Aetiket Label Printer Thank You!

Thank you for using Aetiket Label Printer!

I am grateful to all of my customers who support me with their honesty and recommendations for improvements: this program is for you! The newest version of "Label Printer" sports a new name and features based on the positive feedback I have received from many of you over the past couple months. I especially would like to thank those who took the time to send me label sheets for inclusion. Some arrived at my doorstep from the other side of the world!

I would also like to thank my Beta testers who helped me prepare Aetiket Label Printer for distribution and encouraged me to make it available to a larger audience.

Again, a special thanks goes to Ayako Miyagawa who assisted me with the graphics for this solution.

I also thank all the FileMaker Pro developers and users that participate on the FileMaker Pro list at FileMaker Pro Talk making it a community for development, support, and friendship.

Page last updated April 30, 1998

Copyright © 1997-1998 by Eric Fandrich All Rights Reserved.