After searching for a year to find some interesting wallpaper for my computer, I found that most of it was fairly straightforward and uninteresting. Therefore I've created some of my own. In this archive, there are five of my favorites for your desktop viewing pleasure. These images are copyright 1998 so, Please, don't distribute them without permission. I'm not a rich man and probably won't be anytime soon, but, If I can get my art on a good many computers around the world, I'll be a happy man. The files in this archive are 640 X 480 pixels at 24 bit color. If you are not using these settings, the format and color of the images may be distorted. Since I cannot control the video settings of your computer, I cannot guarentee that the images will display properly. Under no circumstances may the images in this archive be altered, sold, lent, rented, folded, stapled, mutilated, or used for commercial gain by anyone other than the appointed representitves of the artist. If you wish to print a copy for display outside of your computer, you may do so providing the image is not on public display, or used for commercial purposes without the express written consent of the artist, namely, Me. I really hate having to put these limits on the use of my art, but, If I don't, then I'm not going to benifit from my hard work and that makes it not worth doing. I will be creating more scenes for the desktop over the next little while, so, keep checking back to the site where you got these. Feedback, Comments, to.... John Anderson #308 2251 Pitt River rd. Port Coquitlam B.C. V3C-1R7 Canada ICQ# 267180 home page : If you have recieved this archive from a friend and like the images, you can redeem yourself by sending the $5.00 US to me directly. If you'd like a copy straight from the artist, send $5.00 US plus $0.75 postage and handling to the address above. All mail orders processed and shipped within 48 hours. no E-Mail or ICQ purchase requests please...