=========================================== Welcome to Do it Yourself GOLF Version 6.1 =========================================== This version has been fully tested at the design level only. If you find any unexpected errors or if you wish to make suggestions for new features to be included in future versions, please contact Mike Kavander at kavander@cfsgroupinc.com (on the Internet) or 74674,2024 (CompuServe) or 1260 Marlborough Crt. Apt#303 (by traditional mail) Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 3H5 Version 6.1 - Now includes Handicapping ! (see below) Without registration this version allows only 6 games to be entered. Once this threshold has been reached you will only be given access to the registration screen. Full access can be gained at any time by purchasing a valid license number for $15US ($20Cdn). For more information, please begin the program and open the 'Registration Screen'. Getting Started To start the program, simply double click the Icon marked 'Diy GOLF'. Once the program is loaded, try clicking on any of the available buttons to become familiar with the program's layout. You can also click the button marked 'Instructions' to learn about the program in a more traditional way. Tip: The best way to get acquainted with the program is to add some sample information ... First Add yourself as a player (using the Players screen). Second Add a couple of courses that you've played previously (using the Courses screen). Third Add some sample scores, or if you can recall, add some of your most recent scores. (using the Scores screen). Finally Open the 'Reports screen', select yourself from the Player box, and start viewing the reports. P.S. Don't forget to read 'Improving Your Game' once your familiar with Diy GOLF. Handicapping DiyGOLF now includes handicapping (calclutates your current handicap, AND will maintain a historic record). There is a separate screen specifically for recording Handicap scores, which are treated independently from the scores you enter for the purpose of tracking statistics. (It was built independently so that games played outside of the normal season could be recorded for the purpose of statistical analysis, without effecting the handicap information). Clean & Repair Located in the Diy GOLF Group is an Icon marked 'Clean & Repair'. It is important that you run this procedure periodically. The Clean & Repair utility will fix any errors that might occur due to an abnormal shut down of your computer (ex. power outage) or due to program failure. This utility will never damage Diy GOLF, so it is strongly recommended that it be run often, even when no apparent problems have occurred. System Requirements Any PC capable of running Windows (3.x, 95, 98) with 4megs of ram minimum. (A more powerful PC will definitely yield much better performance). Enjoy!. - Mike Kavander (DiyGOLF) KNOWN BUGS ---------- 06/97 Strange display characteristics - screens not centred, text cut-off etc -This is the result of trying to create a program that can be used on all Windows platforms, and with MANY different resolution types (VGA, SVGA etc). This Bug is harmless 03/98 Current Handicap not displayed after 5 rounds on the Current Index Report -Depending on your install, you may notice that after entering 5 rounds (the minimum number required to calculate a Handicap), the "Current Index" report does not work. This is a known Bug, use the Historical Index Report to see you Handicap (Index). Once you enter your 6th round both reports will work fine.