SYMPATHY Crossword Grid Construction for Microsoft Windows by Ross Beresford Bryson Limited Version 1.4 (32 bit for Windows 95 and NT) 6 Jun 1998 Copyright(c) 1994-1998 Bryson Limited All Rights Reserved THIS RELEASE IS PROVIDED FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY. IF YOU DECIDE TO USE SYMPATHY, YOU MUST PURCHASE A LICENSE FOR EACH COMPUTER ON WHICH IT WILL BE RUN. THIS SYMPATHY EVALUATION RELEASE MAY BE DISTRIBUTED FREELY AS-IS. HOWEVER, IT MAY NOT BE REPACKAGED FOR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION FROM BRYSON LIMITED Bryson Limited Voice: +44 118 9344153 10 Wagtail Close Fax: +44 118 9344153 Twyford Reading RG10 9ED Web: UNITED KINGDOM Email: DESCRIPTION ----------- Sympathy is a Crossword Grid Construction program for Windows: it allows you to create professional quality crossword grids with the computer's assistance. This Sympathy archive includes 32 bit applications for use on Windows 95 and NT. For further information about Sympathy, install the applications and read the Tutorial and help files. INSTALLATION ------------ To install Sympathy, run the Setup application provided; this will create the icons needed to start Sympathy and its accompanying tools. The following additional files will be created during the installation: README.TXT This document file SYMPATHY.EXE Sympathy executable SYMPATHY.HLP Sympathy help file SYMPATHY.INI Standard profile file TEA.INI Word search profile file TSBUILD.EXE Dictionary Builder tool executable TSBUILD.HLP Dictionary Builder tool help file TSMERGE.EXE Word List Merge tool executable TSMERGE.HLP Word List Merge tool help file STARTING.WRI Getting Started document ORDERING.WRI Order Form *.SYM Sample grids *.TSM Sample TEA&Sympathy mapping files WORDS.TSD Sample dictionary UKACD15.TXT Sample dictionary documentation To deinstall Sympathy, use Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. RESTRICTIONS ------------ Sympathy is distributed freely to allow potential users to evaluate its suitability for their needs. Until you buy and install a license to use the program, Sympathy runs in a special evaluation mode in which grid saving is impossible. If you decide to use Sympathy after evaluation, you must purchase a license for each computer on which it will be run: to obtain licenses, complete and send off the order form provided. This Sympathy evaluation release may be distributed freely as-is. However, it may not be repackaged for distribution without prior permission from Bryson Limited. LIMITED WARRANTY ---------------- Sympathy is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of Sympathy, and the accuracy of its associated documentation, is with you.