====================================================================== Title : The Abandoned City Filename : City.zip -> (City.map tiles014.art city.txt) Author : Mike "Defs Hed" Simpson E-mail : DefsHed@btinternet.com Web Page : N/A Misc. Author Info : I live in Dorset, England, and am only an iccle boy : of 16 years of age. Other Levels : 1P- Dopey.map , Egyptian.map, : 2P- Glasland.map, MCASTLE.map, colummp.map : Note: I haven't distributed the multiplayer ones yet Description : The Year is 2019, after world war 3 was over President Clinton was thrown out of office and the government disbanded. A new Government, NOVA, was formed and a International treaty was created, one by one all the countries of the world signed on and it was agreed that nuclear weapons would be destroyed. Fearing a government take over the terrorist organisation AGE (Anti-Government-Entity) stormed the Nova HQ in Geneva, a fight broke out and in the chaos 6 Nukes were launched, fortunatly the anti-nuke satellites were able to destroy all 6 missiles. However, the incident caused concern over the lack of security and an internal investigation was held. Following the investigation Martial law was declared and crime rate dropped dramatically. Due to the fairness of the curfews there was no protest and because of the single Governing body taxes were reduced. Everyone was happy. In 2017 weapons were made illegal. It was on the historic day of 23rd June 2019 that earth recieved a message from an alien race. Humanity rejoiced that we weren't alone though they had yet to decipher the message. 2 months later we that it was a war declaration but by then it was too late. Within the week planetary bombardment had wiped out over 1.5 billion lives. Novastorm, the government top secret military were deployed to take out the alien menace. They succeeded in repelling the main ships however, before they could celebrate the aliens sent landers and took the fight to the ground. Most of Novastorm was dead. It is up to you Duke Nukem to wipe out the Aliens landing forces and win this for us You are the last hope..... (I've done it again, I went and typed a stupid story for one level Oh well I'll use it when I have enuff levels for a new episode) Additional Credits To : Gee let me see.... 3d Realms and Apogee for this game My mate John McAuley for testing my levels, and my mate at http://freespace.virgin.net/s.cowan/duke4eva/ who was the first person to put my levels on the internet. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : The user level (E1L8) Single Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : No Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes (load with /s* -where *=1 to 4 Plutonium Pak Required : No New Art : Yes New Music : No New Sound Effects : No New .CON Files : No Demos Replaced : No Par Time : 7 minutes 18 seconds (My time, I could do better but I only did this so I could stick it in here) ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Art Editor(s) Used : Neopaint, Editart, Paint Construction Time : I don't know I don't time it (usually cos the time spent on it is thinly spread over a couple of months) Known Bugs : It crashed when I used the hardest setting (pretty sure it was my crappy DX4 though) It runs jerky on harder settings on my DX4-100 so I suggest that it's best with a pentium 133 or above * Where to get this MAP file * File location : Well here obviously. (Why is this here?) ============================================================================= *Important Information* Installation : Just unzip it to your duke3d directory then run it by running City.bat and following instructions OR by typing :- Duke3d map city *OR* Duke3d map city /s* (where * is a number 1 - 4 for difficulty) Important Notes : Recommend pentium 133 or above. Some of the artwork wasn't done by me, all the Star Wars stuff is copyrighted and wasn't done by me I just used it though I will remove it if Lucasfilm/Lucasarts requests it. Some of the other artwork I think was taken from some american Porn mag or something so the same go's for that as well. Also someone else's artwork is in there as well but I've forgotton whose and once again the same applies as above. =============================================================================