERR_L 3 M=ERR_M 3 N=ERR_N 3 O=ERR_O 3 P=ERR_P 3 Q=ERR_Q 3 R=ERR_R 3 S=ERR_S 3 T=ERR_T 3 U=ERR_U 3 V=ERR_V 3 W=ERR_W 2 Troubleshooting, Service, and Support 3 Troubleshooting and Service Overview=SUPPORT 3 Technical Support=TECHSUP 3 Contacting JP Software=CONTACTJPS 1 What's New? 2 Overview and Major New Features=WHATSNEW 2 General Features and Enhancements=NEWGEN 2 Command Line Editing=NEWCMDLINE 2 Command Changes=NEWCOMMANDS 2 Startup and Configuration=NEWSTARTUP 2 Variables and Functions=NEWVARS 2 Technical and Compatibility Enhancements=NEWCOMPAT 2 Bugs Fixed=NEWBUGS 1 Reference Information 2 File Systems and File Name Conventions 3 Overview of File Systems and File Names=FILESYSREF 3 Drives and Volumes=DRIVEVOL 3 File Systems=FILESYS 3 Directories and Subdirectories=DIRECTORIES 3 File Names=FILENAMES 3 File Attributes and Time Stamps=FILEATTR 2 Miscellaneous Reference Information 3 Colors and Color Names=COLORS 3 Keys and Key Names=KEYNAMES 3 Popup Windows=POPUPWINDOWS 3 Executable Files and File Searches=EXESEARCH 2 Reference Tables 3 ASCII and Key Codes Overview=CODESREF 3 ASCII Tables=ASCII 3 Key Codes and Scan Codes Table=KEYSCAN 3 Key Codes and Scan Codes Explanation=KEYSCANEXPL 2 Glossary 3 4=GLOSS_4 3 A=GLOSS_A 3 B=GLOSS_B 3 C=GLOSS_C 3 D=GLOSS_D 3 E=GLOSS_E 3 F=GLOSS_F 3 G=GLOSS_G 3 H=GLOSS_H 3 I=GLOSS_I 3 K=GLOSS_K 3 L=GLOSS_L 3 M=GLOSS_M 3 N=GLOSS_N 3 O=GLOSS_O 3 P=GLOSS_P 3 R=GLOSS_R 3 S=GLOSS_S 3 T=GLOSS_T 3 U=GLOSS_U 3 V=GLOSS_V 3 W=GLOSS_W 3 X=GLOSS_X