=========================================================== ---=== THUNDER DOME ===--- =========================================================== A Duke Nukem Adventure FILENAME : dome.map AUTHOR : LEGION E-MAIL : legion@asu.edu Web Page : www.public.asu.edu/~dep70 DESCRIPTION : After discovering that the evil aliens have time warped 4000 years into the past, DUKE has been designated TIME LORD and sent to find the alien power-core and SHUT 'EM DOWN before they change the future as we know it. Eneter the dark world that rivals that of the piramids. --- Excellent Dukematch level too --- =========================================================== Enjoy THUNDER DOME! =========================================================== SINGLE PLAYER? : Yes DUKEMATCH? : Yes CO-OP PLAY? : Yes DIFFICULTY SETTINGS : Not Implemented BASE : New level from scratch EDITOR USED : Build KNOWN BUGS : None Known DATE FINISHED : Dec. 19, 1996 OTHER LEVELS BY LEGION : B-ZONE DM_ZONE LEGION FOR NEW USERS : To play this level, copy the file dome.map into your Duke Nukem 3D directory. At the command prompt, type setup, from the menu select "Select User Level". Find "dome" in the list and hit 'enter' to choose it. At the bottom of the menu, select "Save and launch Duke Nukem". *** YOU MUST HAVE THE FULL VERSION *** =========================================================== For more information on this, and other levels visit-- http://www.public.asu.edu/~dep70 Thanks for playing THUNDER DOME! =========================================================== ABOUT THIS LEVEL: I, like everyone else, have been looking for ultimate Duke Maps. Well, here in THUNDER DOME I have tried to capture the best of single player and dukematch in one map. This map constitutes over 3 months work (on and off). Please feel free to give me feedback on any of my levels. --Legion Thanks to: Spencer Farnsworth, Curt (Bommer) Lindblom and others for helping test the DOME. Permission: Feel free to use bits and pieces of this level but always remember to give credit where it is due. And of course POST IT, POST IT, and POST IT some more. Please keep this text with the file dome.map!